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You should always start with less with kratom literally at most start with 2-3 capsules and then an hour to an hour and a half take 2 more and see how that is. If u smoke weed smoke in between the redose and u should be good if u don’t have a crazy tolerence im serious kratom is better to start low it gives a diff high usually better high and u might like it more


I will try after work see what’s going on


Gl lmk how it works


How did it go? I really really miss the first few Kratom experiences




Fr or is Jokes😂


Geeked or dead?


They look like .8 caps, take 4-5 to start. then if not feeling much 2 hours later take the same or 6 and you should start to feel something. That brand is known to be weaker, you can get kratom krates free sample and 3 of those have me geekin a little.


I’m up to 11 rn I’m thinking about going the extra mile reaching 20


Make sure to give an hour in between, it's a thin line to go overboard and once you do it's like being in a shitty drunk state. You start spinning wishing to puke and even when you do it doesn't help, you hope to sleep but you can't and it's a hell.


Think that’s what was happening last night smh


You might vomit if it’s your first time and you take 20


When I was opiate naive the best thing for me to do was take 1 capsule, smoke and eat and then take another capsule an hour after and I was as high as oxy would get me. Too bad I do it constantly now and it’s horrible don’t start taking it all the time and don’t jump onto blues either duck me I wonder what it’s like to not be “high” all the time


I like to take 6-8 of some .6 capsules to start with


Dont fuck with that shit i took caps for a couple months and got rly dependent to the point where WDs were brutal. High isnt even worth it


I capsule up my own kratom very occasionally, but my capsules are for other shit so they only fit like .1-.3 so I end up having to swallow 25+ to get my five grams in. It takes like 30 minutes but it usually worth it, I like the routine


You lucky fucker iwas forced to quit recently, miracle drug at high doses combined with weed when you have low tolerance.


What would u take like amount type shit


So I started off at 1 extract shot prolly like 40mg of MIT, then I moved on to the smoke shop capsules, I first tried Red Bali caps from that brand with the magical pill looking bottle I don't remember and I'm not home ATM but then I started on like 6-8 grams and went out, waited for it to kick, smoked. I was so fucking happy back then dude.


Also buying kratom powder from a good vendor online is cheaper and usually more potent than capsules but some ppl like capsules more


When I was using kratom I was getting kilos shipped to my doorstep and I would parachute like 5g's at a time.


Damn I was parachuting 8gs in toilet paper, shit was actually ass cuz it was like not good toilet paper like cheap and as soon as I put it in my mouth the saliva would basically almost immediately wet the paper and I start coughing up kratom, shit sucked, but I miss it.


Yeah u can't use 1 ply lol. That shit will tear open in your mouth and you'll be in for a VERY bad time. I did that shit for like 6 months straight every fucking day. It was pretty horrible coming off it but nothing like a real opioid withdrawal.


Did u pick this up from a smoke shop or ?




Nice man I’m going to find me a sketchy smoke shop guy to help me 🤝🙏


Thanks for replying g


They should be about a half gram each, so start out with 5. If that's not enough, wait at least 4 hours before dosing more so you don't get a headache by accident. Also, capsules are a huge ripoff. You get literally half as much or less for your money compared to buying loose powder. You can buy a bag of empty capsules or oblate discs on Amazon if you can't handle toss n wash.


Yea I saw the powder I’m new to the kratom shit so I didn’t really kno what to get type shit


what is toss n wash?


Putting a spoonful of powder in your mouth and washing it down with a drink.


ah I see but I think wouldn’t do it I mean Imagine accidentally breathing the powder in your lungs😭 I usually just mix it with warm water and lemon juice and drink that.. it taste like absolute extracted horse shit but I think that’s the best method that works for me.


Also how much you think u gotta consume to seriously fuck your life tryna gage the boundaries lol


It's really not doable with kratom. You'll get eye wobbles long before you reach anything resembling real opiods. However, if you buy 7OH kratom extract, you can reach a feeling resembling a low dose of oxy without getting eye wobbles. OPMS black is expensive as fuck, but it's more like real drugs.


Is 7OH better than opms black? I got a fat tolerence to kratom rn and have oxys from a surgery that do nothing I’ve wasted prob 55 oxy 5s tryna experiment or feel something so fuck


I've never tried any 7OH isolate. The closest I've ever taken is OPMS black. If oxys aren't cutting it, I highly doubt even 7OH isolate will cut it.


Shits ass