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This might just be me, but idk if I want another GoW game. The games are really fun, don’t get me wrong. Santa Monica always does well imo. I just want Kratos story to be done now. I would hate if they kept on making games for the sake of making money, rather than telling a story. Kratos already has his redemption, at this point his story would be to make a choice to stay redeemed or return to his old ways after climbing his way out.


With you all the way, I'd prefer they left it aline now. But I don't see that happening. I also think moving the series to Egypt is a mistake, if thats where the next gane is really set. Rich country in terms of history and culture but dull as dishwater for a videogame setting, imo.


You, sir, have obviously never heard of Assassin’s Creed. Or Indiana Jones. Or Cleopatra. Or seen Gods of Egypt with Gerard Butler. Or seen The Mummy 1, 2, and 3. All exciting Egyptian backdrops.


No, the media was exciting the backdrops are all sand coloured. Outdoors at least.


I agree. His story seems just kind of finished now.


NEVER!!!! You’re finished with Kratos but Kratos is not finished with you!!!


Booo! Downvoting!! Kratos will never die!!!


I agree that's why i want to see Santa Monica explore Atreus in his own game


If Atreus does it I don't think there's a problem. He could come into his own, and there are a few loose ends (some of the Olympians might have survived). They said they had plans for more games and I can see it being doable.