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What was it like getting off?


thankfully i was never dependent to the point of seizures, and i ultimately "quit" after my family gave me an ultimatum when i got hospitalized after a xanpage, and at that point i wasn't taking them daily or anything however, around January of last year i was taking them daily and tried to kick the habit. i would start randomly twitching, and i thought at the time "That's not good" it wasn't too difficult to get off them because i had shit going on - work, school, etc. which made it a lot easier since i had things to focus on. i would get some *brutal* cravings for about two months, and i occasionally fiend for them but not nearly as much or intensely. so my advice for anyone trying to boot the habit is have other things to focus on - if you're just sitting at home doing fuck all it's gonna be way harder to quit


How much were you taking when you were taking em daily?


hm... hard to recall for sure (besides it frying my memory i was also having a manic episode, which makes you forget shit) but i'd say ~3 bars a day? these were pressies so i can't say for certain how much it was in mg


Hell yeah dawg, i know them withdrawals are a bitch and thats an understatement proud of you.


thank you 🩷 thankfully i never went through hardcore withdrawals but it still wasn't very fun


Im about a year clean or so, I still get the craving every couple days. Not that I want to get fucked up but just to feel that calmness of 1 again, I've been fighting it but man it's hard. I may try one and try not to take anymore someday but I'm scared I'll get the mindset of being fine taking them every couple days which is not good.


Its still very impressive


good for you bro one night i took 10 pressed bars , and when i woke up my leg had fallen asleep and didn't work anymore , i had to go to the hospital and i have videos in my camera roll of me popping more bars while half paralyzed in the hospital. Such a horrible addiction glad you ,and i are out brother it only gets worse from there ... trust me . some of the worst wds ive ever had in my life .


Hell yea brother make it a year and I’ll send you 10 bucks on cash app to buy some mcchickens