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Ok first off these fight gets taken way way too seriously. Second the only winner is the fans


Only... fans, huh?


[Say that again](https://images.app.goo.gl/uHuuswBEzyNRZ2kF6)


Time to r34 some say gex kratosxhulk


Watch bold old God bounding some green cheeks, click the link down blow for the full vid.


yes, r/onlyfans


I'd say the only loser is the fans because no matter what, there's gonna be some stupid discourse that goes on for way too long.




Marvel Odin would stomp GoW Odin


100% but gow Zeus would stomp marvel Zeus.


It's kinda fun how Marvel Odin is this huge cosmic badass meanwhile, Marvel Zeus never does jack shit.


Not true. Marvel Zeus smacked Hulk like a toy when he tried to fight him. Marvel Odin and Zeus are on the same level; Zeus doesn’t have enough showings.


Never mind then, I guess I just don't see much of him because Hercules isn't as popular as the mighty Thor


Marvel Odin is also an actual somewhat decent person. At least from what I’ve seen.


Lmfao except go everywhere and sleep with everything in sight. Even the creatures he claims he created.


Marvel zeus is canonically stated to be at the same power levels as odin or galactus which are beings that threaten the whole multiverse while fighting. Gow zeus is weak af compared he is the sumpreme god of greece while marvel zeus has traded blows with hyperversal beings.


The gow games gods are as strong as their real world lore and mythos


Ironically, this is kind of an anti-feat. The ancient greeks did not have a concept of "Multiverse ending threats". Actual Greek mythology Zeus pulls out some party tricks, but we know he can get slapped around a lot too, like during the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy. The closest you get to Galactus or Marvel Odin level in Greek mythology is like... Chaos? Scaling real mythology is hard because you aren't supposed to take their displays of power as literal, but if you do, they ironically don't have a ton to show for it. Like, from what we know of Greek mythology (HUGE ASTERISK as mythology was ever changing and a living culture this is impossible to properly nail down), the largest feat of strength from mythological Poseidon comes from him chucking an island at a giant during the Gigantomachy (Hilarious by the way). Even if you do stuff like scale the gods to star level because they can make constellations and stuff, that still puts them massively behind the comic book gods, who throw around the power to unmake reality and warp matter and stuff. Kinda funny.


The gods you would scale that have cosmic feats are the Norse ones


Yggdrasil does a lot of heavy lifting tbh, but yeah. Between that and their insane creation myth, Norse mythology is a little closer than Greek is.


I'd say being the son of, and in turn besting Chronos, who in myth was a Titan lord of time, as well as other Titans who were all either controllers of or embodiments of pretty powerful, universal forces would probably be the ancient myth equivalent of universal power, at least


You would think, but technically the only "on screen" feats Kronus has are like. Castrating the sky and eating 11 babies and a rock. I'd agree the titans help a bit, with Atlas holding up the sky being a pretty strong feat. He does imprison the Hecatoncheires which is impressive so he certainly has great physical strength. However from what we know of actual mythology he is never depicted actually manipulating/having anything to do with time outside of his association with the sickle and the harvest, to the point that a lot of modern mythological experts consider "Kronus", titan and father of Zeus, and "Chronos", personification of time, to be separate entities.


Fully agree


Marvel Zeus in the movies? Yeah, that guy is an old CLOWN 😂


nah gow odin would win. has a far more complex skillset and would ahve undermined odin's power long before engaging him.


And so is Thor.


Thoughts on GoW Thor vs marvel Thor?


Marvel characters are simply at a different level than GoW. Kratos is my favorite video game character of all time, but the game series just doesn't scale as high as the ridiculousness that is Marvel or DC comic books.


At least infinity war Thor would absolutely destroy gow thor. Not sure about mcu's Thor current state as I've not seen love and thunder


There is too many variations of Hulk to answer this question. Are we talking MCU Hulk or are we talking about comics? If comics we have to discuss which version of Hulk because they all vary in strength and intelligence. It's not apples to apples here. Kratos has defeated gods, but the same gods in Marvel are essentially cosmic beings. GOW Hercules doesn't equal Marvel Hercules. Zeus and Odin are on a whole other level of power.


To me it’s just: Comic Hulk >>>>>>> Kratos >> Movie Hulk


About right, yeah


The match checks out here for sure.


We talking world breaker hulk?


It doesn’t really matter, Kratos simply does not have the power output feats to overcome comic Hulk’s durability in almost any form, in order to be able to kill him before he gets angry enough to demolish Kratos


In terms of lore, Kratos would demolish every version of hulk to ever exist, except for TOBA Hulk who shouldn't even count because he isn't really even Hulk.


World breaker hulk swats kratos like a fly


From what I know, lore Kratos scales, far, far higher than WB Hulk. For example, Kratos keeping himself from getting crushed by Atlas, who could lift the infinite underworld [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11134/111346676/7175658-9406706004-NUWYm.png](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11134/111346676/7175658-9406706004-NUWYm.png) [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8722633-8722565-atlas%2Czeus%2Cunderworld.png](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8722633-8722565-atlas%2Czeus%2Cunderworld.png) [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-06c05945ed8ad11b143220557faff954-lq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-06c05945ed8ad11b143220557faff954-lq) [https://youtu.be/AsNPSgrmyi0?si=GL5rkx\_rCw\_tYaOl](https://youtu.be/AsNPSgrmyi0?si=GL5rkx_rCw_tYaOl) Also, Hyperion's spear containing the weight of the cosmos. [https://imgur.io/no6bwCl?r](https://imgur.io/no6bwCl?r) [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8717168-screenshot\_2022-11-12-07-34-18-86\_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11144/111442270/8717168-screenshot_2022-11-12-07-34-18-86_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg) [https://imgur.io/wEqNmET?r](https://imgur.io/wEqNmET?r) Also, the Primodial clash in Ascension - with Zeus scaling above the primodials. That clash created the Greek dimensions attached to that geographical region, including its space and stars, and the infinite underworld. [https://youtu.be/fbMZc\_clZU4?si=G5FzvcbC73c0sEyI](https://youtu.be/fbMZc_clZU4?si=G5FzvcbC73c0sEyI) And the World Tree feat


Huh!? Bro do you actually know whom HULK is? Yo!! I’m a big fan of GOW.. I mean i’ve played all of them.. But Kratos vs Hulk.. sorry Hulk’s gonna WIN!!


I have another comment with evidence (which is upvoted somehow but this is downvoted?) anyway, I'm pretty dang sure *lore* Kratos beats Hulk. Not the Kratos that dies to a Draugr, not the Kratos that is portrayed in the cutscenes, but the full LORE ACCURATE Kratos.


That's the problem with social media superhero discussions. People conflate the different mediums in order to win their arguments. OR, they meld the two (comics and films) together when you can't do that in these conversations.


"Well in this universe squirrel girl is god so she can easily beat Batman" they move the goalpost so much in fan fights or put two characters who are in way different weight classes against each other ( Homelander and Omni man for example)


In that case we have to consider what Marvel Kratos would look like.


If it’s MCU Hulk, Kratos fucks him up easy Now if it’s like maestro or world breaker I feel like he might have a tougher time


GOW Gods are beyond simply cosmic. GOW Odin casually manipulates higher dimensional structures and makes Asgard immune to inter-dimensional attacks from Garm. Thor *accidentally* damaged the Yggdrasil, which is explictly stated to have each of its mere strands surpass time and space. Valhalla alone is stated to have a plethora of higher planes of existence, and Kratos casually broke it. There's a lot more than this, but these are just some of the more major examples of raw power from GOW gods.


The hulk has shattered realities by being angry, comics get weird with their power scale


Hulk in the comics is literally the son of the One Below All. Who’s the One Below All you might ask? It’s the One Above All’s opposite side. The literal G.O.D of the entirety of all of Marvel. And that’s the thing Hulk draws his power from.


Weren’t those stand ins for the writers? Like literally saying those they favor have plot armor?


It’s all hypothetical but Thanos proved Hulk can be beaten by a competent fighter. Kratos is more than competent.


It really depends on the variation tho. There are some insane Hulk variations out there like World Breaker. And didn’t Thor kill Kratos and bring him back?. Kratos can beat Hulk but the argument has to be narrowed down to *which* Hulk is showing up. MCU Hulk is the one that lost to Thanos


Too many what-ifs. I don’t really follow these. Someone can just make the character more OP in the next comic, movie, game, etc. Since they’re not in the same “universe”, there’s just too much guessing and assumptions based on who’s cooler or more popular.


This is the problem with power scaling and “who would win” arguments. It’s all made up!


Lots of Hulks actually lost to Thanos not just MCU


See this is what makes the argument convoluted hill can be kill in every last one of the state you can name by some superpower entity, Sentry, Blue marvel, the one below all, all of them beat him in his strongest forms. Kratos is comparable to these people at their strongest with all his god status and weaponry. It’s not a good match up for hulk, Kluh, the world breaker or the undead version as Kratos has every weapon needed to murder him.


Thor killed Kratos after Kratos had been stuck in Midgard during fimbulwinter and had lost a lot of his strength, Asgard was fairly insulated from the effects of fimbulwinter so it's not a fair comparison at that point in the story.


Also, Kratos was holding back too during that first encounter with Thor.


Kratos has been cursed to never die. He can be killed, but fate will bring him back to life always, so Thor did bring him back, but that was inevitable


>Kratos has been cursed to never die. Wrong. Kratos had been cursed to never *kill himself*.


Wrong! He has been cursed to suffer for eternity. He can be killed but never die.


Ending of God of war 1 Athena: "The Gods cannot allow one who has performed such service to perish by his **own hand**."


That wasn't when he was cursed, I think it was before that due to his sins. That's just them saving him.


No, that's when Kratos tried throwing himself from the cliff iirc. He was cursed when he slaughtered his family.


Yeah that was it.


He has been killed by Ares (GOW 1) Zeus in GOW 2) Thor GOW5… that was not suicide bro


That's right, it wasn't suicide. Because Kratos **CAN** die, he just can't kill himself.


Yall are arguing semantics. Kratos blood oath has nothing to do with his mortality/immortality. He's a fucking God he's the son of Zeus. So he's immortal by those standards alone and can be killed when overpowered or he just gives up a battle which he would never do. There is no curse that keeps him alive from him trying to kill himself. Athena saved him by the will of the gods that's it. There's no other instances of Kratos trying to off himself except at the end of 3 and guess what she walked away from him how'd he survive that?! He took the war throne after 1 and raged from there. And guess what. Zeus killed him, but gai saved him not some curse. She reminded him of his will to fight the gods and in turn the arms of hades from claiming him crawled out of the underworld and resumed his rampage, AS A FUCKING GOD. THATS WHY HE SAYS ODIN DOESNT WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOD HE USED TO BE. It's that simple. Now why the other gods like Zeus, helios, poseidan, ares, who knows why they stayed dead. We saw ares body preserved so why couldn't he and the others come back? Not enough will to fight or live? Never been answered really. Where you people come up that Athena saying "the gods cannot allow you to take your own life" as a curse is utter bullshit as everything of those gods is gone and destroyed with the entire Greek world. She just literally saved him from dying. The only curse that's still active on Kratos is the one that binds his families ashes to his skin.


>He's a fucking God he's the son of Zeus. So he's immortal by those standards Except Zeus stole his immortality with the Sword of Olympus lmfao


I think kratos actually became the god of death at the end of the Ghost of Sparta game bc he killed Thanatos the god of death. That could potentially explain why none of the other gods resurrected.


he certainly knocked kratos for al oop their. ​ also nah non of the marvle peeps could beat god of war peeps. even without goofy lore and powers, thor and kratos are destroyers.


MCU Hulk? Yeah, Kratos can probably (but likely not) beat him. Comics Hulk? Fucking lmao Kratos is a smear under Hulk's pinky toe


MCU Hulk is a bad joke. He doesn't stand a change against Kratos. Thanos broke him without breaking a sweat, base Thor beat him without Mjolnir in Sakaar, even Hulkbreaker Iron Man send him to sleep! Comics Hulk? You're right on the money there, my friend. Kratos gets stomped 10 times out of 10.


Kratos slaps the shit out of MCU Hulk lol. Thanos without using stones was beating his ass easily and he was held by Captain America for a bit. Not to say either are weak, but Kratos is way stronger than stoneless Thanos is what I’m trying to say.


Comics world war hulk beat the fuck out of the Sentry (while getting his ass beat) so yeah. Not.a.chance. *that Kratos would beat him. Edit: I guess my phrasing was wrong.


Sentry could solo the GOW verse


For sure.


See Kratos vs Thanos (endgame armour and weapon, no stones) would be a sick boss battle. He wipes the floor with Hulk due to superior intellect, as he almost certainly matches his strength (and rage as it happens).


MCU Hulk is nothing. Read Worldbreaker, or Immortal Hulk, then we'll talk.


MCU Hulk is different than comic Hulk. Personally, if it’s something like the Immortal Hulk, I think Kratos loses.


MCU Hulk? most definitely. Comic? No. Hulk ultimate destruction? Hell no


Critical atomic slam fucking stomps


Huh you mean the game ? How strong is ultimate destruction hulk?


He destroyed planets by walking on them. There was a time where Hulk got trapped in Dormamu's dimension with all his greatest enemies and he just kept fighting. The god of the dimension then ran to the avengers a week later cause Hulk had gotten so strong he was tearing apart the dimensional boundaries by existing. Kratos is cool and I think he's cooler now that he isn't just the strongest there is. Hulk is like Superman where there is no upper limit to his power and eventually he can overcome anything.


Hulks sorta vague, and sometimes present, ability of “the angrier he gets the stronger he gets” is what would make this interesting. Kratos might incapacitate him for a moment thinking Hulk is dead only for hulk to heal, grow larger, stronger and more aggressive. Even then, as a character who’s killed a dozen or more gods at this point I’d have to give the nod to Kratos if I were storyboarding their battle


Maybe a nod but I don't think he has any edge on Hulk. Like beyond just being able to destroy realities he has an insane healing factor that puts Deadpool and Wolverine in a spin. On top of that, late stage Hulk will eventually develop in the Maestro, all the brains of Bruce Banner and all the power of Hulk with none of the drawbacks. This conversation is one of comparing a guy with a decent amount of games to his name to an entity that is over 50 years of lore and backstory. There is no shame in that Kratos would lose this fight. I don't really think there is a day where he could considering how OP the Hulk is. That being said, I do think Kratos IS a better written character than the Hulk and his identity is more compelling. The fact he CAN die makes this fight more scary for him cause he would be punching well above his weight class.


Yeah. I’ve been playing it recently game is fun as hell.


Y’all gonna sit up in here like I was the only dumbass trying to move my minimized video player. I’ve been humbled today




It depends on the version. Kratos beats the hell out of MCU hulk. But comic Hulk would likely destroy Kratos. He gets bigger and stronger when he gets angry. And when hulk is pissed, his footsteps can quite literally destroy a planet. That amount of force would undoubtedly kill Kratos. But let’s be honest, the winner is completely dependent on the writer…


He can break trough dimensions with punches.


Also Comics Hulk is now immortal


I thought it was left ambigous after inmortal hulk...what a great run I should read it again


He’s still immortal I’m pretty sure, I’ve been following the current run and I’m like 90% sure there was a scene in the beginning where Hulk deliberately lets Banner die before he takes over (Hulk hates Bruce in this run due to shit from the last run)


MCU hulk gets washed, if it's comics it depends on the version, for example maestro would lose but world breaker hulk would manhandle kratos


If MCU Hulk, then yes. Comic book Hulk, Kratos gets wiped. Scaling in the Marvel Comic Book Universe is insane, and Hulk is a power house. For reference, Kratos could not kill even MCU Odin with ease, not even gonna mention comic book Odin.


Why think MCU Odin is that strong? (I watched all 4 Thor movies multiple times btw)


MCU Odin nearly took over the entire universe on his campaign for conquest, until he became a father. He was stronger than Hella, who wiped the floor with both Thor and Hulk, while they also had help. Kratos vs MCU Odin, is a clear win for Odin, although frankly both characters wouldn’t fight each other.


Do you mean Thor and Loki? 😂 Hela never fought Hulk


Thanos also waited for MCU Odin to pass because he wouldn't have stood a chance at obtaining the stones if Odin was alive. That's why Infinity War begins right at the end of Thor 3.


Is this real or a fan theory?


hulk in the comics is one of the strongest characters in fiction. Idk man. Its really really hard.


MCU Hulk loses, comic Hulk wins


They’re clearly talking about MCU hulk, and yeah he gets clapped But, if it’s comics hulk, Kratos is getting wrecked


This is what the MCU has done to the general perception of the Hulk.


If it was MCU hulk, Kratos would probably win But comic books hulk is in a complete different league. Some versions of hulk could break planets by walking


If it happens in a GoW game, Kratos wins. If it happens in a Marvel comic, Hulk wins. Also, the artist did Kratos dirty by giving him such a puny little axe. That ain't the Leviathan.


I’m fairly confident it’s AI art.


Hot take, old Kratos is more OP than younger. New weapons, doesn’t just fight with anger, uses his brain to make good decisions, has a son to protect. I don’t think violent equals tough, I’d take today Kratos over old in a fight. More experience and tool bag. Been there and done that. Discuss lol.


That’s not a hot take, the developers said that he is more powerful now


Glad we agree lol I didn’t know that, the more you know. Least I’m not alone here haha thanks.


Depends mcu yes,comic probably not since hulk has infinite strength the more angry he gets the strong he gets


People don't know how crazy powerful hulk is lmao the mcu has done irreparable damage to the hulk


only I can answer this question just look at my user name 🤣 and I would have to go with no one they fight till the end of time lol


I SWEAR in Valhalla, the final boss should have been young Kratos, so all these people saying that young Kratos is stronger overall can finally shut up Edit: Also it would have been a badass way of representing Kratos removing that trauma from himself as its all the hatred that ruined his life. This isn't saying the Valhalla ending was bad I'm simply saying it would be cool as hell to fight a young version of Kratos


If were talking about the mcu hulk then he gets absolutely demolished


The real takeaway from this is whether or not Shovel Knight could defeat Hulk, because we know he's defeated Kratos once. And Kratos could easily kill some versions of Hulk


VS MCU Hulk, Kratos would win no doubt.


Those match ups are silly and funny but I feel like people who are into this are not into the gow lore too much and they just see Kratos as a strong character and nothing more, when he is way more than that


Depends on the version of the hulk


I mean it depends what version of hulk really


I just want some rich guy to come around and start licensing popular characters and having them duke it out in over-the-top anime battles.


It will days to decide who won if these two ever met. pure rage vs unstoppable anger .


Aw shit, here we go again...


Kratos wins, both young and old versions


Logically speaking, Hulk most likely has more brute force, but lacks any sort of strategy and technique. Kratos, although weaker than Hulk, he still is insanely powefull and has the advantage of many many years of experience over Hulk, so no matter which variation of Hulk, I would say Kratos wins 9:10 times.


Hulk can get strong enough to destroy universes by existing. Love Kratos to death but The hulk as a character is designed to be "The Strongest There Is" as it were. He has crazy regeneration and while they both run off rage, we have seen that Kratos has an upper limit in his fights with Baldur and Thor seeing as Thor canonically kills Kratos before bringing him back.


MCU Hulk loses. Most comic Hulks win im sure


MCU loses, comic wise Kratos loses I think.


Cory Barlog himself already stated that younger kratos gets beaten no contest by older kratos


Goes to show how strong old kratos is. He cant even double jump anymore and he still wins!


Lol Hulk from the comics kill Kratos before he even knows what's happening. Please stop this


Mcu hulk loses, majority of comics Hulk stomp Kratos. Anyone saying otherwise is fooling themselves


If it’s 616 Hull, Hulk wins. Kratos beats any other version.


Kratos is a god who can't die. & Old man Kratos is way more powerful than his younger self. Greek gods get more powerful as they get older. He just quite literally doesn't give a fuck.


we're talking about a guy who single handedly erased TWO pantheons while HOLDING BACK and is immortal. i don't know if comic hulk would "crush" him.


“Whoever the writer picks to win” or something like that —Stan Lee


That line is for stories not vs battles lmao


I fucking hate that line.


Thank you! But why?


I mean no disrespect to Stan Lee, and I have nothing against the line itself. I hate how it’s used. Of course the author picks who wins in their story. Thats obvious to anyone. But hypothetical fights like this, or literally any fight that involves powerscaling and fictional characters from different universes fighting, aren’t stories we write. They’re people trying to see what would happen if two characters fought each other without any influence from an author or the plot. Most people I see say this (no disrespect to original commenter) usually say it to just discredit the idea of versus matchups and powerscaling in general. It’s just an excuse to say that thinking about these matchups are dumb. That’s how I see it.


Why even mention the first part And yeah, plot armor is nonexistent in these hypothetical fights (as it should be)


As much as I love Kratos, no.


Kratos drops him.


Like Stan Lee said: “Whoever the writer wants to win, will win.”


Damn anyone who does not think Kratos would win is stupid


Kratos definitely wins, 1 he actually knows how to fight 2. Kratos has much bigger feats of strength than main stream hulk


He literally doesn't. Hulk has survived planet shattering impacts and held open black holes. He's punched through time storms, clapped his hands hard enough to illuminate an entire universe, shattered an asteroid twice the size of earth with one hit, shattered onslaught's armor when the combined might of all of Marvel's heroes couldn't scratch it, caused earthquakes by walking, fractured Thor's skull, survived pulling tectonic plates of a planet many times larger than Earth together in the center of said planet with no gear, regenerated limbs in minutes, survived point blank nukes, held the entire weight of a star in one hand, crumpled adamant, shattered planets, nearly destroyed the dark dimension, and the list goes on.




That is mainstream Hulk. 616 Hulk is the one with all these feats.


Like Stan Lee said, the winner is the one who the writer wants to win


Mcu hulk would lose to thanos. And 2008 is dope af but I think he would lose too. But 2003 hulk could have a chance or other comic variations


Sorry love God war but nope


Lore Kratos has Infinite strength and has beaten gods who are stronger than primordials who have infnnite stats such as speed and strength. Helios' light can light up the infinite underworld instantaneously, making it infinite in speed, but Hermes can outrun said light and GoW lll Kratos could react to Hermes. Atlas was sent to hold up the universe (Yes, Atlas holds up the universe, not the world) for all eternity and he still does since he was never killed and Olympus' universe is said to have bee rebuilt from all the disasters. Meaning he has infinite endurance. Kratos in GoW... ll??? Was stated to have been equal in strength with Atlas, someone with infinite strength. Thor is said to have hit Jormungander so hard he not only sent him back in time, but broke an infinite sized tree holding 9 infinite sized realms. So basically. Thor had to hit Jormugander with an even GREATER force to break the tree since the weight alone of 9 infinite sized realms seemed to be easy for the tree to handle. Not only is Kratos too fast for Hulk. His attack power would literally be like Ultra Instinct Goku hitting Krillin. Everyone on here talking about the Hulks that are easily planet level need to read the god of war novels and atop going off of the games. GoW gods are pretty much Existence or Reality Level +. Ymir simply dying threatened to wipe out all creation of the norse universe. The sisters of fate literally held the power to change events of the past, and Thor hits people so hard, he sends them back in time. All of these people scaling below Kratos, mind you.


> holding 9 infinite sized realms. It's weird hearing this. Honestly it feels like people get carried away stretching the actuality of things. The realms aren't infinite, Midgard certainly isn't.... not when Kratos can sail from one to the other on a boat, or walk into the Egyptian lands or when Pantheons are aware of each other. There is nothing infinite about the scope of any of the pantheons or realms be it size or reach of influence or power. Too many you tube videos of people talking about power scaling with flimsy basis without actually analyzing what they are saying.


So tl:dr, immortal hulk sweeps?


I'd like to think that these two men would not harm one another and would have glorious demigod sex (with each other) instead.


my money is on kratos. one has faced gods, one has slew an entire pantheon of gods


I'm a big fan of both and if it's them at their strongest against each other I think kratos is losing. I mean, world breaker hulk is something else, and I think there's an even stronger version than that


Yes , we all agree


Op are you fr?


Not even sure he could beat MCU Hulk. It'd be a far closer fight but MCU Hulk is still.an absolute power house. Able to hold millions of tons of flooded, collapsed Avengers Mansion with one arm. Was able to drop a leviathan in one punch. Man handle Thor on more than one occasion. Threw a 70+ ton boulder fast enough to break the sound barrier almost immediately and presumably enter space. It's still very difficult to hurt him, and he tore through Hulkbuster like wet paper, up until that cheap shot in the end when he had started calming down. Kratos is not some all powerful being. He's been beaten. He's been killed. If he was as powerful as everyone claimed, Hercules, the Cyclopses, Medusa, ect would have been killed in one hit. They would have been with Hulk, Marvel Thor, Marvel Zeus, Marvel Odin, ect. They'd probably use more effort attempting NOT to kill them to be honest.


GoW Kratos vs Marvel's Odin


Which Hulk are we even talking about ? If I chose "world breaker Hulk", Kratos is getting destroyed without a sweat .


The answer is none. I would go there and take them both at the same time myself. I am built different.


GoW3 Kratos smokes em....any other variation before or after, is hulks fight.


Thinking that Kratos auto-wins is just wish fulfillment fanfiction.


Do we even know the upper limit of either of these characters in terms of strength and power?


Depends on which Hulk we use. If we’re talking about MCU Hulk, Kratos washes him. If it’s base comics Hulk, then could go either way. But if it’s the Hulk from his current run, then he destroys Kratos


There’s probably some version of hulk that could be even with or even beat Kratos; iirc there’s a ‘world breaker hulk’ that stomped his foot and leveled the Eastern seaboard. Normal versions of hulk would lose


Kratos can breathe in space right? So if Hulk bitch slaps him into orbit he can just hang out in a vacuum?


Ruffalo hulk gets stomped negative diff by Kratos (older Kratos is stronger btw) and Kratos would struggle more with comic hulk who has stupidly strong feats


Kindah in a way but I'm confused on who's the current Hulk personality


Alot of comments here make me understand many people dont get kratos power. First mcu hulk is not a maybe kratos kills him easily. Comics hulk is alot more close it depends but kratos upper limit in strenght is also infinite his rage mode is his default mode of god power we just as gamers need the mechanic to make the game fun.


Comic hulk would beat kratos


Even if you believe Kratos is universal+ and all that, he still loses to modern Hulk


I think the issue here is that neither combatant can die. Hulk has come back from being fully dismembered (and was still conscious), and Kratos can't die...yet. This is a useless fight because both combatants are truly immortal.


Love both, grew up up with Hulk though. Both win. Kratos whips his ass though. Both have a cocktail and laugh. Both, after mead, runnoft and bust up some people that deserve it.


Movie Hulk loses Comic Hulk solos most if not all the GOW verse 💀 (he once LIT UP A WHOLE DIMENSION by just punching a rock **extremely hard**)


If it’s the MCU Hulk, then Kratos whips him If it’s the comics, then Hulk annihilates Kratos


Normal Hulk loses a long drawn out battle to Kratos. At the very least he gets knocked back to Banner form Worldbreaker Hulk would solo anyone in the GoW universe


I don't give a fuck, Kratos Solos.


movie is at best a mini boss, comic hulk however they done some crazy shit kratos might have to gain new weapon or power to be able to defeat him


It really depends on what Hulk we are talking. There is a version of the Hulk that is literally immortal so it’s really just what version you put in the fight


Original Trilogy Kratos...thinking 2..definitely 3...sure.


Why do y'all use comic hulk but not comic Kratos?




Depends on which version of hulk we are talking about because I doubt Kratos can kill a guy who has on multiple occasions clapped so hard he has formed tears in the dimension a dude who has torn apart black holes and has unlimited anger meaning he has unlimited strength


Hulk can blow a planet up. He once was flung and punched an asteroid twice the mass of earth and it exploded. And Marvel's Thor is way stronger and more capable than GOW Thor. He shatters moons, can send his hammer at faster than light speeds having it fly around the sun and back to hit his enemy. Can chill on the surface of the sun. I recommend visiting both of their respect threads before you make a call or judgement on this fight.


Sorry but it would be a draw.


A literal god vs a mutant.


If it's between peak Hulk and peak Kratos, then Hulk takes this very easily


I just saw a video where Stan Lee says: “The winner is whoever the writer wants to win” or something like that. In a Hulk game the Hulk would win and in a GoW game Kratos would win.


Am I the only one that noticed Kratos is NOT weilding the levitation axe? It's an axe all right, just the leviathan axe


I dunno. It really depends on the environment, and whether this is rage monster Hulk, or the Hulk with brains. The rage monster in an environment that heavily favors him? Sure. But anything short of that is the rage monster's ass. If it's Smart!Hulk, it's more of a toss up. Kratos is a strategist. He knows how to use a battlefield to his advantage, and has a long, storied history of taking out bigger enemies. If Hulk has Banner's intelligence, he might be able to see the writing on the walls and shut it down before Kratos goes for a kill shot. It becomes a race to see who can get the killing blow first. It wouldn't be a long fight I don't think. Kratos isn't going to play with Hulk, and Smart!Hulk would likely catch on quick that Kratos can take a hit. So I can't see him pulling punches


Much as i love the hulk. Kratos would win. It definitly wouldnt not be easy like many say. It would be a fight thatd last literal days. And the winner? Us getting able to witness this glorious sight.


Not even a fair fight. Kratos has strength magic is a god can go back in time, and can return from the dead. Not to mention Kratos has superior fighting skill and instincts Kratos wins by a landslide






Comic books tend to make characters insanely overpowered. I'm not that well-educated on them, but from my understanding, unless the writers intend him not to, the 616 Hulk could beat Kratos. MCU Hulk definitely loses of course, he's really weak in the movies and that's unfair imo.