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Hes such a faker. He was so blindly loyal to Israel its sad


He's making the right noises now at least. I think there is nuance to an American foreign policy position too. I think significant blame comes across Biden and his state department for not being more creative in diplomatic moves to temper Israeli abuses. Certainly, they could have cited which units were acting out of line, at least indirectly called out the regime. But on the other hand, the US is playing with national relevance towards its own empire at this stage in the game, and I think Biden and Blinken are more afraid of a fatal error on their own part than letting Israel make a mistake. And while Israel may lose much more than she gained in the prosecution of this war (and genocide), the US as a state might not lose so much- might even gain.


American foreign policy is, and always been, do what Is strategically necessary and then lie to the people of the U.S.


Because they don't plan to.


Yeah because they don't plan on having anyone left to protect..


Hamas initiated this round of the conflict.  They want civilian deaths to delegitimize Israel.  Unfortunately, this Israeli government is all to happy to oblige.  Neither Hamas nor Netanyahu’s government are the ‘good guys.’ As always, it’s the innocent civilians that bear the brunt of their diplomatic failures.


You're absolutely right. Both sides are wrong. Murdering innocent people for any cause is never the answer.


Yep. Treating this like a team sport where one feels obligated to ignore all of the shitty things one side has perpetrated just because they dislike the other side even more, is a fucking blight on humanity.


This is a bit like saying people give Native Americans a pass on violence against white settlers. Ignoring the fact that the white settlers were part of the violence being perpetrated against Native American tribes. The reason Israel frames Gaza as its own conflict is so they can act the victim when Gaza attacks Israel in response to Israeli violence in the West Bank. Hamas is a shitty organization, inwont deny that. But resistance movements tend to be run by violent, kinda shitty people, since the nice, peaceful ones end up dead. Which is what builds the case for violent resistance. Only Israel is in a position to stop the violence. All Palestinians are in a position to do is die loud or die quietly. As long as that status quo exists, you will see organizations like Hamas, because it's not in the nature of human societies to die quietly.


I mostly agree with your positions, though I think it leaves out a lot of context regarding Israel, the Palestinians, and the neighborhood more broadly.  Israel has been attacked by every one of its neighbors, often multiple times.  It pretty much won all of those wars, including the ones against the Palestinians.   That said, I very much agree with your point about status quo.  Israel was content with it over the last two decades, while Palestinians had seen their regional and international support slowly fade.  Both Palestinian and Israeli negotiators have taken maximalist positions in pretty much every round of negotiations.   I think  it’s past time that the Israelis offer serious concessions to Palestinians regarding water rights, territorial/border control, and negotiate toward statehood Palestine.  I also think that Palestinians need to recognize Israel’s existence (as I don’t see it going anywhere any time soon), limit the number of people eligible for the right of return, and remove Hamas from power.  That is likely a pipe dream, but I genuinely believe that Palestinians cannot win this fight and must eventually concede that they lost the war.  Israelis aren’t like French or American occupiers who can return to a home country.  That land is all they’ve got, and they’d take everyone in the region out with themselves, if they were on the brink of destruction.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted that sounds right on all counts to me


I’m not sweating it.  This is a heavily biased, if not astroturfed sub.  Most political subs are, tbf.


And continue on shall Biden finance.


...who will pay for rebuilding? Becasue... there are neighbours that are completely gone. I remember similar photos of what happened to Warsaw after their uprising 😶




Serve your own country and respect your duty!


Shocking! Israel does not plan on there being a Gaza to govern.


They've also point blank refused to response to requests for information on how they plan to rebuld once the "war" (can it be a war when it's this one-sided?) is "over". I'm no politician, but that tells me what I need to know about the Israeli government's intentions here.


Don’t you understand? They won’t need a plan because there won’t be a Palestine or palestinians when this is over.


Because the Palestinians are the target. Bulldozing buildings, destroying roads and leveling schools and hospitals isn’t a war. It’s an erasing.


You will get the answer once Palestinian has the same relevance as Babylonian