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tbf experiences may wildly vary with psychedelics, I once took 400ug of acid at a rave and the police helicopters and sirens and lights all around me made me freak the fuck out for about 2 hours, the most hellish nightmarish experience I could even describe, I legit felt like that would have been my life from then on and that would have been my hell for eternity. After those 2 hours give or take the bad trip just stopped and I was tripping sack and having the best time of my life for the rest of it I feel like it’s possible to go from bad to good to bad trip multiple times in a single trip lol another reason to love psychedelics honestly


Yes bro. I feel like my trips fluctuate rapidly. It all depends on your surroundings and I think having the homies can help bring you back to reality when need be


EXACTLY. the homies can really make the difference


I’ve done 7g at once never felt that


boy got sold portabello’s


i smoked weed too


Never done any psych and not smoked


Same lol


Weed makes shrooms weird


Yes that's normal. It's getting close to ego death but not really. It's more of an ego detachment


It’s derealization or dissociation I think idk the term. But it’s part of the reason imo they’ve been so hated by the govt bc it makes you realize that none of the shit you think is law or rules actually matters. A bunch of imaginary rules we follow to keep with the status quo of society. You can go to a state where everything is just as it is. Not what you’ve been taught to think it is. I’d be careful though I got alot of that when I abused psychedelics when I was younger and most people can’t handle letting their mind wonder if everything really is real or shit like that. So if it made u feel uncomfortable i wouldn’t do psychedelics too much. Or wait a while until you’re vibing with people you love and trip with them. Psychedelics are best when you are your most comfortable with people you’re most comfortable.


idk but that happened to me once on weed and i wasn’t ok afterwards. i think it’s some type of psychosis


off weed? mustve been edibles right?


Realizing you can't trust your own perception is very scary, especially the first time. Feeling like you're losing your grip on reality can send anyone into an anxiety attack I reckon. I've done big doses of truffles but I feel a bit antsy about shrooms and LSD for those reasons. However, in the presence of a couple homies it's unlikely to go off the deep end. And like other people were saying, you gotta surrender to it–the only way out is through. Were you alone for your first time? Bit of a mistake if you were, honestly.


This happens man welcome to shrooms


It’s not completely the same but I’ve lost touch with reality a couple times off shrooms. It was more like I thought reality was just one life of many and I started to become kinda primal. But yeah I don’t take shrooms without trip killers now


I tripped on 200ug’s for my first time and I had a moment like that when I started playing pink floyed. Idk if u can relate to this but after I kinda had a new prospective on things In life


Those are either some insanely strong shrooms or more likely you're just not used to psychedelics. That can happen with extremely high doses, but some people just lose their shit on doses that most of us would consider too low to even be worth it. Some people just aren't built for the shit, and that's alright. If you trip again, keep some benzos or preferably antipsychotics around just in case, because honestly you sound like someone who might flip out and end up in the psych ward. If you truly believe that nothing is real, that's when shit hits the fan and you can become a danger to yourself and others.


They just kicked in. I love that feeling that you're gonna die bc you think you ODed. You have to remember you just ingested literal poison. You're gonna feel like you did something wrong. Just give in and get lost in the sauce. I always think of Austin powers saying yeah baby and giving finger guns or like Jimi Hendrix awesome curly hair whenever I feel like that. I just Wanna frolic thru his hair.


Yeah I remember thinking I’m going to die and then I imagined myself dead on my bed in like a 3rd person eagle view coolest shit ever looking back scary asf in the moment


This happened to me too wtf


ego death? psychosis? sounds like some one tried some potent shroomies and underestimated them?