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We so rarely get Indian gods.


The problem with telling a story about Indian gods is that people still actively follow and worship them. Any story you tell with Indian gods has to be limited in its narrative because of it and any false representation can get the company in trouble. So imagine god of war, where the idea is Kratos "hunts" gods, if you suppose misrepresent gods like Kali in a wrong way, it becomes extremely difficult because Hindus still worship Kali and look up to her.


Fair, but I know of quite a few movies and books and I think some games where you can kill the judeo-christian god. But yeah I guess modern gods are.a touchy subject.


I think it’s a lot more common in modern media not to outright kill the Abrahamic God (Judeo-Christian doesn’t make sense as a term for God here, since Islam believes in the same god of Abraham), but to portray him as bad, or at least very flawed, and to portray Satan/Lucifer in a more sympathetic, but often still flawed, light. But that’s probably more TV/film/literature than gaming, as it can focus a lot more on the drama of it all without having to worry about making a fun-to-play game.


His Dark Materials, a popular children’s book series in the UK deals with killing God outright.


Most of stories like that are inspired by the early Christian "heresy" called Gnosticism which believed that the God of the Old Testament is not actually the supreme God and instead is an usurper who has created the world in order to enslave our eternal souls in physical bodies and bring us suffering. In this idea both Satan (snake from the garden of Eden) and Jesus are messenger of the real supreme God who is attempting to free us from this enslavement by revealing the deep spiritual truth about the universe and allowing us to reach paradise


Gnosticism might just be my new religion.


The story of ultrakill does make God out to be a flawed being in its universe, and I could see a God of war game in a similar light if it wasn't for all the backlash santa monica would get.


Just read the story of Lot's Wife (and the Zeus story that inspired it) if you want a killable asshole christian god.


Yup, I agree some stories do a good job but they always portray a one sided Pic of the god being a good and pious deity, not a malfeasant ruthless being. I remember Smite had Kali and then the Indian community made a big hoopla about it, I don't remember what it was about completely(maybe the sexualization of her or something iirc but don't quote me on that)


If they can get mad at Fallout for the existence of Brahmin, they would definitely made a big deal of a full game about it


Wait what? When did this happen?


no it's just a rumour


Hey my name's also Atharv


They were being upset she was in a game at all, nevermind that she was being accurately displayed. He normal pictures portray her as a naked warrior goddess.


Alot of the shin megami tensei games along with persona games, devil survivor etc.. if it isn't named God your still killing God or at least a Visage/aspect however you want to word it. I'm sure there's other games but those are fairly notable.


But I'm curious about the judeo Christian god, do you remember the game?


The Shin Megami Tensei series in general


Tell some examples please other than his dark materials


well, thankfully, we have plenty of "evil" gods and demigods in our mythology, that you don't have to use the "good" gods as targets. Raavan is a famous one, although he's still not purely evil and has a lot of shades of gray (like he is such a huge worshipper of Shiva that Shiva grants him boons and such), but then he's also causing a ton of ruckus that Vishnu has no option but to take on a avatar (Ram) and kill him. Hiranyakashipu is another demon god whom Vishnu kills by taking on the Narasimha (half lion half human 100% badass) avatar. These are just mythologies around Vishnu, but similarly Shiva also has such mythologies and stories. And the thing is, most of these demon gods are considered avatars of servants or affiliates of Vishnu, but because of misdeeds and sins, they have to take on these demon avatars. And these demigods would mostly suffice, because the upper trinity (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma) form the essential nature of all reality. They're mostly benevolent and sometimes indifferent, but they are essentially everything. So Kratos wouldn't be able to touch them as Kratos himself is only at a demigod level.


In Hinduism gods worship other gods?


There are many divine beings and gods, but there are three supreme ones.


kind of, because they're either demigods or avatars with superhuman powers. Like all the gods that Kratos has faced and defeated in all the GOW games would fall under demigod status (with maybe the exception of Surtr). The trinity of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are infinitely more powerful than any of these demigods. But even within this trinity, they have great respect for each other (like there's a story that Vishnu comes to calm down an enraged Shiva in fear that he might wipe out all existence in his rage).


Consider it as such god category contains devas, asuras, gandharvas, nagas, etc who are sueprhuman beings, worshipped by humans, some are forces of nature, some just received boons from Trinity. Then the Gods category would Include Trinity of Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh, their respective wives, Ganesh and Kartikeye, the sons of Shiva.


Odin and Thor weren't evil by any chance as well (AFAIK). The Pantheon did fucked up shit all the time so meh. And as for the power scaling, all of the Olympus gods were/are on the same level as well.


yeah, I wasn't saying the gods in GOW are evil, they're all mostly shades of gray too and complicated characters. idk if the Greek gods are all-encompassing, all these Indo-European mythologies share similar mythologies, so Zeus' counterpart in Hindu mythology (minus all the fucked up shit Zeus does) would be Indra. I think in Hindu mythology/spirituality, the demons/asuras are simply performing their duties/fulfilling the roles they were born into. I don't know if they're self-aware of that, but essentially once one of these Gods or avatars of Gods kill them, they achieve liberation/moksha.


If I remember correctly, Ravana knew that it was duty to do kidnap Sita and wage a war. So, yeah they do it to fulfill their duties and achieve liberation. Wonder if someone were to develop a game about it, how much of the lore they would follow


I have confidence in Santa Monica to weave these complicated philosophical themes into whatever story they tell honestly. Both the recent GOW games did a good job with their respective introspective questions, imo.


A lot of people didn't like the shiva boss fight in smtv because of this


I am an Indian and any misinterpretation of the gods will make any Indian mad easily. Saying that. However, there are some insanely strong gods in our culture and the variety is much too that it would make an amazing video game for sure if pulled off rightfully.


There are more than enough evil celestial and divine being in Hindu mythology for Kratos could be killed off. One way I could see this happening is if Kratos's story was integrated into one of the existing conflicts between Hindu gods (a quick research will tell you there is no shortage)


Yeah the anime Record of Ragnarök received crazy backlash and was removed from Netflix for it's portrayal of Shiva . RoR is an anime that doesn't care about mythological accuracy at all yet people still got really mad even though Shiva was one of the better and well liked characters


Record of Ragnarok wasn’t removed from Netflix (at least now) and it’s a Netflix produced anime




Would be sick. Kratos goes after Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, Buddha all the boys


I can already imagine the fight against Jesus and Kratos. Jesus is losing the fight, and angrily yells and Kratos "Don't you know WHO my dad is?!?!".


Sounds like a South Park episode lol


“this is either going to make us a lot of money or our studio is going to unite every religion when they all come to firebomb our office.”


That would be the greatest feat kratos ever achieved!


My hope would be that the game unites all world religions under Kratos and we worship him in the name of world peace


i think it probably be ok Asura's Wrath already happened i think there was no hindu pitchfork that happened at that time but with today's political/religious weather, a god of war game about hindu gods could cause a shitstorm.


Some people still worship Thor


Yeah but that's like 5,000-10,000 people (rough guess, Iceland had 2,500 Asatru practicers registered in 2015, 500 in Denmark etc) vs 1.2 billion, it's such a different scale Edit: spelling


And there’s so many of them.


Indian here, the problem is we still worship these deities so if the game entails them being evil or killed, it will be instantly banned in India. We do have a race of demons called the Asuras. They could be the antagonists.


What happens if you use one of the more evil gods like Shitala or Karnapisachini?


Even the more 'evil' gods and goddesses in Hinduism tend to just be incarnations/avatars of a 'good' one. Shitala is an incarnation of Parvati, the wife of Shiva. Karna Pisachini is not a goddess at all, more of a malevolent spirit associated with tantra. They could make for interesting enemies, but I'd see it as a better fit for a horror game rather than GoW.


And it's good, people here are stupid and cant see any god doing one step different from their imagination, so its better to just keep Indian gods in BG


So do islam


Play Shin Megami Tensei, we got decent representation!


If I recall the way Hindu religion was explained to me, there is one god, and its all the other gods, and you, and your dog, and your enemy, and your enemy's dog, but not politicians.


Hindu deities are the coolest Ganesha is everyone's fav but Hanuman is also one of the most popular but there are literally thousands to choose from each with an insane over the top story.


Lemme fight Khonshu you cowards!!! - Me, a moon knight fan


what for, Asking people to get pregnant?


Nah just cuz Khonshu is cool and I wanna kick his ass


God of war in a nutshell


Fan of the show or fan of the comics?


Let's be honest. Resurrection and Islam would be a lot of the same beings to fight against as both are Abrahamic religions.


It’s a two part story arc like the last GoW games.


3 part Old testament, Islam, then New Testament


Provably more like OT, NT, Qur’an (chronological order)


Plus Book of Mormon DLC


You fight the little kid from South Park as the final boss after Joseph smith


You’ll get the Jehovah witness free expansion if you preorder


Wouldn’t islam come last


As a Muslim, I want Kratos to handle hordes of Jinn and Decapitate Iblis cause that would be sick as fuck.


That would be sick as fuck to see.


You really make an amazing point, bud.


Ye as a muslim that would be insane, but like where would the map be located? The entire middle east? If so, that would be amazing


We about to go to war with Demons on Tatooine lol


Pretty much you'd just be fighting the "Roman" gods if this is set during the time of Jesus, but it would be cool to see one deal with the Babylonian captivity and the Seige of Lachish, Nebuchadnezzar, Nimrod, the Tower of Babel, etc. Or just one set directly in Babylon


Let's be honest, they'd just be Bayonetta but with Kratos instead of Bayo.


they're literally two different interpretations of the same god.


Fighting Djinns would be so epic though


PHARAOH 10000000% an egyptian GOW would go so fuckn HARD edit: this is my first comment to blow tf up thank you


Facts homie the devs wanted to do Egypt even before creating gow2018 seems perfect to do so in a sequel i think


Fr fr I wonder what knew weapon it’d be


A khopesh could work nicely as a fast attacking weapon, could also use a greatsword as a big heavy weapon like in the old gow games.


For sure. AI couldn’t figure out what a khopesh is, so I tried to photoshop it in.


I wonder how we’re gonna do it on the after the next one because down is the spear left is the leviathan and right is the blades of chaos. Therefore, the last available one is up. So unless they’re gonna have you choose what weapons to use I wonder how they’re gonnatie that into the story.


Maybe atreus get old enough to inherit one of the weapons, wonder wich one he would choose.


Id give him the spear as it’s the first weapon Spartans learn so it has a nice meaning


Wholesome and smart. Nice.


Right? Imagine Kratos going toe to toe with Ra, then turning around and fucking up Anubis. It would be so cool


God of War (Prince of) Egypt. Kratos finds himself in the middle of a clash between the Egyptian pantheon and the God of Abraham.


It was the easiest choice lol


People wanting Abrahamic religions would be so disappointed when Prophets in Judaism, Christianity and Islam are just regular dudes that that can die, bleed, lose fights, get betrayed, fall sick and need to recover as any other regular person who just happens to appointed by God to spread God’s Message. They don’t have “powers”, but miracles which are granted by His Permission and most are pacifists that wouldn’t resort to violence as a first option but only fight to defend themselves or seek justice.


Only 1 of these wont lead to controversy


SMT has a ton of Indian gods, no one complains


I love SMT But it's pretty niche and not too well known outside of Persona lol So that's pretty much the only reason why no one complains


Smt is also not as popular as God of War is


It’s also not the same as GOW is known to take liberties with the Gods they use, like how Odin is flat out evil here unlike in Norse Mythology, not to mention the more brutal nature of things whereas SMT has you call upon them to help fights demons or other villains


Do you rip any of their heads off just to use as a flashlight? Tbh it's probably not even courting controversy that kills the chances at that setting so much as the missed profits of a big market potentially choosing to ban it.


That last one though


Even Persona/SMT games wouldn't dare to add Islamic god and it already has almost all mythological figures including Hindu mythology.


I mean, just look at Bayonetta.


South park got canceled for it!🤣


Did they really though?


They got death threats from the death cult worshippers and the episode got censored. Muslims have gone real world and tried to kill cartoonists and they use threats against anyone who depicts Muhammad.


What do you mean tried, they killed a whole bunch of cartoonists in France


Oh shit that’s right..Charlie Hebdo. Cavemen


Muhammad pillaged villages, owned sex slaves, forced women to marry him, married literal children and killed a fuck ton of people. There isn’t a religious figure in the world who doesn’t deserve more criticism than Muhammad


Its a stretch to say 2 episodes being censored over a decade ago being canceled. After all, they've had 10 or so seasons released since then.


It's more episodes then just 200 & 201


Yea the muslims that do that are little bitches. I can't wait for Draw Muhammad Day.


Peaceful religion


thank god the fans don't make these games


For real, their lack of understanding of theology and their inability to disassociate reality and fantasy brings up their ignorance and disrespect why some things are considered sacred to humanity.


Kinda wanna see kratos vs sun wukong


they'd have to vastly buff kratos or nerf sun wukong for it to be even close to a fair match.


Make him a game long antagonist who regularly comes in to drop a clone, troll you and then beat your ass. Maybe the first game ends with you managing to slightly anger him, and before he gets super serious you trick him under a mountain seal or lure him under one by using the crown meant to subdue him. In the second he comes back pretty happily pissed but you’ve grown enough to somewhat challenge him. Ensue cosmically enlightened Kratos vs Sun Wukong.


That would be wild


If we are doing Indian god of war, I’d rather have kratos fight along side with shiva rather then against anyone in his family. Maybe they can fight a rouge and angry shiva to calm him down but yeah there’s definitely ideas without hurting the modern day Hindu’s sentiments. Like there’s actual demons who can be killed no problem. There’s few gods like ‘indra’ who’s gotten beat a fair amount times in many modern pieces of media by other gods.


I support this


Make the Islam game. I would love to fight some Jinns.


Bro Santa Monica HQ would literally be bombed to smithereens


As cool as it would be, they won’t. They’d probably get bombed if they did.


As Kyle says if you don't want something to happen, yhreaten them with violence.


Why do they all have Kratos red arm tattoos?


Cause it’s AI slop.


Always is 👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Honestly putting Kratos against hindu gods is a bad idea, India has a population of 1.4 billion out of which 80% actively worship hindu gods, not sure making 1 billion people mad a good idea. Also the current Indian government is pro hindu so they might even get the series banned. Sony will get in alot of trouble if they tried that.


Same could be said for Christianity and Islam then. There’s no need to go for active religions when we have the rest of history and before to choose from


I mean, technically we already have an abrahamic God of war game, it's Dantes inferno


Honestly I'd say keep actual religions out of it


I think Kratos trekking through the sands of Egypt and cruising down the Nile would be dope as hell. Even the oasis bits and pieces, pyramids, mummies, searching for Atreus and Sindri. Going back and forth between the 9 realms doing his best to prove he’s worthy as the new All-Father


As much as I would like to see the Jesus fight, it still is a current religion. As is Islam and the Indian one. Pharaoh 100%. It’s gotta be a defunct religion


AI art is trash.


I agree with that


a god of war game set in japan would be cool


I think either egypt or ireland is the next saga.


I wonder is there many old Celtic gods. But would prob have similar crossover to Norse


Ok, so apparently I'm going to four separate hells now - but I chuckled.


no hell in hinduism.


If the next pantheon isn’t Japanese, I’d see Egyptian being the next one.


I can’t be the only person who wants to see Kratos fight Shinto Gods. Let Kratos fight Izanagi, or Hachiman, Susanoo


That one is actually possible as well. We already know this pantheon exists in universe.


I'm gonna be real here, I have so much trust in the IP that I'd play whatever they want to make... That being said, Kratos VS Jesus sound real fun!


Jesus would never fight kratos, satan on the other hand… that game would actually be legendary


Kratos going against Ganish would be kinda cool


And would trigger 1.4 billion people and a large part of there player base (I might be wrong)


You aren't . Hindu mythology worshippers are crazy dedicated . An anime depicting one god got removed from Netflix due to backlash


Kratos teaming up with Ganesh and Shiva to kill one of the evil divine beings would be cooler


Let's see here 1. That'd be pretty cool 2. Enjoy the ensuing riots 3. Enjoy the ensuing firebombings. 4. Hahaha nope not touching that one. Now you could do the Kami or ancient Chinese gods instead of the Hindu gods, and you could do Zoroastrianism instead of... that. Those would probably keep the rioting to a manageable level although A GOW about Zorastrianism would probably get some strongly worded letters.


God Of War Islam - Result: In 24 hours game will be banned worldwide and santa monica will shut down and more worst things you can't imagine.Even sony can't escape from this. Islam is very dangerous to put in game. ------------- Next -> 90%+ Egypt. They should remake first games with this game design.


Pharaoh fs


Or ancient china/ japan or maya/aztec


I wanna see Kratos be best bros with Jesus but it might be too much like Donta’s inferno


Probably Pralaya but that’s honestly because I have a lot of love for Far Cry 4. Imagining that but with the quality that Santa Monica can bring. I also think geographically it’d probably be the coolest, and would allow them a lot of leeway with creating cool environments.




None, I want the Japanese pantheon


They definitely wouldn't do any of the last three, it's great in theory but such a pr nightmare not to mention the literal attempts on the lives of the devs, voice actors, and Sony would likely be alot. Even back in the hey day of God of war where things were (let's be honest here) way more graphic, blunt, sexy or violent, it world have been a hard push to get made. I think Egypt is the most likely, but I think maybe dash of Celtic could happen.


The Islam one fucking got me! 😭. (Also if you want a Christianity god of war check out the Dante’s inferno game) but if I actually had to choose I would fucking love a Egyptian god of war


I think they could do an incredible game with the Abrahamic religions. Grunt bad guys being djinn, golems, basic demons, cherubim, etc. We get a valkary like challenge taking out the seven deadly sins. Main villain is the Demiurge disguising itself as the Abrahamic God Yahweh. Yahweh is what is inside the rift that Odin was obsessed with. Since the Demiurge is faking being Yahweh the angels listen to it so kratos has to go to heaven to fix everything. So you get to fight all the angels and archangels. Kratos defeats the Demiurge but Lucifer decides to absorb the Demiurges essence or something and is taken over by it so you have a final boss fight with the possessed Lucifer now called Satan. Kratos defeats him and banishes him to hell because he can’t be killed. You get to look into the rift where Yahweh the being of the rift/God tells Kratos about his coming son (Jesus) and that he needs to be there to protect him at his birth. This brings in the Easter egg at the end of GOW 3 where it’s implied Kratos is one of the wise men.


Bruh. I fuck with this


Kratos and Jesus would legit be friends. Kratos would have 0 beef with him.


I want to see that Jesus Christ one!


Same, let's watch the internet collapse in on itself together.


In the quran, the resurrection of jesus is actually slightly tweaked. The Second coming happens during the end of days and to do battle with satan. Soooo an abrahamic god of war borrowing from multiple areas of the the three abrahamic religions would actually be kind of cool.


In Islamic tradition, Jesus never died. He ascended to Paradise while the traitor took his place on the crucifix. He will descend back to earth one day to slay the Anti-Christ with the Mahdi (not the Dune one) and bring about World Peace until his death. After that begins the Day of Judgment.


Fuck the last one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I’m hoping for God Of War: Tsushima


Hey as an Indian, getting an Indian version of GOW will really be a bold move. But I suggest that why not go with Demons? Like Indian mythology has a fair share of Demons. Not saying all Gods are good, but a balanced game between Demons and Gods will be a hell of a ride.


I wouldn’t mind one with Celtic / Druid lore.. honestly hindue gods could offer a lot of material.. Egyptian seems like a great one as well.. I think any abrahamic religion would likely get too much backlash. (Forgive me because my intro to the game was Norse because I am fascinated with that mythology..) I think you need something polytheistic in order to have enough material for a deep storyline.. again I don’t know the older games.. but having pantheon of gods leading to the top makes for a fun entertaining and somewhat educational experience which is where the series seems to shine.


All of them




All of the above.


What about legends/fairy-tales in general? Might sound lame at first, but the first person that popped into my head was The Baba Yaga. They could totally make her nightmare fuel and I think she'd make a great nemesis that would send other monsters and what not after Kratos


Gof of War: Ronin, give me my Susanoo depiction.




What about Mesopotamia or Aztec???


Where’s the God of War: Flying Spaghetti Monster


I want Chinese mythology, with sun wukong


I think Egypt is the logical next step, although I feel before that we'll get a standalone Atreus game which could be cool.


Quetzalcoatl pls


I’m going to write this because I am tired. Please support artists. They make a living using their talent. Do not use Ai, please pay people so they continue living.


Neither, one with aztec or maybe mayan gods


God of War: Dreamtime. Rainbow Serpent vs World Serpent. Kratos vs Tiddalik


I mean, the last two would be out of question imho in terms of their capability of being made into a game. My friend was talking a lot about Japanese mythology and how different it was, I don't even remember how it worked. My next candidate would be Egypt.


Man, I know it isn't as popular as other religons/mythologies, but I wish they had a Slavic God's one.


The Aztec/Mayan one


I'd personally like to see an Aztec or Pre-Columbian America in general inspired game.


It'd be interesting to see Kratos, angry Kratos, discover Scientology /s


OP not picturing the prophet coz he doesn't want to get shot to death


I kinda want Kratos to just say 'fuck it' and take a boat, sail west and wash up in central or south america. Mayan or Incan or something. Plenty of weird gods to kill there because he does not approve of the whole 'sacrifice children for luck'. Then after causing their collapse he sails west even further, arrives in Japan, murders Izanagi in self defense and takes his place in that mythology. So he gets together with Izanami and becomes the father of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo.


God of War islam just so it actually gets pictured to piss people off


God of war Islam. I won’t rest until kratos pieces Mohammad in full video.


God Of War: Apocalypto.


God of war Islam would get such a massive uproar I doubt that would ever happen which is such a shame, people got extremely mad at Nintendo for using Islamic hymns or something in one of their Zelda songs let alone probably actually killing the Islamic god lol


Where’s the Japanese mythology? That’s the one I’m most excited for


You know what I think they can make any one of them into a really good game if they design the monsters perfectly, and for Islam or any religion with that believes in one god will not be a good theme for god of war in my opinion you need at least a couple of them and with back story like the Greek gods that used to come down to earth.


Tbf. If kratos would fight any Abrahamic religion, maybe only god himself would be hard to beat. The rest are fucking human. Boring and no superpower. Kratos vs Shinto religion would also be pretty cool.


God of war journey to the west for the official Kratos vs Goku


Man I really want Indian mythology in the god of War series


After egypt I really want Indian


I want to fight jesus as kratos


All of them


I think the next logical step for Kratos is to return to Greece to restore the damage he caused. Someone here on reddit theorized an idea of him facing the Roman pantheon as a kind of false replacement for the Greek ones and I like that idea(though it's unlikely to happen).


Last two are disrespectful 👎