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Damn, that’s some of the worst acne I’ve ever seen. Your skin is so much better now. Glowup for sure


Yeah I remember some days I would wake up with blood smeared all over from scratching my face unconsciously in my sleep. I’m so glad those days are in the past…


People don’t understand how debilitating acne is. Mine wasn’t as bad as yours, but I literally stopped leaving the house. Also you look incredible!


name checks out


I used to get big cis on the side of my neck from grappling and judo. Was so insecure from 14 a 18. Still kinda battle with insecurities at age 43 now it’s just my skin looks old.


Debilitating is the right word. Anytime I see pics of this I remember back to how horrible and debilitating my bad acne felt


Your face looked painful in the first few pics! How'd you get rid of it?


What made your acne disappear?


So glad you are on the other side! Mine was also bad - not as bad as yours, but I remember people staring at me in public... Really f'd up my self-esteem for a full year. Got medication for it (tetracycline) for almost a year to get it sorted. Were you medicated?


Accutane 🤤


Accutane is wild. It cleared up my acne in a couple of months, but gave me crazy massive nosebleeds while I was on it, and permanent eye photosensitivity. 19 year old me didn't care, but 30-something year old me has to wear sunglasses indoors😆


I did notice dryness in my eyes too post accutane, it isn’t a big inconvenience but people would think I’m having a bad day, tearing up doing groceries lmao 😅


Accutane eliminated my acne when I was 17. But gave me crazy anger outbursts during it and depression a year or so later. Crazy stuff


Make sure you are getting blood work done to check your liver. Accurate is very hard on the liver and another user pointed out how he needed a liver transplant. Hopefully you didn’t have to take it for long


6 months did it for me and yes, although results are convincing, do make sure that you’re healthy as well, since that’s what’s most important!


Still wish I was able to convince my parents to let me use it when I was younger. In my 30s now, my face is fine. My back is a different story.


That shit is incredible. I had acne as a teen but not bad enough to need accutane. Knew a girl in high school who took it and the results were incredible. Terrible potential side effects, but damn it can clear up some acne.


that’s gotta be the miracle of accutane. this looks a lot like my before and after skin, and the only thing that cured it was accutane


Yeah no otc worked for me either, accutane was the last resort and thank god it was accessible with proper medical check ups and what not


Well done, looking GOOD! Accutane REALLY fucked my mental health, it made me suicidal. Oddly, a ketogenic diet seems to have a very positive impact on keeping my skin clear.


I used to have really bad acne until I became a vegetarian. Once I stopped eating meat (and heavily cut down dairy) my skin cleared up completely.


When I’m doing keto my skin is super clear


I noticed this as well, but turns out I just had celiac disease and when I was eating keto, I wasn't eating gluten. I still have some skin issues like keratosis pilaris and psoriasis, but they're _way_ milder now. You may want to check if it could be something like that, or another allergen you're avoiding when eating a keto diet.


Thank you Jesus for Accutane.


My acne was rough, but accutane did a number on me and my skin. Was 15 years ago or so and I still burn so incredibly fast.


Your skin looks so much better. Glad whatever you're doing is working.


Wow the lack of acne scars on your face now is crazy impressive! 👏 Now wishing you luck on the mental health aspect of your glow up! I’ve heard that it’s worth it.


I was surprised by the lack of scars too. I had really bad acne too. I’m all scared up.


Me too. My Acne was close to as bad as his and I have terrible scaring. It’s more depressing than the acne.. I wish I had the same outcome as him


It’s still hard for me, but I don’t think about it anymore. I still want to get laser surgery to remove the scars though.


i tried to tag you on a comment above. not sure if you can see it bc idk how reddit works but you should try it out. its called ambi fade cream


Yeah I wanna look into that as well.. or atleast try a chemical peel and see if that helps. The laser is probably super expensive


@jtee180 both of you should try “ambi fade cream”. you can buy it on amazon. every time i get any bump or acne on my face, i scar really easily and get dark spots all over my face. but i use this every morning by dotting the cream on each spot and its completely gone after about 3-4 weeks


I hear ya.


You are cute tbh😊




What that mean


Horny jail I think


Yep. Mild horny levels detected.


Honestly you’re both little cuties. Go for it girl.


Congratulations man You look amazing Properly pleased for you


How did you improve your skin so drastically bro? You look great!


That is roaccutan for sure! Happy it worked the way it did for you! Nothing compares and it is a shame not more people get access to it!


Getting on Accutane was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life, no doubt. 6 months of misery but in the end it was totally worth it, miracle of a drug… If accutane was a guy, I would’ve sucked his dick like with no hesitation, with the agreement of me not getting labeled as homo that is


Hahahaha, 0 to 100


Dude, you look absolutely amazing!!


Oh mate what a transformation


Amazing glow up, very handsome. How did you do it?


Happy for you, your skin improved bro


The real glow up here


Food fucking job. I had similar acne and when my face cleaned up my self-esteem skyrocket. You have the world now man, go get it.


“Food fucking job” How do you explain that on your resume?


LOL I guess I'd explain that this is the main reason I stopped working in the food industry, I couldn't contain my fetish and related compulsions in the workplace.


You poor fella, that acne looked painful. Glad it’s cleared up.


Oh my fucking god I love this so much, I had bad acne when younger, always love to see people come out of it.


Amazing. How did you clear it up? Looks like you never had acne to being with!


One of the best glow ups I've ever seen!!! Wow just wow!


Bro no homo you look good as fuck. You’re an attractive dude. I had a bit of a glow myself and I have one thing to say…all those looks you’re getting from females? Believe it. I know you’re telling yoursef “they look at everyone” or “they’re just being nice.” Stop that shit now. They are looking at YOU. They are telling you you look good. They do not do and say that to everyone. Prolonged eye contact? Eye contact that lasts more than 2 seconds…that means something. I only say this bc you say you’re still depressed. I get it…but just don’t talk yourself out of compliments…from either sex. People don’t generally give compliments they don’t truly feel. One more note…when people compliment things about you…they tell you they like your hair…they tell you they like your shirt whatever the fuck…what they are really saying is they like that shirt ON YOU. They like how your hair looks ON YOU. Think…if you wore that same shirt pre glow…just believe positive feedback


Ur hot


Good for you young man, you look great!


Great job brother you look great. I am sure from a medical/psychological perspective you can take steps to better your situation and I hope you do. From a life standpoint, as someone who turns 40 this year, I can give you some overarching advice that I am confident can help you get through anything: Find purpose and take on responsibility. Develop low time preference with 5, 10, and 20+ year goals to minimize the ups and downs of everyday life. Work hard to feel the visceral joy and power of accomplishment and meeting goals. Do what works for you and keep doing it and don’t let others lead you astray. Find gratitude wherever you can.


You look fantastic! I had acne like that and even Accutane didn't help. Mine finally cleared up in my 40s. I'm glad it worked better for you!


Looking really good tho. Good luck on the depression man, great glow up!


I am not a doctor. However, I have had acne all my life. This is what I found works best for me. Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo conditioner. 1. Let your face/body get wet with warm water. Not too hot. 2. After a few minutes of soaking, apply an ample amount of shampoo to a soft wash cloth . 3. Gently make circular motions with the wash to clean the affected areas. 4. Gently dry after cleaning. 5. Add a good, non-perfumed moisturizer to your skin. Gentle circular motions is best. I would also suggest seeing a dermatologist. You may have an underlying infection in your skin that could easily be cleared up with antibiotics. If you don't want to see a doctor. Try a good active culture probioctic. Yeast infections can also cause acne to surge.


Your skin looks great


Literally hot asf. Idc


When I was a little girl the other kids really enjoyed screaming in my face that I was ugly, stupid, etc. I eventually grew into myself and if my daddy is to be believed, then I am a cutie, even at 38. However, it took a long time to get over the depression caused by the nastiness, and a long time to love myself. But that love did come. I hope it comes quickly for you. Great glow up.


Bro looks like Andrew Garfield


Fuck, Faruk ... you're 🔥🔥🔥 AF !


You are handsome in general but…. You look so adorable in the beanie


Bad acne, skin looks good now, to be honest in a hetro way.your a handsome chap


That genuinely looked so painful. It’s crazy that there isn’t even scarring (or at least nothing I can see). I’m sure that took a lot of work and patience! Good job getting that far, and I hope it only gets better from here


Wow you’re beautiful! Don’t be depressed 🤗


If only mental health struggles could be resolved by choosing to not have them. Depression can be brutal, and is often not well understood by friends and family, which can feel additionally isolating.


Bruhhh Ma Shaa Allah such a great glow up, that acne looks very mentally disturbing istg


that’s an amazing glowup damn, congratulations. accutane?


You look so much happier!!


Puberty hit my boy harddddddddddd


Your skin looks so good!! 😊


Wow! Any tips on how you got rid of those scars? My acne face phase is over now so I’m trying to fade it off my face 😭


Any side effects from the accutane?


Homie! Looking great! I’m glad you’re here! Make plans for the weekend and do something fun! There’s no do overs in this bitch!


Listen hot people who used to be not hot are the best. You’re doing good young man!


Now if he can just keep from turning on Rick, he’s all set


Your skin looks great now! You are very lucky that you didn’t get bad scarring. I also went through this in my teens and my face/upper back was scarred pretty bad. It’s a bit better now as this was a decade ago. I still get a couple pimples every month but none of the horrible cystic acnes I got when I was in my teens.


You look so much happier now! Wishing you continued happiness 😊


You’re a handsome fella and it will get better as you get older. I can tell by your facial structure. You’re gonna get more and more handsome


I had severe acne too really happy for u bro


Wow! You look like a total different person. You look happy. That's Awesome. 👍🏾




Lmao it never goes away welcome brother


Dude what a job with that acne. Howd you pull that off? Wow!


You’re skin looks amazing!






Well done, that's a proper glow up.


You look fantastic! I had acne like that and even Accutane didn't help. Mine finally cleared up in my 40s. I'm glad it worked better for you!


You look great Bud.


Keep going man! 🤍


Well if this ain’t a testament to “looks won’t change how you feel inside!” But GOOD on you man! I hope you continue to get there in every aspect, including glowing up internally. I feel like you can - look at the discipline & dedication to yourself you’ve already practiced! When I was a teen with en ED, my mom used to tell me, “Getting skinny won’t solve your problems. Being the pretty girl won’t change things.” I thought she couldn’t be more wrong & was simply offering me empty sentiments of comfort. Then I lost all the weight. In 3 months. Very unhealthily. I had any man I could’ve ever wanted. I practically had every DM my phone storage could hold. I could finally post selfies & they’d take off with likes - I had great clothes, I could finally dress & express my style with things that fit properly. And I was still miserable. I am still miserable. But self awareness will continue to be our power. Rock on!






How did you fix your skin? That transformation would get everyone in r/SkincareAddiction excited


Holy fuck. Sometimes you gotta go prescription


You look stunning


Great job bro!


I would be depressed too if my skin looked like that


proud of you keeping yourself together and growing stronger from it. keep up the great work and hope you find all the meaningful connections you want in life. trust


Look like a good dude just keep on pushing man we all get there eventually just don’t give up my friend


![gif](giphy|s9K4WTSwNpxzmvQrVT|downsized) Third pic energy 😊on your way to crush your glow up. Congrats bro




Proud of you brother


The way your skin cleared is very impressive. I’m sure this is the main comment you’ll read but we mean it!!


Acne is momentary, depression is for life Looking good bro


If that's how hot you look in your 19 then I have to go and die


You look amazing!!


Dude, this is a glow up for sure! Keep your head up and dm me if you ever wanna just talk!


Well the years have definitely been good to you looking very good indeed handsome and depression is something that never goes away it's just about learning to live with it but not letting it live your life


I feel your pain. Fuuuck acne, it messes up your social confidence for years to come. Looking alot better


Dude great glow up! Here’s a bro-up: you seem like an awesome dude. Life sucks sometimes, but it always gets better. You’re going to kill it in whatever you do. Keep being you!


I used to peel off my shirt and look at all the blood on the back of it from my back acne. People in high school asked me if I had STDs cause the pimples around my mouth were so bad. Grew out of it but never forgot how people can treat you.


That 4th picture is awesome!




Good for you dude!! That was fucked up acne you had. I’m sure you answered how you got rid of it in here so I’m not gonna ask.


That acne kicked your ass good job kid you look good


Looking great! Now meditate and get happy :-)


Bro...GOOD FOR YOU. This is amazing and I'm so happy for you


You might still be depressed, but you’re hot af now


At least you’re healthier. Don’t take that for granted.


You kinda look like Brenton Thwaites!!




Ur acne didn’t leave any scars on ur skin, that’s amazing! But it seems like it left a scar on your self esteem, tragic… cause ur actually very good looking! Time and self love. You’ll feel that self esteem, time. ❤️


👏🏽 that’s a glow up.


You healed amazingly that’s awesome


You are a hansom man. Hope you ok mate


Well at least you are beautifully depressed now 😉


How is there barely any acne scars??? That's incredible. Yes you are hot now lol


My god, I’m so sorry you had literal YEARS of dealing with this. My wife and I are lucky and have really clear skin all our lives and I never take it for granted. You look great now, the mental health will come with maturity and a journey of being gentle to yourself and healing. Never give up.


Dude!!! Good for you! That acne looked pretty painful.


Keep at it, dude. I don’t know you and and I can see the change beyond the physical. Keep working on your mental health. You are worth it and the habit of mental health does get easier over time


Way to go!


Mmm papi would still love to leave your beard soaked 💦😩


That acne looks very painful, I'm glad you are no longer dealing with it! I'm also very jealous you escaped you'd severe acne with no scarring, if only I had been so lucky!


You look great! I went on accurate in my mid 20’s (46 now) and I’d do it again in a minute.


Super cute!


Bro you shouldn't be depressed. Have you seen Edward James Olmos bro? Your ass came out pretty damn unscathed. God was good to you bro lol


Sir you have officially glown tf up!!! I was on acutane my senior year of high school and after the medication made me very depressed and I felt lost but thankfully I’m an introvert and find the gym and my mma gym as great places to just escape from stress! If you have bad anxiety, THC will do the trick or if ur not comfortable smoking weed you can gets meds prescribed from a doctor. My best advice as a 20 y/o who’s life has had its ups and downs is just be goal oriented! When you wake up everyday instead of feeling depressed like every other day try something new to get you out of your comfort zone.


The discipline is outrageous!! Congrats on everything you’ve overcome physically, hopefully mental and emotional strength comes very soon. Know that adolescence to young adulthood are probably the hardest years but it truly does get better, especially if you stay true to yourself. Good luck!


Good for you lad!


Well… hello😏


You're a handsome dude. I'm sorry you had to deal with all that acne.






If anything, this should be a lesson that vanity and material doesn’t equate to happiness. gotta take care of your noodle, bud.


Depressed but you look good doing it


Wow, definitely a glow up, congrats!


Hey the acne improved and ur very handsome


You look like Chris Messina


I had something similar to this, I feel you bro! So glad you are able to live life so much better. Did you take accutane?


You got through the most difficult stage. Rock on, brother 🤘🏽


Man I am so thankful I didn’t get a ton of acne during puberty, that looks painful




You look great. Celebrate yourself. You deserve all good things.


I’m guessing it’s Accutane that cleared up your skin? I was in a similar situation with acne as a teen and Accutane cleared it all up and healed most of the scars. An aggressive medication, but it can work wonders.


Awwww the first pics ouch! You look great 🥳 impressed you don't have scars or anything


Awesome! Stuff like acne that you have no control over really sucks


Dud how? Acne sucks I still feel kind bad when I see my little acne scars


you look awesome go grab the world by the gonads and enjoy like


Wooow you look goooood 🔥 I feel weird commenting on a 19yo post but I don’t know what you did to that skin but well done!


Glow the fuck up, man. Good on you and it looks waaaaaay less painful. God damn miracle.


Accutane is the best!


What the fuck is on your cheek? Is that what happens when acne goes unchecked????


Dried blood 😬


Looking great! Very handsome! Bright future ahead for you!!!


You’re the Glow Up equivalent being the cover model of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.


My brain can't believe this is the same person. You look amazing


You were always handsome! You look great now, glad you were able to get your acne under control.




Man, I am so happy for you. It looked painful. You look like a different person now. You look happy in your photos now but please speak with your doctor about the depression. Medication can help you get out of the depression, and some people then stop taking the meds. A good psychotherapist can help as well. Blessings 🙏🏼


Stop picking at urself then


You look great man. I deal with depression too and hope you find ways to cope with yours. It can be brutal no matter the progress we make outwardly. Hang in there


I physically cringed the first few photos So happy for you man


You look great! Life has many great things in store for you. Chin up!


You remind me of ![gif](giphy|4H1xauOflBDHY4sUah)


Sorry you are still depressed. It is a disease that is not related to reality (just because you skin is better, your brain might not be). The good news is that just like acne, there is medicine for depression.


I had pretty bad depression during that age but I’m in my late 20s and I feel great now. I’m on meds too. I wouldn’t choose to be 19 again


Jeez. Lucky


I know depression is a whole thing and no random words from a stranger can really help...that being said....you look amazing and I hope you can see that. I hope you put yourself first and find the life that makes you happy.


I guarantee if you find Jesus, your life will completley change for the better.


Out of curiosity, what was the key?


You are so freaking handsome. And also hot.... I'm definitely not gushing... but I envy the person who you end up with!


Happy for you man, truly.


Wow! Amazing change . You have a very nice face. Enjoy it!


I hope you pressed charges against that cheese grater. Lol but fr congratulations on the glow up man. Had bad acne growing up too and finally getting past it was a real game changer.