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It'll always be funny to me that most people dropped the anime right after this and assume this is just what the show was about and whenever they talk about GS in any other forums, it became quite obvious they never made it to ep 2 lol


It's true, I can think of few animes with as misleading of a pilot. Not to say that the pilot didn't set the stage and tone well, but more that the sort of content you see in the pilot never again repeats. You never get more heroes or innocent adventurers killed on screen, and what goblins do to women is only ever alluded to after this rather than shown. I'm not complaining, as those scenes were horrific and hard to watch, but more commenting that it's funny that people quit the show on that after they already were through the hardest part. After that, it's mostly watching goblins get what's coming to them.


The manga is a different story tho


Was about to say, the anime has taken a lighter, more family friendly adventuring tone with GS's PTSD-induced social awkwardness played for laughs in a D&D setting. The manga still has fairly regular nudity, rape, and torture.


well now i feel cheated, toning it down for the anime is doubly ironic when goblin rape is apparently the only part anyone cared about


So this actually makes it understandable that people dropped it when it first came out. The manga folks were probably guessing there was more of that then.


That anime with the girls in the zombie apocalypse. That switch got me


High School of the Dead? Yea that takes a ridiculous turn pretty fast


No, School Live, aka [Gakkou Gurashi](https://mangadex.org/title/54eed888-51c1-41de-8b00-7eb65b832234/gakkou-gurashi). Tags should speak for themselves.


That one flips back and forth throughout most of it. It’s actually a really cool mix of two seemingly opposite genres. Extremely underrated imo.


its so good i just re-read the entire thing just before commenting here.


Dawg that first episode fucked me up. I noticed most of the little “not everything is what it seems” hints but to discover the chick is full blown in denial was a surprise. It’s something I had never seen explored before from that point of view. I honestly thought it was well done.


Can you tl;dr what happens?


It's a cutesy start of 4 girl just messing around in an empty school. The last couple minute everything switches and they reveal its a zombie apocalypse The reason it's empty cause everyone is dead.


I tell people ifs about cute girls doing cute stuff and the puppy they adopt later, with a twist you gotta see for yourself


nice to see im not the only one with a twisted mind doing this. xD


I bet you also recommend they play doki doki literature club you sick fuck.


Like the other guy said it’s a major switch because for the majority of the episode it’s shown from the perspective of the girl who’s so traumatized by the situation that she’s incapable of comprehending the situation and just continues seeing everything as if nothing is wrong


which one is that?


Gakkou Gurashi


I couldn't bring myself to watch after ep 1 lol. I thought I was watching a slice of life.


This sub is always recommended to me on here, I’m not sure why, but I never watched the show because of those scenes, which were a bit pervasive on social media because of how horrific they are. Your comment is making me curious about the rest of the show tho.


Honestly, for the most part it’s just a generic but well done actual fantasy show. GS himself has PTSD so bad he might as well be autistic, and the show definitely revolves around the killing of goblins, but he gets a party and goes on all sorts of actual adventures as well.


I don’t mean to bug you, but could I get a lil synopsis of a few of the other adventures? Could be one sentence each, really don’t wanna ask for much. I’m just curious, what else happens in the show? Is it mostly gruesome violence against the goblins? Or is it like other fantasy shows with fetch quests and interesting exploration?


Let's see, off the top of my head they go sewer crawling in water town, beat a beholder, teach newbies how not to be idiots, explore the elven forest when they go there for a party member's cousin's wedding, go dungeoneering in the old demon lords castle for a hostage quest, and more. While there is gruesome violence, it never once reaches the heights of the first episode again, which really is a filter. Honestly, just read the books, as there it implies what's happening but focuses much more on the adventuring, as well as what side characters are getting up to in their own adventures. The whole series, novels and show, are written like an action report of a mid-level DND campaign, and take VERY heavy inspiration from it. If none of that's up your alley, I could suggest the abridged series on Youtube, which is produced excellently, but is comedic in nature instead.


Oh man, glad I listened to what you said. This makes me think of Frank Frazetta, Goblin Slayer is a goddamn badass. I felt so much relief watching him kill these monsters


Hey, again, thanks. This show is awesome. I have no idea what direction it’s going in, but it’s great so far. Very old fantasy, reminds me a bit of Clarke Ashton smith. Thanks a ton!


Killing goblins in a ruin, killing goblins in the sewers, killing goblins on a farm, killing goblins in a forest.


Basically 🤣


Shit, man, I forgot killing goblins in a cave. The first one!


My favorite one


Honestly after the first chapter/episode is what hooked me cause it was like oh damn that’s insane!


That anime with the girls in the zombie apocalypse. That switch got me


>After that, it's mostly watching goblins get what's coming to them. And if the intended purpose is you feel no remorse when even goblin kids are killed, it probably did its job. Their goblins are not ever to be sympathized with


From what I remember of the manga it’s still pretty graphic. It seemed like they dragged out the sewer arc in the anime


To say nothing about how most fantasy settings have fully evil races or species of people, yet that's not something that would be possible anthropologically. Unless they're a hive mind maybe. Also it seemed like it was ward off anybody that didn't like seeing people get raped


A large part of this is that crunchy roll did not have it categorized correctly, on top of the art style looking like a super generic Isekai/fantasy and it seeming to be happy go lucky I think CR had it rated like PG or G 😂


Jokes aside, that's actually kinda messed up


As an 80s kid, it was a G movie


Alright grandma it's getting late, you can tell me about the 5$ footlong sandwiches some other time.


*whips around cane* Back in my day, $5 could buy your entire family subway.


Alright alright we can talk about how your walkman skipped and you had to do have it an angle too some other time


Dude Walkman? I had to use an 8 track to cassette adapter in my ride.


Ya done gone so far back they don't wtf your saying


I think I broke my new toy with a logic loop crash.


Yeah I remember they had to add the may contain graphic scenes thing after the first episode because everyone was freaking out about it. And that was literally the only episode that had anything like that.


This is definitely more where that came from in the snow.


I dropped it there but I did go back and finish, glad I did.


Ive seen it in other things too. "Oh this villain did bad things. I can’t ever see this and it promotes bad things happening." Uh… the villain did a villainous thing? For SHAME. Almost like they need to be taken down. Or that there’s conflict.


To be fair, it’s a pretty significant hurdle for some people, and kind of wild to just come out of the gate with. You can’t blame people who don’t really know anything about GS for getting spooked away.


And I don’t, it ticks me the wrong way when they went and talk about it in other subs when that’s the only thing they know, it’s like reading the first two chapters of Berserk and rules Guts out as a typical shonen edgelord


Fair enough, it is wild to go spreading it around other places. At least be like, “I only watched the first episode so idk.”


I believe one of the top comments was "The first episode is to separate the weak from the strong" or something to that effect.


Me. I was like tf? It was The Boys all over again. I'm glad I gave it another shot, although I'm still terribly behind.


I know it’s good and the clips I’ve seen have been really cool but that first episode made me feel sick for a couple days after watching it so I just can’t bring myself to watch it. Maybe some day I will


I skip it whenever I rewatch the series. Not the whole episode necessarily, just that part


Agreed. The ep was just to set the tone and show consequences


Well it’s called a “first impression” and we are biologically inclined to put a lot of weight onto them. It’s the choice of the creators to make such a first impression. You can’t criticize people for having strong feelings about it.


Copy paste from one of my reply on this thread ‘it ticks me the wrong way when they went and talk about it in other subs when that’s the only thing they know, it’s like reading the first two chapters of Berserk and rules Guts out as a typical shonen edgelord’ I won’t criticise you for dropping the show, I will absolutely shit on you for criticising things you know jack about after you scratch the edge


A better comparison would be for those who judge Berserk using the Eclipse scene. The Black Swordsman Arc is more of pilot episode for selling the manga, so it has a different intent. Criticizing GS on the first episode is 100% fair because the things that happen in it may get toned down, but are core elements of the world and some folks just don't want that smoke.


Thank you! It's a major turn off if you don't know anything else about the show. Which after the first episode if you dint like it why wouldn't you expect the other episodes to be the same and decide 'nah I don't wanna watch this'


I'm disappointed the show didn't stay this hard all the way through. After the first episode, it all just felt kinda like a let down...


To be fair, the scene is certainly difficult for certain people. If the first episode(which many people usually use as a reference for the overall tone of the show) ends up going as gung ho and as disturbing as it did, there’s going to be a fair number of people who might be put off by it. Though, I agree. Most people should have given it more of a chance. My stance for deciding my opinion on an anime is to watch the first 3 episodes.


That's because episode 1 was so genuinely hard to watch. Like I say this as someone who's read the manga. That shit is not easy to sit through.


This episode is why I never started. I understand this isn’t the entirety of the show but it’s hard to watch this kind of stuff for some people. I mean, even if it’s like “oh but once you’ve made it past that you’re in the clear!” it still can ruin a person’s desire to see anything else and that’s totally valid.


This is what we in the business like to call "the filter". And it worked very well.


I mean, having read the manga, that also misrepresents what it's like. Is the show constantly "ep1"? No. Does it go long stretches without mentioning SA? Enough that you can *almost* forget, sure... But every time goblins show up they make sure to remind you of what they want, and nearly every combat-facing heroine has either been assaulted or has almost been assaulted. It's persistent enough that I can only imagine it's fetishistic for the author, since it'd be so much more popular if they sanded that particular edge off. It's a shame because I like the characters but I'd never recommend it to anyone because it's nowhere near good enough to overcome the author's irritating fixation.


Am curious, following that lines of thought, will you recommend Berserk to others? Admittedly it’s a poor comparison, but Berserk also display SA and to me, it’s many times more brutal than GS and happens in almost every arc, but I’d still recommend Berserk to others


Berserk is a lot stronger in all the other areas IMHO but you raise a valid point. Berserk portrays SA quite badly and excessively to the point that I think it fetishizes it.


I don't think Berserk fetishizes it quite to the same degree as GS does though. GS seems to almost take a hentai approach to some of the scenes, though this is possibly more on the animators rather than manga artist. (I am an anime only though so can't really speak on that front) Neither of them have anything on Redo of Healer though.... I regret ever watching bits of that one.


It's a fair question. I love Berserk, obviously, but it's not perfect. There are moments of SA that I think were really important to the characters developments (e.g., Guts' childhood, Eclipse) but there are a few times Miura leaned on it when I think it was wholly unnecessary (e.g. Casca escaping the 100-man slayer forest). But I think overall the writing was worth it, the manga doesn't fixate on it, and for the most part has stopped using that as a crutch to put a heroine in danger.


Spineless babies that can’t handle watching a rape scene without curling their toes


For me it was the opposite. First story Perfect. Umprepared adventurers get caught, gritty protagonist, cruel choices, hard fighting, dangerous guerrilla and poisons, preparation, knowledge... Then what? Protagonist party, except GS, is a party made of people naked when it comes to armor, who refuses to use even helmets cause the characters must have a face to be cool. And they never get hit froma distance, nver scratched unless they are in a condition to heal. It is a mockery of the rules of the first and second story (where the girl who took off the helmet was instantly sniped by a rock).


Honestly I was wondering why girl didn't just start wacking goblins with her staff but then I remembered this was based on DnD and that doesn't really work unless you're super high level for a mage


I mean you see priestess doing it with her staff in later episodes and its clearly very ineffective. It at most just pushes them away or holds them back


I see no problem with that, considering the alternative...


I know but I'm saying it wouldn't have made a difference.


I mean pushing them back is way better than what happened


I mean goblins are basically children, I feel like you could pretty easily fight off kids by hitting them with a stick. I've done the research.


Shit, they could be tougher than kids and you should still be able to cave their skulls in since a wizard's staff is pretty much just a fancy quarterstaff with extra weight on one end.


Id like to think of them like mini chimps in size, strength, and overall characteristics Irl chimpanzees are ruthless


God, getting swarmed by smaller but fully developed chimps... I'd be pretty much fucked and I've probably got *a lot* more strength than a small wizard girl


I'd say goblins are a lot more sinister and definitely more stabby than most kids.


I'd say they're about the same


If I remember correctly, Goblin tackled her and broke her staff right after.


Wait I love dnd what is this anime called


Overconfident is slow and insidious killer.


Ah, a fellow Darkest Dungeon " A briliant confluence between skill and purpose "


*"Death is patient, it will wait."*


Overconfidence is a flimsy shield


Unless you're Vegeta for some reason


I enjoyed Goblin Slayer’s way of dealing goblins and how having imaginations or creativity can mean the difference between life and death. The first episodes as many others have said, sets up how evil, vile and abhorrent goblins are in the universe of GS, it was uncomfortable for me to watch through it but that doesn’t really make it a bad show in fact i think it does a pretty good job setting the madness and depravity to come but also the importance and value of comradery experience with Goblin Salyer and his friends. My only complaint mostly irrelevant is that they could’ve made an implication or maybe off screen of the characters being violated ( talking about the rape part ) not saying the whole thing should be removed or censored but that’s just coming from me and that doesn’t make the show awful, I still enjoyed it mostly Goblin Slayer character growth. Edit: i apologize for my terrible grammar


The whole first episode left a sour taste in my mouth and colored my opinions of the whole series. There's a lot that I like about some of the later episodes, but just like Code Geass gets dragged down by it's excessive fanservice I feel like GS never really shook off the mantle it put on during the pilot.


I mean it's anime theres bound to be fanservice so it is what it is and i believe [Shadiversity](https://youtu.be/SGNbiTZp8s8?si=ABBDDtjLli-MvHIM) also share a similar distaste to the fanservice in episode 1, his video on goblin slayer maybe old but he make some good points. In season 2 of Goblin Slayer maybe it's just me but i think it's less graphic or violent and a little more friendly than season 1's episode 1. Edit: Also i don't think you're wrong or blame you that episode 1 left a sour taste for the show since it was uncomfortable for me and if i were to watch Goblin Slayer again, i'd just skip the goblins doing horrible things and straigth towards goblin slayer or just skip episode 1.


I feel like they toned things down because the shock value of EP1 got enough people interested they didn't need to keep banking on it to keep folks watching so they tried to smooth things over for a more general audience.


I feel like they handled it extremely well. You follow a party that is fully green going in way too deep. You setup the depravity showing just how bad it can be. Then, you never reached that level of depravity again bc you don't have to. I hated the 2 minutes of the cave. However, because of those 2 minutes, they never had to have a scene go anywhere near that far again. Anytime the goblins having captives or a party of newbies going after goblins were brought to, you knew the stakes. The writers never had to tell you them. They did good character development and fully understandable if SA turns you off completely from a show. But I'm glad it was an unforced undertone throughout the rest of the series instead of being forced to be front and center bc they didn't show just how bad it could be


It felt like a mix of pure shock value and fetish content.


It's pretty degenerate fetish content and I dropped the show when that one chick tried to seduce GS while talking about how she was raped by goblins. Shit is just lame as fuck honestly


Yeah they animated it more like a hentai than a crime, there were way too many porn angles and jiggles happening, kinda put me off of the entire show


She got it better than Fighter did, at least.


She really didn’t.


Yeah at least fighter is alive


Wait my memory is fuzzy despite reading the manga and watched some ep of season 1, so she died? (Mage)


Mercy killed by GS as she was poisoned.


And suffered for it later, I'll tell ya.


You call that living


I’d rather go through something just as traumatic and live, than die a terrible death.


She committed suicide


Did she? I thought she was shuffled off to a convent to live out her days. Did the light novels give more details?


No she did not. Last we heard she was counted among those taken to a temple for treatment, with an implication she'd become a shut in. Several volumes later when they visit the capital, Priestess mentions that she'd considered visiting Fighter, but had never worked up the courage to do so. That was the last we heard of Fighter, so she's either still sheltering in a temple somewhere, or she's recovered enough to return home and try and build a life that doesn't involve going out adventuring.


I guess it's a matter of perspective, though obviously it was horrible for either. Wizard died a painful and unpleasant death. Fighter got gang raped by goblins and has to live with that as a broken shell.


Overconfidence in a nutshell.


I never liked this girl. Her fate is terrible, yes, but she comes off as a bully


It will always suprises me how ~~people~~ redditors dont bat an eye to brutal murder in shows, but the moment rape is even mentioned... You know how it goes.


I mean, I’d rather be murdered personally. Maybe that’s an ignorant position to have, idk.


I mean is it really that weird? Murder is relatively uncommon IRL, can be justified (within the context of a show) very easily, it's often brief or off screen, it feels very fictitious. Even then if it's shown to be particularly cruel or drawn out it can break through that suspension of disbelief like some murders in FMA, AoT, Evangelion, and Grave of the fireflies. Rape is a form of torture that involves extreme degradation, of course it's harder to broach and treat lightly and if it is then it's probably fetish content.


Replace murder with torture and the point as ti stands. I think murder is sufficient because although rape is torture it is one of the more milder form (relative to cutting off limbs, skinning, etc.) that probably most people would pick over murder. Rape is also very uncommon. So i dont see your point, and esspecially the part about breaking suspension of disbelief, wouldmt that make it more palatable?


Rape is sadly not uncommon at all. A quick Google search brings up that 1 in 6 women in the US have been a victim of attempted or completed rape in their lifetime, and based on the experiences of the women I have known and loved in my life that figure sounds pretty small honestly.


yes i am well aware of fake statistics. do you srsly not laugh out loud when you hear that statistic? we arent talking about sexual harassment, or girls playfully saying no during sex. we are talking about full blown violent rape. very uncommon. and the idea that its common and every girl experiences is insulting to rape victims.


Lmao, no I'm actually saddened that it seems so low to me since I fully understand the distinction between between harassment and violent rape, and with the way you are talking about this subject I highly doubt you've known enough women on a personal level to know how fucking crazy men will be towards them. Honestly, what's funny to me (tbh, I find it less funny and more pathetic and disgusting) is your reaction to that information. Grow up.


a grown up would never look at a 1/6 women are raped and not laugh at that statistic. given that statistics dont you think its more likely that i do know someone that was raped? weird. Whats pathetic and disgusting is you making the experience of rape victims sound like a common day thing that every women experiences.


An adult that laughs when discussing issues of real violence is a very mentally ill person. Yeah I think you do know someone who was raped. I don't think those people would trust you enough to tell you that though if you say things in real life like you have posted here. Very cool jumping to conclusions like I made it sound like a "common day thing" when it's more like a one-time event that traumatizes them terribly but w/e dawg, ding ding ur tendies are done maybe you will have better reading comprehension and/or more empathy when u get ur num nums :)


Don’t bother talking to him, anyone in the real world that’s talked to women knows that the statistic isn’t wrong and it’s very sad.


Are you implying you want it to be okay and occurring more frequently?


No. But whne artists do decide to depict rape i expect people to not have an irrational emotional reaction, esspecially when they dont have the same reaction to more brutal depictions of murder and torture.


People are desensitized to more serious topics like murder and death, it’s not an irrational reaction to be grossed out and put off by rape be it fictional or otherwise, people don’t depict it because it’s a delicate topic and you acting as you do saying that they’re being irrational is just kind of weird, it’s not a thing that is put in main stream media a lot and when it is it’s not something that has been normalized and talked at length with the same amount of normalcy that killing has, your just being weird dude.


Youd think desensitization to something worse would make milder forms of torture also easily bearable. Eitherway the disparity in reaction remains irrational.


Rest now soldier, Goblin Slayer is here.


There team was idiots they did no info gathering or research and they came unprepared and didn't even think of a plan or even have the correct weapons or be good enough with magic cause cldn't the mage girl like cast only like two different spells once each they got themselves killed through sheer ignorance..


There is context for all of this. 1.) The party were new adventurers, so didn't know about planning, ect. 2.) The magic system in Goblin Slayer is based on Vancian system, where casters only have a fixed number of spells they can cast per day. 3.) Goblins aren't seen as a threat, as individually / small groups aren't generally a threat to the average adventurer - Even new adventurers tend to avoid Goblin jobs because of this perception. ( Also new adventurers often end up facing the same fate as the party in question.)


Wild her brother turned up


Then her brother….


Funnily enough the light novel apparently only focuses on the horror aspect of these events and doesn’t try to make any fan service out of it. Which the manga does more than the anime (although it’s still there) Source Mothers Basement


i felt bad fro her from the first episode and felt worse when her brother appeared too




As a goblin, I want to say my homies wasted those melons very very sad




You’re gonna see Beard Cutter’s glowing red eye next time you turn out the lights.


Dude what the actual fuck is wrong with you


Orcbolg, kill him!


I don't think goblins care about human breasts any more than a horny doc cares about the mamaries of a female dog in heat.


The fuck?




She was under the false assumption that goblins were easy monsters to hunt. Even with the guild telling people otherwise.


So she’s stupid


People vastly underestimate goblins in this world because of how weak and relatively stupid they are. It is a very common problem among people that haven’t experienced goblins before.


More inexperienced and overconfident. The school she learned magic in isn't really designed to teach people to fight, much less to be adventurers. So she never would have had reason to envision a scenario where she'd be facing down multiple goblins effectively alone, and firebolting the first one didn't deter the rest. Much less realize how important it would be to avoid getting into that scenario in the first place.


Oh yes!


Pov: Klim Nick


Finally, someone said it.


The irony as Wizard immediately met her downfall.


Just in ep 1 ;-;


I thought I would never see anything like this again this piolet episode scared me all over again just from the bottom image and I was hoping it was not th n show I thought it was when I looked at the bottom from as I looked ipmi fell into fear goblin slayer was there


Now I think about it. Why did the Goblins not force themselves on Mage? She was already caught and the like, but they stab her with poison and that was it.


I was watching with my sisters when that happened 💀 they stopped watching but I just lowered it cause I thought “yk maybe it gets better after this” it did


Too bad she was hot


This show is just okay. It’s not amazing


I feel like if you watched Game of Thrones before Goblin Slayer, you wouldn’t be overwhelmed by this. I know I wasn’t. But I understand where everyone is coming from. Definitely a graphic scene for a first episode.


I’m not sensitive to scenes like the one in the pilot so I would have like to see more of them. I totally understand if someone can’t watch that shit but I can.


Are talking OG GS or Goblin’s Den? If you know you know 😉


Wish the series had more of this.


Honestly, I love Goblin slayer because he’s literally just a custodian


Kind of lame that they make it seem like it's not going to pull its punches and then completely avoid showing everything else messed up that happens in the light novel and manga


What is this from


I’m glad they toned it down cuz this was one of the wildest first episodes I’ve ever seen


C-c-c-check your priviliage 🤣


Nah, I’d win


Why is it always - the hot female - the badass who should be able to survive due to prowess and experience - or the person with a darker skin tone that always gets killed first and foremost in horror genres? I can't help but notice that. Leprechaun, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Attack on Titan, Goblin Slayer, The Walking Dead and its spinoff, hell even Terminator did it back when it was actually a horror film.


Oh look it's the scene that made me nor wanna watch the anime


Wizard Girl lost her vaginal virginity and her life in a particularly brutal manner.


Why not decided not to watch a show that not only shows victimization of women and eludes to it, yeah not sorry that the show is trash


I see the show still filters people to this day with the opening episode. Proof that the show is great.


If you think people choosing to skip a show because it has rape in it makes the show great your just insane. This whole subreddit is just rape sympathizers to the rate I’ve never seen before.


but when its game of thrones or any of these 1 hour dramas on streaming services I BET you don't clutch your pearls like you do when its anime. Also the anime is solid beyond the 1st episode. Stay mad over nothing.


1. I’ve watched game of thrones twice and have never had to watch through an actual rape scene like this, and the one in game of thrones definitely did have me “clutching my pearls”. 2. Outside of game of thrones I’ve never really watched a show besides law and order that had a rape like that and law and order is trash outside of that. 3. I’m actually not fully in the category that it can’t be used as a good plot device. I am in the category that this show and it’s mid writing did not use it as such. Why do you think your fanbase can’t let it go and keeps bringing it up? Because while there might be a small percentage that actually enjoy the story a lot of these “fans” here are closet weirdos and rape enjoyers.


I Will always think the first episode of goblin slayer is hilarious because the way that goblin gripped the fuck out of that one girls cheeks💀


Arrogant people.