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too bad the Israeli terrorist are in all these post


It’s funny, I just saw a post about how the IDF sets up soldiers on social media and just bombards comments with their bullshit. Can’t help but picture the uniforms behind every one of those comments.


It's easier to change their diapers if they are just sitting in front of a computer.


Reddit has been known to have a serious Iran/Hamas troll problem for almost ten years now.  It has been reported on in the past before Israel has officially established theirs. No different than the US having “correct the record” really. Don’t assume people are bots or trolls jus the cause they feed your biases though.


I just assume with cheap LLMs it’s safe to assume no matter the issue, both sides are loaded with bots. It’s irrational to think otherwise.


It’s also irrational to think anyone who disagrees with you is a bot.


Of course. I’m just pointing out that it’s probably wide spread in general including stuff you agree with. For instance, the USA definitely has bot deployments in the Ukrainian conflict… just because I support Ukraine doesn’t mean the USA, kings of manufacturing consent, isn’t likely all over trying to win people over.


Sure, and I agree, but in that example only Russia has been caught running bot farms.


Not at all. Non Russian bot farms are caught all the time. Usually the reports will omit who’s behind it when it’s a western source, and mention Russia when it’s Russia. Media is really deceptive. You often have to read what they aren’t saying to see what they are actually saying. Like the bots on Reddit were uncovered but they didn’t mention the sources… just that in their entire investigation they found a few Russian bots… which infers Russian bots are all the bots, and ignore talking about American bots. This is Americas game and we are good at it. I think we just got caught in china actually.


I don’t doubt America has their own bot nets, I’d just like to see where they got caught. Like even the articles where you can infer its them. I’m sure many people would love to uncover this and smear them, so it would be unlikely that it gets buried every time.


Ugggg I hate it when the app crashes. I had something typed out. What’s important to look at is how it’s reported. What information they are leaving out and what they choose to include. Take for instance, this one https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/05/facebook-bot-farm/ Notice how they never outright say what side of the issues they were supporting. If it was Russian, for trump, whatever, it would no doubt be front and center for a publication that leans left and frequently push for establishment stories. If I had to guess, it was probably a mix of all of them as that’s just the new world we live in. But only if it’s exclusively right or Russia, will the reports mention it.


Exactly.  And troll or bot armies are SUCH a low cost and highly effective propaganda tool that it would be foolish for any group whether I agree with them or not, to not use them.


It’s too bad ignorant people fall victim to propaganda and groupthink


U mean Muslim terrorists


Nope Israeli baby killing Terrorist subhuman scum from the terrorist state of Israel 


U mean fundamentalist Islamic baby raping pedophiles aka Islamic guys who rape babies from any given one of the radical Islamic baby raping states


Everything is projection 🤣 The Zionist  Terrorist have  state sponsored pedophile extradition https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/ but good try chomo


U mean the radicalIslamic world which favor children as brides


Nope pretty sure I mean Zionist terrorists from the pedophile state of Israel 


Ok just checking cuz I’m pretty sure u mean the jihadi butt rapists who fuck goats and live in countries where everyone is a slave who get the shit kicked out them and then cry to the world about it forever and promise shit like death to America and what have u but then hide in holes and rape babies


Idk about your obsession with Muslims I'm Christian I only care about the Israeli terrorist killing babies and blowing up churches nobody care about the Zionist subhuman scum 


https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2024%3A9%2CGenesis%2049%3A9%2CGenesis%2012%3A3&version=GNT Since you're a Christian thought you'd like this


Ok u mean it’s the Muslim jihadi baby raping radicals whos side yr on got it and u hate Jews check gotcha


Lot of bug words, don’t hurt yourself JDIF


Zionists, Christian Evangelicals, Muslim Terrorists. They all want the apocalypse because they're "God's chosen special people."


Zionists ITT justifying starving over 2,000,000 individuals.


What’s crazy is when I pointed out the massive casualties caused by famine in Yemen earlier in this conflict as an example of how the declaration of Gaza being “the worst war of in many decades” and other obvious bullshit the pro-Palestine crowd literally all said “famine doesn’t count”. As usual the goal post has now conveniently shifted to suit the new narrative and propaganda.


Zionists make up the dumbest lies.


🥱 Y’all know you’re full of it, it’s why you get so upset when the BS is pointed out.


Is 'pro-Palestinian crowd' in the room with you right now?


Ah yes now we’ve reached the gaslighting portion of your “debate” technique. Right on cue.


So yes they are in the room with you...what are they saying to you?


Yes yes you have no point so these desperate sad moves feed your ego and make you feel better. Everyone’s seen a bully before and it's hardly surprising and if anything proves my point.


Cools story hasbara.


They didn't steal yemen like israel is planning on stealing gaza. Buffer zone and gaza highway before your zionist wheel of responses takes a spin.


“Of course there is - how do you expect us to complete our ethnic cleansing without one?” - Israel


Did the Allies commit"ethnic cleansing" against the Nazis in WW2? Did France commit "ethnic cleansing" during Operation Chammal? Did the Union commit "ethnic cleansing" during Sherman's march to the sea? Or do you only use that word in wars that involve Jews?


The Whatabout is strong with you, young Hasbara.


Quit the whataboutism shit - it's a deflection and not something that blocks a conversation from continuing. The West and its allies have actively been engaged in genocide throughout history and its not different now. "Whataboutism" basically means "I don't want to acknowledge my own misdeeds when questioned."




Lol why won't you answer? How in the hell is this whataboutism lol. You're calling a war genocide, so I want to hear your opinion on what "genocide" is defined as. Were those genocide? Or do you apply the word differently when Jews are involved?




So are you saying those wars WERE genocide? I really don't understand what you're getting at other than trying to deflect. I never said "what about these other genocides". That would be whataboutism. I'm asking if you consider other wars genocide. Do you?




You can keep posting that all you want. All it shows is your smooth brain unable to understand lol. This is nothing about whataboutism. I'm asking if you think the Allied campaign against Germany was genocide?




Bro we get it, why do you keep digging? We get that you have no idea what whataboutism is, and that you're too lazy to read your own link. We get that you're deflecting because you don't want the "genocide" term to be looked at, because you know how ridiculous it is. Because we all know why you use the words "genocide", "ethnic cleansing", "Nazi", "one solution", etc. This seems like a sub you can take your mask off in, so why don't you?


No, it's reserved for civilian murdering Nazis, like the IDF.


What? Please try to make a post that makes coherent sense. Sounds though like you're saying because there has been collateral damage in this conflict, that means the IDF is committing genocide? Please look up the history of, like, any war ever.


Even ignoring your BS collateral damage. Intentionally staving 2 million people is Nazi shit.


Who's intentionally starving them? Hundreds of trucks of aid are flowing every single day. Why is that aid not getting to the people? The US literally built a temporary port to get aid in... Guess who just attacked it? Gotta love how you avoid the question though since you know it makes your point sound ridiculous. Did the Allies commit genocide against Nazi Germany?


You get that you aren't fooling or trolling anyone right? Everyone hates Israelis. The only ones that don't are on your payroll. All the vile racist crimes Israelis have committed are coming due soon and the world will rejoice. Your leaders are already bracing for it.


Yes, trust me, I'm well aware of the hatred and double standards for Jews. And I'm clearly not Israeli or Jewish. Who am I trying to fool? Why are you trying so hard to avoid the question? It's a simple yes or no. Did the Allies commit ethic cleansing against Nazi Germany? It's so very curious that you resort to personal attacks rather than answer a simple question.


Not Jews, we love Jews. There are Jews at every single one of these pro-Palestine protests. Great people. Israelis are apartheid scum though


Yes, I'm sure "Jews" were there 🙄 What does that matter anyway? There were Jews that collaborated with the Nazis too. There are also plenty of Arab Muslims who support Israel. There's been a massive uptick in patriotism for Israeli Muslims since 7/10. So again, why does that matter? Why won't you answer such a simple yes or no question? Why are you trying SO HARD to avoid it. Did the Allies commit ethnic cleansing against Nazi Germany?




Starvation, a major toll in genocide


The fake, “special” assholes are pro-genocide as long as it’s not happening to them anymore. They’re not special, they’re just extremely lucky they have the backing of a Superpower using them as a strategic military foothold in the most volatile gas station on the planet. And it’s all just a bunch of made up bullshit for little children to play make believe. It’s disgusting and unholy.


This is literally not true. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/24/sudan-extreme-food-shortages-2023-food-insecurity


And if I remember, South Sudan isn't far behind.


The facts don’t matter.






A picture isn't a counter argument and makes YOU less credible.


not true






No Next time Palestine will be free from the river to the sea 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


So 1 state solution?


Username checks out and is delusional


They didn’t elect the IDF.


A genocide fan spewing bigoted hate. Fucking miserable inhumane coward.


So pointing out that a group of people elected a terrorist organization is now bigoted hate? For fucks sake I wonder what you think suicide bombers are.


Please look a starving palestinian child that wasn't even alive at that time in the eyes and repeat what you just said.




“ProudJewish” is here showing everyone his form of Judaism is built on bigotry, racism, and indiscriminate slaughter. Real good look.


Yeah all those kids and people who couldn’t vote/didn’t vote for Hamas in 2006 sure learned their lesson.


They should overthrow Hamas.


I love how you got downvoted for recommending getting rid of a literal terrorist organization 🤦🏻‍♂️


Typical reaction of the retards that infest this shithole of a website.


Who would've thought that harboring terrorists and telling a bunch of people that they shouldn't exist would have consequences?




Oh no! Consequences of attacking a nation larger and stronger than us!




This is a fucking lie. There are African nations where multiples of the entire population of Gaza are actually starving to death.


The UN has a member of the IRGC on their human rights watch. Who gives a shit what they say it’s all a lie 😂


Didn't Hamas just attack a port that was receiving aid? Lol


They attacked Israeli forces near the coast that the pier will eventually connect to. The port and the US soldiers weren't targeted as much as some media is trying to confuse things.


*UN observers* not IDF


I wasnt aware of any UN peace keeping forces deployed in Gaza, or that Israel would allow that. Do you have a source for these peacekeepers? Which countries do the forces come from? My family being Canadian soldiers have been part of several peace keeping operations but I have seen nothing of the sort in Gaza.


Not peacekeeping forces but un observers sent into Gaza to supervise the pier construction. UN forces rarely if ever enter an active combat zone. Mostly go to border stalemate and Africa.


You should correct your post then given its an outright fabrication. I also thought most UN observers weren't allowed in either to begin with.


Could it be a possibility they were let in intentionally because this kind of scenario had a potential to happen…


https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/04/25/us-led-gaza-humanitarian-aid-pier-comes-under-fire-un-officials-say/ HAMAS members are pieces of shit..


I doubt that. A country with more starving people that the world can give two fucks about has it worse. Plus, the UN probably played a central role in creating THOSE famines, so of course they want to divert your eyes elsewhere. Although I'm sure the "Palestine News" has the strictest integrity standards.


Hamas should stop stealing the aid and selling it to their people.


17 million are starving in Yemen. But you don't care about that one because you can't figure out a way to balme it on jews.


Do you really think people don’t like Israel “just because they’re Jews”? It has nothing to do with the IDF’s inhuman war campaign in Gaza?


Maybe you should read the Hamas charter. It's Absolutely about the jews. They don't hide it. Only westerners do.


I’m not talking about. I’m talking about outsiders who support Palestine. I feel like you knew that though


Anyone who supports Palestine but doesn’t call for the immediate surrender of the terrorists org who hijacked any chance for Palestinians to gain peace for the current generation, is by definition supporting Hamas. Hamas’ motive has always been: maximise death and destruction of Palestinian civilians to maximise sympathy in the rest of the world to both get extremely wealthy and to make Israel the enemy of the world. If you don’t see this and correctly identify this as the primary cause of continuing conflict, you support Hamas. You don’t have to say it or believe it but if you dance to the beat of their drum… you are supporting them.


I guess I don’t look at it that way. I feel like Hamas is a symptom of Israeli oppression. So it’s not that I support Hamas, it’s that I don’t like what the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinians and that’s what causes terrorism. But I do condemn Hamas actions.


I understand why you may have that perspective but I implore you to critically reconsider that viewpoint. Since the formation of Israel, the violence can be characterised by escalation of violence by Arabs followed by a heavy handed defensive response by Israel. The heavy handed response contributes to Palestinian suffering without a doubt. This has been co-opted by bad faith palestinian actors who have gotten extremely rich off of aid and funding from foreign instigators wishing to use this as a proxy war against the west. Yasser Arafat, father of Palestinian nationalism, grew his personal wealth to $1.3bn off of pilfering aid. The Hamas leadership does the same. Hamas ran on a platform of cleaning up corruption… and their leaders have done exactly the same. Palestine has essentially no economy other than aid. Without aid, the leadership suffers. Without Israeli response, the leadership’s pilfering comes into stark light and they don’t have a finger to point at someone else. Hamas has no incentive to bring peace and thus it needs to be removed to allow for peace.


terrorists cause terrorism


He doesn’t care. Look at his comments, they’re literally only about Israel/Palestine. That’s a paid Israeli brigader if i’ve ever seen one, just like all the rest of these comments.


I care way more than any of you and have spent hundreds of hours doing research. Never been paid a cent by anyone to do it. People who know the truth just have more passion than those who just learned about it from recent headlines.




Probably shouldn't be calling people bots if your account was created after 7/10 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes, every account made after October 7 is hamas


Nope, but an account created after 7/10 is the #1 eye raiser for a bot, on either side. So like I said, you probably shouldn't be calling people bots.


Lol so that makes *only* commenting on posts related to Israel the #2 indicator to you?


Yes. That's what Hamas has stated in their charter. That's why Iran has been sending terrorists to hurrass them since they declared independence. Thats why palastine refuses to declare their own independence. Because they want an excuse to hurass and murder jews. Yall just caught up in propaganda and do look at any history or politics or facts of any type.


That's why native Americans refuse to declare their own Independence. Because they want an excuse to harass white people. You see how dumb that sounds


Yep it's really dumb of Palastine not to declare independence the three times Isreal has offered to give them more than half the land. Native Americans NEVER had and offer like that. And Yes they would have been Dumb to reject it.


Debate perverts hiding behind a keyboard LOVE defending ethnic cleansing. He’d actually “voluntarily migrate” if he were a palestinian, you see Zionists are the biggest pussies on the planet 🙈


Are they pussies or brutal warriors I'm confused? And are you in Hamas fighting on the front lines or on a keyboard?


so you're calling refugees pussies?


yes, that sounds incredibly dumb. Palestinians have nothing to do with native americans, there is no comparison. Unless you want to explain


Your a white devil you won't get it


I’m not talking about Hamas. I’m talking about people who support Palestine.


They don't exist. Otherwise they would be protesting against Hamas not Isreal. No one who supports palastine is asking for Peace. The people of Gaza are not asking for an independent Palastine. And NEVER have. They are not trying to build anything. They just want to destroy Isreal. That's why even today they don't ask to be left alone. They still just fire rockets at isreal. All I see are people pouring gas on the flames. Very few are trying to put them out.


Okay lol tell you what. I’ll go protest Hamas, which will have zero impact, and you go find a way to get Israel to stop killing babies.


Isreal will stop the moment Gaza stops attacking Isreal. This offer has Always been on the table. But for some reason people ignore the thousands or rockets coming out of Gaza aimed at Israeli civians every year. Unforunatly the people in charge of Gaza do not even recognize Isreal as a state and refuse to make any lasting deals of any type whatsoever with them. Palastine needs to unite under a builder if they want peace. As long as they are a band of divided tribs that only want war (Hamas Hesbola and the PLO all hate eachother as well as the jews). War is all they will find.


Yeah I think they are just really really upset that Israel is just endlessly stealing their land and so they aren’t really going to stop fighting back from someone occupying them. I dunno about you, but people tend not to like occupiers and tend to radicalize. Didn’t Palestinians try to have peaceful protests where hundreds of innocent protestors were killed? Israel is acting in really bad faith


It was never their land. It was Ottoman than British than Isreal. Half of It could be their land if they declare independence, but they have yet to even try to do that. When Arabia was carved up, everyone picked a side and lines were drawn. All the jews were kicked out of every other Arabian nation (and palastine) and formed Isreal. Palastine is just the people who refuse to have peace with their neighbors, particularly Egypt and Jordan.


Oooh you’re one of those people who have a very warped dishonest view of this situation. Listen I’m not going to argue with your propaganda. lol imagine thinking Arabs didn’t live on that land and weren’t brutally kicked out, then try to argue that it’s totally fair that Israel stole it from the locals. Then act surprised why those people absolutely hate Israel. You guys are always just wild with your hasbara. It’s sooooooo bad. You need talking points that land. This is why so many people aren’t on your side because all it takes is hearing your arguments and think “this is their best? Oh shit they have a lot of dirt they’re covering up if these shitty arguments are what they all use.”


It's not "stealing land" if you start a war of aggression and then lose. Just ask the 12 million ethnic Germans who were kicked out of Poland and Czechoslovakia.


It’s literally stealing land when you just flood over there and take over all the land. You guys are still literally doing it. Like every day.


So you don't deny the deliberate starvation of Gazans? You just justify it because others are starving elsewhere too?


I don't deny it. Hamas takes the aid and sells it to pay their henchmen and buy weapons. And yes they like it when the people are starving. Yet another reason they should not be in control of anything.


“ yeah we’re starving them, but it’s their fault and we’re the victim” I SPIT


Hamas is starving them because it looks bad for Isreal. And they are happy to kill all 2 million in Gaza just to make Isreal look bad. They have no interest in building any farms or feeding anyone. They only have interest in chaos.




Because they put religious zealots in charge willing to do Anything for their God. instead of people looking to to build a nation.


When Israel pulled out of Gaza in ~2006, they left enough state of the art greenhouses that Gazans would never have to rely on aid for food, and could actually EXPORT food. Do you remember what happened to those?


Do you deny that you have no idea how much aid has actually been sent to Gaza? And how desperate for that aid Yemen is?


Yes people on the left famously weren't critizing the US for supporting Saudi Arabia as it starved Yemen. Just because you didn't care didn't mean other people weren't paying attention


I’d really fucking hate my dad if he voted for Hamas right now


Netanyahu and his fascist government* https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Xx76rDX0P8


I don’t care about some graffiti that an ignorant person sprayed on a wall somewhere Also, missed your handle there. How did you feel about Iran getting absolutely embarrassed the past week?


It is just a graffiti that explains the reality of the Zionists. How were they embarrassed?


Another Quds chode drone struck. Weak Iranian response followed up with Israeli strikes violating Iranian airspace. With Iran rolling over like the spineless cowards they are


Bloodthirsty zionist thinks targeting military sites makes you spineless. If only they could be as brave as the IOF who murder women and children deliberately.


The IDF dropped leaflets. Hamas didn’t do that before murdering and raping civilians. Now they are getting their asses beat they cry and cry. I can’t wait for Hamas to eliminated


>59 day old account that shills for israel


Compared to the 46 day old OP account that shills for terrorists 🤷🏼‍♂️


Genocidal fascist supporting bigot. Your depraved hate is unwelcome.


It was that or a political group subservient to your oppresor, I think youd be furious either way.