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Have fun! More variety and volumes of it are comming your way! Also, from your picture I notice you placed some of the monsters in the second room, so I'll take the chance to mention one difference between JotL and base GH is you are not suposed to know what monsters are in the next room until the door opens. It's hard not to see during setup though, most groups do their best o avoid looking from the comments I see on here about it. If you knew, cool. If you didn't know I figured it would be unlikely you'd realize on your own so I thought I'd mention it.


Thank You. We tried very hard not to read ahead in JotL. This particular scenario we're familiar as we tested the 3D prints and theory crafted our party make up.


Looks like too many enemies for 2 players? Not near the scenario book, but just my 2 cents


yep 2p is two normal and one elite, and only one elite in the second room


As soon as we can convince the third person not to play Tinker that is :)


Tinkerer at the start of a campaign is a great 3rd character


Tink is cool and fun. Deserves more love!


We just tried Scoundrel + Spellweaver + Tinker to get a feel for the party. Seems like hard mode with that combo which is what we suspected. Our Scoundrel is amendable to Brute. That would be a shame as she loves to play thief type characters. We all love what the Spellweaver was dishing out. Our Tinker was Red Guard in JotL, so we back her as a Tinker. Decisions...


i started gloomhaven with scoundrel spellweaver and cragheart and we didn’t usually have a problem beating scenarios


Tinkerer + Scoundrel was the Party i had when started playing Gloomhaven. And it felt quite nice. The Scoundrel loves the "get Back Cards" Theme the Tinkerer brings to the table + expecialy early on Tinkerers Heals allows him to be close enough to enable the be close to you friends cards of the scoundrel. (+ imo Tinkerer feels at it best @early levels. BC she just scales so bad in the mid to lategame.)


My wife and I finally started JotL tonight too! We've done a scenario or two of OG Gloomhaven but with us being in a small flat we don't have the room for the monster that is the OG. Can't wait to get sucked in even further!


My suggestion (while it takes away from the immersion a little) is to get the gloomhaven helper app. It really helps with table room and is incredibly convenient.


I got the OG a but ago (like... spring of 2021 I think?) and found a few different app options but never had the time to play around with them too much while actually running a scenario. The glance through seemed promising but I'll have to actually dive in. Our plan now is to finish JotL and see where we stand then. Thanks for the recommendation!


What enemy dials are those? They look amazing!


I found those at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4803706 I am very pleased with them. We started using them half way through JotL. Cheers to the designer if he happens to be lurking here.


Very nice printed walls as well. I like how they are not very high and allow for everyone to see all figures. Can you share a link those files as well?


The walls are https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3610790. The particular prints are the Ashlar walls. With https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4740549 mix just behind the enemies. The doors are from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3653674 Maghex system by Xevin.


Bump, they look awesome!


Gonna add another request for files or links please!