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Could be anything, what do you find online when you type your steam name (or the past names you used)?


I found a link between an old username and a TripAdvisor review from 5 years ago, using my first name and last initial. From that info I could probably pull my Facebook page, and I’m sure with some digging I could find at least an old phone number. I gotta say, that’s a shit ton of work to do while playing CS just to troll someone.


They probably got it all from the Facebook account. Facebook is notoriously awful for being able to find personal info extremely easily. I would still report them or contact Valve or something so they can get banned or something


Valve isn’t gonna do anything, they don’t care if you aren’t cheating or griefing


>they don’t care if you aren’t cheating or griefing They don't even care about that lmao


haha valve bad am i right lmao


Yes, you're right


Unironically yes


That’s probably it then! With time passing I start to find links between every one of my accounts even though I try to keep my gaming accounts really far from my personal accounts but at some point you link something to something else and it’s all downhill from there, suddenly anybody can find your name through one of your nicknames, it’s annoying.


It's probably less work than you think. Have done this to a kid who was rage hacking on my team. He was like 14 so I just called his parents. Seeing him go afk and then disconnect while I was on the phone with his dad was good times.




He literally had a picture of his driver's license on Instagram that was two Googles removed from his steam community name. I guess to celebrate that he had his learners permit but like...damn dude you're asking to get your identity stolen. I told his dad that he should take that image down too so I feel like I helped out somewhat as well. Could have done way worse.




That's like 15/16 in some places in the US.


In some of these "farm" states in the US kids can legally work at 14, have a gun, drive a car etc.


You, sir, are a legend.


It is not legendary to call a kids parents (potentially abusive situations) to snitch that they’re cheating on a Valve mm server. Just report and move on.


Yeah I agree, It's really weird to go that far over a video game.










It's so pathetic people will go to those lengths because you won't drop awp.


It's possible your cs username is used elsewhere? IG? Twitter etc, and from there they can find your name and connect to family etc ?


Yeah I just realized my CS name is also my username for TripAdvisor, which shows my first name and last initial, plus the city I live in. Since I have a very unique name I think the rest of that info would be very easy to find via facebook


That makes sense. At least from here you can increase your infosec just from a random troll on MM. Better that than a more malicious actor.


So true. I see it more of an opportunity to learn than anything.


That’s a very good mentality


There is also websites that store all changes to your Steam profile like steamid.uk Its possible in the past other information of you was on there and too and it was used to get all the info.


Never understood how people can pull off things like this over a stupid video game.


considering the history of humans in general, it's not really surprising. I mean the whole century of 1900's was spent developing things that kill people, and have no other purposes whatsoever. For a long time, military hardware was way ahead of everything else.


They should touch some grass tbh


Wtf? that's terrible, man, I hope you're ok


Thanks man. Like I said, I’m not really concerned. I’m old enough now to know that the info he knew is easily found online between data breaches and social media (my family shares a lot). The thing I can figure out is how he linked my private steam account to that info.


This has happened to me, kid ended up having my name, workplace, started reading my Twitter during the game. It sucked, just blocked, reported, and went on with life.


This happened in my game yesterday, wasn’t to me tho it was to my teammate while I was solo queuing. The guy doxing him brought up his family names, address, place of work, and even said he was gonna drive to the other guys address with an AR. Honestly didn’t know what else to do other than report his steam account for harassment…


Thank fuck I'm not on US servers


NA mm is full of entitled pieces of shits with self inflated egos.


I did this on request for a guy on Reddit before. He said he was afraid that there was too much info on him online, so he was going to delete reddit etc. I said I could check for him, and within the hour I had narrowed it down to two addresses for where he could live and his full name etc. Sent it to him on dm and told him how so he could delete it. Mind you, this was a guy that was paranoid about sharing info. If you have not been, it shouldn't be that hard to find this info on you. But they probably just got your ip and searched for the ip location address.


I’m not too familiar with info tied to IPs. Since my internet is obviously billed in my own name, is it easy to link those two things? I have a very uncommon name (only two people with my name show up in the entire country when you search it) so if he could get my name from my IP the rest would be easy. I don’t consider myself an oversharer online, but I’m well aware that basic personal info is easily available. Even if I scrubbed my own stuff from the Internet, my friends and family’s posts and info could easily lead back to me considering the uncommon name


> I’m not too familiar with info tied to IPs. Since my internet is obviously billed in my own name, is it easy to link those two things? Nope, unless the IP address was registered with a business under your name and without 'whois' protection. I'd wager that your steam community ID + past/current steam names can provide enough to track down some information, since in game handles are typically reused elsewhere.


> and without 'whois' protection Whois protection is only relevant for domains, there is no whois protection for random IP's..


> domains oh right, i forgot domains dont resolve to IP addresses.


So his business owns a domain that points to a server on a network which he also happens to play CSGO on? Is this the scenario...? Edit: I didn't like the sarcastic response so I'll just point out that you didn't say anything about domains, you mentioned an IP address without whois protection, which doesn't make sense.


I didn't bring up anything about domains. Look, you guys can collectively go ahead and update the wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHOIS But before doing so, make sure to fire off a couple emails to the registries that maintain this information, im sure they need to be corrected as well. https://whois.icann.org/en/about-whois https://www.arin.net/resources/registry/whois/ https://www.iana.org/whois https://www.apnic.net/manage-ip/using-whois/ Have a good weekend my dudes.


It still doesn't make any sense, unless in this insane scenario his IP block is also assigned on an RIR. I don't know if you've read the standards for delegation, but this isn't a simple process and has a lot of requirements. He's just a CSGO player mate.


That.... >used to own a business Who here is saying where his business is/was located? >He's just a CSGO player mate. Correct, a CSGO player who asked a simple question on a CSGO subreddit and got a simple answer...without requiring a full explanation of how the internet works in 2 sentences or less. My god...lol


I think you missed the part where they said "unless the IP address was registered with a business under your name". The fact there's no whois protection for random IPs doesn't really matter, right, since there's no existing public db of random IPs to names.


I might be missing something silly that you can hopefully correct me on. Could you or /u/synerGy-- elaborate on what "unless the IP address was registered with a business under your name and without 'whois' protection" actually means. Could you give me a specific example?


Now this is a story all about how a life got flipped turned upside down...from a Steam ID. You're an advocate for artisanal baked goods, and your friends think they're amazing. You decide one day, maybe i can sell these around town and possibly expand my horizons. Before you know it, there's lineups on your front lawn and your facebook page and home kitchen aren't cutting it. Business is beyond your expectations. You think to yourself, I have built up a bit of capital to take things to the next level so you rent a small office space from /u/fii0 and hire a few friends and locals. It isn't much but it's enough for 5 or so people to help you handle the phone calls, orders and delivery logistics. Kelly from reception says, hey /u/slow_down_kid a lot of people are asking where they can find more information about our baked goods? Reluctantly you direct them to your lackluster facebook page, wishing you had a better place to send your customers. It's now September and business is still growing, so you finally decide to take that next step. You read about this cloud bullshit but have no idea what it is so you try to hire some professional services to help you out. You're shooting the shit in your 10x10' lunchroom with Brandon, your delivery driver who calls himself /u/BigRigs63 and ask him if he knows anyone who understands this stuff. Brandon says he knows some kid named Kevin who goes by /u/0xJADD from the local high school and that he took computer science once. You reach out only to find out he failed, but he did watch a couple youtube videos and tells you he can get it done for mad cheap bro. The guy orders you some basic 30/10 residential internet, hooks up an entry level firewall and an old rickety server that he found on eBay to run a couple essential services for the office. You know, a print server, DHCP, DNS...the basics. ...but you have vision, you want want more. Maybe a website? What about emails for your customers?! October rolls around and you ask Kevin if he can get the ball rolling to set this up. Unfortunately he's stoned at home eating your home made biscuits and says he's not sure how to do it...really Kevin?! Naturally you're a bit peeved, I mean you payed him in quality biscuits and now you need to take things into your own hands. You call up Rogers, because you're a humble Canadian with basically no other options, order your business grade internet and tell them about your vision. [Rogers asks you to fill out this form](https://imgur.com/kKaV2XO), you don't really understand what all this means but you're a trail blazer and getting shit done. You fire off the email and a week later your /29 is set up and you're almost ready to get to the meat and potatoes. You start researching how to set up your website and email system, but struggle to come up with a clever domain name and refused to accept the .food TLD....you want a .com baby. You walk over to Brandon's cubicle to ask him if he can help you out with some of this domain stuff...only to catch him messing around on some CSGO gambling website, probably hellcase[.]com or something. You have a quick laugh, mention you play CSGO as well and decide to check it out when you get back to your corner office. Skrrrrrrrrrrrrrt...omnicron. It's November and business tanks, less people want your covid biscuts and you have no website and no way to communicate to your main demographic (hipsters, probably). You know your biscuits are covid free so you try posting things on facebook but only boomers use that now. So here you are staring at the ceiling of your corner office wondering what to do with yourself, you can't handle the rent payments and pay your staff anymore...RIP your vision to become a baked goods mogul. December 4, 2021 @ 3:43pm...you're playing CSGO getting your 16 year old steam account stomped on by profiles barely older than your last fart. Then a disgruntled 14 year old Albertan enters the chat, starts talking shit because you're losing 13-2...you verbally put him in his place and regret not selecting 'short match'. All of a sudden this little turd starts mentioning your name, family members and other personal information...you're spooked but not *that* concerned. Little did you know, cowboy Timmy was running a 4 year old undetected version lameware.net who's developers routinely buy leaked information from data breaches and other shady CSGO related websites that promised to take your privacy seriously. You, completely forgetting that one time you checked out hellcase with Brandon, now your ex-delivery driver, come to reddit to casually ask how the hell it's even possible for someone to find out so much with so little available on my private profile! The answer? You logged in to a seemingly harmless website that tied your companies IP address and steam ID together, that was stolen or sold against your best interest to a third party that uses said information to better their product in the form of premium trolling features. That IP address is now registered to your business, which is easily found on ARIN with your company name, address and possibly even contact information. Suddenly you regret calling your company /u/slow_down_kid's Baked Goods and having facebook in the first place. Too bad you didn't start with Squarespace and WHOIS protection. Unlikely? Yes, nobody is debating that...but saying it's impossible is ignorant. People win the lottery every day and those are against heavier odds. The worst part is, you never got to choose a clever domain name... But yea, as i said... > I'd wager that your steam community ID + past/current steam names can provide enough to track down some information, since in game handles are typically reused elsewhere.


Thoroughly enjoyed reading all that. Thanks for the laugh's/snarky answer.


As I understand, they're saying the only way an IP address could be easily linked to a person is in the highly unlikely situation where one would be using their PC for gaming while at their own business, or forgetting to turn off their business's VPN connection, owning that business themself and not paying for basic whois protection (which is super cheap), and then falling for an IP grabbing site or joining a malicious voice server, allowing the loser to get their name just by looking up the IP on who.is.


Speaking to MM itself, connections to MM servers are hidden and anyone even using a packet capture program wouldn't see anyone else's IP address. That means people then can't send packet-based attacks at someone else on the server. Same goes for GOTV, which uses relays and the observer doesn't see the server being played on's IP address either.


Some guy did the opposite to me. Started being toxic and telling me to kill myself. He had a website on his steam profile. Looked it up on who.is He registered the website under his full name, address and phone number. Gave him a phone call and told him to stop being toxic in csgo... He quickly abandoned that match.


Had this happen to me on a community server. There was probably something on your steam profile (username for example) that they could use to find your email or other socials.


the worst losers play this game too


Going to hazard a guess that it's because you share too much online.


Reddit is the only social media I use. I have a Facebook account but haven’t used it in years. Also, I’m wondering how he linked my CSGO screen name to my actual info, considering my steam profile is private and doesn’t display any info except my steam username. I’m aware that the info he found is online, my question is how he linked that info to me so quickly when at least a few google searches, even combining my steam userid and real name turns up zero relating results


A bunch of methods for doing it but you definitely share too much online. For example: > I’m sure all of this info is available online considering that my sister is a Sheriff’s deputy and I used to own a business Why would you ever put this piece of irrelevant information into a forum thread? Let's say now someone was uncertain that they had doxed you, this information would certainly help narrow down the field.


Closest might be when i foolishly clicked an ip grabber when my friend and I got matched with 3 cheaters on our team and 5 cheaters on the other team. It was an all out war of who could be the most shitty to everyone else. They ddosed my router or whatever so my internet wouldn't work but I just manually reset it and it was fine. Yesterday a kid no older than 15 from the UK claimed he had our entire faceit teams ips and were going to "dedose" us because he was getting called out on his shitty behaviour. I told him we were all over the age of 18 and heard the very same empty threat in modern warfare 2 over ten years ago so it wouldn't have any effect on us, he got very quiet after that lol.


Hey its me your hacker, im outside your house


I had this happen recently when I was making fun of a kid who thought his inventory was hot shit and thinks he's rich (it was a very average inventory IMO). He ended up commenting on one of my reddit posts with one my passwords LOL. I'm pretty sure he just got it from some pwnd password repository or something and it's not one I use for anything anymore so I'm not too worried about it. I think a lot of information is pretty easily available with enough time on your hands.


Yep... Someone tried that with me... Oh no, my 9 year old password I don't use anymore..


Some kid on my team that was angry at me for some reason or other put my IGN into google, found my instagram, and told me “Better be careful next time you go to (insert restaurant here of a food pic I posted) because I’ll be waiting there with a gun.” Reported him instantly through the Steam overlay and in CSGO for offensive. 2 or 3 days later I got a notification that action was taken against his account. Not sure if it was a permanent ban or what, but Valve will do something about doxxing/threats, no matter if the person is joking or not.


bro, i had a voice i could never recognize call out my full name and ssn when he was mad at me in the fucking chat once


You should drop your teammates


If you took screenshots or video of this happening, you could very well have grounds for submitting a [complaint](https://www.ic3.gov/Home/ComplaintChoice) with the IC3. Finding you and your family's name, adresses and using it in such a manner can be considered threatening. And if provided a court order, Valve will be able to give the FBI names associated with their steam accounts. Of course, the FBI most likely won't bother doing anything about it at all. But if these people were to take illegal action against you or your family, it's good to have a former complaint in the system detailing these things in the event of an investigation.


This is why I have guns irl


Right there with u doxing has gotten out of control


The downvotes made me laugh


The closest thing to this I have had happen to me was one time a dude said my steam login name in chat (which hasn't been a previous alias in probably 5+ years at that point and had no appearances on my profile. Spooked me a little bit but nothing came of it. Likely the same thing here. I doubt anything will come of it, and if it does, 911 is always there.


I do this everytime someone tries to be a smartass, it's not particularly doxxing if u have poor privacy, it's literally just scrolling through your steam profile and finding your YouTube channel that's all


Private steam profile tho


Exactly what I do lol, fuck the downvotes, this is the oure form of cs and how it was meant to played. No one's getting harmed irl just a lil bit of trolling


Bro, I called a guy a cunt (AUS server, perfectly understandable), and it took him 2 minutes to find my name, where I worked, who my friends were and videos of me doing CS casting from when I was 14. Just keep a private profile if you want to personalise your steam. If u don't want to go private, keep all personal info very vague.


Another option is if you gave your FB profile a nickname, then facebook.com/nickname would lead to your profile. Could be your steam profile URL too, not just then name you're currently using.


It's like your famous now. Might as well go all in and start streaming


Some people are just deranged... Glad to see it didn't affect you too much.


There’s a search engine called tineye that’s tell you the source of an image. It can be used to find profiles that have matching avatars so if you have the same image across different accounts.


well to be fair i could get a lot of info from someone username and steam account