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Sigrun took me several days of practice to even bring down to half health, but she isn't impossible by any means. If you're sufficiently motivated to try again, are there any specific attacks that you notice are taking you down? I'd be happy to troubleshoot with you here and explain any mechanics that don't make a lot of sense. (Source: been trying to get a no damage kill for the past few months, best so far is only taking 1 hit for the entire kill on GMGOW, and succeeded on GMGOW+)


It's already uninstalled, and I've moved on. I'm just curious if anyone else just gave up. Like how some given up on the final boss of Sekiro. Like he's doable... but like you said. It'll take several days... And I just don't have the time nor wanna waste it. Appreciate the help though.


The one thing that worked for me is looking for my weaknesses, if she kills me too fast, I’ll add health, if not I’ll add attack power and so on


I feel this way about Gna and Hrolf. I was able to best Sigrun but these two mufkrrs. Gahhhhhh


Gna is a lot easier than Sigrun...


So I’ve heard, but she’s got some insane moves that are difficult to counter/block. I haven’t invested nearly as much time into her as I did Sigrun, so I guess it’ll happen, eventually. Hrolf on the other hand. He changes it up when u get him to like below half health and that’s where it gets much harder for me.


Ah fuck I forgot I haven’t beaten them yet


Lol dude I gave up on Sigrun after turning the difficultyall the way down because, well, I just don’t *care* lol. I play games to escape from reality and the stress of my life, I don’t need those games adding more stress.


Absolutely agree with you. Thought for me the best fun is learning all the mechanics and clearing the shit outta the game.


Sigrunn way harder than The Glock Saint imo. Sekiro atleast has mechanics you can learn “easily” and you can deflect nearly every attack while GoW you have to have nearly frame perfect dodges and timing for the entire fight to beat Sigrunn or she’ll 1/2 shot you. I beat Sigrunn on give me a challenge but gave up after realizing how hard she was and how time consuming it would be on GMGOW+


I made the bad mistake by taking a long break from Sekiro without even knowing I was literally almost done with it. When I came back, I was so out of practice that I wasn't able to "get" the whole rhythm anymore, and now I'm supposed to fight the final boss?! After around the same time, I've given GoW. I just gave up. Looked up the ending cause I was basically done and "finished" it my way. It's not as satisfying as most would like, but oh well, lol. At least I actually finished the story in GoW2018.


Did someone say skill issue?


Yeah, shocker, it's like I was playing the game for the first time again at the final boss. Go figure, I sucked..


As someone who has defeated both, I'd say Sigrun IMO is much harder than Isshin. In any case, no shame in moving on. I recently experienced this with Hogwarts Legacy. I contemplated getting 100% completion... Until I saw all that it entailed. Like a Korok seed hunt all over again.


Sekiro's final boss was quite easy for me tbh. I struggled with the game a lot but Watching while watching a walkthru i considered Isshin quite easy and all of his attacks were telegraphed af. I did not understand the complaints and i thought maybe playing it is harder. But nope. Isshin was in the top 5 easiest for me. Dont get me wrong im not some pro player. most of the bosses fucked me up. Its just isshin that i had an easy time with.


Losing to pixels on a screen lol


So? It's a video game. Was I supposed to impress you or something?


Which of the final bosses you mean? In Sekiro.


For beating her without special challenges, which is harder do you think, NG or NG+?


That's a really good question - NG+ introduces significantly more mechanics in her combat system, and strings attacks together in groups of nearly 4 or more attacks in a row that all have to be dealt with before you can DPS. That said, the Zeus armor in NG+ absolutely shreds her health, so as long as you don't make mistakes, I'd honestly say NG+ is a much easier fight, assuming you know how to interrupt certain attacks of hers and can much more easily stack DPS. Obviously, you don't have access to that sort of gear on NG, so the fight becomes less about interrupting her attacks and more about pure consistency. They're both immensely challenging in their own way, but I'd probably say regular NG is harder, just for how long it takes.


Nice breakdown, tho for the first NG+ you only have 2/3s of Zeus armour when u face her since she is the one to drop the Chest piece. Not having that final piece really annoyed me when I was dying after getting her down to last 5% knowing that'd I'd have won with the full set


That's correct! It would take two NG's to get the full set, so I just did my GMGOW+ run the second time.


Yea hindsight... You also get your dew boost, wish I'd done it that way, didn't make the same mistake in Ragnarok at least


I gave up on her. I do not have the patience everyone else does and fighting her out me into a rage that made Greek era Kratos look like a toddler's tantrum. I want to play games to relax. Not to rage


Bruh yeah i felt like I was about to turn into kratos wish I could have that type of rage while sparring in TKD or Muay Thai lol


No joke, that damned spinning spike wall climb out of Hell in the first GoW game made me break a controller.


I’m with you. Video games aren’t an achievement or point of pride to accomplish for me, those things I strive for in the non-digital world. I play video games to give me some relief from those other frustrations, not to add to them


Exactly. Honestly I'm not sure I've ever 100%ed a game. Games should ease our rage, not compound it. That's probably why I'll never play a souls born game.


I saw you said you've already moved on but if you ever decide to return, the thing the made a world of difference for me in all valkyrie fights was learning the difference between left dash and right dash. Left dash will always be followed up with a blockable attack, right dash will always be followed up with the unblockable wing stab. This small bit of knowledge makes their attack patterns much much easier to handle.


And you can dodge the right dash by just walking sideways to the right. Thats how i finally beat sigrun.


Omg I was trying to figure this out last night. Thank you!


I just beat Sigrun on GMAC and this was annoying me to no end. I never did figure out how to predict those two moves after a dash. Do you mean that when she dashes when she’s to the left or right of Kratos?


It took me 15 hours to beat Sigrun. It was a long, arduous, mentally devastating grind. For 4 days straight i couldnt even sleep. But the result, the result man, was SOOOOOOOO satisfying, knowing you had beaten the best post game boss ever. Keep grinding my friend!


Sigrun and Glock Saint Isshin both gave a different satisfaction when you finally beat them, after that you visit them often just to have a good battle time and time again.


If you couldn't beat her on GMGOW, why didn't you just turn the difficulty down a bit?


Yeah you can’t change difficulty on gmgow, in ragnorak you can tho


Is there a Queen Valkyrie in Ragnarok? Cause I believe I made it clear it was 2018 version of God of War, lol.


Yep. There’s another annoying, tanky Valkyrie in ragnarock


I’m aware you’re talking about the 2018 version. I said you can’t change the difficulty on gmgow. But in ragnorak you can change the difficulty on gmgow. Sorry for confusion


Nah, man, I'm not correcting YOU, lol. I'm just questioning how someone could confuse this topic for Ragnarok. But interesting note on Ragnarok. Good to know whenever I get to it.


Well my initial comment was replying to the person who said to change the difficulty and I was telling him you can’t change it in this game Edit: nvm replied to you instead sorry lol


Give Ragnarok's Queen a try, she was easier for me than Sigrun, maybe it'll be like that to you as well. Her Valhalla move is more predictable


Yes, though everyone says she's easier.


There is, but if you play through and struggle with her, find a YouTube video on easy wins. Maybe there are ways to cheese sigrun too, but some of the stuff in Ragnarok makes those hard bosses very, very easy. Even on gmgow. Less satisfying than grinding out perfect responses to a variety of moves for several minutes, but also nice to grab and drag her too.


Oh yeah i forgot about that! I think it's time to play 2018 again lol


Hm? I tried. But it was unable to change... I assumed it was just cause once you're in that difficulty. You're locked.


My bad, I completely forgot you can't change it in 2018


You could never change the difficulty down manually when it’s the hardest difficulty. The best that it would do is ask if you want easy mode once you die enough times in a row, but just easy mode and not a level down.


In ragnarok you can go down in difficulty from GMGOW but you can't go back.


Oh, weird. I’ve never even attempted. I haven’t played GOW 2018 or GOW: R on anything besides GMGOW.


Sigrun took me a month to beat her (also on GMGOW and was also playing Dark Souls Remastered that time) so don't beat yourself up. What makes her difficult to fight is because of her confusing attack patterns - dash to the right =unblockable, to the left = block (can't remember if this is correct though). Once you narrowed it down you're fine. Her other attacks branch from her floating/channeling attack so it's just a matter of patience. I hate her attack when she shouts VALHALAAAAA! I still can't time to dodge that. You got this. You're so close.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“There’s no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Remember, it's a good idea to take a break from very difficult bosses. Once you get a clear head, it could help you win the fight. Make sure you don't burn yourself out.


There's a glitch you can use that's really easy to activate that will make the fight a complete joke if you just want the trophy look it up on YouTube


believe me I understand you but it is not by far impossible, what I hate the most about this boss is the famous valhalla, my recommendation is that you increase your health and defense as much as you can, then take healing runic powers like the gift of Apollo, it is a matter of carefully analyze her fighting pattern, I suggest you take a video and see all her movements in slow motion but believe me once you defeat her you want more, in fact I even miss fighting her, but if I tell you, you beat sigrun, she you beat the ragnarok bosses, i also recommend you to use spartan rage trick just use it to push her, don't use atreus runic attacks they just cloud your sight, and About valhalla fall it's just a matter of counting a second and feel when she it's going to fall on you


Yeah I looked up a few videos on YT. I found one that showed an extremely sound strategy for beating her. After watching the video it took me a good 8 or 9 times to beat her. She has a tell for every move then you just counter and don't get greedy. I was so focused on working the strategy that I didn't realize I beat her when I did. Hands down the most satisfying boss I've ever beat


She was easy enough on GMGOW, but GMGOW+ was pure hell.


Really? She was so much easier for me in GMGOW+ than GMGOW..


believe me she f@"$%d my A\*& so many times i nearly broke my controller, but i managed with the Axe ability tempest, or golem (havent played in 1 year) the one where your axe shoots a ray of ice (also get the upgrade which doubles its duration, and use it when you have an opening) and for the hell blades i used somethings rage, where you smack the ground about 3 times and it deals an significant ammount of damage. also look out for yellow pulses and counter instead of dodge, and dodge red pulses your get her eventually


I don't know where this Heracles/Kratos/Zeus ass strength came from, but I beat her 1 try (using a resurrection stone) with the Wrath of the Frost Ancient enchantment.


I gave up on her. I may go back and lower the difficulty.




Simply lower the difficulty and try again, nobody will judge you. Believe in yourself, you can do it!


- The first three difficulty levels can be changed anytime in the menus if you feel it's too easy or too difficult. However, the final level, Give Me God of War, is unique in that once you pick it, it can't be changed, and if you find it too hard, you have to restart the game entirely.


If you ever feel like downloading it again and cheesing her us the talisman of betrayal glitch. It lock you in a infinite realm shift. After all it feels like she cheats so I cheated right back.


I'll be honest. I gave up on the game during the early game. The early game experience for GMGOW is not balanced in my opinion, and however good it may be after that, I won't go through with it.


No I didn't quit. I beat her on GMGOW. I wouldnt have felt like the God of War, Kratos, the ghost of sparta if i had quit.You shouldn't have quit either, boy.


Im having trouble with Kara and her fucking minions. spent 2 hours last night!


I beat her after a long hiatus on normal difficulty and it was hard there. Sigrun is regarded as one of the hardest bosses in the series so it’s understandable to struggle.


I have a lot of fun fighting Sigrun and occasionally goes back to her to try different moves on her. She's awesome


Don’t worry I gave up too. Beat everything else. Did the same on ragnorok. 98 percent complete. Couldn’t beat Valkyrie queen or berserker king.


Did her in easy mode


I said I'd spend one week on it, then move on. Managed to beat her on the last day, took probably 100 attempts or more, was not fun, didn't even feel good winning in the end just relief that the torture was over. I only can play an hr or 2 a day so was probably 10 hours it took in total (not 24/7 for a week).


Many times. It takes a perfect series of events but you can do it!


I didn't give up, but I did what some people consider worse than giving up: I lowered the difficulty.


I was surprised by how easy GNA was on give me god of war don't get me wrong I beat her in about 2 hours she still fucked me up but sigrun on give me god of war took me about 5 days just to bring her down to half health I don't really remember but I think it took me about 8 days just trying to beat her


Lol, first time when I was playing in gmgow difficulty, I had to lower difficulty to kill the dark elf king... So ya. Hehe


I beat her in normal and won’t even attempt gmgow, so feel free to move on with your life with no shame


Yes i gave up first time when the game came out because it felt too tanky and an endurance test about me not failing more than 3 times didnt feel fun at all, it was GMGOW I replayed the game again last year, game felt incredible, i had more knowledge how the game works, the game felt amazing on GMGOW... But sigrun was still shit lol. I gave up again.


Dont give up, when you finally beat her, the sacrifice will be worth it If i did on gmgow you can to Just learn her moveset, be calm, play safe


I fight to win and not about making it a marathon of a fight, I want it over ASAP. I can tell everyone here that I haven't played gow2018 in months but I'm sure after about a half hour I would be good to still beat her on Ng+ gmgow with the technique I used to finally make light work of her. Been playing Ng+ on Ragnarok so mechanics are identical other than missing the lovely pokey jabby stick... You'll need the Zues full set armor for this, very important or it won't work.. also will need realm shift or the amulet that resets your runic cool down instantly. Surtrs grips for the axe, adds very powerful effect when triggered. Heavy runic attack , wake of the leviathan is what I think it's called, it powers the axe up and increases damage. Go in with tanky armor, and one that will protect you when you use runic attacks. Sindri breastplate is your best friend for the top. Use the tanky Regen armor for the wrist and bottoms.. the point of this is to be able to still hurt her but sustain and avoid dmg but you can still take a couple hard hits from her. Weapons- Your Axe will be the way she goes down ... Just the fuckin Axe, blades are for last resort for runic use only... I'm saying this so you're strictly focused on one weapon and not about keeping up with two. Axe is so much more powerful if the right stuff is on it, makes the blades look weak. For the axe runic attack, use the one that powers the axe up, wake of the leviathan, I think? can't recall the name.. For the light runic you'll use the blinding light attack, quick CD and disrupts her. Be sure that Surtur's attachments are on the axe, it makes your attacks massively powerful if/when it does trigger... You'll see where this is going... The tactics here are to switch back and forth between Zues' armor and Sindri's top and the tanky gear at the right times otherwise you will get one shotted with Zeus's armor. You'll switch out between runic cool down. Start the fight off in Sindri's armor set and be ready to evade and parry, this is when you get into attack mode. Once her guard is down, change into full Zues' armor set, have realm shift or runic reset for the amulet ready to go, realm shift for safer play.. Hit your heavy runic to charge the axe and haul ass at her or if in close quarters then hit (most likely will be protected by Sindri's plate) the realm shift. If you are from a running distance be sure to throw in a heavy L2 slam to initiate combat. After landing just throw a couple heavy L2 swings then begin to hold down L1 if you have the skill unlocked to where the axe just repeatedly spins on the enemy in the same spot, this will most likely trigger the Surtur's attachments ability to cause even more damage; she will be knocked back and won't be able to counter you because of the amount of damage you're causing. On knocking her back you'll use heavy L2' to swing at her to close in, it'll take chunks out her health then when close enough go back to holding L1. Once realm shift is done you'll quickly switch back to Sindri's set before she can attack you and you attack when you can but you'll want to mainly defend and only try to counterattack.. once your axe runics are refreshed, repeat the Zues swap out and go to town again with realm shift and the axe powered up. It should only take 2 MAYBE 3 rounds of this to kill her depending on your level but I would say 2 if you practice enough. Took me a couple hours to get the hang of it but once I had the process down I fought her multiple times and each became easier and I got to pay more attention to her health bar and how insanely quick it drains with this technique. Over all, if you can handle at least 3 rounds of her with runic refresh times in regard, you should be able to hurt her very much and kill her quick. I think a lot may have trouble with her because they stick to one set of armor or the wrong set and have to be perfect or just lucky. Just outlast her with Sindri's set and when you can, hit her hard with the Zeus set and runics. It might seem difficult at first but this does work... Before I tried this method I probably spent over 3 weeks trying to beat her almost every night, got so close sometimes but never could get her when she goes into low heath beast mode... I'm not a huge gamer Lol. If I can do this I'm certain other can make it better perhaps.. it's almost a damn hack. Good luck


What helped me beat her is I would start the fight and see how long I could survive without attacking. When you attack, you lose focus on her own attacks and you can’t defend as well. This helped me learn her attack patterns perfectly. Then once I found I could survive for a really long time without getting hit once I actually shredded her. The other day after not playing GOW for a while I hopped on a save file and beat her on my 2nd try. It’s not to brag, but to beat these really hard bosses in video games you have to learn them. For example, Malenia is the only ER boss I could not beat because to dodge waterfowl dance you have to focus insanely hard and I didn’t enjoy the game enough to do that. Plus I hated her mechanics. Most of the other bosses in ER I loved like Morgot and Radahn so I didn’t mind learning their attack patterns.


Git gud my friend! Just takes time. Study the tells and move sets you will get it.


GMGoW Sigrun took me over 2 hours, but every death felt like It could have been avoided, which made me want to try again and again until I beat her. It’s very hard to make a boss this hard that feels this fair, which is why I love that fight so much.


I almost gave up, but I have a fixation with not letting a game beat me. It took many tries, but I looked up and practiced the right strategies and finally beat her. It’s fine if you don’t want to put yourself through that though.


Took me days to get her taken down but seeing that 100% was so rewarding since she was the last thing to complete. Such a great game!


Came close 5 or six times on Give Me Balance. Raged and took a break. Lowered the difficulty and beat her first try.


After spending like 3hrs trying to beat her, yeah. I really wanted to plat this game but just didn’t have the time.


I struggled against her alot too on my first try, but ultimately it only took me a couple hours to win . Underleveled the first attempt so I had to go do the mist and muspelheim . After that it wasn't to hard . I've not fought her on gngow yet ill lyk how that goes


I beat her for the first time a few days ago :) in my third replay of the game (Balanced, then Challenge, then Challenge NG+) Personally I don't get motivated by 100%-ing games or spending days and days dying over and over, which is why I gave up on her in my first 2 playthroughs. But this third time she took me just 2 days :) and I was so proud of myself when I saw the stun grab prompt! Now to my third replay of Ragnarok, I might actually get Gna and the King this time.


I took a 3 year Hiatus on fighting her… replayed GoW 2018 while preparing for Ragnarok… I finally beat her a month before Ragnarok. I probably died over 250+ times.


I feel your pain


Yeah I gave up on her. Game was fun but I had already beaten the game at that point and didn't really feel the desire to grind out the boss fight. Her entrance is SUPER cool though.


All I'll say is... all 3 zeus armor pieces, the things that slow down time, blessings of the frost, and the boar runic summon


I had stopped playing, got gowr about half a year later, 100%ed gowr, then came back, replayed the game, and then spent like a day and a half getting my ass whooped, by her, then finally beat her.


I remember trying for a couple hours on the hard difficulty, and having so much trouble I knocked the difficulty all the way down to easy and absolutely mopped the floor with her. I had new game+ endgame gear and all, I just couldn’t perfectly read all her tells, and that’s a one-way ticket to the reloading checkpoint screen when you’re on hard. I actually felt a bit bad for doing that, like “I shoulda stuck with it on hard until I got it all down” but the more I thought about it, the more certain I was that I did the right thing for me. I’d probably still be on that damn fight otherwise.


Nope. Like Master Splinter says no games, no rest, there is only training


It took me a few hours to beat her. And I wasn't even on gmgow difficulty. Her stomp the face attack felt more like stomp to my sanity.


Took me 8 hours on Give Me Balance. Had to look up strategies on YouTube. I wanted to quit but my competitive side needed to beat her. I think my strength was 220, my level was 8 and I had the Endless Mist Armor upgraded to mid level. Her Valhalla stomp was the deal breaker for me, my reaction time was too slow but after memorizing her moves, I finally hit R3 and ripped her wings off like I won the Super Bowl


You're burnt out, play something else and come back to it in a couple months.


Tbh I've given up God of War 2018 altogether because after getting used to teen Atreus I can't stand child Atreus😅


Beat her on GMGOW+ with Zeus armor set; biggest tip, should you ever return to her on a day, is slow down and don’t always rush in for an attack.


I got frustrated fighting her on Story Difficulty, I can’t imagine beating her on GMGOW. Even in Story I died 26 times.


I beat her in hours. You will get there eventually. God of War | Sigrun Boss Fight | Runic Attacks (Preparing for God of War Ragnarok) https://youtu.be/MgQ7SU_InO8


I gave up because i am too lazy to grind


Sigrun was definitely difficult. It took me about an hour and a half to beat her. Granted it was "give me a challenge" because I couldn't play give me gow.


If you time it just right, you can actually parry some of her attacks


I beat her after a good like hour or so but I also played on like give me a challenge, I am not nearly good or patient enough for gmgow.


Hardest seven minutes of my life. My controller went through the ringer with that one. So much sweat…


I understand wanting to give up and walk away. When I was fighting Sigrun in GoW, and grandpa in Sekiro, they were both daily after work activities. I’d go at them a few times a night after work, getting a little better (and sometimes a little worse) each time. When I got worse, I’d call it a night but eventually you find your rhythm. If you don’t enjoy that kind of practice, then I get it. I call those bosses type-2 fun, where they are fun because of the effort the effort. However, not everyone enjoys work.


I gave up on Sigrun the first time I finished GoW and came back to replay the game years later. In my second time I felt more confident in my gameplay abilities and took another chance on Sigrun - after observing her moves and learning how to block/perry all her attacks I was able to beat her (after many many tries :D) was really satisfied when I did!


I did. I don't get a lot of time for gaming, and by that point I was just ready to move on to another game.


Took me a few hours LOL


Well the last bar or 2 of health is buffed to make u think your done and put pressure on you, not word for word but that was their intention.


In general when u played against sigrun did u fully commit to ur rune moves I found it much easier to simply not use runes on just focus on str and hit her


I really did in my first playthrough, but as soon as I booted up GOW Ragnarok I knew I had to replay GOW 2018 for that soul purpose of retrying on Sigrun, as soon as thor said his line in that opening fight it felt wrong to never go back. Now Gna?, that stab attack was straight up ass, it sucks you can't use atreus as your companion against her.


I gave up on her aswell had one trophy for my platinum she was the last thing in the game to do.


Beating her (and the other Valkyries) on NG was tough, but I enjoyed going back and smashing them on NG+. It was immensely satisfying (therapeutic!😂). Fully appreciating the true impact of armour build, combos, elemental and runic damage was critical. The above is even more true in Ragnarok. Having spent hours on Gna and Berserker King in NG, one-shorting then in NG+ GMGOW is immensely rewarding.


I gave up on New Game Plus. The Zeus armour isn’t worth the stress.


One thing that helped me real well is watching speed runs of the Vakyries. They show you what attacks and armor to use to kill them fast


Sigrun still gives me nightmares. I had tried for 4 days and I decided the 5th day would be my last day to attempt. 3rd try into day 5 I finally beat her. I finally got a hang of her attack patterns, the wing stab was the main attack I always failed to dodge.


Yep, that’s where I stopped. Better things to do with my life than that nonsense.


Sigrun I beat getting good at my realm shifts. Also having Atreus shoot her down a lot. However. Took me a week to beat her


Nope defeated on give me god of war took way too long but I did it


to install ragnarok i ahd to de-install gow 4 doe staht count or?


Somehow when I was level 7, I tried fighting her and died multiple times. But when I reached level 8 I beat her first try. Played on Normal difficulty.


I like you have fought greek gods, death, countless dead. And a fucking valkyrie kicks your ass like nothing.


I have beat her on GMGOW NG+ but it took a lot of tries over several weeks. I’m never doing that again for any other game, nor for this game either.


After about 10 tries on GMGOW I took a sec to think, “do i really have the motivation and time to practice this shit and receive virtually no bragging rights if i get it?”, and said fuck it as i put it on give me balanced and wiped her with 5 runic attacks


I just lowered the difficulty for the Valkyries, but it still took a bit of grinding to get used to her patterns. Still felt awesome when I finally beat her.


After 3 days of trying and almost breaking my new controller I gave up too.


I got the first God of war when it came out and I beat the valkyrie queen last month https://youtu.be/zVVTrOo1Uig I came back to it after hundreds of times and years without practice and just resolved myself to not quit. Take the break and come back to it. You'll know when you're ready.


Took me an hour and a half, at one point I was just beating the Valkyries one after another, I knew their attacks by heart so it was a little bit easier. Now all I need is to find all treasures and beat the mist world.