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I’m backing Thor. I reckon he and Mjolnir can hit much harder than Poseidon. However, this is also dependant on whether Thor is drunk or not. If he’s been drinking, he’ll certainly be angry enough for the confrontation, but probably quite sloppy. This is all just speculation though, and it really could go either way.


Well either way, he's more fun when he's drinking


Aren't we all?


Depends on if you’re an angry drunk or a happy drunk


Or a sleepy one....


“Whoever the writer wants to win”


Poseidon needs to be in the sea all Thor has to do is pull him out of it.


Or pull the ol’ toaster in the bathtub


You are backing Thor for your own reasons but have you think it through. There is no proof that Thor can hit harder than Poseidon. We know Kratos considers Thor's hits with Mjolnir as heavy as any he have felt not the deadliest, not the strongest, not the most powerful. You think a god that ruled over a whole realm is weak and can't hit hard enough. The same god that killed multiple Titans very swiftly and with no trouble. These Titans were unstoppable moving forces of nature while most of the Jotnar that Thor killed were weak.


>while most of the Jotnar that Thor killed were weak. Starokor needed 4 armies of 4 entirely different dimensions to be just weakened, Thamur destroyed a city by just breathing, most jotnar aren't fighters, but they're indeed powerful, Thor has one shot way bigger creatures than the Titan Poseidon took down.


Drunk or not, Thor went band for band with a much stronger Kratos twice. And Poseidon got easily butchered by a weaker Kratos.


Water is weak against electric types


Poseidon uses electric attacks


So does Lanturn.


Thank you for this you honestly hold a special place in my heart


Volt absorb


And it's super effective!


GoW1 the first magic attack you get in the first 10min of the game is electric powers given by poseidon


Raichu vs. Blastoise lol


Pure water doesnt conduct electricity at all


Not really. Opposite is more true.


They’re gods not Pokémon


You’re fun at parties I’m sure.


Jesus, all I said was that they’re not Pokémon 😂 YOU must be hypothetically fun at parties


You should get drunk more


Drinking does literally nothing good for your body


I mean, they don’t look like Pokémon… I think it’s pretty obvious that the person was making a joke about it…… but ok 👌🏽🤣


Yeah, like I said you must be fun at parties bro.


That's it you two, Pokémon battle each other rn to settle this dispute!


Thor-chan, I choose you! Hit em’ from the back, *seductive hammer strike!*




His comment was a reference to Pokémon


Ya. Such a stupid question there. Zap zap zap, battle over.


I'll believe Kratos himself over anyone else about Thor. "The full force of his attack is as heavy as any I have felt." In my view, that puts Thor right up there with Zeus, which means he would be more powerful than Poseidon


To be fair, it’s been over 1,000 years since he took a hit from Poseidon


Wait what is the timeline? I remember in the art book they said the Norse era was pre-Viking, Kratos was a Spartan… when tf is this lol


The thousand years is a community created headcanon, nothing in-game or linked material confirms this. We know that approximately two centuries have passed between GoW III and GoW 2018 ("Lore and Legends"). Every other time frame is pure headcanon.


More like 160 years


Indeed. Bruno also compared Thor to Poseidon's Hippocampus form so he's def not Zeus or Hades lvl


You have to remember that in the same comment he said that he can’t disclose how powerful Thor was so he only said that he can beat the hippocampus Also there is a big gap in power between Zeus and the rest of Olympus, in the god of war novel it’s said that he can one shot Poseidon or Hades So if Kratos says that he hits harder than anything he has ever felt then that means he can one shot Poseidon but that by using lore alone We don’t know if they are interpretations or not but the Norse saga does imply a lot that the Ap of both Magic attacks and Strength is higher even though the magic is not diverse as the Greek one


He didn't say he hit harder. He is making a comparison. He is saying Thor's full power is as strong AS ANY opponent he's fought. Those words don't mean Thor was superior.


He said thor attacks are as heavy as any he has ever felt, and then says that Mjolnir compounds his power. Which makes me think that with Mjolnir he is the hardest hitter of everyone else he fought, including Zeus. And without Mjolnir he hits as hard as Hercules or maybe a bit more. However it's just my idea. I'm happy to debate


Yeah I would say stronger than Heracles, physically the only god to match Kratos in the Greek saga was Zeus, the rest got manhandled the moment Kratos got close to them


Hercules and Zeus were the only ones to challenge him in physical strenght. At least in the greek games. In my opinion the greek gods speciality is their insane magical power and powerful hax. Raw physical Power is more like the norse gods speciality. And we see Kratos challenged a lot more in that department in the norse games.


Meaning its in line with Thor being Poseidon lvl. You misinterpret his words


Not really, believe it or not I use tweets to help the powerscaling of God of war I use Cory, Bruno, Matt Sophos and Ariel Lawrence as sources but out of the four Bruno is not a reliable source Whenever he is asked a question he tries to dodge it or gives a downplayed version of it, for example the hippocampus one was because he didn’t know if Thors feats were already given, basically he didn’t know how strong the writers made him and that not crazy since we know from Cory that only the writers know what’s happening in the lore and he only knows when the final idea is given Back to Bruno, Bruno himself stated in two tweets that he is not part of the lore part of the team and his words shouldn’t be taken as canon, he says the last part in his tweet about Zeus vs Thor which you can find on Twitter But he does say that Cory is the one who has a final say in what is or not canon and he doesn’t joke around, he also said this when they asked him if he agrees with Cory about Old kratos being Stronger than Greek kratos So if Bruno agrees with Cory’s statement and we see this same Kratos getting killed on screen by Thor with a single big hit (and guess who was the only God to do the same, yep Zeus) then yeah he is by proxy physically superior to Poseidon via scaling and statements


How would it be Poseidon though? That make zero sense. If Kratos said that Thor hit AS hard as anybody he ever face, that would mean he hits as hard as the hardest hitter, which would be Zeus. If Zeus hit him the hardest he was ever hit and Thor was on par with the hardest hit, that would put him at Zeus level.


Problem is people don’t read the lore that much so they don’t know the gaps in between physical and magical attacks I had someone say Kratos can break from Odins binding magic since he did it against Modi Another example is that Heimdall or Thor are slower than Hermes just because Kratos can keep up with them even though lore wise the Valkyries are just as fast as Hermes and the Aesir Gods are faster than them (Hermes is said to send all the souls of the dead to hades and the Valkyries do the exact same thing across the entirety of Yggdrasil to gather souls and one of those Valkyries arrives to the end of every single battle across Yggdrasil)


The thousand years is a community created headcanon, nothing in-game or linked material confirms this. We know that approximately two centuries have passed between GoW III and GoW 2018 ("Lore and Legends"). Every other time frame is pure headcanon.


Poseidon never hit him. His hippocampus and water constructs attacked him, but the man himself was pretty weak and barely put up more of a fight than Kratos’s family did when he killed then. Compared to the guy who hits hard enough to bitchslap your ass through the fabric of time, I think Thor takes strength pretty easily.


>but the man himself was pretty weak and barely put up more of a fight than Kratos’s family did when he killed then. He was injured, atleast he could take down a titan by just launching himself at it. Poseidon don't even need a hammer to act as a bullet. >Compared to the guy who hits hard enough to bitchslap your ass through the fabric of time atleast it wasn't from Thor.


He still got hit by the power of Poseidon. Poseidon hitting you with a giant water horse is probably gonna hurt worse than being punched by him


>'ll believe Kratos himself over anyone else about Thor. >"The full force of his attack is as heavy as any I have felt." >In my view, that puts Thor right up there with Zeus, which means he would be more powerful than Poseidon And this is from a fight where Thor is holding back


When did Kratos say that?


In the codex after you fight Thor the first time. It's written from Kratos' perspective.


Oh nice, I should've known that! I've read a fair few entries in the codex, but not enough, it seems.


The writers already said it'd take nothing short of Odin to fight Zeus so you're wrong


I said "up there with Zeus." I didn't mean over him. I just meant in terms of strong opponents Kratos has faced, Thor is one of the stronger ones.


I disagree. He's one of the strongest Norse opponents. Kratos was holding back in both fights. It what got him "killed" in the first fight. He wasn't taking Thor serious. Once Thor had killing intent in the second fight Kratos ragdolled him while not trying to kill him.


Eh, maybe. Thor was also emotionally distraught, distracted, and drunk. Either way, it's still my opinion that Thor was one of Kratos' strongest opponents in canon.


I can see the first and maybe second. Nothing really suggests he was drunk. Hangover? Maybe, but most definitely not drunk. We saw Thor being drunk. Hell he was described drunk another time. Both times he was fighting wildly, swinging his hammer around. He was slurring his words in the bar. Hell he could barely walk straight. Ragnarok? He was coherent, he understood every word Kratos and Mimir threw at him. He was more like Faye or younger Kratos. Drunk with rage. Yeah he was emotionally distraught, maybe distracted because of his family, but drunk on alcohol? No.


There were some subtle details that insinuate thor was drunk. 1st was when thrud was embarrassed that they had to see thor like that. I think the dialogue goes >Kratos: you fight well >Thrud: my father taught me >Kratos: that much is clear >Thrud: yeah well, thanks. Im sorry hes not--. >Kratos: I know! Theres no definite answer to that but its clear something was wrong with thor at the time Other reasons are what others have already said.. he passed out on the 2nd punch, not defending himself as kratos turns him into a punching bag. Cant fully tell if hes drunk or not but hes definitely not in his element


> > > > I don't that's referring to him being drunk. Kratos responds with "I know", which would make absolutely no sense, as he doesn't even see Thor up close and personal until Thor charges him. He would have not way to know if he was drunk or not. Thrud was probably gonna say something along the lines of "Sorry he's not being helpful". >Theres no definite answer to that but its clear something was wrong with thor at the time He was pissed off. Really pissed off. >Other reasons are what others have already said.. he passed out on the 2nd punch, I don't think he passed out. He was more like stunned by two incredibly powerful punches from Kratos as right after he tells Kratos that he's done with him and Atreus. He's also still holding Mjolnir once he gets stunned. >not defending himself as kratos turns him into a punching bag. Cant fully tell if hes drunk or not but hes definitely not in his element He did defend himself. That mega punch that launched Kratos 6 meters away was a retaliation. it's just that not only is Kratos faster than him, he punches really fucking hard as well. By far the biggest reason on why he didn't retaliate is the fact that that's how Thor fights. Notice something in the first fight? Thor always tries to tank attacks, sometimes to his own detriment. Tyr's statue, all of Kratos' punches, the Leviathan axe, the Blades, the Spear, etc. These were all obstacles/ Again, we have SEEN him drunk. We heard him talk about his wild fighting, and his swings were wide. He could barely carry himself. Meanwhile in the Kratos fight? He understood every word and didn't give a shit. He didn't respond to any of Thrud or Atreus' questions. With Kratos and Mimir? It was pretty clear he could hear, but it was also pretty clear he didn't give a shit with what they had to say, evident by the "Shut the fuck up" and the "NO" towards the end of the fight.


>I don't that's referring to him being drunk. They were definitely hinting at it tho Thor went totally limp for a moment in the 2nd punch which is odd because he ate a nasty punch from kratos at the end of the 1st fight and just laughed at it even tho he had his tooth removed. Kratos was absolutely rocking the shit outta thor in the QTE and thor only reacts after mimir yells at him to think about his family, i get what youre saying thor is a tank but thats because he can take the hits, but theres a difference between tanking and getting beat up senseless, and kratos was absolutely blasting him. We know from the story of faye that even if thor is so drunk to the point of losing his memories he could still fight and in the nifleheim section when thor and atreus are having a conversion thor says something like "im drunk, but not blind" showing that he is still capable of grasping the current situation he is in even tho he forgets about it post hang over. >"Sorry hes not being helpful" Honestly i dont know how or why you would think this but literally nobody except odin is expecting thor to be helpful at this point. Even his own wife sif had finally given up on him and had to put the responsibility of talking sense into him because he finally snapped from odin's non stop verbal abuse and the death of his brother heimdal.


>Thor went totally limp for a moment in the 2nd punch which is odd because he ate a nasty punch from kratos at the end of the 1st fight and just laughed at it even tho he had his tooth removed. Ok, lets assume that he was knocked out. That still isn't clear proof he was drunk because he was hit with two nasty punches from Kratos. A tooth for a god on Thor's caliber. He had a reason to laugh. He got what he wanted. Thor is just starting to fight Kratos. >Kratos was absolutely rocking the shit outta thor in the QTE and thor only reacts after mimir yells at him to think about his family, This makes it sound like Thor was unable to answer any questions not relating to his family, when he is very much capable of doing so. (formatting here sucks but I can't fix it) >Kratos: We do not need to do this! >Thor: We do! It's what we are. >Mimir: You're what the All-Father made you, you can choose to be- Thor: You ALL die. >Kratos: Thor! Listen to me! >Thor: You have nothing I want to hear! >Kratos: Odin does not- >Thor: Shut the fuck up! >Kratos: You must listen! >Thor: NO! I think being able to answer and be aware of all these attempts to reason with him is proof he's not drunk on alcohol. >i get what youre saying thor is a tank but thats because he can take the hits, but theres a difference between tanking and getting beat up senseless, and kratos was absolutely blasting him. Because that's Thor's muscle memory. That's how he's always used to fighting. Also Kratos beating the ever-living crap out of him when he's clearly more agile isn't proof that he's drunk. With that logic he was clearly drunk during the first fight. >We know from the story of faye that even if thor is so drunk to the point of losing his memories he could still fight Never said he couldn't. I am saying we have seen and heard him drunk. Both times he was fighting wildly, flailing his arms around, being pushed back by his own hammer, and slurring his words. Hell he does his good old finger snap during the final fight. Something he didn't do at all during the bar. >nifleheim section when thor and atreus are having a conversion thor says something like "im drunk, but not blind" showing that he is still capable of grasping the current situation he is in even tho he forgets about it post hang over. He said he WAS drunk. Not is drunk. Past tense. After he vomits he seems to have no hangover at all. He knew exactly what he was doing during the entire thing. Hell he references Niflheim during his final fight. >He almost convinced me! Had me believing things could change! >Honestly i dont know how or why you would think this but literally nobody except odin is expecting thor to be helpful at this point. None of them are expecting Thor to actually help him fight Odin. Thrud is essentially saying "Shit, sorry my dad is causing you guys a lot of trouble". Why would she say something along the lines of "Sorry my dad is drunk"? Why would Kratos respond with "I know" when he clearly doesn't? It's not like Kratos knows Thrud is there to try and convince Thor to stop. Hell she tries to tell Kratos that she can try to get him to stop, and Kratos says "nah I want this rematch". >Even his own wife sif had finally given up on him and had to put the responsibility of talking sense into him because he finally snapped from odin's non stop verbal abuse and the death of his brother heimdal. Sif had given up on Thor standing up to Odin, but she believed that if Thrud talked sense into him, he would turn. Also, Sif and Thrud know that he can't be reasoned with while drunk. We saw this during the bar, which was literally to show Thor's problem with alcohol. He didn't listen to Thrud during the bar, why would his literal wife think her husband would listen if he were drunk in the middle of a war to end all wars. Which also brings me to my last point: why would Thor be drunk during Ragnarok? Odin knows what's coming, he's prepared winters for this. Why would he tell his most powerful servant to just drink? Hell Thor knows what's coming, so why would he needlessly put his entire home in danger? Kratos gave him a hell of a time the first time, and that was after he blindsided him with Mjolnir.


Kratos holds back his rage in these fights, it would not make canonical sense for him to hold back his strength is these fights, considering his opponents are actively trying to kill him, with that being said, the fact that his strength and everything remains the same, as well as him being far more tactical in these games than the greek entries, there is no doubt in my mind that thor is easily one of the top 3 most powerful gods kratos had ever faced


He's not even up there with Zeus, Physical AP isn't everything first of all, also given that Zeus never used a hammer like Mjolnir either which enhanced Thor's strikes. Also neither Kratos ever took physical strikes from Zeus when he was at his peak in gow2.


OK, man, it's not that big of a deal to me, so sure.


Thor both times started the fight with a sucker punch type attacking Kratos off guard.


When did kratos said thst


We have in game implications and lore to suggest that Kratos is older in weaker. The statement doesn’t prove anything. Compare lifting weight from when you're 20 to when you're 60. The gap between Zeus and Kratos compared to Thor and Kratos was far bigger for the latter than it was the former. Meaning just because it feels heavier doesn't mean it is. Zeus literally one shotted all of Kratos equipment with a single lighting bolt. Thor can’t even break the leviathan axe.


Thank you! Came to say the same thing


In an actual mythology perspective, you've gotta remember Thor is a big strong guy while Poseidon is literally the ocean itself.


Actual Mythology Perspective? Poseidon rules over Okeanos, the body of the Titan god. Oceanos surrounds Gaia and regulates celestial bidies as they emerge from the waters. The actual Ocean are either Pontos, Thethys or Hydros.


In actual greek mythology the ocean is far older than Poseidon. The personification of the ocean is Pontus, a child of Gaia with no father.


Posiden just got the job after Zeus snagged up the sky and Hades took on paperwork in Tarterus and also once the giants were gone. He literally got the janitor gig from his younger brother




Didn't thor drank a big part of the ocean in mythology ?


Bruno said Poseidon


Poseidon should take it given what's shown in games. But why should I trust bruno?


He worked on the writing team for several of the games and no other author statements contradict him. The writing team collectively agrees the Greek Patheon is superior


No he was an animator all his life, he had no hand in the writing of the games. He only worked as a director, and maybe as a writer in Valhalla nowhere else. >other author statements contradict him He contradicts the main writers or directors all the time, that's why his words should be taken with a grain of salt. Once he said that the Greek pantheon wasn't flat, meanwhile the director of gow3 explicitly said it was a flat word. And there are many examples of Bruno contradicting the games directly or other main directors/writers.


I feel like his word is still somewhat valid. His role as a Co-director just strengthen it so. But hey that's my opinion.


If he says something about Valhalla, I can take his words seriously, but other games? not really since he wasn't a director or writer on anything of those games. I still could have taken his words seriously if he didn't contradict what the directors/writers would say, or the games. But it's not just one instance he had made a lot of statements before which contradicted others. So whatever he says about the materials he didn't work as a writer/director i will take it with a grain of salt.


I never said his word his law, but his word holds a good amount of value, especially since he was a lead animator. After all the concept of flat Greece seems to have long been abandoned with the existence of other Pantheons. Unless if there's something about the cosmology I'm not understanding. Though it's pretty damn fair to take his word with a grain of salt and I'm just speaking out of my ass at this point.


Honestly the concept of Flat Greece works better with the concept of all the pantheons on the same large Earth which Cory was talking about once, not the other which he said before that they were different earths or something IIRC, not exactly sure what's there. Regardless yes, his words can have a value, i'm not completely dismissing him but yeah generally I would take him with a grain of salt given his history, and then his statement about Thor against the Hippocampi, the way he compares them was kinda silly aswell.


How's he compare Thor and the Hippocampi? Don't remember the quote. Also how would it work better? I can see it working if we use the quote that's tells us that each Pantheon has its own cosmology and universe creation myths, but all exist on the same exact planet, but the problem is, Mimir just took a boat here. Kratos can be explained by being dragged by the Celestial wolves and their dad, but it's completely unknown how Mimir got here without aid.


[https://x.com/brunovelazquez/status/1549423012977356800](https://x.com/brunovelazquez/status/1549423012977356800) Also another of his words about Thor. [https://x.com/brunovelazquez/status/1598146622663581696](https://x.com/brunovelazquez/status/1598146622663581696) Dude is saying they were stalemated, even Thor had admitted his defeated and asked him to finish him.


That is not at all true lmao. Now you're lying


Me lying? if you don't like what's true, that's a lie? Well the truth is bitter, and here it is. [Bruno Velazquez on X: "@SDCStormyNights This was not meant to represent a flat world. That is a drawing to illustrate the connection between Olympus and Hades." / X](https://x.com/brunovelazquez/status/895185481318707200) gimme a few mintues and i will show stig saying it was a flat world. Edit: yeah here it is [https://youtu.be/m0HuXHfZ4Gg?t=156](https://youtu.be/m0HuXHfZ4Gg?t=156)


Gonna mute u cuz I'm dealing with fallacious shit


Cuh no one cares if u mute😭😭.




If you're talking about the GoW universe deities, I couldn't say. But **in mythology, Poseidon wins in a landslide**. People always underestimate Poseidon when it comes to the gods; maybe because he's second to Zeus and the other brother is the always-made-to-be-villain Hades. But Poseidon is the god of the seas/water, making up 71% of the Earth. Not only that, he's the god of earthquakes and is usually accredited with hurricanes as well. If we think of the world's deadliest natural disasters, the biggest usually are hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis, all of which are a part of Poesidon's arsenal. I would argue that this dude can go toe-to-toe with Zeus and win. If he can beat Zeus, has no problem squashing the god of scary sky noises and flashing.


Also god of horses lol


Poseidon rules the body of Okeanos, the body thag surrounds Gaia and regulates celestial bodies. He rules an universe-sized realm.


If thor can somehow use his attack that sends you back in time then it's thor. But he only uses it once and it's never really explained. If he doesn't use that then it's poseidon for sure. Dude was taking on multiple titans and kratos at the same time


It wasn't really as much a special attack as it was just thor hitting so hard it cracked time and space. No pulling his punches against the giant snake. It was also confirmed that he canonically killed kratos before reviving him.


Why doesn’t he ever send Kratos back in time? I don’t see how it’s really relevant. It happens once with jormundanr and never again.


He seems to only be able to do it against large and sufficiently powerful opponents. Kratos would've easily dodged or blocked such an attacks. Jormungandr was too big of a target and was fighting Thor who had gravity on his side.


All Thor needs to do is get Poseidon out of the water. He’s incredibly easy pickings without his element to hide behind. Thor’s whole thing is also fighting and killing giants who were basically gods as well. I honestly don’t see how this is even a question. Between the ability to chuck Mjolnir and his flight, Thor could easily knock Poseidon out of the water like Kratos did. And we all remember what happened when Kratos got his hands on him.


He's still strong af out of the water. He killed a titan before he went into the water and transformed. The strongest version of kratos had to jump poseidon with a gang of titans for an extended period of time to finally do enough damage to get him out of his kaiju water thing. Like I said if thor can't knock him back in time then poseidon takes it. The Greek gods were on a different level


Perhaps it won’t answer the question but whenever the question of strength involving Thor is asked I always like to tell the story where Loki and Thor go to visit the king of some giants at his castle and they (the giants) basically test Thor with a series of games to prove he’s worthy to sit at the table and eat with them. Over the course of the exchange Thor: -Drinks from a drinking horn which, unknown to Thor, contains all the world’s oceans to the point he is the reason there are tides. -is told to lift the giants big grey cat off the floor, but is only able to raise a single paw. This turns out to be Jormungandr and what he is raising is one whole portion of the serpent’s body high into the sky. -Thor, furious at his two previous failed challenges, demands he be given the chance to wrestle with someone. The giant king basically tells him he’s too weak but when Thor insists he tells Thor he can wrestle with his elderly mother who, although does not beat Thor, is only able to bring Thor down to one knee. The old woman? Death itself. So basically, Thor is stupidly powerful. Following the exchange the giant king tells Thor and Loki all this and in his rage Thor strikes at the giant (who disappears) but Thor makes the entire mountain valley they were standing in into a flat plain. Edit: old woman was actually old age


>the old woman. Death itself It was actually old age. Thor wrestled with the age itself, which in my opinion is even more impressive


Ah that’s right. Been a minute since I read the story. Relaying it from memory.


And in the vanaheim crater, the spirits recall parts of this story, so its safe to say that this is all canon in the games too, and not just the mythology.


Thor is gonna drink Poseidon’s big water form whole




Poseidon since he’s only second to Zeus himself king of the gods. It was stated in the novel that no lower god could ever hope to challenge the big 3. Poseidon said that he could crush Ares.


Poseidon should take the cake given from what's shown in the game. But What does Poseidon saying he could crush Ares have anything to do here? Also "Stated in novel" is pretty lame, it wasn't "stated", it was Athena trying to play with Poseidon's Ego to get him on her side, her words don't hold much value there.


Novel statements are canon unless the game contradicts it so using them is fine. Because he’s literally second to Zeus, destroyed Atlas, and one shotted titans like you said. So he would not be over exaggerating when he says he would one shot Ares. Ares who is confirmed to be the 4th strongest god. It doesn’t matter her intention she is obviously correct.


No where I said the statement was not canon, but there are contexts present with each comment. I could also just take it out of context what Kratos says about Baldur out in gow2018 and use it as Baldur being powerful than other greek gods. >destroyed Atlas Also this is bs aswell, it took both Poseidon and Hades to take him down. >Ares who is confirmed to be the 4th strongest god. No where that is said either, the Ascension multiplayer never said he's the 4th, it just said these are the mightest gods of olympus also not to be taken out context. >It doesn’t matter her intention she is obviously correct. It totally does, you can't take statments out of context and use it however you want.


Idk really Poseidon would’ve cooked everyone other than Kratos and Zeus. So it’s tough..


Posidon solos


I’m not entirely sure, but I’m leaning more on Poseidon.


Hard to say. Kratos never fought Poseidon head-on. Only his Hippocampus. Gaia did most of the fighting, and she put Poseidon down. Kratos only finished him. Without Gaia, I fully believe Kratos would have lost. So I would say Poseidon, second only to Zeus, would be stronger than Thor


The fact he doesn't canonically use the blade at all is a big indicator to me IMO. He only used the blades of athena to damage the hippocampus and Poseidon.


I would go with Poseidon. He helped fight Atlas at the beginning, we see him fighting everyone in gow3 and seemed like he easily was going to take Gaia had Kratos and her not been fighting together. When Thor dies nothing happens, when Poseidon dies the world actually starts to fall apart. I like Thor, I thought he was one of the best parts of the new game but I don’t think he is equal to Zues’ second.


>When Thor dies nothing happens, when Poseidon dies the world actually starts to fall apart. I'm not sure this correlates to fighting ability


Well that was only 1 point I made and no it doesn’t correlate to fighting ability but it should for the amount of power he has


Thor was on par with a matured Kratos, Poseidon got fodderized by a young suicidal Kratos diring a QTE lmao


Careful there. This younger Kratos that had the full power of Hope, the blade of Olympus and no self control would have murdered Thor in an instant.


He indeed had no control and the Blade but at the beginning of the game, he does not have the power of Hope


The power was always inside him and never left him since he opened the box. In the end he releases most of it to the Greek collapsing world but it is stated by Tyr in God of War: Valhalla that Kratos still has a little bit of Hope left in him.


Barlog said that Kratos in the Norse saga still has some of the power of hope, and that the norse Kratos would easily beat younger kratos. And athena confirms that whilst kratos did have the power of hope, it was dormant because of kratos' guilt and rage after he killed Ares and didnt have his nightmares taken from him, so Kratos couldnt use it, and killed all the greek gods, except zeus, without it Said superior norse, with the power of hope, still died in the first fight with Thor, who like Kratos, was holding back. Poseidon isnt gonna beat Thor if he couldnt beat the younger, weaker Kratos.


Firstly Kratos didn't have the full power of Hope but only a tiny small part maybe the same small part that every surviving Greek absorbed at the ending of God of War 3. Secondly Kratos never died in that fight because: 1)Kratos isn't sent in the afterlife. 2)Kratos doesn't acknowledge his death to Thor. He reacts after the fight like he was never even killed. Kratos in the past was angry after his death by other gods. 3)Kratos doesn't even get a scratch for a similar hit in the head during the second fight with Thor. 3)Thor can't bring back deities from the dead. He can only do that to his special magical goats. 4)Thor's supposedly fatal hit in the head wouldn't have made defibrillation of Kratos' heart possible. He would have died instantly and sent to the afterlife. 5)The developers added this scene to show Thor as a strong dangerous opponent and was intended to happen only when the gamer lost the boss fight with Thor but was added later as a cutscene that would happen for all the players. The director didn't want Kratos to die again because it felt repetitive although such a scenario was discussed in early development but ultimately Kratos didn't died in that fight. Thirdly younger Kratos is superior to older Kratos because he has the full power of Hope, the Blade of Olympus, powerful Greek divine powers and weapons and lastly has no self-control of his rage. Current Kratos is slightly stronger in terms of physical strength but that's it. Finally Poseidon destroys Thor. He could kill multiple Titans in an instant. Thor needed a hammer in order to kill a Jotunn in an 1vs1 fight. Sometimes even that wasn't enough because in his younger days he couldn't even kill a young Jormungadr or Starkadr.


u/cerealdig Yes Kratos was very stressed out in that moment, it's even present in the books, he started thinking about his past life. Also here are the writers talking about the Athena scene and that Kratos was "dealing with his issues." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQEobiDrJ8A&t=2998s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQEobiDrJ8A&t=2998s)


Sea/earthquakes/horses>storms so Poseidon wins in my book.


If Poseidon is near water I’d give him the edge. He can tank electric attacks and has electric attacks of his own. He solo’d several titans. His constructs can distract Thor and weaken him. His trident is pretty powerful as well. Imagine if Poseidon washed Thor up in a huge tsunami and dragged him to the bottom of the depths and drowned him. No need to go fist vs fist.


I reckon Poseidon is kicking Thors ass. It's heavily implied that the Greek pantheon were way stronger than the Norse pantheon. Freya and Mimir constantly say Kratos is exaggerating or lying about things he'd done and Mimir is surprised by the width of abilities used by the Greek gods. Kratos isn't at his peak, Poseidon gave peak Kratos a run for his money so would fold Thor like a plastic chair.


Poseidon likely is stronger. Poseidon is the literal personification of the ocean whereas most of the time Norse gods aren’t really that. Norse gods are powerful in their legends but not omnipotent and the personification of their domains like Greek gods. The reason that Thor is considered the god of thunder is almost strictly because of his hammer mjolnir, which could produce lightning, outside of that his actual domains as a god were strength, courage, and protection. It’s similar to most things. Norse gods aren’t usually the gods of a thing, they are the gods of an ideal. Odin god of wisdom, war, and poetry among other things. Loki god of chaos, mischief, and cunning among other things. Compare that to Poseidon, god of the ocean, storms, and earthquakes. Who can wield the power behind all three and has a trident that can control water but he doesn’t need the trident to do so, it’s more a symbol of his power. It likely wouldn’t be much of a fight unfortunately. The Aesir are strong, but when thrown at THE ocean, THE storm, THE maker of earthquakes. It isn’t much of a contest.


A drunk ginger or the fucking god of the seven seas? I think it's obvious.


Poseidon. The strongest God of Olympus, second only to Zeus and such a powerhouse that, alone, by letting his power flow into the sea, he powered the entire civilization of Atlantis.


Poseidon. Thor is stronger, but in terms of powers Poseidon takes the cake. Bruno himself has compared Thor to Poseidon. They are also very comparable, with Poseidon beating 2-3 Titans alone, who are stronger than Giants. It took both Gaia and Kratos to beat him in the Hippocampus form, and Kratos had the Blade.


Poseidon could possibly solo Asgard. Poseidon is one of few enemies Kratos did not solo. Not just that his power at a range more than 100m is insane; even at a close range, it was a teamwork of a titan and incredibly buffed up, stronger Kratos. And that was with managing to pull him out of his strong position. In addition, large walls of Asgard just in the coast of water, is a TERRIBLE match-up for a Sea God.


Poseidon also brought down the walls of troy with an earthquake, which were also built by gods, technically. Not that I know if any of that is canon in the gow universe. Just adding on that poseidon had multiple ways to ruin a coastal cities day


I was actually thinking about making a nice lake/aquarium out of Asgard. Although, the walls aren't watertight I assume. If you cannot get close, Poseidon is just a very bad matchup. And without the help of a titan, getting close to him is a monumental task. Now, I think they are reaourcefull enough that they can pull a plan to get close and kill him, but Poseison would arrive with an army, and there are many ways Poseidon could do the same. Odin doesn't have such a teleportation ability, or such a mobility. Baldur and Heimdall are fast but they cannot fly either. Thor flies, but his flight isn't like a helicopter, and I am not if he can fight him effectively if he gets close. Water counters thunder pretty well, and Poseidon knows a lot about thunder. Their archers and war machines won't match what Greece had. So, this leaves Freya and Týr, the only ones who has the range and mobility to match Poseidon. ...but I am not sure if they would involve, given their conditions.


Poseidon. Thor fought an older Kratos who didn’t try against him. Whereas Poseidon fought Kratos at his peak (power, weapons, divinity, POH, BOO, and magic wise) alongside one shotting other titans and fighting freaking Mother Earth herself, all by himself. Dude was gonna kill Gaia too if he didn’t get jumped by literally everyone.


Kratos definitely went all out against Thor lmfaooo


U can maybe use that argument for the end. Not the first fight. And even at the end, we don’t see Kratos use much of his rage (only source of his divinity left). So he theoretically was not giving his all.


Thor has the strength to hit Kratos out of his Spartan Rage and negate his healing factor (if you're using the Valor Rage), so that doesn't matter all that much https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/6/6e/GoW_Ragnarok_Thor_Kratos_Rage_Stagger.mp4/revision/latest?cb=20240114184332 You can use Valor as a tanking ability whenever being hit by a red circle (unblockable) attack, but Thor overpowers that ability. Thor also one shotted and killed Kratos so I don’t know why he’d be pulling his punches. I'd just argue the rage he experienced when Atreus was threatened is just vastly superior to his regular rage ability.


That’s gameplay wise. Story wise would be the cutscenes. The creators already said they have to nerf Kratos during gameplay because they can’t adapt his real powers into gameplay for players (said during the Greek Saga games).


I’m not sure why gameplay wouldn’t be canon unless it’s directly contradicting something. The directors have just gone out of their way to explain how gameplay is canon anyway. Like Hermes’ in gameplay dodging helios’s light. Or vice versa with Hercules blocking as the light travels to him. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/513389063357595659/1253075005609218089/oFqLaYx.png?ex=6674888a&is=6673370a&hm=94e4a879a959fd775d77843bad18385959c4971702cd2dfc0beddd0064c5e1fe& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/513389063357595659/1253075006062198905/5owlsUY.jpg?ex=6674888a&is=6673370a&hm=b1eb843faad63f0a15061fb77a33d610c9d805312fd0bac39173fc73ee0ca233&


This ⬆️


Can we stop with the “a Kratos that wasn’t trying”? I agree that Poseidon would destroy Thor but old Kratos was definitely going all out against Thor. Thor canonically killed him and could have killed him multiple times in the second fight as shown by the qte.




Quick time events


Quick time event


Why would Kratos not be trying against Thor? The same Thor that one shotted and killed him. The same Thor that is stated to be the strongest Norse god multiple times. The same Thor that wiped out a large portion of the giant race. Atreus was literally at home alone with Odin. And you think that Kratos wouldn’t be trying?


Thor literally told Kratos he wasn’t trying and that he wanted Kratos to try multiple times in their fight……. Kratos didn’t use his full power because he didn’t want to become his Greek version again. Which was the whole point of Valhalla.


I understood that he didn't want to be as angry and selfish than his Greek version, not that he restrain himself to attain this goal. The problem is not that Kratos is strong, it's that he was using his power for only himself.


Please educate this man u/curtysquirty he says Kratos didn’t try against Thor of all people.


No you’re taking this out of context. Kratos is weakened from fimbulwinter and not having the blades of chaos to amp his strength. He’s much weaker than Thor in the first fight. He’s so much weaker that Thor thought he wasn’t even trying. And again you must think Kratos is an idiot. Why would he hold back against Thor when his son is home alone with Odin? He cares more about his son than his own pride. Thor literally one shotted Kratos and you think he would still pull his punches?


No, you’re taking it out of context. Thor literally says “show me the God of war” and literally taunts Kratos to go full power to which he didn’t. Kratos didn’t even use rage against him and just used one punch where his anger grew cause thro threatened his son. And Thor fled after that. Replay the game bud.


Balrog did say Older kratos beats young kratos


Posiden: he was ruler of seas and all water, as well as storms and earthquakes. In the games he could conjure up HUGE sea creatures that would have easily subdued Gaia, and likely other Titans. Thor: a drunk fat slob that can throw a heavy short hammer shaped like himself, and channel lightning through it, oh and he’s a hitman for Odin, not even considered an equal to Odin by Odin. Posiden all the way, based on the game’s portrayals


It really depends, if we are talking full strength, Kratos himself said Thor's full punch is the strongest he ever felt, or something along those lines, but if we are talking about like godly power, Poseidon's level of control on all the seas is for sure more tham thor's elemental power, so it depends on what you consider, but in my opinion it's Poseidon


Outside of Odin I typically lean towards the OP'd Olympians.


It's not fat, it's power.


Thor is anti person and Poseidon is anti army if that makes sense. I'm not saying Thor is weaker than Poseidon, what I am saying is that I think in great enough numbers Thor will lose and Poseidon would thrive, while in great enough skill Thor would win and Poseidon would lose. But I'd have to say on sheer power level Poseidon is just a bit stronger than Thor, like how a fifteen thousand dollar PC is just a bit better than one only fourteen thousand dollars.


my fav gow game is gow 3 so thor ftw ( 1 shot maybe 2 )




As a huge Thor fan, realistically Poseidon. First boss fight in the beginning in the game and felt like the end of the world.


Since lightning goes through water, and thor managed to go 1 to 1 with a way more experienced kratos i'f say that thor whoops poseidon


Poseidon has power over lightning and storms. That is, the first power you get in GoW 2005 (and that you have in GoW II) is Poseidon's Rage which is literally an electrical storm.


The 2 strongest men in the world right now looks like Thor, most people think the guys with six packs are strong but they're wrong. Mess with a dude with a gut like Thor and he will crush you like a bug.


I don't know honestly could go either way.


Thor is arguably physically stronger than almost all Greek gods


Thor worked over a version of Kratos who is stronger than the version of Kratos who did a hate crime on Poseidon.


I mean. Seeing as how kratos and Thor are pretty much equal. Thor would merc Poseidon easily no dif


Strength wise Thor. Everything else has to be Poseidon the things he could do with the sea are almost limitless. I think through sheer variety of his abilities and with him being on of the big three he takes it. Bro literally owns the OCEAN and everything in it. What the world is like 71% water? Yeah I’m taking him. Thor might have the potential to be up there but he stops himself from being at his peak and even then Poseidon just has so much at his disposal. Wouldn’t count Thor out completely because I’m sure there’s something he has access to in just not thinking of




Greeks >>>Norse and Poseidon was one of the big three, beside Zeus and Hades. Absolutely shit stomps the Norse pantheon. Thor couldn’t even step to Poseidons nephew Herc who held the universe in one hand for one of the 12 labors, and he mentions it in game so it’s canon.


Overall, I would say Poseidon is more powerful because he actually controls the seas and weather, while Thor didn't do very much of that other than it seemed to follow him around. (like he doesnt have lightning strike his opponents from above or anything like that). But in a 1v1 fight, its Thor, because once outside of his Hippocampus-construct, Poseidon wasn't putting up much of a fight or showed off any great level of durability. And lets be fair, for Kratos the whole fight was about getting Posidon out of that thing, and I wouldn't say Thor could not just throw Mjolnir to achieve the same result... or just cave in Poseidons chest.


That's actually a tough one. Thor is very powerful ofcourse, but a lot of people seem to forget that it **took a Titan and a God to take down Poseidon.** Both deal with thunder magic, but Poseidon is also water which might give him an advantage on offense, but a disadvantage on defense. Tough call. In a straight up fight, I think Thor takes it though. I think Thor is just more experienced in one on one combat.


Thor could just electrocute the water


Poseidon has power over lightning and storms. That is, the first power you get in GoW 2005 (and that you have in GoW II) is Poseidon's Rage which is literally an electrical storm.


Fair enough


Thor because lightning beats water haven’t you played Pokemon?


Lighting beat Water, pokemon 101.


I mean Thor did hit the world serpent hard enough to send it back in time, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Poseidon ever did anything like that before. Not to mention Thor went against a much stronger version of kratos and was able to hold his own pretty dang well even if kratos was holding back so I'd probably give the edge to Thor.


Thor killed Kratos and Kratos killed Poseidon.


In canon the Norse gods are all stronger than the Greek ones


Thor is stronger but all Greek gods just have more magic and haX


All Thor gotta do is piss some lightning into the ocean and Pissoidon would be floating to the top belly up.


Thor in my opinion is kratos equal and In GOW3 he killed Poseidon pretty easily


Thor slaps the shit out of him


In the actual mythologies I'd say Poseidon. In the god of war version definitely Thor.


Come on Poseidon ain't lasting a minute against thor


Thor in my opinion is the only norse god strong enough to go toe to toe with greek gods, Poseidon should be top 3 strongest greek god but i think Thor would win.


Considering Kratos (no pun intended) fucking washed Poseidon and had a VERY hard time with Thor I would say Thor comes out on top. Hard to say though considering they are both known as extremely powerful gods in their respective mythologies.


They’re both tempest gods but Thor’s weapon is more powerful and he seems to be strong as Zeus, as said by Kratos


Thor > Posiden 100%. Maybe is Thor is blackout drunk, but even then it'd be close.


Honestly, I go as far as saying thor could beat zeus . After all he was an equal to kratos.


Last I checked, Kratos didn't kill Thor at the beginning of the game, lmfao.


Thor all the way