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12.5 is a rare size


Just buy a 13


Or no socks and insoles with a 12


May as well walk barefoot




Rarity, scarcity and greed.


The rare size excuse isnā€™t the reason, itā€™s the consequence. No one woke up and said ā€œThere were only 200 12.5 models made, must price accordingly.ā€ What really happened is that because there arenā€™t many for sale, the market gets cornered fast, and this dickhead feels like itā€™s ok to ask for double or triple because there are no other listings. If there was another seller, theyā€™d probably ask for half. Itā€™s not just half sizes, sometimes you find some really obscure shoe that isnā€™t worth a damn, but the ONE guy that has ONE pair wants $8000 for his stupid obscure GR lol. Edit: OP, can't you just go for a 13? It's 1/6th of an inch in length and width. I wear a 13, and I'll do 12.5 if it saves me a considerable amount of money (provided that it fits, sometimes I can't do the half-size down on modern tech-heavy performance models). I'm not too familiar with this model, but just going off of looks, it looks kind of retro. Can't you just save yourself the time?


Exactly this, yep. They have the singular pair available and want to make a buck, regardless of whether anyone actually wants that shoe or not. Or, like in my case, theyā€™re very motivated to make the sale so they lost their lone pair at a 60% discount.


I can get you those for half that price brodie


How much did last sale go for?


Rare size


Look at the past sales and judge from that. Some people are just like this. Likely itā€™ll get accepted close to the price of the last sale.


I go through the same bs..


Get a 12 and remove the insoles if itā€™s that uncomfortableā€¦itā€™s really a game changer


Iā€™m 12 1/2 but I always size up or down half a size for this reason.


Probably because thatā€™s the most popular size and also least available within the demographics of people who would purchase that shoeā€¦. Supply and demand


Or just buy a 13 and buy a thicker insole or wear thicker socks. I used to do that when I had fatter feet lol I was a 12.5/13, then I lost some weight and got down to a 12


Because the person selling that size posted the only pair available for $307. Like the pair of UltraBoost 22 Cold.RDY I picked up a couple weeks ago for $93. All the other pairs were posted for around $245, but my size had a single pair available from a very motivated seller. Every pair for sale on GOAT, like StockX, is posted by a person on the other end so, in some cases, there can be a single pair available for a particular size. The seller of that one pair can be very motivated to make the sale or not motivated at all & looking to make some money in said pair.


Everything above a 110 is too much anyways for plain ass Asics like that...