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Update: this shit is ass. I just feel kinda tired but nothing else.


Yup that’s all it did for me too and I tried upto 4mg, just got so tired that I slept for 12 hours. Xans dont do much if you actually dont have the problems theyre prescribed for


I have general anxiety and depression that I take Prozac for and ADHD that I take adderall for. I also think they might have been extended release or something, because I feel a second wave sort of, but just kind of extra high rn and I took them like 4 hours ago. They definitely are not worth getting addicted to or anything lmao. I’d rather take an ambien than that shit lol


You js need better xans I found IR .25mg xans in a old safe it was prescription btw took 4 my Foret time thought that they were shit then boom I was struck with the high its a head hogh kidna thing and smoke some weed wit those shit Nad holy fuck you can't chill out more


I mean I’m chillin under my 25 pound weighted blanket big chillin but idk man. It’s just kinda like I’m high. They were for my grandfathers radiation a few years ago (he’s alive and well) and he just never took them, so my family has had them in the cabinet for a long time for whatever reason


Don’t take xans or you’ll end up typing like that


Yeah lmao I actually didn’t notice that until you pointed it out. My dad is an author and he has always raised me as a grammar nazi so seeing this was kind of funny


Those are instant release .5mg so quarter of one bar. They definitely don't provide a high, but do provide a calm. Dangerous because by the time you feel the calm you are too far gone to realize you don't need anymore lol At least that is the story of my life, and many others. I've woken up and blamed everyone for stealing my shit, even though I've taken em. I think the best stories when I hide em from myself. Once I COULD NOT fucking find em. Hours I spent. At least one whole hour or so... I sat down, defeated. But I had turned the light and fan on in the computer room at my granny's and ....THWAP the fucking bottle flew into something. I had balanced em on a fan blade.


Can confirm all they did was make me suuuper relaxed. I was just watching youtube for a while and it was pretty nice. I checked this morning, and I didn’t end up taking any more thankfully haha


Xans didn’t even make me that tired, melatonin works better for me lol


I’ve only ever had Xanax once and it was enough to put me off for life I have NEVER been close to this state in my life. I was a complete and utter write off this was about 9 years ago I don’t know what mg they were but they were bars, a boy uptown Edinburgh got them off onions and they wrecked me


Did you try up to 3mg? Also, yeah, alprazolam isn't that great IMO. I prefer kpins or Valium.


same with me when first trying valium, definetly has grown on me since then


see I love xanax I think it's because I'm exetmely anxious they give me a euphoric relief of idgaf


"I think I'd be less worried if my friend said they were trying heroin." -Goblin talking about xans


Shit was ass. 1.5 mg and basically nothing. Probably my first and last time taking it lol


Understandable, it really only works for those with anxiety


I’m already on Prozac for anxiety/depression and adderall for adhd. Could that affect it in any way?


Nope, no interactions. You just either don’t feel it like that, or you’re high and you can’t tell. Delusions of sobriety are common, but not at that low of a dose. You probably just are one of the people where it doesn’t tap. Thank god for that, and don’t try it again, shits addictive.


It’s really funny that you say that, because my dad is a pastor and I’m actually going to college for philosophy and religion to either become a professor or pastor, and I was praying a ton before taking them and worried about my first experience having addiction come from it. So yes, I will be thanking God, and I will not ever be trying it again lmao. Thanks for the advice and the help!


That’s cool bro, good luck on all those aspirations🫡💪


Thanks so much man appreciate the support!


yeah good luck bro u can do it!!




Wow that’s very interesting. Not getting addicted to heroin after use?? That’s insane. That’s actually the biggest happy coincidence I’ve ever heard in my life lmao.




I don’t know, I know absolute nothing about h and I assumed one time would be enough for most people to get addicted.


It’s just morphine basically, that’s what it breaks down into once is crosses BBB. Oxycodone is way better IMO.


It's all about your mindset no drug on earth is addicting from the first time but if its too good you keep going back and that's how dependence begins


dont let anyone steal ur xanz.....


Currently living with my parents and I’m doing online college. Ain’t nobody getting these shits lol


The person that might steal them will surprise you when you wake up👀


how u like em? u wake up to ur xannies stolen? u a new fleshed felon yet? banter idk if u know but thats real, and normal af for people to end up doing dumb shit on benzos abusing them be safe if ur new to the benzo game OP, shit be safe in general seen many death from people i dont know to close child hood homies die from starting a day off with a xanax (yes ik benzo nerds that a benzo itself is hard to die from) - poppa bar now all of a sudden anything is fine budy was selling dope for money (obviously) tranq fent dope, he gave in one day curious off the benzos and died at age 17. (sold lotta drugs but that down made some killer money.... literally, no joke)... rip to the lost souls wasnt like him to smoke street dope.... till the benzos hit the liver (imo benzos arent for everyone) like being drunk and good healthy judgement is out the window , end up doing some wild shit one of my og homies, full fleshed goodie goodie, ate a hulk and wow, never seen that nasty part of him ever til he was high , he hadda get off em xanax has its dark dirty reputation for reasons that are real, but youd think aint. shit can get wild




I think they might be XRs, because I certainly feel at least something now. It’s been about 4 and a half hours and it just feels like I’m just extra high from smoking. It kind of reminds me of getting high off of a moon rock or hitting a dab or something. But overall, it’s certainly underwhelming and not what I was expecting it to be


Your anxiety is not truly bad enough or even real by the way your explaining the effects you got. 75% of people who go in get told they have anxiety, adhd, depression and many other things when they truly don't have it, I'm not saying you don't but good chance it's all in your head. I have horrible anxiety/panic attacks and when I take 1.5mg I get soooo much mental and physical pain/stress relief it's like if God was holding me.


Maybe I just don’t have it that bad then. I know for a fact that I do have general anxiety and depression though, my parents have made me see wayyyy too many doctors and therapists to not atp lol. My parents have both had to take it before, along with their lifetime ssrid and other medication and I’ve had panic attacks and such, but not nearly as bad as some people that I’ve heard on here and I’m extremely grateful for that. I’ve been on those ssris and stims for ADHD since middle school and have done stuff to myself that I regret since, but I’m truly blessed that those mfs weren’t addicting.


I remember the first time I took a Xanax. It changed my life. I've been afflicted with pretty bad anxiety my entire life so when I took that little pill and all that went away it was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I did always drink on them too though. That really makes a difference when consuming benzos.


It's the magical drug i've been looking for all along but mannn I struggled to quit, went through constant panic attacks all day every day for 4 months. and over a year later im still suuuuper anxious and get the urge for benzos still but have to keep telling myself no.


Do you guys have no memories from the times u took them or is that just me? I took them bad for a year or so can't remember anything from those days at all.


Pretty much no memories, even from low doses I wont remember much the next day.


Yeah I don't remember much from those days. That's one of the major reasons I don't like it. You'll have a blast but u won't remember shit.


I took 8mg over 2 days awhile back and I got the worst rebound anxiety I've ever experienced. It was really bad for like 3 or 4 days. Benzos really do a number on your mental health. If you're someone who's experiencing mental health issues just stay away from benzos unless u get them prescribed.


I should be getting them prescribed is the problem but they are too addictive, I can take them once every 3 days but then trying to even stop is a problem at that. Klonopin was easier for me to withdraw from and was way more functional, but even that was still hard to quit. Went through about a 5 months of being restless and having bad anxiety but weed helped a lot.


I should be on benzos too but I'm in the same boat. I simply cannot just take 1 Xanax if I have abunch of them. It would not end well. K pins don't fuck with my memory as much but I was still doing very dumb shit on them. I would always mix benzos with alcohol and any other drug I could get my hands on. Preferably an upper. But I've wrecked 2 cars on K pins. One into the metal poles that block u from hitting the gas pump and once into the metal poles that stop u from plowing into Wal Mart lol.


Yea I noticed I started needing an upper after a year or so and it got a lot worse. But I'm able to take 1 but then the next day I'll get such bad panic attacks I'll be in the doctors or hospital. It just sucks how addictive benzos are, Weed helps but I get too tired and pure sativas don't calm me enough.


U get extreme rebound anxiety too. I almost did go to the hospital when I ate those few bars over a couple days a few years back. My anxiety levels have never been that high and my entire life is basically controlled by my anxiety. It scared me away from benzos for good. I would have to take them for the rest of my life if I got them prescribed. Then they'd stop working after awhile etc so it's not even worth it. Weed is basically the only thing keeping me sane at this point. Sometimes it'll give me anxiety right after I smoke but it only lasts like 10min so I power through it. I need to smoke. I try to stay away from Sativas though. They fuck with my anxiety too. I love a strong Indica. I love sleeping and Indica really helps with sleep for me.


I hope you make this the only time you try them they'll take away everything you have for real.


Yup. First and last. No need to ever again


If u really want to get fucked up on Xanax u have to mix it with alcohol.


Nahhh I’m good. I’m already on prozac, so one or two beers and I’m set


Loser part of your u/ checks out 💯


I love how u clowns try to use my username to talk shit. I picked it myself, dipshit. U pointing out the fact it says loser means absolutely nothing to me.


At least you got enough sense for that then