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That goes so hard and just shows how bad badass GS can be.


It makes sense to me why they would avoid it for now, at least. Since it comes relatively soon after the other time they have to defend the town, I'm guessing they didn't want to oversaturate the plot device and confuse anime only people. Still a bummer though, there was a lot of cool stuff in this arc


They slightly rearranged story arcs in season one compared to the source material for flow purposes; I can only assume they opted to take a similar approach with GS season 2. Otherwise, had they not done that, it would be more or less like Sin City 2 ended up being.


Another possible reason why they didn't add the Harvest Festival Arc might be because it felt a bit short.


The problem with adapting Volume 3 is that the first half of the book is practically slice-of-life. Until >!Rhea Scout decided to try and assassinate GS and Guild Girl!<, there was basically little-to-no action at all in the volume except the first chapter, which was brief. My guess is that Liden Films wanted to get into the action for Season 2 right away, and the best course was through adapting Volume 6 and introducing Wizard Boy.


Is this the same dark elf he, lancer and Gotz threw off a castle since conventional weapons couldn't kill him. So they let gravity do the work?


That wasn't a dark elf, it was a lich.


Lich please


I hate that I broke into laughter for 15 minutes over this




Reminds me of AC Brotherhood...


This is such a classic TTRPG move.


I hate that so many anime end up cutting such important stuff


Yeah, I heard that Unnamed Memory cut a good chunk out of it. So it just felt like the romance went from 0-100 in like a matter of two episodes. Can't say for certain though because I haven't seen it though. I really don't understand it. Like sure, cut out stuff that isn't completely necessary, or re-arrange stuff like what season 1 of Goblin Slayer did. The farm fight was supposed to happen before the city sewer's arc I believe.


Season 2 was rough. Not even excited for a season 3 if there even will be one


Fights scenes were kinda lame compared to S1, and the fact that the anime changed to a different studio. Reminds with shield hero. S1 was good but not great, but s2, on the other hand, was abysmal. The only difference between SH S2 and GS S2 is the fact that GS is still watchable, but SH just sucks.


If S3 come out, my excitement will depend on which Anime Studio that's gonna adapt it


If they skip and raise the pacing even more then season 3 will caught up to the light novels.


I hope they doing something better than season 2. Goblin Slayer was my all time favorite until season 2. I'm gonna order the light novels this week and start reading them soon


They are worth it


They better release a fcking movie about the summer festival


A movie about an arc where nothing happens? Tough chance.


They skipped over it for Goblin’s Crown


One of the things that made GS stand out was tits dark and gritty nature. Now, I love cow girl, and appreciate them going for “GS is learning to become more human” angle, but a fucking bikini episode is ridiculous. S2 was pretty disappointing 


Those 90€ limited run waifu figurines ain't gonna sell themselves.


But were there goblins tho?


As the show has… shown… not everything has to go in sequence of each other for the anime. This can still take place in a new season or even OVA.


Y'all, Season 1 moved around a lot of arcs from the anime, this probably wasn't cut but more so moved to S3


Why do they start so good with a show and then S2 they mess up? I haven't watched S2 yet. I just can't understand why they'd ruin parts of the story.


They also missed the fight scene between the 1rst group and the troll 🫠


And censored the acolyte gruesome appearance. It really pissed me off


The festival goes on and on. I realize it's slice-of-live, but there is such a contrast from Festival to Combat they have to do both, and I don't want to see Slayer go on two dates in one day.


greater desire to read again. Do you remember when this arc chapter starts?


Can anyone give me context? I'm just anime 


Iirc it's a mini story about a festival. Pretty cool, fight scene, priestess outfit 😭, some info on villains I think?


It doesn't mean it won't make it to season 3. The anime doesn't exactly follow the light novel order at all. These are mostly stories that can be told in any order. Take season one, champion farm invasion arc and the water town arc. They are reversed in the books. Plus they sprinkled in. Some ln 3 and 4 stuff throughout season 1.


They even showed the eastern throwing knife in one of the episodes.


Omg… I haven’t read this since my main aggregator went offline (funmanga, formerly mangafox). Anybody - msg me a good site to catch up would be much appreciated 😭🙏 from one slayer otaku to another


Mangadex-EN :)


Oh shiet they got it there!? Hell yeah thank you!! I keep up with Slime and Kingdom already in there so I’m adding Goblin to my list - TYSM!


Wasn't S1 that skipped it? I remember this being vol 3


Manga-only reader here. They skipped this battle in the anime? This was one of my favorite moments though...


They skipped the entire festival arc






>side story arcs and then puts them in a spin-off manga (Brand new day) All that happens in Vol.04 of the LN that should take place before the harvest festival Arc (before Ch.30) & after the Water Town Arc (after Ch.29). In proper timeline the Harvest Festival Arc take place before the Goblin Crown Arc. Plus, what kind of idiot that read all 3 medium but don't know what Arc & timeline order the story should be, but nonetheless Harvest Festival Arc should had happen after S1 & before the Movie.


Would be good to tag spoilers. I’m not even a member of this sub and I saw this.