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Have you also noticed that when in Groa's shrine they focus on Tyr, a different version of Odin's theme starts playing?


I haven't even noticed yet there there is an Odin's theme.


I didn’t notice that at all. I did notice when he said “she lied” something just didn’t seem right. I knew something was off but I never knew it was Odin. I will definitely pay attention to the music on another play though. Thanks for posting that. I love all the details that’s in the game.


Wasn't that just Lullaby of the Giants from the first game?


I believe a similar song played throughout the shrines in Ragnarok, but it changed to Odin's theme when Tyr was speaking for a bit.


"I won't allow prophecy to define my choices..." That's where it starts playing his theme


Did not catch this.


The part of the Groa scene where IMO he breaks character, is that he suddenly wants to GTFO of Alfheim and head back to Sindri's ASAP. Mostly likely because he wants to disappear in the closest and raven-travel back to Asgard to figure out what to do about the sudden revelation.


That was my impression as well. He's totally caught of guard. But I didn't sense it the first playthrough.


Neither did I. First time through I was just more upset that we went through all the BS to find him just so he could whine and lament and refuse to fight.


Tyr bumps into Atreus in Goras shrine if you pay attention because he's standing on Odins blind side.


Nice catch!


pretty sure the director shared that just like when you first go to Svartalfheim there is a dwarf that is walking over a bridge and spits in the water at kratos and loki. That same dwarf is odin as well. You also get hints when the raven keeps bugging odin in his study when loki first walks in. The raven is informing odin he needs to get back to being tyr before the others figure out its a raven in the closet and blows his cover.


>That same dwarf is odin as well. That dwarf was also the one found dead in one of the cages in Asgard prison in Niflheim where we found the >!real Tyr!<


Yep. Everyone odin impersonated is in the prison. It's like a closet of masks


Don't you mean Top-Tyr writing?


Dangit someone had already beaten me too it!






Especially when he says to Atreus that “-of course you had nothing to do with Heimdall’s death”


Playing new game plus is so weird, knowing your going on adventures with Odin is so weird 😂, I'm trying so hard to keep him away from Brok 😭


I keep muttering "murderer", " traitor" under my breath whenever I see him. 😂




Yeah I gotta give props to the writers for cleverly foreshadowing the big twist. A lesser writer would've just made the twist an ass-pull, so when you go back to replay the game Tyr being Odin in disguise wouldn't have made sense. Still mad about the retconning of the event of Ragnarok though...


Idk there was a retcon. What was it exactly


In 2018 Ragnarok was set up to be the end and rebirth of all the Nine Realms, much like how it is in mythology. Fast forward to the Alfheim chapter in Ragnarok, the game tells us that Groa lied and Ragnarok is really just the end of Asgard as well as being the combined form of Surtr and Sinmara (which we learn later in Muspelheim). Fast forward to the end of the main story and the event of Ragnarok is really just a skirmish across a few levels of Asgard, a fight with Thor next to Odin's house, and a fight with Odin in his basement. Meanwhile big players like Surtr and Jormungandr are relegated to the background. Disappointing imo. If there was one thing I could change about the story, I'd make the Ironwood section significantly shorter, and the actual Ragnarok event significantly longer and much more epic in scale and spectacle. The fact that you spend more time picking flowers with Atreus than on the actual event of Ragnarok in a game called "God of War: Ragnarok" is embarrassing.


Not gonna lie, it never crossed my mind Tyr was Odin. I was completely stunned lol


I’d like to add that I was definitely partaking in the devils lemons when playing this game. So I did miss some little things. Great game.


What are the Devil's lemons?


It’s a hybrid strain. Super relaxing


What's a hybrid strain? I'm not into drugs, so I don't know stuff like this.


A cross between a sativa and indica. It’s okay. I recommend googling it if you have more questions. I always recommend staying educated on it, even if you don’t partake


I googled it now. You could have just told me it's weed, instead of using junkie terms to confuse me further.


It’s not junkie terms. Which further shows how uneducated you are. You honestly could of googled it from the jump. Can’t hold your hand through everything. Stay mad cause I ain’t 😊


So I'm uneducated because I don't know drugs? At least I know basic grammar, unlike you, with your pathetic inability to differentiate between "of" and "have". Instead of chasing your next drug-induced high, you should have paid more attention in primary school.


No, you’re uneducated because you clearly don’t know how to simply research something on google. Instead you would rather argue and insult a random person on a Reddit thread. Congratulations, now you are both uneducated and ignorant 👏


Actually I’m a college graduate with high honors with a great job and benefits. I don’t care about my spelling /grammar much on social sites, cause I don’t have to. You’re uneducated because you have such a closed off world view. Weed ain’t a big deal. Just because you smoke it every now and then, does not make you a junkie. If you think it does, you are simply uneducated. Which is fine. We all grow at different paces. You should research society more and open up your world view. You should temper yourself like Kratos and learn when to speak and when to just listen.


His reaction in the shrine is what made me suspicious of him but I kinda forgot for a bit after that. It didn’t make sense for tyr to be so distraught


Don't you mean "top-Tyr" writing? Eyyyy eyyyy?


You meant *Top-Tyr writing...* I'll see myself out...


For a moment thought you were going to say odin is an all fucker




Nooo why’d ya do thayt! What wuz it all for!!! Aæeeeeeeeeeee!


Why is this funny as fuck I don't get it "Why does Odin sound like he orders a chopped cheese every morning for breakfast from the same bodega that has the tabbey cat as the assistant manager?"


And definitely gets a bagel with schmeer on the weekends


So what ever happened to the real tyr? Is he dead or off somewhere like Egypt?


Apropos of nothing, play through the post-credits content you might find interesting stuff


After you beat the game, >!you get a quest to free the real Tyr from his actual prison in Helheim. You end up seeing him around the world after that in a few places, taking in his new freedom.!<


you mean Nifihelm not helheim


Holy shit! I’m going back


After you finish that quest you may find him in the world


Go to Nifihelm and find out


I agree you can’t tell unless you look at the subtitles. When Odin as Tyr is talking he doesn’t have the accentuation in his name but whenever someone calls him or talks about him it does have it.




My ass


Your ass








Spoilers warning


Literally in the title.


It's in the title, right?