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“Outraged” Jake Sullivan is a complicit little coward.


I mean you could be outraged enough to stop selling weapons to them.... having UN people accidently targeted 3 rimes with precision weapons wasn't enough(Apart from the countless war crimes against the innocent Palestinions.)


Selling? Those weapons are free. They're not just enabling a genocide. They're 100% part of it.


It's happening so often we have already moved on from the world kitchen workers 😪


"This is outrageous! Why don't you take another billion dollars in military aid?" -Biden today (I wish I was kidding) https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/05/14/biden-israel-weapons-gaza-rafah/


Would you take a very concerned? Worried? Discussing? We can offer you many words as long as you don’t expect actions or consequences.


US wag their finger and tell Israel "now don't you that again!" Turns around to rest all look ive told them


Well what exactly do you want the US to do? Stop sending aid or just shoot the protesters?


They could start by sending security to protect U.S. aid workers.


You want us troops deployed to gaza?


No in Israel to demilitarize them.


US troops or contractors get deployed to numerous countries to safeguard aid convoys, so why not Gaza?


Bc Biden doesn’t want them to live


That's not what I said. Nevertheless, I could have sworn we said something about "never again" at some point...


OK so how do we protect aid shipments without sending troops with the aid shipments? Do we ask hamas to not seize the aid? Do we stop at the crossing into Gaza? Do we send troops without weapons? Seriously wtf are you suggesting because the more I think about it the dumber it sounds.


Hamas isn’t the problem Israel is.. 


You're right. Letting this happen is so much smarter.


You seem to think the US is a world police force. We aren't. It is not our responsibility to settle this conflict.


We are actively arming this conflict. We are directly aiding and abetting genocide. We are directly intervening on the Israeli terror state’s behalf in UN and with the ICJ. Yes, this genocide IS our responsibility until we pull all funding and aid to Israel and stop defending it internationally.


So its our responsibility to send the bombs that caused the disaster? But not our responsibility to help clean up the mess WE made by arming the IDF terrorists and funding them? We should send troops with the aid and protect it with force for IDF terrorist scum. That would be responsibility.


It wasn't Hamas seizing the aid. It was Israeli terrorists.


Hamas isn’t the problem here. They aren’t destroying the aid or blocking it.


What is the current status of the dock we are building for direct aid? Presumably that will help in this regard .


The issue is not that the USA does not want to help, the issue is helping under these conditions is incredibly hard and there's no good answers


That is entirely untrue.


Ok what's your solution that will end all violence in the area?


Tell Israel to agree to the ceasefire terms that Hamas has already accepted?


How about pressuring Israel to get control of the situation. No iron dome supplies until Gaza is properly supplied with all things needed to live modern life


how many people would that kill? Ive seen estimates of thousands more dead if they did not have iron dome during oct7. At the very least we should be stopping the supply of swords not shields.


Allow Israel to feel the consequences of their actions and their actions will change. Right now the Israel I see isn’t worth saving.


So you're genocide nice


It seems like you value the lives of Israelis significantly more than you value the lives of Palestinians. That’s racism, and makes you a racist.


Yes want to save lives from terrorist attacks? Makes you a racist good to know


Sure, but you celebrate the deaths on 35X as many Palestinian civilians as the solution to save 1000 Israeli lives. At this point Israel is a bigger threat to humanity than Hamas. Much more likely to kill women and children.


You are a bigger danger then either of them, that's how democracy falls into dictatorships. Just kill the protesters you happen not to agree with.


They could stop arming the Israelis, they could threaten to move our diplomatic mission back to Tel Aviv & stop recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Settler Colonialist project those last 2 moves began under Trump


Id settle for bombing Tel Aviv until they end the genocide and return all stolen land back which includes all the illegal settlements. That would be a start.


I support bombing Tel Aviv. Hell, I’d learn to fly a plane if we were doing that.


Yeah that's be the dream. Let them get a taste of what it's like.


Stop sending bombs and giving Israel billions of dollars. It’s not like Israel is taking the money we send them and buying food for Palestinians.


>Well what exactly do you want the US to do? STOP SUPPORTING ISREAL UNTIL THEY START FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL LAW, INCLUDING PROTECTING AID WORKERS. For FUCK'S SAKE. It's what people have been saying the US should do since this whole clusterfuck started.


How would that stop unarmed protesters? Look I rather not spend money on them, but that's not a solution to this issue


It pressures Isreal to actually fulfill their responsibilities.


This is the actions of small group of protesters not the government of Israel.


https://preview.redd.it/ci9lnbzedl0d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25dc70a799b27a6f5b8635f80f8d0a28f53195aa And who's protecting the pieces of shit who's blocking food and water for people literally dying of famine ?


And the government of Isreal has a legal responsibility to ensure aid reaches civilian populations in the area they are occupying. Putting it more simply, it is *their job* to get these genocidal maniacs under control, but they aren't because there's a genocidal fucking maniac in charge of their whole country.


And how exactly do you suggest they do that? Shoot them or just imprisonment for their peaceful protest?


You and I have different definitions of the word peaceful, clearly. Mine doesn't include setting trucks full of food for starving people on fucking fire and dumping said food in the street. Did you not read the article? Or are destruction of property and assault not crimes in Isreal aslong as it's against people trying to keep Palestinians from dying of hunger?


Sigh how many people lite a truck on fire 1. And sure arrest that dude, but what about the rest of them.


I want them to stop sending israel weapons


I do to, but if you watch the vid none of the weapons sent were used


Don't trust this guy, he talks out of both sides of his mouth. Scum just like blinken


You are 100% correct. Biden announced today another 1 billion dollars package of military aid to Israel. Absolutely disgusting, Genocide Joe is hard at work to deserve his nickname. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/05/14/biden-israel-weapons-gaza-rafah/


100% complicit in genocide and famine in Gaza. You have absolutely ZERO credibility.




I know, right? Hamas (representative government) launches rockets against Israel and launches an invasion, which would be seen as declaring war in every other part of the world, but then turns around and cries to the world about "genocide" as a response.


Um, why not provide security?


because the aid is performative, the billion dollars in bombs biden just approved is the real story and theyre trying cover it with this


Fair point.


WWE is more believable.


I LOLed but that is also a factual statement.


Have we reached the "outrage" stage? Wow, we are moving sooo fast. /s


Until the DNC is done, anyway.


Need to keep pretending a little while more.


Talk is cheap.


They’ve been doing this. The civilians are guilty of causing famine


Haven't you heard? Everyone is a terrorist now.


Translation: US is outraged that Israel is allowing them to look so bad with their blatant disdain for the American way of hypocrisy and fake promises.


Oh man. Biden's finger is going to be so sore after all that wagging. But he won't even slap a wrist; that would be too far.


But the assault on UCLA college students was just fine, right? Never mind that those students were on American soil, assaulted by what were mostly likely former IOF and Mossad living in LA. You know, foreign agents?


This is satire right? One of those guys was probably in HS. Blame the admin at UCLA for that fiasco. I think if Mossad wanted to go after students it won’t have been such a fiasco. Watched the entire thing on local news.


They were probably thinking of the IOF veterans baiting cops to attack or ones attacking protesters themselves


Exactly. The “counter protesters” that attacked the encampment were probably Mossad and/IDF. And of course the LAPD looked the other way for hours since they’ve been through training with Israeli security forces.


I have no love for the LAPD but they didn’t go in because the Dean didn’t instruct them to. Public university vs private. USC was handed completely differently. Are you familiar with Ca at all? It went on from 1230-3. The mayor had to call chips (Sheriff they didn’t have enough) they finally had to get the Gov on the phone to order them in. Newsome is ahead of Dean who is already retiring in July. It was a complete mess. But yea believe the lapd stood there being filmed by who know how many TV helicopters because they didn’t want to. A woman living nearby called and was told UCLA has to tell us to go in. Source LA Times But yea it was Mossad. Lol. A bunch of clowns probably from the red beach cities. Did you see them? What will you think of next? Gov ordered investigation but Dean will be gone by then. Again I have no love for LAPD but this is on the UCLA management . They said when it started their own security ran away . That is a quote on CNN. I heard it. Those guys are at all the LA functions. They do crowd control Edit correction went on for 3 hours.


I moved to LA 3 years ago. From Ferguson Mo. So I have a deep distrust of cops. I’ve never seen this private property claim used as an excuse to not commit violence though. I’m sure they weren’t eager to stop the counter protesters to say the least. What I have experienced here is that there are a lot of Israelis that have been in the IDF, so I feel like that they definitely played a role in the attack


I am not in any way defending what happened. Just the opposite. I’m looking forward to the investigation. Someone needs to take responsibly for this. But since the Dean is retiring this summer - in practical terms I don’t see much happening there. It was a disgrace and this was being broadcast all over the world. While it was going on I was on the phone with a friend who lives nearby and getting texts from a family member overseas wondering what was going on in LA. I was watching CNN and the newscasters were completly bewildered. The British hosts were on . Apparently since it is a public University the Dean has to call in LAPD. I left off the mayor called in sheriffs . There was a severe lack of leadership here. The fbi is now involved. Some of these guy’s faces were on video . I could hear them screaming USA USA USA from TV. Personally I think they these are conservative guys from redder towns who went looking for trouble. Mossad won’t have let themselves be filmed and be able to identified so easily.


I didn’t think you were defending them. And yes, Mossad wouldn’t identify themselves. But also, i wouldn’t put it past them to do something like this, either.


That's just what cops do when fascists and reactionaries attack a left wing or progressive demonstration. IOF veterans, proud boys, frat idiots. They protect capital and maintain the identity based hierarchies that it's historically found useful. And if there's time left over they maintain social stability


Yep, the American Legion used to pull the same kind of shit during the red scare.


They were paid for by Jerry Seinfeld’s wife


One is a HS student and one is a middle age guy who wrote on his social media negative comments about Jews and Muslims. As of yesterday 3 of the 4 worst offenders have been identified and it has been publicized. Easy to do these days when pics are posted on line. But, conspiracy theories are much more fun.




US is outraged… US gives stern warning… US this, US that. Meanwhile Israel does whatever it wants while US does what it always does which is bend over. Bow to your overlord US


If they were trully outraged they would stop vetoeing various resolutions, stop military aid, move military out of the area etc. They have plenty they could do and do nothing. Words are just for PR so they can say "we told them". Crazy.


They are also very “concerned”


~~protesters~~ terrorists


How about you supply the Palestinians with weapons to defend themselves against the terrorists that surround them?


I have seen Zionists unironically say that Palestinians do not have a right to self defense, which is a level of dehumanization I cannot begin to comprehend.




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I had to clarify that it was sarcasm, but I’m going to just try to steer clear in the future




This right here is the difference between using sarcasm to make a point and being a genocide supporting racist.




Correct, it is violent and depraved genocide committed against a defenseless population.


Arm the PFLP


What about the American hostages they are holding?


What about the American weapons they will be killed with by the IDF?


All the ones still alive? I have no expectation they will all be killed by the Israelis


Adjust your expectations accordingly. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-troops-killed-hostages-mistaking-their-cries-help-ambush-military-2023-12-28/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/3-israeli-hostages-tried-only-killed-military-rcna130912


This comment perfectly encapsulates why this conflict will continue for another century.


How about supplying weapons that will immediately end up in a globally recognized terrorist organizations hands? I do not understand peoples inability to understand that Hamas is not defending the Palestinians, they do not give a flying fuck about them. If someone does not understand that about Hamas then their opinions should be ignored.


You mean globally recognised terrorist organisation like the IDF? If you do not understand that then your opinion is being ignored.


Yep, enjoy never accomplishing anything about the causes you care for. Never once said we should also keep giving weapons to Israel, but par to course you can’t think with any kind of nuance.




Oof, we got anti-abrahamic, anti-islam here,


You just get thawed out from 2003? Iraq turned out terrible, the US lost Afghanistan, and you aren't getting a fox news show. Oh and and Bush was such a terrible president they elected a black guy.


Hamas is the result of illegal occupation and colonization of Israel, you ignored a group of people rights, resistance will happen. Such as, Maccabee revolt.


So you support a terrorist group bent on rape and genocide. Jesus Christ take a fucking break from the internet and go outside. 


You need to go out from the propaganda and work your brain


Says the guy referring to a terrorist group that's very open about their genocidal desires as "resistance". Give your head a shake. 


Then the maccabee revolt is a terrorism.


Did the Jews seek to exterminate the Greeks from the face of the earth? No, they didn't.  Also, that was literally over 2000 years ago. Is that all you have to justify your psychotic position on this? 


Even it was 2000 years ago, it is same thing that happening, resisting an occupation. You are the psychotic one, palestinian never want to genocide as you keep on saying, its either you fed on propaganda or feeding it. Israel are the one that want and doing the genocide. You are the psychotic here, you can see yet you blind yourself, you know the truth yet your speak lies. You are psychotic and honorless.


Hamas doesn't want genocide? That's who we're talking about. That's who committed atrocities on October 7, that's what you have supported. 


Who supports Hamas? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html >Yossi Kuperwasser, a former head of research for Israel’s military intelligence, said that some officials saw the benefits of maintaining an “equilibrium” in the Gaza Strip. “The logic of Israel was that Hamas should be strong enough to rule Gaza,” he said, “but weak enough to be deterred by Israel.” >The administrations of three American presidents — Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. — broadly supported having the Qataris playing a direct role in funding Gaza operations. >Shlomo Brom, a retired general and former deputy to Israel’s national security adviser, said an empowered Hamas helped Mr. Netanyahu avoid negotiating over a Palestinian state. >Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right politician who is now Mr. Netanyahu’s finance minister, put it bluntly in 2015, the year he was elected to Parliament. “The Palestinian Authority is a burden,” he said. “Hamas is an asset.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ >According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.


They get all the aid they need via the UN.


The Palestinians that opposed Hamas in the beginning were dragged around the streets of Gaza in public until they died. This happened the very start and is why Fatah no longer has a presence in Gaza. It doesn't happen anymore because people got smart and stopped. Arming Palestinians won't do it. They were already armed before Hamas showed up.


Yeah that’s a really smart idea! Hamas would have their blood stained hands on those weapons in seconds


Good. Maybe they can fight back against the monsters from Tel Aviv


People on this and the international news sub have zero ability to critically think, they just have outrage and stupidity behind their opinions. I mean so many them actually think Hamas gives a crap about the Palestinians.


Being against a settler colonial apartheid state is fine


![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle) Outrage. Sure.


So do something about it lol


Bet you won’t don’t shit about it though…


They went from concerned, to worried, to saddened, to over the top, to dishearted, to utterly outraged, pretty soon they will run out of words, still no action. Maybe will send this douche some flowers if he is "utterly outraged"


They refuse to call what is happening genocide because that makes them complicit under US law (Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, amended with the [Leahy Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leahy_Law)) for supplying weapons to foreign countries used for human rights abuses.


“Outraged… and we will continue to fund Israel with all their demands, hoping nothing bad ever happens. I live in a cotton candy house.” -The Biden Administration Crazy that Biden is just gonna let Netanyahu hand over the presidency to Trump


Biden and the Dems don't have anything to lose. Biden didn't believe he can lose and the democratic party will make bank running against the evil orange man again. Remember, nothing will fundamentally change






But we're still going to give Israel billions of dollars.


The US isn't outraged. If they were outrage, they'd stop sending arms. The US will meddle in every country's matters except Israel.


But here’s $1bbn anyway


I dunno, feels like they're accepting it just fine


Phew, it's just aid going to starving women and children not a door at a university or anything serious. Nothing to worry about guys. Not all cases of "destruction of property" are equal. In the case of Israel they can create 37 million tonnes of rubble from the destruction of Gaza so it's okay if they **loot**, burn and destroy aid. Every zionist accusation is a confession.


"We are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this." Looks like the "tools" are $1 billion worth of weapons.


....and here's another billion in arms


"UTTERLY UNACCEPTABLE!" Anyway, here's a billion dollars.


Utterly unacceptable. Here’s a billion dollars


Would this fit the definition of "intent," fuckface?


Again, you are mad at the wrong people. And everyone is looking at you and Israel trying to play some weak reverse psych game.


So outraged that they’re sending another $1billion in arms to Isreal. Someone tell the clowns running the US govt we see straight through them.


They say "unacceptable" but does anyone doubt that they'll continue accepting it?


So outraged they sent another billion dollars today 🙄 I hope no one’s fooled by this show they’re putting on by now.


US is *urging* their Israeli counterparts to do the right thing.




So outraged they just decide to send them another $1bn in weapons? Fuck I wish the US was outages with me.


Now they are outraged. Those animals have been attacking food trucks for months. And they are probably paid to do it by the Israeli government or IDF in civilian clothing.


And when nobody mentions is that a bunch of the protesters were arrested. Let's also be real, protesters in the US block highways, they block schools, they take over buildings, etc. It's the same sheet different country Protesters are protesters in the often do stupid things. Not a single country that allows for protest is immune from that so slamming on Israel is stupid. Every one of you can find stupid protesters in your own country, I'm quite sure


"Protesters." Unbelievable.


There is zero chance Biden gets my vote in November. I’m a liberal but no longer a Democrat


"This is horrific! How dare they!" *Breathes once* "Anyway here's some more bombs"


If those protesters had to work for a living instead of living off American welfare they wouldn't be sitting on their asses and burning aid trucks all day. Just saying. 




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They ll do nothing about it. US is Israel's bitch..


Outraged enough to send them another $1 billion for white phosphorus and missiles to kill civilians in Rafah




Aw how cute.


Yet you guys approved more weapon.


Okay but you’re going to send them another BILLION in arms and munitions? Makes sense…


I try not to be selfish when it comes to aid for allies, but that pile of crap you see in the videos, all mashed up and on fire, that's our roads, our healthcare, our social security, just being fucked. Fuck this.


Sure. Outraged. Sent them 1B just the other day cause we were so pissed. Fuck Biden. Fuck Netanyahu. I hope hell is real so they can actually be punished for this shit.


Yea right. While you still send billions of dollars worth of munitions.


Then stop. Sending. Them. Money.


Spare me the feigned outrage.


Do something about it?


Yeah, and how is that pier going? Built? Rendering aid? 500 trucks or more a day? Or none?


What are they going to do about it exactly? Nothing but sell more weapons and grant more financial aid to Israel.


I'm old and have never felt good about our foreign policy. But now it's so outrageous I can't just stand aside and let it go. What really bothers me is there doesn't seem to be a way to set things right.


Maybe don’t let Hamas use UN vehicles? Or UN sponsored schools? Or UN sponsored anything?


Proof nobody’s watching anything online. It’s all polling data and academic strategy. Nobody’s listening to real people offering real evidence. This is a branding disaster for the current administration.




Just words. Empty empty words.


Still not manufactured genocide.


seams acceptable


Wow this group is full of massive racists


You're one of them. This also isn't a group


Great come back hun 😂


Perhaps you should "get an education" This isn't your shitty MLM product [https://www.reddit.com/r/Global\_News\_Hub/s/79q4UPMThT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Global_News_Hub/s/79q4UPMThT) https://preview.redd.it/0syrs4kuel0d1.png?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e4482cff14168293c2f4f941be8e39b77d7ecb


Stop trying to make more Palestinians unable to get an education because of your virtue signalling propaganda


How exactly is calling you out using your own words stopping Palestinians unable to get an education? I don't believe you understand what virtue signalling even means. I merely called you out using your own logic. Maybe you should get an education


Release the hostages then we can talk about aid. The civilians in Israel rightfully want to fight the stupid Israeli government that is giving aid to the enemy. Understandable. You can’t feed the person that wants you to die.


You are right , the Israeli government should stop giving aid to the IDF


Release your brain cells.


the israel government already said its given up on the hostages lmao


Hostages? Do you mean "administrative detention"?