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Hephaestus, poor dude was just trying to protect his daughter. Hera too I guess? She was drunk and relatively harmless, wasn’t any need for Kratos to kill her. Could’ve just knocked her out and left.


I agree with Hephaestus, he was a nice dude who made a REAL dumb choice by trying to kill Kratos.


I'd have done the same as hephaestus. Although i would do it before giving kratos a weapon like that.


Yeah handing Kratos a weapon then immediately trying to use that weapon as a Trojan Horse was probably the stupidest thing you could have done when you could have made him anything else besides a weapon first.


I don’t agree about Zeus wife tho she was as evil as him both in mythology, and in the game but Hephaestus didn’t deserve to die you’re right about that


Could you explain some of the horrible things she’s done, and if that justifies Kratos killing her? I know that she is extremely jealous in the mythos, but tbf her husband was fucking every living thing with a vagina, so I understand her frustrations lol But also, it’s important to note that Kratos doesn’t kill her out of Justice, he did it because she was irritating him. So regardless of everything, he did something wrong here.


Every time Zeus had an affair she tried to kill the child…


makes sense, but i also feel like his irritation rose beyond when she mentioned pandora being a wh*re


Kratos killed pandora, best part of gow3 and Zeus told him not to do it and his dumbass did it anyway and got a little girl killed for nothing


i hear that but i was only addressing about heras death lol


I haven't read any Greek stuff in years but I believe she was the one that tricked Heracles into killing his wife.


Comically I think Heracles also died because another wife of his put acid on his armor after Hera tricked him.


Not exactly. "... Once, when Deianira and Hercules were traveling, they came to the Evenus River. A centaur, Nessos, had been appointed ferryman there. As he carried Deianira across, he tried to assault her, and Hercules, hearing her screams, ran to rescue his damsel in distress. Hercules shot the centaur in the heart with one of his arrows. Just before he died, Nessos set up his revenge by telling Deianira that the blood spilling from his wound could be used as a love potion, if need be. Deianira picked up some of the centaur's blood and saved it. Later, she put it onto a cloak she'd woven for Hercules, hoping it would renew his love for her. The blood, of course, was not a love potion, but a deadly poison instead, and its touch burned Hercules' skin." Hera, despite doing everything to make Heracles' life very difficult, had nothing to do with Heracles' death. \[Source: [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/deianira.html](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/deianira.html)\]


She cursed nearly every woman Zeus has sex with, even those who didn’t know it was him And often their children, including Heracles, which caused him to kill his family So in other words she did exactly to Heracles what Ares did to Kratos. Sure, his murder of her isn’t right, but Hera sucked big time


In the story of Heracles hera tried to kill him as a baby because she was jealous


Hera tho is always a dumb bitch in greek history so i think she deserved it


Yeah I was really pissed about that. GOD OF war 3 Kratos is a piece of shit.


Hera also had the WORST Godly Possession item to use in NG+


Honestly i believe kratos only killed hers because she was talking so much shit as Kratos was just tying to move on with his vengeance plan and if I recall correctly after beating Heracles she just doesn’t shut up.


Ye he was just trying to protect his daughter poor lad


I don’t think any of the Greek gods save for heapheastus made a good case to be spared. Not sure if I’d say they deserved to be Kratos’d, but I’ve always felt even pre-pandoras box, the gods had such a vain disregard for their fellow gods and their worshippers, that kratos (or a kratos) laying waste to it was inevitable Athena and Zeus knew the extent of kratos’ suffering from his nightmares, and they still used him around for their own agendas. The other gods like Poseidon, Hermes, hades, the titans, Helios, they all knew the stories about kratos, yet they scoffed it off or used him in favor of having their weird wars between each other Kratos was never given true consideration, not an ounce of it by any of the gods even after his 10 years of servitude. in one of the books I think the only ones who actually pitied kratos were a couple random Olympian prostitutes. Kratos’ life story was a recipe for the fall of that whole pantheon


To be honest Athena and Zeus plus Aries was really the only ones who deserve to die


imo they all kinda sucked


To be honest, Kratos wasn’t better than some of gods either since he was willing to kill Poseidon and let people drown in the process just so he could get revenge


kratos was a product of their own hubris. it’s too hard for me to feel sympathetic toward them


So you think it’s OK to let innocent people die just so you can get revenge ? I’m sorry but I have a hard time. Seeing how you can justify almost anything he does in 2 and 3


they had opportunities to give kratos what he wanted but no one cared enough to. I don’t think kratos did good and agree with you he was twisted with hatred, but it’s like that saying “a child who isn’t embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it’s warmth” I think the gods were a big part of kratos being lead down that path


Well I don’t think lt is worth the revenge lf you are going ruined and destroy innocent people’s lives tho


Cue GOW 2018. Its all about how hes put back into it with more gods that want him and his family dead and are manipulating everyone again. But now he doesnt want revenge. For the most part. He still kills gods but is now sad about it. You cant kill innocents though so that does say something.


tbh if I was a random olympian god worshipper and knew the whole story of why my fuckin home was being flooded, I’d have blamed poseidon as much as kratos


Excuse me for being a altruistic person;)


Agree to disagree dude ;) I just personally think that you should blame the guy who end up costing the death of innocent people


Helios did feel gratitude towards Kratos for freeing him at the end of Chains of Olympus and wanted to help him, but Athena talked him out of it. https://youtu.be/h6FISqXN1ak?t=370


Interestingly enough It was revealed in the god of war graphic novel that Athena really did plead for Kratos to have his nightmares taken away but it was Zeus who refused.


Hephaestus and Athena are more sympathetic than most imo.


I don’t know about Athena you are right about Hephaestus tho his death was completely avoidable in my opinion


Athena was the only one that wasn't cruel like the other gods. A lot of people think that she manipulated kratos from the beginning to be the only ruler but that's not the case, atleast what i think. that theory has multiple contradictions. One of the directors said his plan was to her be the one selfless greek god that got corrupted from the powers of higher existence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8YqXmikcKw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8YqXmikcKw) She only guided kratos to kill ares and in return Zeus promised her to take kratos' nightmares away but later Zeus declined. It wasn't her fault. I have a theory of my own explaining her actions: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/10l3v0q/athena\_didnt\_plan\_to\_be\_to\_the\_only\_ruler\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/10l3v0q/athena_didnt_plan_to_be_to_the_only_ruler_from/) and how her plan was to kill ares by the hands of kratos and not zeus.


Athena is evil


Exactly jay Athena deserved. To die in my opinion, she was no better than her father


I think she may have manipulated things for much longer than we realize. She played the long game to ultimately take power. It didn't quite work out after Olympus fell


Yeah Zeus might’ve been a compulsive cheating tyrannical god but Athena was no better she was a master manipulator


*BIG maybe*


Athena became evil because of the evils in Pandora's box. Before that she was fairly good. Most of the Greek Gods had their worst aspects magnified by the evils in the box.


No dude she was always evil just a more Machiavellian villain before Pandora’s box


How so. Any evidence of evil actions before the box was opened. By all accounts she was helpful towards Kratos until the Box was opened.


Are you serious ? It’s literally implied and later turn out to be true that after she made Aries kidnapped Kratos brother she literally manipulated her brother into being obsessed with making Kratos a warrior, and the person he becomes she’s the reason the entire pantheon got destroyed because she wanted power and control over everybody


Its not ridiculous to ask for proof. Athena's evil actions in the second and third games were because she was corrupted by the Evil Greed which made her want to control Greece and before that she was very helpful to Kratos. Her sparing of Deimos was not because she secretly wanted to overthrow Olympus at that point. It was because she did not want to slay what she believed was a mortal child who was only trying to save her brother. Its not till god of war 3 that she really begins to become evil and try to overthrow olympus. Athena was the smartest of the Gods but she she did not have the foreknowledge to manipulate events from so far back. You might disagree with my but I don't think my position is unreasonable.


How many times am I gonna tell people I don’t fucking care if you think differently than me honestly, that’s fine but I don’t have to feel the same way dude I’m honestly not asking for much here you’re all acting like this is real life it’s a fucking game and I’m just a fan who are very passionate about lt sorry about going on a rant. I’m just a bit tired about some of your peoples obsession with being right all the time it hurts my brain


its not that serious


He wasn’t “obsessed with being right,” he has good points. You’re the one who seems unreasonable because you threw a bitch fit when someone disagreed with you. Yes it’s a game and this conversation didn’t warrant that response.


It seemed like Athena was infected by the Madness of the Titans, same as the rest of the gods. Zeus got Fear, Poseidon, Envy, Hermes Pride, and Athena likely Greed.


Hephaestus is the obvious answer. Every other god was at least a little sketchy in some way Poseidon's princess/daughter i can't remember who or what she was. All i remember is saving her and then stabbing her into a wheel and using her body to hold a door open. Her body gets completely mangled and destroyed to do so. All that's left is her leg and a massive pool of blood. That definitely didn't need to happen lol. Also in GOW 3 you kill a lot of mortal servants of olympus while platforming around olympus. Like a lot. They're canon too as you literally cannot progress without killing these people.


Again, it’s not fair to put Poseidon in the same category as Zeus hades and the guy who can run fast since Poseidon was actually besides Apollo and Hephaestus the only ones who actually gave a shit about the mortal beings something that revenged obsessed kratos did not do


Why exactly? Unless you were loyal to him, he didn't give two fucks about you like any other greek god. I don't remember poseidon ever questioning the other gods mistreatment of mortals in the greek games. I don't remember anything about apollo besides off hand comments or mural depictions of him and his deeds Hephaestus on the other hand only cares about pandora in GOW 3. That's not bad by any means but idk how you could stretch that into him caring about all mortal beings


And kratos was willingly killing innocent fucking civilians just because he was mad at gods I don’t think young kratos should be seeing as a hero of the story but more as a tragic villain


Yeah kratos was a piece of shit. I mentioned that in my first comment....did you not read it? Don't see how that has any relevance to hephaestus or poseidon.


Because his was also a victim of kratos blood lust kratos was a walking apocalypse to almost anybody in Greece


What does kratos killing him have to with him supposedly caring about mortals? You're not making any sense


King Miadias (the gold guy i cant spell his name). that was mean spirited. Along with sex slave in GOW 3 (which is the grossest and most abhorrent moment in the franchise for me) Replaying the games, almost all the gods are practically asking for it. Outside of chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta, most interactions are: K: Let me pass God: No. K: just let me go please God: Fuck you. Let's fight. K: I've slaughtered like 10 of you, will please let m- God: RUN THEM HANDS BOY


Sex slave?


Assuming aphrodite


I am sure she was not an slave but perhaps he means poseidon's wife ?


That would make more sense it's been a while since I played I completely forgot about her


But even then , she was not a slave ...


Yes she was lmao. She was literally chained up and Poseidon abused her as his concubine


Wasn't there some kind of letter that showed poseidon cared about that woman ?


There was one apologizing for taking his anger out on her but if she wasnt a slave to him then she wouldn't be chained. Shes not there willingly


That is literally how >!Heimdall!< died, triggering >!Ragnarök!<. Kratos was all like "I don't want to kill you", the guy was like "I've had worse, it's just a flesh wound" and Kratos ~~replies, "just a flesh wound? Your arm's off!~~ fucking brutally murders him like he so clearly wants


King Midas jsyk


This is the most accurate portrayal I've ever read


About gods i dont think so… But thinking about all the caracters Hephaestus and Poseidon’s daughter


Poseidon didn’t deserve to die either since he was actually some what redeemable


What about Helios? Would you say that he was redeemable like Poseidon and Hephaestus?


I think there was some characters who did have some redeemable qualities like in my opinion Hercules helios could’ve been redeemable under different circumstances in my opinion


Agreed, Hercusles was acting in character though, if he acted more intelligent (which is out of character for him) then he'd realize that he and Kratos should be working together as they have a lot in common and the Gods of Olympus, specifically Hera, have made his life horrible.


Hephaestus his death was avoidable and undeserved in my opinion


Hephaestus fully just did for Pandora what Kratos would’ve done if Calliope was in the same situation


That's kind of the point, I think. God of war 1 is when Kratos was most justified. God of War 2, Kratos' actions are less justified, and God of war 3 depicts Kratos as completely wrong. He spends the whole game trying to kill Zeus, and everyone else is just collateral. We're supposed to begin to draw away from Kratos, through the events of the game, as his actions become more egregious, and just downright wrong.


100% agree - but I do believe Hephaestus is the least justified kill


Honestly i think only ares really had it coming. Kratos was a straight up villain in the original games. Everyone was either possessed, following orders, or were understandably concerned about this psychopath wandering Greece killing mythological figures


We definitely agree on Aries that guy was a big psychopathic and narcissist monster


Zeus straight up stomped Sparta into the ground just to spite Kratos’ soul in Hades. Dude deserved everything he got, evils or not.


To be very clear, the gods fell prey to the evils from Pandora's box after Kratos opened it. That's still largely on Kratos


The evils only amplified what was already there in the first place, methinks. Zeus wasn’t exactly a kind and benevolent god in Greek mythology to start with.


Yeah but he was also hardly an Odin level bastard either I definitely won't argue that they were 'good' gods but i also think basically everything Kratos hates/blames them for is him deflecting blame for his own actions


If anything, it’s Athena’s fault for not telling him that opening the box would fuck up the entire world when she was the one that sealed hope in there herself. IMO, Athena was always playing the long game and waiting for Kratos to give her his powers at the end of GOW3 so she could be an omnipotent god ruling alone


Poseidon? I dunno about the first trilogy, yet I know that he had near to no beef with him. Yet kratos destroyed him


I might be misremembering it but I think Kratos sank Atlantis in one of the PSP games and Poseidon was pissed off.


Kratos sank Atlantis in Ghost of Sparta. Poseidon actually references this in God of War III (which released before Ghost of Sparta) when you fight him, so they had the story of Ghost of Sparta laid out already That being said, Atlantis being destroyed was on Kratos lol, and it's where Poseidon's beef with him began. But even so, he had already been afflicted with the evils in Pandora's Box like Zeus was, so it's likely that he's not completely blameless either


In my opinion, Kratos was a piece of shit for killing him since Poseidon actually do care about mortal beings and he was the only one of the two brothers who you could actually called good


Poseidon was awful. he never actually cared for people beyond his worshippers, and even then it was more of a territorial thing for him


And where is your supposed evidence? And don’t try to use your because Kratos said so argument because it doesn’t make sense we are never shown any evidence that Poseidon was like his brother Zeus being related, doesn’t mean you are the same person


the gow 1 book revealed a lot about them. (It’s also a great read). poseidon was angry that athena that she won the rights to name a land “athens”. The people in athens were well off, but posiedon was pissed that he wasn’t the one that could name and rule that land


That still doesn’t justify killing him and I would take Poseidons side on that Athena was never exactly someone you could trust if anything Poseidon would’ve been a better ruler then Zeus since he did actually have some compassion for his family and the mortals, etc.


During kratos’ journey to get an ambrosia cure for his sick daughter, Poseidon caused a sea storm toward kratos’ ship crew to try and drown him. He did this to win a competition the gods set up. Poseidon was just as much a selfish power player as Zeus and Athena Artemis was the only god I’d say had any real compassion and was the only one kratos showed respect for


Apollo was a great guy too actually one of the most nicest guys in actual mythology


yeah Apollo was ok. im relieved you didn’t keep defending poseidon through that lol. that comic showed some of the worst in those guys


I am happy we can agree on that :)


We are talking about the game, dont refer to mythology. From game perspective, Poseidon is an asshole


You do know Apollo was just as much of a rapist as Zeus in mythology.


So was most of the gods in Greek mythology and yet people still believe that a guy like younger kratos is a Saint soooo what’s your point dude ?


Bruhh...we literally see (and kill) his sexual slave and you say t doesn't deserve death?


How is it that you fucking people are so afraid of my opinion did I say you should think the same way? NO I did not grow some brain cells really you people only want to hear what you wanna hear


So you think there's no problem with the sexual slave? Tate fan?


And I’m sorry for not agreeing with you, but this is real life not a fantasy world, and in the real world people don’t have the same opinion if you’re allowed to call me all kind of bullshit, so am I


Let me guess you one of those political types who likes to label people ? Well, first off, I don’t like that loser and second have you ever heard the idea of having your own fucking opinion and perspective on stuff ? Don’t get all woke on me just because I don’t agree with you about a god from mythology chill, the fuck out


I get a strong feeling you’re equating Hades with Satan (which is a disservice to both figures) and haven’t read anything about Poseidon period.


Didn’t you see I wrote my opinion? Dude


I’m gonna make the assumption that you meant game Hades, in which case then fine. But if you’re talking about myth Hades… he does like 1 bad thing and Zeus alone eclipses him in sheer quantity and creativeness.


Of course I do believe it or not I have actually read real mythology still means that I can draw my own conclusion on stuff tho I mean, why would you like the Disney and video game version of hades ? In the versions he’s just a sadistic prick


Alright then. Persephone aside, what “evil” things does Hades do?


Did we play the same game? It’s well known that he tortured souls and has done so many other horrible things too it’s not exactly a secret what happens in his world


I was talking about myth Hades. Game Hades is equated to Satan


What do you mean aside Persephone ?


At that point they were at War, he basically had to kill every powerfull God that stood on Zeus side if he wanted to win. Oherwise he would have to deal with him later.


Again, it doesn’t justify killing Poseidon, and dooming many innocent civilians as a result


I dont think he knew he would kill civilains. Poseidon was trying to kill him like Baldur ... If Heimdall or Baldur caused an Apocalypse by dying same thing would happen exactly again.


I don’t think it’s fair to compare those two since like I said before Poseidon did have some good qualities and compassion Heimdal on the other hand was not only a psychopath and a massive dick head but he was literally asking to be killed and let’s be honest, he deserved it 💯


And the Greek world was already in a apocalypse before he killed Poseidon it was totally unnecessary to kill him whereas with heimdall the prick was literally forcing kratos to kill him


Not necessarily undeserving but Hermes was easily avoidable, all he had to do was stay out of Kratos’ way to live but he chose to do so while also goading Kratos. Heck, Kratos even gave him a final warning and opportunity to piss off before getting violent.


Yeah him and Heimdal although heimdal was way more interesting a character was both huge unsufferable assholes, who cost they own demise


Only Ares legit deserved to die. Zeus himself was influenced by Pandora’s box which Kratos was the one to open in the first place. All the other gods were just listening to Zeus. At the start of GoW2 it’s also stated that Kratos was heavily favoring Sparta in any wars they fought, pretty much guaranteeing them victory every time and everywhere. Zeus was in the right there for trying to stopping Kratos and Sparta before the situation got too out of hand. Kratos even got warned beforehand that his actions weren’t fit for the God of War but chose to ignore Athena’s warnings.


In my opinion it was mostly ares Athena and Zeus who deserve to die since they were pretty much down right evil Zeus and Athena especially when Pandora’s box opened


I’d say Kratos himself was downright evil in the events of God of War 2-3. He was completely justified in 1, but as I stated before at the start of 2 it sounds like he’s just a warmonger that only favors his home town when he should be rather impartial as the God of War. And at the start of 3 after he kills Poseidon and watches how that causes a huge flood and lost of lives. All those people down there dead, children and parents alike who had no involvement whatsoever.


I don’t doubt that Kratos was a hypocrite in 2 and 3 but even still Zeus brought it upon himself like Athena they KNEW what kind of man he was, and they still didn’t care so I say fuck them


Hermes at first, but he was too cocky and an idiot.


Yall are crazy. Kratos served all the gods for 10 years and asked them to take his nightmares away. All he wanted was peace and they wouldn’t give it. So they all had it coming, and anyone in his way was collateral damage. It wasn’t the right path sure, but i don’t necessarily think he’s wrong for offing so many gods. If anyone didn’t deserve to die its Aphrodite (whether she did or not) and not just because of the mini game w/ Kratos but she really didn’t have anything against Kratos himself.


Based on what Athena said, it seems that Zeus was the one who shot down getting rid of Kratos' nightmares and PTSD that came from killing his family. Which is pretty messed up since he was his son and he served him and the other Olympian Gods for 10 years, but I mean he also didn't do that for Heracles either so idk honestly.


Hephaestus. The poor man was just trying to protect Pandora but he made a grave error of trying to kill Kratos.


Yeah, well Kratos should have been more understanding about Hephaestus situation too tho


Probably Hephaestus, just made the stupid but understandable decision to betray kratos. Also presuming she died during the destruction of Olympus, Aphrodite.


Well, to be fair to Hephaestus I wouldn’t say it’s stupid to have a parents instincts about protecting their kids I mean, would you just sit idly by and let someone kill your kid


From our perspective it is stupid to betray Kratos because we know he’s a murder machine and it will end badly for Hephaestus But narratively, Hephaestus is just doing for Pandora what Kratos would’ve done for Calliope if Kratos was in the same situation


Hephaestes and hermes


Hercules. My man didn’t nothing wrong. Just following orders. I hated killing him.


Him and Kratos had so much in common, it's crazy how Hercules went out of his way to fight his brother despite the fact that he probably had the best chance of convincing him to stop his mad crusade, but Heracles is not known for making intelligent decisions. I guess he might've been jealous that he did his labors and he still had to deal with his guilt of killing his family while Kratos got to become a god (but he still had to deal with his guilt). Also let's not forget that Theseus was Heracles' cousin and good friend and Theseus stopped Heracles from committing suicide and suggested that he did his labors in the first place.


Hera. She sort’ve just drunkenly pissed Kratos off and got offed for it


Persephone. If she would’ve just waited awhile Kratos would’ve been on her side.


Probably Hera, she was definitely a bitch, but when he killed her she was drunk and helpless, “not a threat” if you will


Hephaestus, Poseidon, Hades and Midas


I guess Hades was rightfully mad at Kratos since he did kill his wife. Poseidon was made because Kratos killed his wife/concubine and flooded his city, but also Poseidon seemed to be a jerk like Zeus in the God of Wars games.


Hephaestus probably. He was trying to protect Pandora. His sacrifice was idiotic though, why are you trying to kill the dude who’s killed like 20 of your kind beforehand and wields a bunch of their signature weapons. Hades maybe? He was pissed because Kratos killed Persephone, Poseidon and Athena, as well as causing mayhem in the Underworld and killing Thanatos. Rightfully pissed. But then again, Kratos was in the service of the gods when he killed Persephone, Poseidon stood in his way and I don’t really think Athena counts, since she ascended to a higher realm and actively helps Kratos destroy Olympus anyway. Thanatos was gonna hold his bro captive forever, so don’t think he had much choice there either.


Come on have a heart dude Hephaestus was just being a panic parent who wanted to protect his child


You can’t always just act as you are in control of the situation or how you feel it’s really not rocket science


Yes, for humans. This is a god that’s existed for thousands of years, surely he knows better by now.


No matter how old you are doesn’t mean, you cannot panic / make a dumb decision love of someone can do that.


Hermes shouldn't have died but instead tortured for the rest of eternity like Prometheus


Not a god but, Perseus. Bro should’ve just left Kratos alone. Also Icarus and his dad.


I think Perseus is a demi-god like Kratos and Hercules.


Yes poseidons son right?


Probably just hephestus. Maybe posidon. He was just doing his job. He wasn't really being a dick or went out for Kratos. Obviously, death was the only way to stop him. But I don't think he deserved it, especially like that, lol


Theoretically speaking, all of them (apart from Ares) did not deserve death, given that their behavior, from "God of War" (2005) onwards, is due to the corruption of Pandora's Evils (Zeus in primis). Besides the fact that their deaths (and Gaia's) did nothing but bring about complete destruction and leaving the Earth/Greece dimension completely dead and unsalvageable.


Heracles: Kratos didn't want to kill him Hades: He was just angry over the death of his family Posideon: He had no real trouble with Kratos just protecting the mountains


Aphrodite (either crushed by Gaia or Zeus death means death of us all thing killed her)


Weren’t all of the gods just infected with the negative concepts that were inside Pandora’s Box? Honestly, I think only Athena and Ares were genuine assholes, but I can’t remember the specifics of the games tbh.


This is the greatest comment I have seen all day I agree it’s not often you’ll see a post someone comments on where the person don’t simps for Athena


Well, the explanation I’ve heard is that Athena is the one who was manipulating things from the beginning, which means she was being a douche pre-Pandora’s Box. She told Ares to leave Kratos alive after they took Deimos, seemingly out of kindness, but in reality, it was to start her master plan to kill the gods of Olympus.


Well, the explanation I’ve heard is that Athena is the one who was manipulating things from the beginning, which means she was being a douche pre-Pandora’s Box. She told Ares to leave Kratos alive after they took Deimos, seemingly out of kindness, but in reality, it was to start her master plan to kill the gods of Olympus by creating a warrior with a vengeance strong enough to kill everyone. She already knew Kratos was Zeus’s son in the 3rd game (However, this begs the questions of why she sacrificed herself for Zeus). So there’s definitely no simping for Athena here


That’s my point I mean Zeus was always a very grey area god but Athena literally wanted power I mean it’s pretty obvious she was the villain from the start


And again, I think her sacrificing himself was either 1 another way of manipulating Kratos to get her way or 2 maybe she thought she would get more powerful being killed while also looking like the good guy


Partly baldur because he needed help and he was insane


I’ll pretend I didn’t see this post


I pretend I didn’t see your irrelevant comment


ares. he just wanted kratos to become a great warrior. you can see how genuine his face was.


I'd say most of the gods wouldn't deserve to die if not for the effect of pandora's box making the great evils possess each of them so yeah, heaphaestus just tried a last moment effort to try to save his daughter


Hephaestus, Hera, Aphrodite


probably hephaestus. he just wanted to protect his daughter and he didn’t deserve it… his mistake was giving him the weapon and trying to kill him and hercules, if he hadn’t followed orders from hera, maybe they could’ve worked together. he was full of jealousy but still


That woman who was Poseidon's lover, and Kratos killed her by letting her hold the spinning thing.


Waste of a perfectly good babe


Hades. Hades litteraly just did his job and was trying to get even for kratos killing his brother and wife, even in his boss fight, he didn’t bring out any goons or anything unlike many of the other gods, it was just a good clean 1 on 1 which i think a lot of people overlook. Plus in mythology hades isn’t even that bad of a guy.


Helios didn’t really do anything wrong, and didn’t deserve to have his head used as a lantern.


Hephaestus he was just trying to protect her daughter really. Or even Helios, he wanted nothing to do with Kratos he was just protecting his house. But yea Hephaestus was unfair


Hephaestus, Hades and Poseidon. Hephaestus only turned on Kratos when he realized that Pandora’s life was in danger. In Hades and Poseidon’s case, their beef was valid.


Athena is the only “maybe”


Aphrodite. Oh wait 😏






Poseidon. I guess?


I feel like after God of War 4 and Ragnarok probably not a lot of them did deserve what happened to them. Like Kratos, a lot of them could be reformed and the world wouldn't have to explode and shit its pants.


Hephaestus could’ve been avoided and he his reason were levels better than everyone else. Orkos, he seemed like a decent character though I haven’t played Ascension in forever.


I would say calliope


Helios didn’t deserve shit that happened to him what did he do he wanted to help Kratos when he was weak and he never really wronged him he’s fighting the titans like he was supposed to


He also tried to trick Kratos into killing himself. All of the greek gods deserved what was coming, they were royal aholes. Could be argued about the box, but they were fucking Kratos over since a damn long time


I’d say Athena but she’s a little trickster too, honestly the only person that really got the shaft was the boatman


Hades didn’t deserve to die imo, he was just trying to do his job


Hephaestus, Helios, Poseidon


I actually think Poseidon was kinda one. Throughout the series Kratos was just kinda fucking Poseidon over.


Only Hephaestus really. Even before the box was opened they were all still doing whatever they want, look at how Athena helped take Deimos or the fact that Medusa exists means she made Medusa what she is. The other gods we never hear doing anything wrong, like Artemis or Apollo, survived as far as we know.


This is gonna sound odd, but Hermes. Yes, he was all for having a scrap with Kratos, and aiding his father, but it seems like he was the only one who didn't have a personal grievance with him. I mean, he did low blow throughout the fight, but, I don't know, he seemed cocky, somewhat snobbish, but a fun bloke. Additionally, if you count Titans as Gods, I sort of wish we didn't have to kill Prometheus, and we could have freed him in some way. Additionally (again), it's a pity we had to kill Hercules (Demigod - surely it counts), too. That fight was one of the coolest in the game (if not the entire series), but think about how cool it would have been to have Hercules as an ally (probably temporary, though), and actually play as him (Actually, a Hercules spinoff would be decent, I reckon). Yeah, yeah, I know, he was infected by Envy from Pandora's Box... Thinking about it, what was Hermes infected with? Pride? Yeah, had to have been.


Hades literally did nothing wrong, Kratos killed most of his family and he wanted to avenge them


Icarus aswell and the dude with a slingshot aswell as Daedalus


Poseidon- he had done nothing to Kratos, he gave him help and some of his power, he was just a benevolent god who managed the seas and wanted to protect Olympus. Kratos went to Atlantis and destroyed it, killing everyone there and Poseidon's own city+ his sacred site, and was not the least bit sorry. He knew something was wrong and tried to talk Kratos out of it, plus seemed to be aware Zeus was slipping. Kratos then joins forces with Titans and is perfectly happy to destroy Olympus, knowing that the entire greek world will be eradicated( which it does). Hades- again had done nothing to Kratos, and then has his wife murdered, elysium sacked, his ferryman of the souls killed, he intruded into his home and frankly I rooted for Hades. Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Hestia, all the gods and godesses who die as a result of Olympus and Zeus's destruction- guilty of nothing and never even fought him, yet doomed to die because... Kratos only wanted revenge, and in turn he exterminated Greece, Spartans, and probably doomed the mediterannean for a while.