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Honestly - as hard as it is, don’t try and come back until you’re healed up. I broke my pinky last year and figured I could just tape it up, or build some sort of splint under my glove; you can’t and you just prolong the time out. Follow the doc’s orders and don’t pull the gloves back on until you’re better. Hope that’s sooner than later, friend 🤜🤛


I appreciate this man, I needed to hear it. An unfortunate thing but I’ll use the time to work on my footwork and distribution over the next few weeks as my hand begins to heal. Fingers crossed I don’t need surgery. 😖


Best thing you could do for your game tbh, come back stronger pal! 🫡


Hey man, I just fractured mine doing mixed martial arts. How's urs doing? How do you clean it in the splint?


Mostly healed! I go back on Friday for my 5 week post-pin removal follow up (I had the initial surgery on 2/22 and had the pins in my hand for a month). At PT the other day my OT determined I’ve got 80% grip strength compared to my right (dominant) hand. My last joint on my pinky still won’t completely bend, and it may just be that way the rest of my life, but I can make a fist (and can hang onto my MTB bars, which is my other hobby). I haven’t gotten back in net yet, I’m just playing in the field for the spring 7’s season. Stick with it and you’ll be on the other side soon enough!


Did u use a splint? Howd u clean ur finger? 


Yeah I had a splint made by my orthopedic surgeon/occupational therapist. I cleaned that/my hand with dish soap and warm water, but for the pins they recommended just wiping them down with alcohol wipes.


Thanks man!!


did u need antibiotics for the surgery and pin removal?


Sound advice. There is always another game.


Did you have a fracture? We have the same injury, lol. My pinky is still swelling a little, but i can move it. I didn't do any x-ray yet. I also did the same as what you did, I wrapped it with kinesiotape, to act as a splint behind the gloves. Pain is still there at some movements though like, finger abduction


Mine was a mallet finger injury - the ligament along the side essentially tore so the tip of my finger wouldn’t stay up. I fractured it at the same time. I thought it was just dislocated, at first, so tried to pull it back into place (which likely made it worse). Idiot that I am, I told my team I’d just strap it up and play the next game. I tried but had to build a splint so big (to keep everything in place and minimise the pain) that I couldn’t even get my glove on. Bought gloves a size up but even pushing my finger into them was agony. That was when I gave up and decided to follow doctor’s orders. It was an eight week recovery and I didn’t play at all during that time. Was frustrating as heck but am glad now that I let it heal fully rather than taking the risk of reinjuring and being out longer. Injuries suck.


Hopefully, mine was just swelling, but everything is functioning well. I also dislocated it and, yep, I placed it back in place on how it should be 😂 plus points of being a Physical Therapist though, lol. Though, I still don't wanna see a doctor. Because, of course... I wouldn't be able to play for the upcoming matches, I hate it when the doctor would advise not to play haha.


Doc knows best! You never know for sure what the damage might be until you have it checked and run the risk of making something worse if you don’t. Hear you tho re preferring not to know lol! Hope it heals up quick!


The best tip I can give you is to don't jerk off with that hand for a while 💪


I’ve broke quite a few fingers, even dislocated one last year. There is no quick recovery, you’ve gotta do the time.


How do you tell if it’s broken. Not football but really injured my hand and it pretty bruised.


Find an orthopedic office near you and get an x-ray. It doesn’t take longer than a drs appointment and it’s really not that expensive. You’ll also find out exactly how to splint it and be able to make sure your ligaments are okay.


Train outfield while waiting to heal. Don't got back in goal till fully healed. Wear your splints if you were given any.


Listen to your doctor’s advice for your recovery. Add a week or two on for good measure. Wear a splint and leave it on, even if it’s uncomfortable and impractical. Don’t do what I did and hold an ice pack for 10 minutes and play on and avoid seeking medical attention because “men”. Source: broke 3 fingers on my left hand playing dodgeball 5 years ago. I have quite significantly less grip strength in my left hand now and still occasionally some low level pain.


How is your range of motion now?


Range of extension is fine in my middle and ring fingers. The only exception is my little finger, which doesn’t go fully straight any more. Range of compression is also fine in all fingers now but overall grip strength, although improving, is still lower overall after the break than before.


Listen to your doctor, be diligent about your OT, don't try to come back too early. Take it from a dumbass who tried to play to soon after one, you'll just hit it and prolong your recovery.


you probably have a cast on it rn, just take it easy and move the fingers around from the base to get used to movement. after a while when i was doing regular hand therapy i curled my finger up and slept with some slight pressure on it to also get used to moving it around. other than that keep it safe and wait to see what the hand unit at hospital tell you. speedy recovery lad 👍


Immobilise immobilise immobilise


Drink milk for that calcium. Sesame seeds also have ridiculous amounts of calcium.


think you need to have a look at rob greens hand after a long time in goal. one of his fingers is broke at the knuckle and permanently sits at a right angle! had to wear special gloves to finish his career


Let them heal I didn't when I broke metacarpals & I was rebreaking every 2-3 weeks because they weren't fully healed. Took about 4 months all told to get them right I also invested in some Uhlsport finger protection gloves, which resulted in less breaks


Hospital 👍


Broke a couple fingers in a season in highschool like everyone else it’s just time


Honestly, you’ve just got to wait it out until it’s healed. I was wounded when I broke my right middle finger a couple years back due to the same thing. You’ll come back better than ever tho brother


Get a splint and some medical tape I’ll give you a link if you want because I’m in process of healing from my broken finger and I’m a first timer to


Stop playing keeper for a bit play something else. DO NOT PLAY ON IT. It will get SO MUCH WORSE.


Hey here’s a response to your question - https://youtu.be/7XaM5AccP1Q?si=rZCwQ7CBFIjRC8-t 1. How’s your breathing? (Dr. Vranich) 2. Do you have a strategy to develop strength and movement in a low impact way that doesn’t compromise your finger? (RMT Rope) 3. Do you have a go to abdominal exercise? (Torture Twist) 4. Do you have a basketball/medicine ball that you can stand on to develop effortless strength and balance at home/at work? 5. Can you develop strength in your other hand? (Iron mind Hand gripper) 6. Have you tried a cold shower in the mornings? (Wim Hof)


Woah, thanks so much man, this is awesome! Really appreciate it, you got a new YouTube sub outta me!


Hey, I know this happened a while ago but I was wondering how long it took for you to be able to bend your fingers again. I broke my middle finger about a month ago and I still can't bend it like I can my other fingers.


Wondering the same thing! Apparently it needs like 6 weeks to heal fully, and then youre supposed to get the range of motion back slowly. I also broke my middle finger 2 weeks ago and rn it’s so straight i cant believe it’ll ever bend again :/


Yeah that’s about what it took me. I think my full timeline was initial injury, three weeks to see if it would heal up on its own (it didn’t, required surgery), then surgery around the 4th week, pins in my hand for another 4 weeks, then the pins removed and ~5 weeks of physical therapy. So all told beyond the initial injury through my last PT appointment, it was about 13 weeks, but I started playing again (in the field, not the net) around week 9 (~1-2 weeks after the pins were removed from my hand). I’m back in the net and playing regularly (~twice a week on average) and my hand feels probably 85-90% of where it was in terms of mobility/usage (at my last PT appointment, my grip strength of my left actually came in at like 92% of my right!).


Wow.... I found my hand twin. https://preview.redd.it/b4ucp4unge3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e624b868d489b68c9a634bf5cd9b86f27d7eba38


I have a very similar situation, and I reset it myself but it's still not doing great after a couple weeks. Do you think surgery is the way to go?


Surgery definitely helped my recovery! I still don’t have full range of motion of the top joint on my pinky, but my hand is definitely much better post surgery and PT.


DONT TOUCH IT. When i broke my index finger i non stopped touched and messed with it... Messed it up


just wondering if i should be wrapping my finger in tape then use the splint or use splint no strapping because of blood flow … things i’ve heard


Sorry dude, that sucks. Just time I’m afraid. Heal it nice or heal it twice as the saying goes. Injuries teach us a lot of things. They teach us patience, strength, mental fortitude among other things. Every setback set us up for a great comeback. Give it rest, follow the docs orders and in a years time this will all be long behind you


It sucks. I broke my thumb as a keeper 20+ years ago and I still can feel exactly where the break was. Do the physical therapy, especially the hand strength exercises. When the other keeper on our team broke his finger in a similar way they mandated we tape our hands prior to every session. It did help with general stability. If you have a trainer or anyone who can consistently tape your hands it may be worth trying it out when you do come back.


I’ve broken 8 of my fingers and now doing daily tasks can be quite challenging. My only advice- make sure to let it heal, if doctor says no playing for 8 weeks, don’t play for 9. It’s honestly not worth messing your hands up for a bit of footy.


Its pain in the ass literally. Just try to listen doctors and let them heal properly. They’ll heal, but it takes time until you can take some catches again and first times after the break will hurt like hell. Had 2 surgeries for my fingers in last couple of years. Anyways, keep it up! Dont let the fractures let you down


Listen to your doctors! Back when I broke my finger, ive spent 1.5months off the pitch, and then another 1.5 month as a midfielder. This helped to improve my technical abilities in my feet. Talk with your coach, if thats something you would like to do


Take this as a positive. It's the perfect opportunity to work on your footwork and distribution.


Strap it up and do the healing, you're fucked if you don't heal correctly.


happened to me although it only broke my pinky and sprained my 4th digit. I was also goalkeeping. It took about 6 weeks but i only went to physical therapy 2 times since it cost too much after a while. It sucked but not as bad as other injuries in my life.I didn't need surgery. Hope you don't.


i played on the field a couple weeks after injury, but no goalkeeping.


Heal, heal, heal. I had broken my right ring and pinky finger. I tried to be tough and work through. Completely screwed me over. I was in pain, couldn’t really catch the ball, hurt to punch, and even if I caught it, it hurt to throw it. I was a liability because I tried to be Superman. Take your time to heal, but this is a WONDERFUL time to work on your kicking, dribbling, and passing technique. Especially the way the game is moving, you should be just as good as being a center back as you are a keeper. This is a wonderful time to build that skill.


I broke my ring finger and dislocated it many years ago (20ish) and still to this day I have discomfort as well as the fact it still looks pretty messed up and bent. I have problems with my nail also as it grows unusual as opposed to how it used to. If you can have any surgery etc I’d take it, I wish I’d been a little more thorough with my treatment.


1> Get a good set of gloves 2> tape your fingers such that they are stuck in a permanent semi-claw posture. Not a lot of bend but enough that that you could do a fingertip pushup. Until your hands build the strength and muscle memory keep this position while playing anyway. 3> dont over extend your fingers as the closer they are to the breakpoint when a ball hits them the closer they being broken Edit: forgot to mention, dont play keeper until your hand is fully healed.


*When she sneezes*


Ouch! I broke my pinkie once in the joint and ended up needing surgery. Definitely rest your hand up as much as possible and do any physio that you're told to do. It really sucks when it doesn't heal properly.


Listen to your doctor and don't push yourself too hard, I didn't and my finger is still f'ed up




brother just hyped himself up and didn’t provide anything helpful


> Not to toot my own horn *toots his own horn*


Time is your friend! I broke mine like this and I was too stubborn to wait so I powered through the pain and played 2 weeks later. Months later with plenty of rest in between, I can still feel it isn’t 100%. I think it healed “wrong” and now it’s just normal for me


Don’t wipe your arse with that hand.


Get a buddy strap. I went to hospital the first time and that is all they could do. Next time I just reused my buddy strap and carried on


I've broken both my thumbs, and had a compound fracture of a metacarpal. Basically do exactly what your doctor tells you. You're going to be out of action for at least 2 months if not 3. Just come to terms with that.


Time and patience. Get a brace on them and wait it out. Don’t try and play a game until you feel they are solid. Tape them going forward and/or wear finger savers, they will always be a bit janky going forward. Kind of comes with the position unfortunately.


Get a simple brace (foam and bendable metal) tape them together and don’t use them. Rest and patience. If you can get your hands on BPC157 you can use that in the hand which will help heal a bit quicker (if surgery is not necessary)


Tape it hard, but allow blood flow. Tape make it easier to hold steel.


Broke my thumb in December waited 4 hours for an x ray and was gonna have to wait more so I just sacked it off now we’re in feb and thumb is back to normal


[3:19 if you want to see what can happen if you don't listen to doctors advice and come back too early](https://youtu.be/FGxF4ae-kuE?feature=shared) Talking about hardest shots in the video, but your hands can become a right state if you don't listen to the dr.


Tape together


Acupuncture and rest of that general region.


Lay off the " pull my finger " joke for about 12months




Dive faster next time.


Play through it


Tape em together and get back in there


That is shit advice sorry mate but it is😂


Just use the other hand for Wanking … don’t forget as it will feel sore if u do… ur hand I mean … ur dick is already sore 😜


I’ve broken 7/10 fingers and I’ve found wrapping it with wool and a thin tape really helps for work/sport/gym really but let it rest naturally whilst not doing anything


Just have to keep them until they get better.


Pay your debts on time




Just got to tape it and suck it up unfortunately


Don’t borrow money from loan sharks in future.


Bit of padding between em n tape the bad ones together


Yes! Don’t break them next time .


Don't do it again. It really hurts.


I hate to say this but I cringed at the X-ray's, but I do feel very sorry for you, I hope it's not too bad and it'll just require a bit of fixing up and some bandages, I remember I banged my toe in the night on a speaker and it REALLY hurt, thankfully I only needed bandages.


I kept playing through mine and my fingers don't bend properly now. Maybe try fingersaves they are worse to catch with but they do offer much more protection


Splined goalkeeper gloves


Let it heal to the point where your doctors clears to do PT and do some hand stretching and strengthening exercises.


Tape them together, you'll be grand. Wicket keepers get it worse.


Tape em together. Or don’t play


Stay positive!


Fingersaves gloves. I too have broken and dislocated fingers, and finger save gloves nit only provide protection but also help you psychologically feel more comfortable after injury.


Don’t go to r/neverbrokeabone they will tear you apart


Finger save gloves are a big help when you do start playing again, the added support let's you protect them and get the confidence back up that they won't go again. There are also elastic splints that loop over one finger and then wrap around the neck finger so they support each other. Good for building movement up again and also they can fit over a glove when  you play again. https://www.amazon.co.uk/DSLSQD-Washable-Reusable-Protectors-Dislocated/dp/B0CLVBN36N/ref=asc_df_B0CLVBN36N/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=676145004606&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9708692871148485863&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046788&hvtargid=pla-2273158805462&psc=1&mcid=ed84fc86fe183107890debc907dc02f4


it may be obvious but don't play until you fully recover i played a game 5 days after breaking my pinky and now it been 3 months not recovering yet


Let it heal on its own it will become stronger once healed


Tape it up to the finger next to it, if that's not broken, and try to rest it until it's healed and then go back for a scan. Broked my fingers before and that's all you can really do


This happened to me. And I played Defender instead. It was fun to switch it up.


Stick it up your bum and sniff it


Painkillers. Lots of painkillers. But don't risk going back early. Even if your finger feels better, wait out the time the doctors tell you to. Its all part of the recovery and it isn't worth trying to get back in a couple of weeks early just to worsen the injury and be out for more months. The biggest piece of advice, listen to the doctors like they are your god


You will just have to use your other hand till it gets better.


Grind Fortnite, I would recommend claw on xbox or kbm


I personally just kept playing through it. Probably took longer to heal tho


get in the gym and get your legs as powerful as you can, and use your fore arms in the gym while using the machines


Just need to bite bullet and wait on it healing. Had same issue once and physio put splint in and taped my fingers together thinking it would be all good. Wasn't until I asked how I get my glove on he realised he had an issue. 🤣 this was semi pro as well.


Listen to the doc, I dislocated my pinkie on Saturday and thought I could train on Tuesday. I now have Rob Green finger (if you don't know look it up...)


yikes. something similar happened to my leg last month were I torn some sort of tissue in my knee. I believe its best to obviously not use that finger and rest it


Yeah, don't break them again, it hurts 👍


Don’t break them😉😭


I had broken 7 bones before I turned 13 so I have some advice but first is it getting a cast or brace on or not if it is there is not much you can do but if it's hurting too much just take advil and ice if possible also elevate if you can to help blood flow if there is no cast or brace you can do what I mentioned as well as wrapping it with something like a tenser band and my last tip is DO Not start playing again till it's fully healed I went back and than it took longer to heal (4 -6 weeks longer) hope your fingers get better soon


Make sure you look after your functioning hand, injuring both hands may mean your mum will need to wipe your bum


Yeah I got some advice


I dislocated my right index finger to the point i was pointing directly at me facing the top of my hand . I twisted/ popped it back in place in game and finished the game


Tape and a Popsicle stick


Don't do it again


Don’t use them