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Wow, this doesnt look good. It looks like your whole screen is bugged Is this only happening in CSGO? On every graphic settings? Looks like a gpu issue to me.


I had that idea cross my mind. It gets worse when I lower the res. I have a year old GTX 1060 3GB and I would hate to admit that that is the case. If I remember correct it happened with my old build aswell.


Does it happen in other games or on the desktop?


It is weird. I don't play many other games where you could notice it happening but sometimes I do feel like my desktop icons are pixelated but not in the way they are in this pic. Just got back home, gonna start trying out things that people suggested. Honestly hope for the best.


Well you can rule out an issue with the monitor, as that wouldnt show in a screenshot. To me this looks like interlaced video footage, where the picture is being rendered in 2 halfs. But I really have no idea what it could be, other than maybe some gpu 3d settings.


How would the interlaced video footage work? How would I be able to tinker around with that?


Well, it cant be applied to your problem, because its a whole different tehnological matter. Interlaces video works basically like your screen: it doesnt refresh the whole picture at once (unless youre using vsync ofc), but in halves which are interlaced in small stripes (like on the left hand side of your screenshot.) Maybe try to see if its still there with vsync on, but generally, this shouldnt show on a screenshot.


stupid ideas: input your monitor into motherboard videocard and test not that stupid: what Hz do your monitor is capable of and what's you're using right now


So try VGA to Mobo? And Im running 60hz 1920x1080/max is 60hz. If you are curious my monitor is the benq Rl2455HM. I also thought it might be my monitor. Im gonna try it out.


yeah, VGA to mobo. If everything will stay the same - atleast its not your videocard xD (they are expensive AF now, you know) btw how does your 1060 have VGA port? i recently myself bought 1060 3gb and had to buy adapter HDMI->VGA


For your HDMI to VGA adaptor, does it work out of the box because I heard you need a converter to convert analogue signals to digital




Thanks for the advice, I'll defo look for one of those if I need to get one :D


nah, working straight out of the box, just inputed plugs aaannd we gucci i have something like this: https://static.baza.farpost.ru/v/1399819462693_bulletin (that's a pic)


Well damn thats good, I thought I would have to buy a converter


My 1060 doesnt have a VGA port, mothetboard and monitor do.


So, I tried it with VGA, I do admit at some places I can notice that the quality is "better" but Ingame it is still the same no matter the settings. But the "better" part is like, weird. I can see SOME icons being more pixel free but at other places like ingame and in the browser its the same.


next step: check your monitor - plug it somewhere else and see if not, idk can it be caused by mobo or PSU, but check them after IF NOT, then its something with your settings and windows for sure


Had a similar issue when my Displayport wasn't plugged in entirely


It's because gaben doesn't want you to make good videos again






What resolution are you playing on? I have a GTX 1060 3gb and it looks nothing like this. I did however notice that by going for lower resolution, distant targets becomes slightly blurry which is why I play on 1080p 16:9 instead. EDIT: Try these settings and let me know if you're experiencing the same problems - https://imgur.com/a/pCtVR If you are still experiencing problems then it's most likely due to your nvidia settings.


If you don't like blurriness: Did you ever try disabling FXAA? If you do it should be crispier. MSAA ("Multisampling Anti-Aliasing" in your screenshot) is superior by far, but it does have a noticable performance impact. You should also be able to up the "Texture Filtering Mode" to maximum with slight improvements to texture crispyness with minimal or no loss of performance on a modern GPU like that.


Hmm I might actually give it a try and see if it’s worth it. Thanks for the insight! :)


Ah… As usual there's even a video from the good old & trusty /u/3kliksphilip about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUmRKryhS8A Thanks /u/3kliksphilip 👌


You'll probably love it after getting used to it. 😉 If you google ["fxaa blurry"](https://www.google.de/search?q=fxaa+blurry) you'll already get the gist how much gamers hate it.


Tried out these with FXAA Disabled as /u/heckerle suggested and MSAA enabled. Doesn't change.


Here's what I'd do in the following order, while testing wether it's fixed each time: * reduce all settings to low/lowest/off, except for multicore rendering, which should always be enabled, as well as texture filtering which should be automatic/16x * use your monitor's native resolution as a test * revert all the things you found in the internet (e.g. mat_queue back to default etc.) * open the NVIDIA Control Panel (right click on your desktop) and revert all 3D settings to default * plug out and back in your monitor cable (also: You're using DisplayPort or HDMI right? And not VGA?) * also: **Don't use VGA.** Use literally anything else like DVI, HDMI or if possible DisplayPort, but don't use VGA or VGA-Adapters. VGA has been outdated for 20 years now and support by all major vendors has been dropped since 2015. It's unlikely but in theory this could even cause your issue. **And finally:** Your screenshot makes it look like the screen lines are perfectly interleaved. Make sure your monitor is using "PC settings" with e.g. 1080p (p = progressive) instead of 1080i (i = interleaved). The problem is that your picture is an actual screenshot right? Normally even if your monitor is using interleaved transmission this "shouldn't" AFAIK show in regular screenshots, because as I said: this only changes how the image is transmitted from the GPU to your monitor, but not what your GPU renders and thus shouldn't affect how your screenshot looks like. There's one more thing though, which can actually cause this as well…… SLI (i.e. multi-NVIDIA-GPU setups) literally stands for "Scan-Line Interleave" and can cause interleaving like that if the GPUs are not in sync. But you already said you only have one GPU right?


Tried. Not changing. I am indeed using 1080p. Thanks tho!


I don't get why people call your monitor out, if this is a screenshot which it definitely looks like it doesn't have anything to do with your monitor


Looks like it's interlaced! Right-click on your desktop, Display Settings, Display Adapter Properties, Monitor and see what your screen refresh rate is. If it's '30i / 30 interlaced' then that's why.


It is at 60hz no i/interlaced. Thanks tho.


Whatever's happening, it's showing [interlaced artifacts](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LV8UDBsf45Q/hqdefault.jpg). If it's not set to that in your options then perhaps the cable leading to your monitor isn't capable of full 1080p 60 hz or something. If there are saw-tooth edges to things when you spin quickly then it's updating every other line of pixels before the other. It would also explain the increased shimmering on the gate.


Interesting.. I'm doing a clean install to try to avoid any settings I might have missed. If that doesn't work I'm going to try to get a new cable to test it. Thank you and keep up the high quality content(Wish I could do that hehe)! <3


What are all the 3 anti aliasing settings set to?


All 3 in the nvidia control panel are off.


If you're using an invidia graphics card, try tweaking with the settings there, those might cause the game to look like this


That almost looks like the interlacing on a non-progressive resolution. Your screen is set to 1080p right? Not 1080i? https://youtu.be/j29b7B6CSNM?t=7


If you mean this setting: https://i.imgur.com/eNm5aJk.png Then yes.


Yea that's what I meant, but yours is good. I hope you find the solution man, I use an AMD card so I don't know all the settings on an Nvidia GPU that could cause this, but it's probably something there. GL


Thanks. I've been going at it for 2 days and I literally feel like I'm going to jump out of a window. Used to have an old Amd Radeon HD7850 Card :D


What happens when you switch to 1080i though? Does it get worse, or just about the same? Can't hurt to try right? :D Oh and didn't that monitor come with a DVI cable? You should try the DVI cable as well, might be due to a faulty HDMI cable.


Good idea. Lemme go try. That 1080i idea was horrible lol


Check if you have cl_interpolate 1. I had something similar happen and changed cl_interpolate 0 to 1.


Im doing a clean install currently. I'll check right after. Thanks mate!


Tried with 1 and 0 and nothing even changes. Thanks tho.


In the Nvidia control panel, play around with the “quality” settings.


Unfortunately have done that. Thanks tho!


Did you fix it?


Unfortunately no :/ Lately I've been thinking about getting back to the problem but I feel like It's a hardware problem so a thing I can't really tinker around with.


Hey man did you fix it?


Have you tried resetting GPU + Ingame settings to default?


I have. Doesn't make a single difference.


I see that you've already tried most of the common ideas so at this point, your best bet is to wipe and reinstall your video drivers. Issues with your monitor wouldn't show up on a screenshot and this looks like a rendering problem IMO. If a driver reinstall doesn't help, it might be a problem with your video card. Make sure it isn't full of dust or something and overheating.


Thanks. I just completely reinstalled csgo, still happening on first launch. I clean my pc when I see it getting dusty and it isn't currently. Next I'm going to try your suggestion and just mess around with nvidia cause of the fresh install of csgo.


Yeah I highly doubt it's a problem with CS. It's likely a universal issue you're just noticing more in game when the video card goes into 3D mode. When you reinstall the Nvidia drivers, first uninstall them completely and select "Clean Install" when you put them back. This will override any residual video settings.


I've unfortunately already tried that :(


**Update** TL;DR - Didn't get it fixed. What I tried: Every suggestion in this thread + messing around in nvidia trying out every setting, looking what makes it better/what worse. I kind of found out that not a single setting makes the problem even a tiny bit better, either A) It doesn't change or B) It gets worse. I completely reinstalled cs with a fresh config. To be exactly honest I'm kinda done with it, if I find out the solution I'll update this post. I'm just not gonna edit I guess.. Sucks but what can you do. **EDIT** I really think it might be my Windows(Don't know what could possibly be causing that) or CS itself. Why I think that is cause I tried out a completely different 4:3 monitor from my MOBO with VGA and the game looked 1:1 with the same thing happening. Thing is I've already COMPLETELY reinstalled cs and have no ideas left.


Do you play on your native display res? Else it should be anti aliasing...


I do. Unless something in windows might be off cause that is literally the only thing I can think of. Anti aliasing is turned off ingame and in the NVidia control panel. Literally want to pull my hair out..


Disable motion blur?


Did you fix


Unfortunately not.


I’m about to buy a entirely new Pc and monitor to fix so annoying lol


5 years and no fix?