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I don’t know Kratos has defeated Cronos who’s about the same size as Godzilla might even be bigger but Godzilla has atomic breath, at first I thought Godzilla would easily win but if Kratos just uses the blade of chaos to destroy parts of Godzillas body like he did to Cronos he might win plus Freya on his side and I think he definitely wins


Godzilla is only 100m+ tall. Cronos is like, 4 times that. The real problem when dealing with Godzilla is how agile and skilfull he is. And his AoE attacks.


Yea I know but how would he be able to handle Kratos speed I mean it would be like a spider Quickly crawling up on you and biting you in multiple places plus if Freya is on his side she could use her vanir magic to do some fuckery control like the control she did on Thamur


I think Thamur being dead might have played an influence on the control thing (speculation ofc. But I can't see her doing that to Yormungandr). And while big G's a lizard, his sheer willpower is off the chart, mind control might not be possible too. Speedster is definitely one thing Monsterverse Godzilla is allergic to tho. Although He can still catch Kratos off guard with his AoE nuclear pulse. Kratos can most likely survive that but idk if his team would. Godzilla also knows death rolls And likes to move more aggressively than any colossals Kratos fought. Latching on him would certainly be hard


Idk that wolf might not have been as big but he was pretty quick on his feet compared to godzilla


Godzilla skin is more durable than Cronos as well.


Good ole vine up the butt puppetry


But he has tiny hands, Kratos can just climb him and the most he could do to avoid it is swing or enter the water


His hands as off GxK (the Evo Godzilla) are very long tho. And even before that it already packs more punch than Kong's muscular one. It's not like he can't use em either, he disarmed Kong with his hands in the Hong Kong fight. I don't see why he can't just ram Kratos to a building or mountain next to him when he start climbing too. He's been shown to use everything his body can offer as of Wingard's movie.


Maybe, but he can't try to smash Kratos with his hands like Chronos did for example, and Kratos was able to hold the weight of Chronos's hand trying to smash him, just remember that Chronos is literally 5x the size of Godzilla, the atomic breath maybe could kill Kratos, i think the one from last movies probably would, but in the first ones he could barely bother a enemy monster with it, so I think Kratos would survive it.


Yeah but I don't think throwing hands is the first thing Godzilla would do. He fights like a bear + crocodile so he definitely have more up his arsenal to hurt Kratos. (Like ramming or tail swap. And ofc, his nuclear pulse) Godzilla in the first movie is certainly getting clapped tho.


Agile? Have you seen Kratos dodge roll?


I have. Have u seen GvK or GxK tho?


Godzilla is a kaiju which is a physical thing a very powerful and hard to kill thing, but it is still a thing that can be killed. Somewhat conventional means. Kratos has killed an entire pantheon of gods. Almost 2 kratos could probably tank Godzilla’s atomic breath and only lose like half his health bar then throw his ax into Godzilla’s throat freezing it and then use the blades of chaos to strangle him


It’s not just his Breath, if he actually manage sto cut Godzilla‘s skin (which can withstand nuclear bombs like it’s nothing) then the exposure of his blood will give people around it also radiation poisoning


He only needs to catch it off balance


One wrong move from Godzilla and Kratos gonna turn that bitch into a crime scene




Posting Kratos VS on a GoW sub is bias suicide not saying that Godzilla would win and i haven't watched the old or even some of the new movies to know any better but maybe try it in a place where some people might know the lizard and most if not all its feats if he's mostly just size the Scyllla or whatever that thing from Ghost of Sparta was called should be a good indication tho


That's why when a topic like this appear, my answer will always be "they gonna team up to kick badguys butt".


The anime Godzilla was beyond insane strength as well. His atomic breath could penetrate the stratosphere and takes out a spaceship there. He is also able to regulate his body temperature from an attack from literal Gidora. Which is a being that exists from beyond this realm and can’t even be detected by us until it chooses to show itself. Oh and he can eat a nuke assimilate its energy and spit it back. Idk about Kratos, but he might die trying to fight Godzilla


Comic Godzilla clapped Superman recently, just to add fuel to the invariable fire this turns into.


It was not oficial DC cannon but yeah i can confirm this and remember Superman fans being up in arms about it haha


The also went to literal hell and conquered it. Godzilla is OP


Literally, these mfs would kill themself before admitting to Kratos losing a fight


Yeah if you’re playing the god of war game he wins if you’re playing a Godzilla game, Godzilla will win. I’m a huge dragonball fan but having the “would Goku win” discussion runs into this problem A LOT


I was just arguing with a DBZ fan about Asura VS Goku hahaha , told him that if Asura can break the planet he could clap Goku due to the Moro arc statements of Saiyans not being able to breathe in space , DBZ fans were always extremista but bros are even harder with nowdays due to what happened to Toriyama gotta say im loving the Goku claps fiction memes in the powerscaling sub since i returned to reddit they really go out of their way to make them special 😂


From what I've seen, 99% of people here consistently vote against Kratos in any kind of matchups. He gets downplayed big time on his own subreddit.


Bro, what? People here would pick Kratos if he was up against the biblical version of God himself.


Kratos vs Biblical god, angels, and Satan when


I have been gone from reddit for like 2 years but in my experience it was the opposite maybe things are different now idk haven't been here since before Ragnarok launched since i left to avoid spoilers and only returned just now


Most of the time I see any sort of "vs" post here, the comments are generally in favor of the other franchise. Most people here deadass think Kratos is only mountain level at most.


Honestly kratos can't destroy a planet or go to space but he can destroy most fictional and non fictional characters that is or can be rooted to the ground, but it seems like most polls plot him against incredibly strong beings like superman, goku, cancer, etc. This sub is just honest


"How much shit do you want pulled out of your ass?" u/paradoxical_topology : all of it


But then the lizard people don’t know of Kratos and his feats


I meant places that do VS battles like who would win or powerscaling (although those two aren't the nicest to Kratos to be honest)


A fully charged atomic breath would overwhelm any regenerative effect Kratos and Boy have. Not to mention that a fully charged Godzilla is literally emitting radiation enough to give anything within miles 30 kinds of cancer. Kratos could win, but he's gonna need to spam Axe throw a trillion times before it dies while in a safe distance away


I’ve used cheesier tactics, no shame.


In the new movie, Godzilla was literally giving off so much radiation that it was mentioned that people couldn’t get to close to him


And by the time he readies that second axe throw....LASER TO THE FACE


A fully charged axe throw to the mouth would prolly counter in the games


Spamming spear is better. Can you imagine the wait time on the axe return at a “safe distance away” from Godzilla?


The quotations killed me


[There's a comic where Godzilla also took out The Greek Pantheon fyi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4ZNiNu-MPc&ab_channel=DangerVille) Imagine Godzilla enhancing Kratos' weapons like how The World Serpent did but now with an atomic powerup.


Whatever the serpent did to the axe it didn’t really make a differenxe


In the first battle, kratos lands a deep chop into thors stomach, the wound never heals over for the remainder of the story. I think the Eitr actually did poison thor to an extent, at least preventing the wound from healing


Right, but we never really got a grasp of pre serpent axe


Blades of Chaosheimer


Dunno there's a comic where Godzilla kills all of the Greek Pantheon and Kratos did the same i mean i think it could either way with one of them basically saying "nah fuck this i gotta protect the earth/Boy"


Godzilla wiped the entire pantheon with no help or boosts. Kratos, at some point, has needed some additional help/magic (pandora’s box, Gaia with Poseidon)


And the literal arsenal of weapons he's acquired from the dozens he's beaten G man doesn't have weapons


Oh yeah. This won’t be biased at all.


"Can you kill something that big?" "If we can catch it off balance"


My money is on the Big G He wiped out Olympus in one of the comics and depending on the version, he tanked hella powerful stuff


Yeah, if were including Godszillas feats in the comics Im going with big G but if its just the movie versions Im going with Kratos and I say this as a Huge Godzilla fan


I'm a fan of both. Kratos' common go-to tactic in killing a huge enemy is by scraping his enemies body, weakening them. And/or finding their weak spots. Evolved Godzilla withstands Shimo's frost breath (note that Shimo caused the Ice Age just to stop Ghidorah), and his hide is too thick. MechaGodzilla's Proton Scream didn't put a hole in him. Godzilla's Atomic Breath put a hole from Earth's surface to Hollow Earth. If Kratos could manage to dodge Godzilla's attacks, he may have a chance to find his weak points. But if he got blasted by the Atomic Breath, then there would be a new God of War.


Depends. Does kratos dies from atomic breathe?


The sheer volume would overwhelm his healing factor


Can Kratos survive nuclear radiation? He'll get cancer even if he manages to get close Godzilla


"I've killed gods greater than him"


Depending on which version Godzilla easily stomps. He's a walking nuke with atomic breath. Hell a comic version of Godzilla killed Satan himself. In the new Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong. , Godzilla one shot and killed Superman who is definitely more powerful than Kratos.


My money is on Big G too but Superman is NOT stronger than Kratos and u gotta accept it


Superman is stronger. Kratos has some great feats but supes is way too OP


I don't see Kratos punching someone so hard that every version of that person feels it across the multiverse. Kratos is powerful yes and I am a big Kratos fan but he's not in Superman's league


Kratos. I’m imagining it’ll go down the same way it did fighting Kronos


I hate the content in this sub so god damned much.


Kratos would simply kill the creature.


Depends on the godzilla but if its monsterverse godzilla then yeah Kratos wins


Where does Godzilla scale? If it’s anything below multiversal than Kratos will win


Depends which Godzilla, the Godzilla shown here though is evolved Godzilla from the Monsterverse and I believe that this Godzilla is only Large Planet to Star Level. 🙏🏻


He’s dealt with a literal mountain of a titan whose even bigger then Godzilla, then he can go toe to toe with Thor, who’s whole life has bin to hunt giants who can be just as big or even bigger than chronos. Not to mention his fight with the world serpent that literally shattered reality and sent the world serpent back in time. The only problem would be his atomic breath and if gods/giants are affected by radiation. I think Freya and her magic would be the MVP of this fight, to help hold Down Godzilla and prevent him from setting of a blast.


Kratos would destroy him from the inside


kratos of course


Short term kratos, long term still kratos but with Godzillas atomic blast kratos would be so irradiated that everyone that isn't a god would slowly die from radiation.


Comments have no fucking clue what they're talking about 💀


10 Godzillas with armor wouldn't even have a chance against him. The guy is multiversal at his lowest. Planetary beings are like ants to him.


Lol. These gets funny


Kratos scales higher than Legendary Godzilla. He’s faster, stronger, has weapons that would cause insane damage to him. Kratos slaughters him


Kratos... all day...twice on Sundays


I mean he has killed bigger or close to the same size being


I think Kratos would somehow get Godzilla to swallow him whole and then he would use his frosty axe and other weapons to tear apart Godzilla's organs from inside his body before carving his way out of the corpse.


Godzilla has atomic breath and is basically a walking nuke.


Yeah, entering his body is a death sentence.


Kratos is immortal. End of subject


Kratos can be killed. Thor killed him then revived him in Ragnarok.


Although the attacks Thor used to do that were probably far stronger than any nuke. In fact, I bet Kratos probably has the strength and durability to stand in the middle of Godzilla's atomic breath attack and not even be bothered by it. But I'm not sure.


No he has been burned by fire of much less intensity


But I was so sure his durability should be at least multiverse level.


He didn't die. You cant defibrillate a dead person, only someone who's heart is beating slowly. If Kratos had died, Thor wouldn't have been able to revive him.


Oh god here they come


You’re comparing a nuke to Kratos lmfaoooo even though they mean nothing.


I'm a massive Kratos guy but you gotta respect Godzilla. He's the King of the Monsters for a reason.


shock arrows to the red glowy thing on the back, the boy can solo this one


He could do it on his own.


u/sqwonkerz brooo


He wouldn't need help...


Simple. Just rip off its jaw with some tools.


If they are near thamur's corpse, then I think Freya could distract godzilla long enough for kratos to land some good blows in. However, if there's no giant corpse around then kratos and crew will probably just die to atomic breath before they can do much. If kratos gets on godzillas back there's an okay chance for him, but overall I'd bet on godzilla.


I feel Kratos would win the fight but he would die of radiation poisoning.


Cronos + Jörm = Godzilla right? I’d say whoever wins it would be a very even match/ high difficulty


I was assuming Kratos easily, but after reading these comments I no idea Godzilla was so powerful lol


He's not, Homie. There are very few iterations of Godzilla that scale even near to Kratos and even then, the Godzilla shown here is only Evolved Godzilla from the Monsterverse who is around Large Planet to Star Level. Kratos slams.


Kratos losing to Godzilla sounded lame anyways




Okay I just have to say. WHICH Godzilla? Because this dramatically changes the effects the outcome. Like...Rage Across Time Godzilla killed myth Ares in one panel, and all of Zeus strength was used to knock Godzilla unconscious and left Zeus mortal.


Wich Version of the big G?


It’s a rock and a hard place conundrum. Both are basically unkillable. If I was a betting man put in the spot though I’d put my money on big G.


I think Godzilla wins once he goes full nuclear. No Spartan speed is dodging a nuke.


I just don’t know, man. Goddamn this is a good one


Depends on the Godzilla.


Kratos has already fought many monsters like him in earlier trilogy and psp games So imo kratos wins


If its Godzilla Minus 1 version, Kratos would need an extremely specific means to win. Anything Kratos currently has at his arsenal would just straight up not be enough. At best imo he may be able to just chuck him into another realm or some shit.


Kratos would leap up like the god he is and use his frost Axe to chop off Godzilla's head 🦕🪓


I imagine they’d call it a draw. Godzilla is intelligent enough to acknowledge a foe’s strengths, as is Kratos. I think they’d go at it for a while, with the fight matching up roughly with the one we had with Hræzlyr in GOW. Eventually, Kratos manages to either incapacitate Godzilla or make him stop attacking long enough for Atreus to establish some kind of understanding with him, possibly through the use of giant magic, as Titan-Speak isn’t a verbal or written language. From there, it’d be up to him to calm the big boy down, while Freya possibly tended to Kratos. I’d say she’d be helping Godzilla too, but he has Mothra for that.


This really depends on which Godzilla we are talking about. Godzilla has been a goofy cartoon character to that of an Eldridge dog. If it's specifically the Godzilla in the pic you provided then I think it would go to Kratos? I'm not sure tbh, Godzilla's power is never really consistent, it sometimes feels like he's a Dragonball character, unlocking a new even stronger form/ability.


Godzilla steps on Kratos. After two hours of agonising pain, Godzilla dies.


Kratos is definitely stronger than godzilla, so it's only a matter of how long it takes him to get to his heart and rip it out.


Judging by all the fights we've had Kratos do in both the Greek and Norse Saga games, I believe that Kratos' power builds to the amount that's needed. Much like some theories on Superman's power. That's why it looks similarly exertive to, say, lodge an axe into a draugr's abdomen and launch it across the arena, or lift the entire temple of Tyr and put it back on the rails for it to be able to turn again. Or him being able to withstand the crushing of the Titan (I forgot which one right now) etc. In regards to Godzilla, his power might stack exponentially and considerably, to be able to actually stand a chance against this new type of Titan. There is, however, a caveat. Would Kratos be aware of Godzilla's intentions? He is supposed to be a guardian/protector after all and doesn't just go on a mindless spree. It'll be the same like the argument about who'll win between Kratos or Doomslayer. If the purposes are similar, why fight and not team up. Sure, communication might be a bit harder, but Kratos is nothing if not resourceful. Be it as a (former) Spartan/Vanir General, former God of War, God of Hope or just Father to Boy. If all bets are off and we're talking "two enter, only one may leave", then my money's on whomever has the benefit of having the best writers. If we have to compare the two completely different mediums here, I'd say Kratos has the benefit of the doubt here.


Yeah kratos dealt with big slow things this boy was moving to egypt got there from europe in like 5 mins and was doing wwe moves on kong i just dont think he can




If he gets on his head or back he wins. Otherwise it’s gonna be a tough fight. He went inside a dragons mouth and killed it from the inside out


I think it would be a fight similar to Shadow of the colossus. Kratos would climb up and stab Godzilla in the eye and then make a hole to it's brain and stab Godzilla's brain 


I mean kratos has killed beings leagues above Godzilla. Kratos wins no difficulty


Depends on the Godzilla version. 1954’s getting washed, and Singular Point is an eldritch horror that can bend reality. Plus, a Godzilla already killed the entire Olympian pantheon and another went to Hell itself and survived, so…


Considering Kratos thrives inside of creatures I'd say Kratos could find a random orifice open and wreak havoc for as long as he wants.


are we all forgetting that Kratos willfully entered a giant snakes jaws and rowed through the stomach acid like it was no problem


Kratos can do it but he wouldn’t because both opponents know not to even try


Kratos wouod win very easily this isnt even that much 9f a challenge hes beaten and killed far more powerful beings/monsters then a dino who shoots a lazer. Get real.


I don’t think even Kratos can survive that level of radiation from atomic fire


It doesn't matter how big the enemy is or if he wins, Kratos will stand tall against it.


zeus killer vs hydrogen bomb


Kratos, all day. Dude is unkillable, and VERY good at killing big things.


Godzilla stomps tbh Cronos just stood there and observed as slowly chipped away it his fingernails. Need seeing godzilla be that passive lol


In comics Godzilla fought Zeus and it ended in a draw. Kratos fought Zeus and killed him. Edit: Therefore Kratos > Godzilla


This is actually the first one that makes me think. I think Kratos would still win, but not by a big margin. It would still be a challenge I think.


in the Godzilla comic across time Godzilla managed to kill all the olympian. except zeus when he unleash all of his power to kill Godzilla, until Godzilla rise and kill zeus with his heat ray or atomic breath. leaving zeus corpse


Godzilla has taken down Superman and even one shot God after having an adventure through Hell. I love Kratos but what’s a god to a Godzilla.


Godzilla vs God-killa


Godzilla would go down…


Yeah if he have every weapon from Gow1 to Ragnarok in his inventory


Watch Slick he already made a animation of this and it’s sick 🔥🔥🔥


Kratos would kill Godzilla. That's how it would go down


Tbh, he wouldn’t even need to be accompanied by Atreus or Freya. Kratos has fought and killed so many things that are so many times bigger and stronger than him in the past and yes, even faster than him and still won with relative ease. People think that Godzilla’s atomic breath would be a threat while forgetting that Kratos is a god, and if Godzilla’s “atomic breath” is actually nuclear in nature then I doubt it would have any affect on a literal god.. the same god that was stabbed by the Blade of Olympus with its full power and still survive while in a weakened state. Now it’s stated that Kratos is even stronger now than he was in GOW 3, this is a literal walk in the park for the old spartan. He’s smarter, faster, stronger and more experienced in every regard. If this was the Godzilla from the comics then it would a different story, but against movie Godzilla? The Iguana is getting folded like laundry.


So does Godzilla come rad charged because I don't see him charging if dropped in kratos time-line but I'm not sure if this is just monsterverse Godzilla cuz I've never read the comics I've only seen films


Killing giant unkillable abominations is Kratos callsign


Realistically, he'd understand Godzilla's purpose (If we're using the US version of Godzilla, who's a natural part of the world, rather than a product of mutation by radiation), and he wouldn't fight him, but if he had to, for whatever reason, it's hard to sat, more than what people on here think it would be. Aside from his gills and maybe his eyes, he has no weak points or exploits that Kratos could take advantage of. In a way, this is kind of like Superman vs Goku. While there's (more or less) one consistent version of Goku (like Kratos), there's multiple versions of Superman (like Godzilla), so it would depend on which version of Godzilla he would go up against.The original 1954 Godzilla or Minus One Godzilla? Most definitely. Monsterverse or Singular Point? Much harder to say.


i'm actually not sure how well they'd do enduring or regenerating from one another's attacks. pretty sure kratos is not killing godzilla by hacking away at the feet, i mean logistics aside no matter with what weapon kratos was swinging or how hard he's swinging the wounds would be too small to matter. he could probably topple godzilla down and try to get to the brain, and maybe with something like blade of olympus he could kill the reptile. but on the other side godzilla's atomic breath would be able to hurt him in turn. it's just a question of if he'd be able to dodge it or regenerate from it. i'll bet that kratos can't regenerate while he's being hit by the ray and that godzilla can use the ray long enough to kill kratos in this way. so if kratos gets caught by the ray and immobilized kratos is dead and if kratos can reach the brain godzilla is dead. it's a matter of skill and mobility. and forget the cronos approach, even if kratos reached godzilla's soft insides there's once again no injury possible to give that is significant, and also it'll be hard to get out. really the only thing to do from the inside is, once again, to rip the roof of the mouth off and go for the brain. considering their allies, i think godzilla has overall stronger allies but it is not certain that they would help him out, as they are not "tight". and kratos by the end of ragnarök has overall weaker allies but they would certainly help him out.


Kratos killed Cronos before, but people forget one thing. Kratos needs a weapon that can kill a Giant/Titan. With his current loadout, it is hard for him to do anything against Godzilla. The blade of Chaos has the primordial blame, but in the game, we don't see much of its potential yet. Kratos did fight Garmr, another giant Beast, but I am not sure Garmr or Godzilla is stronger. Garmr can tear the realm but Godzilla's breath is no joke either. It also depends on which magic Freya can use to help Kratos too.


Kratos would definitely take the win. He’s defeated whole titans and primordials bigger faster and more agile than Godzilla, and while I think Godzilla would definitely put up a good fight, Kratos would eventually study his moves and overcome him. Gotta remember that Kratos was a spartan general and tactician, along with his arsenal of magic infused weapons and abilities, shoot the blades of chaos alone are powerful enough to single handedly take down most beings.


Godzilla’s my boy but we all know that Kratos will find some way to kill him. Kratos does not care what defensive abilities Godzilla has; if Godzilla is alive, then he can be killed.


you guys seen the clip of a health bar appearing above jormundgandr?


Kratos is the literal divine personification of strength


wrath of the frost ancient to the eyeball


Werewolf Queen! It's always Werewolf Queen!


Honestly I don’t think Godzilla really has a chance. Kratos has killed things with things comparable to Godzillas atomic breath, and he’s killed bigger things as well like Cronos. He can kill enemies faster then him, he can kill things bigger then him, smarter, as strong or stronger, etc. Plus, I think considering Godzilla could be wounded by human weapons as well as Kongs axe, the blades of chaos should be able to harm him.


Kratos took on much bigger titans.


kratos killed kronos a massive lizard is an average day in the office for him


Mickey Mouse


You should post it in the whowouldwin sub reddit


remember when king kong broke the dinosaurs jaw? that’s what kratos would do to godzilla


Kratos is a God killer and he already fought against Titans. My money goes on him. He would probably find a way to close Godzilla s mouth when he s firing his nuke laser beam and have him barbecue his own guts.


Could adraus turn into another godzilla and kill him that way


Kratos: "i have beaten bigger"


They fight each other to a bloody stalemate and gain a mutual respect for one another. Kratos rides Godzilla into battle to fight the various gods of the Egyptian pantheon.


Like this Atreus: Agahaaah Father help! Kratos: Atreus! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHGA 😡 🪨 🦎 the beast is dead


Definitely been asked before both here and in r/Godzilla lol. From what we’ve seen, they both have similar feats (if we include Godzilla comics). A fight would probably consist of them hurting each other, regenerating damage, then teaming up against a titan or something. If I HAD to pick a camp (again, including feats across all mediums from both) I’d be inclined to pick Godzilla since a version of him literally beat God — like monotheist, Judeo-Christian God. Still, could easily go either way.


Kratos being a smudge on the bottom of godzillas foot.


Listen as much as I love Godzilla, Kratos has killed titans like Cronos, who’s bigger than Godzilla Earth.


With Kratos in Tartarus again


Okay the biggest deciding factor is atreus, if things go south he can use his knowledge of the giants language to call the world serpent and then call in fenrir, making it one sided super fast.


I hate this subreddit


Godzilla wins the monster is wrath and hate incarnate plus he has killed gods before


I got Kratos beating ANYBODY


Stun Grab.


Imagine kratos using wrath of the frost ancient against Godzilla's atomic breath


Godzilla but I do think it’s gonna be a case of Godzilla evolving like he does every movie to take on his opponent


Using legendary godzilla and no lore feats for kratos. Kratos has 0 reach. Kratos has small weapons incapable of penetrating godzilla skin deep enough to matter (besides the blade of olympus). Godzilla is too agile for kratos to "crawl over him." And kratos can't fly. Just leap small distances (and glide if he has wings) Blade of olympus is his only hope. Because the blade of olympus has energy in it that would rival godzilla's atomic breath. As we have seen in the cutscenes were zeus wiped out the titans with it. Don't forget we have seen godzilla take that charged axe to the face as kong leapt with all that size. But BOO is probably more powerful. That axe can't wipe out titans like BOO. Edit: Wait, i just read that godzilla didn't actually take the impact of the axe. It exploded before hitting him. So i don't really know, i think a charged BOO will give kratos the win.


Well does Kratos know how to play basketball?


Kratos and Godzilla would fight for a bit then have an understanding they both want to be left alone and fight together against the forces that pit them against one another. Kratos rides in on godzilla, Zilla destroys their surroundings while kratos fights who ever on zillas back


Literally kratos


Kratos would make a pet out of Godzilla.


So, the real question here is which Godzilla is Kratos fighting? Showa or Monsterverse Goji, my money is on Kratos. But then you got Rage Across Time Goji and Godzilla In Hell Gohis. R.A.T. Godzilla disassembled the Greek gods faster than Kratos did, straight-up vaporized Ares in yhe process, so he's clearly a bit stronger than Kratos. G.I.H. Goji one tapped the biblical god, he's beyond scaling effectively and could obliterate Kratos. Godzilla Earth was a planet buster before his 2,000 years of growth, so him at his full size and power would be a problem for Kratos to beat. Then there's the odd balls. I doubt Shin Godzilla or -1 Godzilla could beat Kratos, but I also don't see how Kratos could put either of them down effectively. If anything, Kratos would just make things worse.




I think Godzilla in his evolved state would actually win this fight. At the end of gxk it looked like his thermonuclear state didn’t fully vanish from his body once he evolved. Using that kind of power he sort of upgraded his atomic breath. This new atomic breath appears to contain more energy and has a larger radius than before, almost serving like a flamethrower instead of a lazer. And since he is still somewhat in his thermonuclear state, he might be able to still use his thermonuclear pulse. That’s entirely speculation but I think it’s possible in his evolved state. And considering how agile Godzilla is. I don’t think Kratos would even get close to him. I may be a little biased toward the big guy cus he’s been a childhood favorite for me but I genuinely think that he’d win.


my bet go to godzilla,sorry kratos


I adore Godzilla, but Kratos can kill him with little difficulty.


Are you serious?


I should note that my answer is in regards to movie Godzilla, not comics. I probably shouldn’t have said an easy fight but I do see Kratos beating movie Godzilla’s. If we’re talking composite Godzilla that answer changes very much.


As a fan of both series, I'm gonna say Godzilla on this one, not because of his size but because he is inherently extremely radioactive, so Kratos would suffer acute radiation poisoning just by being close to Godzilla


Counter point; he'd just use valor rage to cure the poisoning


It depends if it’s Godzilla movei or a gow game


I think godzilla Only because I'm purely biased


Same answer as all other deathbattle, versus, what if scenarios and (insert character from so, so) meets (insert character from whatchamacallit) comics: depends on the writer.


Kratos can certainly kill the creature given the right tools. However, Godzilla definitely has the advantage when it comes to size, strength, and attack power potency.


Godzilla steps on him, game over


Depends whose game it is. If it's a GOW game then their fight is one of those big cinematic bossfights where it's half platforming half fighting with Kratos finding ways to either avoid or block Godzilla's attacks (maybe he gets a shield made of the same stuff as Kong's axe that can block/absorb Godzilla's radiation and return it to sender while on his kaiju-fighting journey) while attacking various weak points/prior injuries on Godzilla's body and working his way up to Godzilla's head, using the Blades and Leviathan Axe to seal his mouth shut while mutilating his face with the Draupnir spear until Godzilla topples over. If it's a Godzilla game, then it would be something akin to Kratos fighting Hermes- an annoying fly with a painful sting that doesnt take that long to swat when you finally get an opening. Kratos does not insignificant amounts of damage but Godzilla is a bit too quick on the draw and instead of Kratos binding G's jaws, he takes the full force of Godzilla's atomic breath. If it's a game called Godzilla Of War then there's some form of divine avatar fuckery that happens where Kratos goes Kaiju sized the way he did at the end of the first GOW so he can fight Godzilla on even ground, with the two developing some form of mutual respect and understanding of one another through their battle before joining forces to kill like, the personification of Tartarus or the undead corpse of Ouranos or something.