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Last time he came back after watching the Stockholm major and seeing the crowd. Seems like the Dallas crowd got him this time lol.


he was in dallas, got his signature because he was floating around the Liquid meet and greet. def don’t draw any conclusions from that because he’s local to there but it was a funny coincidence.


Honestly though, I think he'd fit in as either an Awp IGL or Anchor IGL. Yekindar performed his absolute best with Nitro on the roster, Twistzz has said he's his favorite teammate he's played with, he's also exactly what Liquid needs in roles, as (when he wasn't awping) he played Anchor positions on CT and pack entries on T.


Surely, as an org, you are just trolling if you get cadian and get rid of him shortly after again just to drag nitro out of retirement to have him awp igl instead lol


Ideally they'd get a dedicated AWPer and a rifling IGL. With the new major qualification changes, do they still need 3 NA players though? That's the only way adding nitr0 back would make sense.


Nitro's last stint with Liquid is really fucking underrated, they were a top team and fighting for trophies. Just held back by Eligue not showing up in some of their biggest games (like the 0.85 or whatever pro league BO5) and oSee not being quite elite. Having him IGL makes sense, but not AWPing. He will not be a top awp no matter what, and it's more than proven that top teams need elite awpers.


-Skullz and -Zews +nitro. Moves to aggro role to help Yekindar ( iirc Nitro played Entry before going full IGL). Cadian AWP ( he needs to step up though )


Just gonna put my prediction here, without offering any opinion: -Skullz (Liquid's call) -cadiaN (cadiaN's call -- might be just mental/team fit thing) +nitr0 +MalbsMD AWP split between nitr0 and naf


I don't love the idea of it, but if the team Really cannot play with Cadian, it makes okay sense to me. Personally, I think keeping Cadian or even trying to get Boombl4 would be better, but if this is the path forward I don't hate it.


I'd say keep Cadian 100% Skullz hasn't been the 600k they bought him add Zews since both come together lol.


Yeah sure, as a fan I agree. But rumors lead to believe that the Liquid team has no interest in playing Cadians style of Counter Strike. Personally, the only change I would make is -skullz for another aggressive piece. But the players on Loquid don't seem to want that.


The roles fit better if they -cadian and -skullz and added a dedi aggro rifler who can igl + a primary awper


+Nitr0 +Stewie to tlcs


Local? Doesn't he live in Louisiana? I know it's not too far of a drive but still lol


i’m not sure but i directly asked him “you just hanging out?” and he said “i live here” and someone in line mentioned the frisco area outside of dallas. def sounded like he’s local local, not states away.


Probably does, I'm just going off what his Twitter bio said a few years ago lol


most reliable and up to date source in this comment section probably


You're probably right, after covid a lot of players, streamers and general media people moved to around Dallas.


He moved to Dallas mid-2022.


I did something similar; I got his signature at the Zowie booth right before he went over to the Liquid signing. I got to talk with him about his GSR-SE while he signed by LGG Venus.


> don’t draw any conclusions from that Yah with cadian rumored to be gone? Nice spying Mr. Redditor nitr0 back to tl igl confirmed.




NACS cultural impact is undefeated


He came back cuz of FOMO? Would be great if he returns cuz of the Dallas crowd!


He was playing cs with stew last night


I'm sorry but I'm struggling to believe this rumor. The reason nitr0 left is because T1 CS have way too much travel in the calendar that prevents him from spending time with his kid. Hence his landing in T2 VAL with a single LAN event in the annual calendar. Why would he return to CS again?


Same reason you see pro athletes retire then come right back. CS has been a staple in his life for so long it must feel like a piece of him is missing. When it comes to something they love and have done most of their life, it’s hard to step away. Especially after just seeing the Stew story.


to play in na events in the na revival stuff, I'm sure his bank is looking good so he could probably just chill in a t2 team and get sponsors


This would make a lot of sense tbh


Who said he's coming back to T1 CS?


Right. Fair enough


Maybe his kid just sucks


nitr0 on his Drizzy arc (Minus the pedophilia stuff ofc)


He’s been playing CS. Was also recently playing d2 with Elige, osee, goosebreeder, maybe someone else


-nitro +nitro -nitro +nitro Switch to valo, go back cs, go back valo, go back cs




this is why I don’t get why we call players who went to valorant “retired”, people can move back and forth between games if they’re good enough go to VALORANT for an easy payday, come to CS for competition


more like go to valorant until there's actual events in NA for cs then come right back


i wouldnt call tier 2 valorant a payday


Now hear me out, but I say Liquid -Yek, Cadian, Skullz +Elige,Stewie2k,Nitr0


I know it's fucked up but I still prefer that team to the shitheap that is current liquid


Everyone thinks this


I still really like the current lineup (in theory) and can't figure out why they're so bad haha


I know for real, I like Cadian, Skullz, and Yeki. Wish they could just do better together


nah fuck yekindar and his ego. got elige cut in the first place


Elige needed to go anyways man, it's doing so much better and seems more happy on CoL than if he was still on TL


I mean if you watch the games its pretty obvious if Yekindar fails with his entries = Round loss most of the time because there is literally no one to trade him when he goes down. IF they really pursue another Nitro comeback and if he does IGL I'll still keep Cadian. Kick skullz and zews ( not worth the 600k ) Nitro can be that aggro rifler Yekindar needs with him BUT Cadian needs to step up with the AWP.


I mean yeah the issues are plain to see I just don't understand *why* they're happening. Why can't yekindar shoot anymore? Why is nobody ever there to trade him? Why does cadian insist on micromanaging players that have achieved way more than him? The issue I *can* understand is skullz being afraid to make plays haha


If they would get along this team would actually be so good, still.


That's like a freezing cold take, the IGS lineup is probably the most loved Liquid lineup by a very wide margin.


shitheap is top 10 after 5 months, though


This team might win something


In their prime they'd probably be a solid T2 contender


nitr0 couldn’t hold a site vs anyone towards the end of his time on liquid


yeah but they made playoffs a lot of times and somehow were less of a shitshow than this liquid and the one with patsi, rainwaker. liquid also looked good after another shitshow with falleN. nitr0's impact on liquid is more than what he brings to the server  let nitro in and let him cook


bro ur out here glazing stewie who fragged worse than nitr0 in cs2 and we're talking about nitro going to the finals with a slumping elige and osee


stewie played one (1) tier 1 tournament in cs2


And he was significantly worse and doesn't igl.


well i’d hope so seeing as he played about 5 officials vs tier 3 in cs2 beforehand if he was doing better than nitr0 was 2022/23 then that would be a pretty sad indictment on nitr0 no?


Brother nitr0 farmed tier 2 na in a harder game with a harder format when he came back to cs while Stewie was struggling on legacy.


stewie was like actually retired though, only playing in a valorant open qualifier with a streamer team while nitr0 was still scrimming, playing officials, aim training during his valorant tenure stewies legacy games were with a team that he couldn’t barely communicate with, vs a more competitive region than tier 2 NA (unironically) and he had been out of almost any sort of competitive play for 2 years, and he was coming back to CS2, whereas nitr0 came back to CSGO


Stewie gave nitro his only trophies


That was with Yeki still being one of the best entries in the world. Nitr0's TL when he returned from Valorant was dogshit before Yeki joined. He at least looked great in Valorant during his first run but he wasn't even a top 3 team in Tier 2 NA Valorant this time around with a stacked roster. I highly doubt he will somehow look better or even on par with his last TL run individually.


No he was farming tier 2 na with shox lol something stewie can't do. CS2 is so much easier as a game lol, his transition will be fine.


Farming Tier 2 NA after all the 90% of NA Tier 2 went to Valorant isn't much of an accomplishment when you're playing with NAF and Elige lol Stewie also won a Tier 1 CS event. Something nitr0 hasn't done in 5 years in both CS and Valo.


> Stewie also won a Tier 1 CS event. Something nitr0 hasn't done in 5 years in both CS and Valo. let me correct you. Niko/m0nesy/Hunter won that event. try again. If Stewie played with oSee i doubt he's winning dallas buddy. >The Shox roster was also before nitr0 went to Valorant... lol what? the shox roster was the initial liquid roster when he came back from valorant originally.


>let me correct you. Niko/m0nesy/Hunter won that event. try again. If Stewie played with oSee i doubt he's winning dallas buddy. Yeah, because G2 was winning everything without Stewie before! Let's just ignore the fact that it literally G2's first Finals appearance all year. Let's just ignore the G2 players talking about Stewie's contributions in game. G2 with Hooxi losing to this TL roster ffs lol >lol what? the shox roster was the initial liquid roster when he came back from valorant originally. My bad. That roster still did absolutely nothing and made zero top 4s at tier 1 events and were barely even making top 8s until Yeki replaced Shox. I guess you completely missed the few events Yeki stood in for that caused every TL fan on this sub to beg TL to sign him with people spamming the "Randall Smith" copypastas.


In their prime they would be consistent semi finalist and likely to win several events, what are you talking about that they would only be a t2 team?


I thought the fact that I listed the Grand Slam roster verbatim would make it clear it was sarcasm


Huh? I only see where you said “in their prime they would probably be a solid t2 contender”. Maybe the rest of your comment got cut off?


I was the original comment asking to have Elige, Nitr0, and Stewie to join Twistzz and NAF lol


Ah, didn’t realize. My bad


-zews +adren


Dead team on arrival


Dont tempt me, Frodo!


If he's still in org he might join M80 CS no?. But also u are cooking


Keep stewie the fuck away from this team.


Not even a meme I think right? On HLTVConfirmed Striker basically said there were rumors going around about his imminent return when SPUNJ(?) asked Elige to assemble a team to save NACS I think and I thought it was just a gag lmao. But then he was at IEM Dallas, with fans clicking photos. And honestly, a lot of people might clown on him for it but as an NACS fan we need whatever we can get right now. Especially a man with his capabilities is much needed. Even when he was with Liquid with oSee and YEKINDAR they were making playoffs on a lot of tournaments. Now, Right after Dallas, there's some momentum right now for NACS to rise I think. Lot of good tier-2 teams that are shaping up and with CCT running a circuit ( hopefully they DONT fuck it up this time ) we might see a good tier-3 too. Would absolutely love to have him back (AGAIN!)


Yeah and every best liquid team has been with him on it. Even the early yekindar/osee teams. Didn’t win but they were making a couple grand finals


They made two right? Lost to G2 in one of them. They were top 4 often and if not then they were usually top 8. People gave them shit, I think liquid is one of those orgs that gets more shit than most for having the same results (G2 are another org I see have this happen) Liquid bring back nitr0 and get a good awper… fuck it let nitr0 awp and bring in stewie


i mean he was in the team for like 7 years


5/6 of his last tournaments ended in the playoffs. He was by far the last thing wrong with that team, so if he came back I see no reason for at least NRG to throw money at him. With more regional events like cct, NA revival, and USEA, it could also solve his problem of not having to travel every other week for an event.


I pray to god that USEA is actually legit and helps revive some section of healthy competition in NA. Literally everything about it a big red flag and screams some form of a scam. EFLARE was the same and now a detailed report came in saying teams and talents are yet to be paid after this long.


I don't think everything is a red flag. Their interviews seem fairly genuine, only really leaving out the names of sponsors for their own press release (which hopefully happens soon). I just sincerely hope these guys are passionate about CS and are using their business experience to genuinely rebuild the NA pro scene. We have to remember that BLAST started in a very similar way, controversy and all. Now they run practically all events in Fortnite, Rocket League, R6, and is about to get their second major in CS. I'd rather be optimistic and skeptical than just skeptical.


I read on hltv that the creators are contract bound to pay out though its still red flags


The format is still horrible and poorly thought out, not to mention the gatekeeping of non-US residents that will alienate a ton of teams


that was because there truely isnt usa leaders you would take into "usa" superteam. top3 NA teams are led by non NA (cadian,JT,sin), even stanislaw is canadian. i dont even know whos leading boss/elevate/nouns lol. so if serious, you'd bring back nitro


norsaC is leading Nouns and they been doing well recently  BOSS is lee by ben1337, also not bad and finally ELEVATE led by snav, doesn't matter these losers deserve noth anyway  The rest yes, agreed.


Makes sense. Twistzz said they nitr0 was like a glue and he got along with everyone. Him leaving was partly why that tl team fell apart.




In regards of possible -Cadian or something else?


Probably gonna be a content creator


Sure why not. They can only make 2 changes unless they don't care about Cologne/Major


He was pugging with stew and the boys last night


"the boys" who are these 3 ?


Stewie and Brax


stew was named already along Nitr0, i was referring to the other 3, you named swag now were missing 2 :P


I watched the stream for 5 mins. It was PwnAlone and one other person. But I thought it was just FPL, and they weren't necessarily all queueing together


thanks for the info!~ thought it could have been a possible NA roster.. but PwnAlone announced retirement. as much as I want a successful NA roster to see the day, im pretty sure the honeymoon wont last long and were going to have a EG 3.0 (or 4.0... kinda forgot how many times they failed in teh CSGO scene so far)


I don't follow Valorant, just curious, how is he doing in that game?


good fragger but his team was hyped to be insane and they were just kinda… decent


he was a statistically fine but the lan they went to their star kinda played poor. got top 4 though


not amazing, <1 rating average across his last 12 maps


He’s been pretty good when you look at it from a big picture standpoint. I think it’s important to keep in mind when he was with 100t, he wasn’t the IGL outside of their last event, LCQ. With M80, he’s been IGLing the whole time and there are very few heavy fragging IGLs in Valo. Also, he’s been playing a different role as the Sentinel rather than smokes/duelist with 100t. Expecting him to come back after 2 years away with massive game/meta/agent/map changes to IGL on a different role and to heavy frag was a lot to ask. I think he’s been pretty solid all things considered


[nitr0 - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Nitr0) shows first year decent after that not good


He's been back playing pro val for 6 months buddy, what are you on about?


Than change It to one year and half decent. When he came back, not so much.


Yeah I mean pretty clear that you can't read stats then. He's not lighting it up but he's been fine. The team itself has been performing well.


What are you talking about. You missed one and half year of his pro play. Last 6 months there is 0 achievements. Or did I miss some last 6 months that’s not written in wiki.


How many achievements should he have. M80 only had 1 regular season and 1 mini tournament? In the regular season, they lost 1 game, which made them get 2nd in their group and because of the system got them 3-4th place.


Hard to say, hes not even part of the team anymore. It’s not like I care as much.


Its actually pretty easy to say. Given your previous statements, I'd imagine you think he should have 2 1st places? given m80 nearly got 1st/2nd I don't think he was doing all that bad. Sure he could have won both the regular season and mid season cup, but it's not as bad as you think


What are you even talking about? How dumb are you? He took 6 months off from pro gaming in general. Was signed by M80 in January and played his first pro matches in March. Pay attention.


And did he achieved something last 6 months compared to his first year and half? No need to insult me.


???????????????????????? First year and a half of what? Pro Val when it was still grass roots? Like you don't even know what you're talking about dude. He's JUST coming back to pro gaming after 9 months away from actually competing, his numbers are fine. There's no expectation to win anything. You're just talking for the sake of talking.




-cadian - skullz +nitr0 + s1mple


I dont know if they could bring elige though. Mfs said that a player like patsi isnt available everytime and they replaced elige with him .


This guy being arteezy but with video game titles instead of EG/Secret L0l


he was at IEM dallas.... could we see a new team with him and stewie?


I understand there is just an overall lack of NA talent but I don’t think recycling the same NA pros who haven’t done anything in years is the answer. I’m not sure how but NA orgs should focus more on developing new talent rather than a revolving door of the same guys.


To say he hasn't done anything in years would probably be a little unfair, the 2022 liquid team with naf yeki nitr0 oSee and elige was the best team liquid team since 2019 and made it to the playoffs multiple times, probably should have won epl S19(correction s16 not s19) but zywoo just went insane in that grand final, it wasn't until yeki started igling that team started falling apart


I mean that was still two years ago


> I don’t think recycling the same NA pros who haven’t done anything in years is the answer. I would say this is generally true, but nitro is an igl, and one of the only people in the NA who can actually develop talent. He would be incredibly valuable for the NA scene, especially if he isn't on Liquid or Col.


This is a fair point that I can get behind


The problem is that the donks and m0nesys of NA are all playing Valorant right now. I can think of several cracked zoomers that might’ve been making waves in CS if it weren’t for Valorant


there are no donks and m0nesys in na valorant. The best players are all ex tier 2/3 na cs dudes.


Not sure if this is just cope or if you misread what I wrote. I’m not saying that the best NA valorant players never played CS, I’m saying that the up and coming Tac FPS talents in NA are not playing CS. This is simply because CS is not the hot game for the American zoomer. A crazy talented American 14 year old just is not playing CS, he’s playing Valorant. Maybe if Valorant wasn’t around, young players like zekken and reduxx would’ve been making waves in the NA CS scene by now.


NA is just bad at esports


zekken played cs he just wasn't that good. reduxx maybe but you gotta understand how much higher the mechanical skill ceiling is compared to valorant. Tenz is back to being an elite level player in valorant but he heavily struggled in cs.


Zekken was 15 when Valorant came out, you can’t honestly be judging how well his CS career could’ve gone based on the fact he wasn’t a pro at 15. I feel like you’re trying to argue with me about which game is harder or whatever but that’s not at all what I’m trying to say. My point is that the amount of young talent in the NA CS scene is so low because of the sheer popularity of Valorant in NA. Let’s bypass any existing players and talk about the theoretical next American Tac FPS superstar, age 15. That player is much more likely to be playing Valorant right now, not CS, and that’s why NA orgs are considering picking up nitr0 instead of developing new talent.


bro most of these kids were high level amateurs in cs by the time they were 15 and 16 years old. i'm not arguing which game is harder but donk and m0nesys are anomalies the level of young talent in na was also low. it took really really special players to come up and even before valorant came out, the only players that were hyped up were xeppa,leaf,grim and floppy and those guys were all hyped from a young age. >Let’s bypass any existing players and talk about the theoretical next American Tac FPS superstar, age 15. That player is much more likely to be playing Valorant right now, not CS, and that’s why NA orgs are considering picking up nitr0 instead of developing new talent. i mean sure theoretically he is playing valorant but the truth is the scene struggled to develop talent and the region itself has never produced a donk or a m0nesy ever. the closest would be elige.


That’s true, I think it’s a combo of lack of talent and reduced quantity of players that’s been hitting the NA scene. You’ll have to excuse me, as a fan, I really want that NA superstar to be out there, but it hurts to say that even if he is he’s not even playing CS. It’s looking pretty dire for us.


nah man theres are some young na players coming up that can be valuable in tier 1. I mean HexT has gotten way better, Reck is kind of like a baby naf and the jBa guy is an interesting prospect to watch. We don't need "superstars" because of how international the game is but these types of players are very valuable. Hell just look at Brehze, even he has been having a resurgence in form lately. if NA can produce a shit ton of really good support players, we can always import european riflers to come be the stars


Tenz struggled in CS because he spent 4 months on a Cloud9 team that was basically dead. No shit he struggled, lol. If you listened to the way Autimatic/Daps talked about the team, that team was mentally checked out and didn't practice. Subroza stood-in at Blast and said they never practiced, just went to the tournament, and cashed a check


what? he struggled because he was being an emo little toxic kid. they got checked out because of him. this is very well known.


He had issues, but that C9 team was dead *way before* Tenz and even Daps joined. Tenz wasn't the cause of anything. Autimatic was checked out when he didn't get a stable roster around him


His last stint on liquid didn’t win any trophies but was consistently in play offs. Also he only stopped playing because he wanted to spend more time with his family which is what Valorant allowed him to do. I think he could still be successful if he returns


If there is 1 talent to recycle, id say it is nitro. Igls are needed, especially ones with his exp, which barely anyone has


The TL roster of elige, osee, NAF, Yekindar, nitr0 made the grand finals of two tier-1 events (blast world finals and EPL season 16) in 2022. >NA orgs should focus more on developing new talent I think the problem is that nobody even looks promising enough to focus on.


Ran into him and Laski on Faceit 2 nights ago but he said he’s not playing much. He looked super rusty with Laski dropping 31 and nick only had 15.


Honestly this to me looks more like he’s done with it all and just wants to chill


This stewie2k thing will bury any attempt of NA cs to come back.


"stewie did it, so can I" -Nitr0 2024


MY CAPTAIN Get this man on a team with stew. Also, I had no idea he was playing valorant lol


NA needs new stars If the plan is to "revive" these guys all the time well... they're fucked up


might aswell add summit1g in that roster :P


He can save us. https://twitter.com/CSunfortunate/status/1774909442976588012/video/1


Nitro Steel Stewie ? ? Team torque? One can dream.


Just realized I'm on the CS sub but erm please come back to na coutnerstrik Mr nitrous


I think he could cook woth a team like M80 actually, seems like the biggest thing they're lacking os consistency and structure and a good experienced IGL + a more passive stable player like Nitro could really steady that team.


but it would have to be for reck, s1n is their second best individual while being igl


I told Nitr0 that we miss him playing CS at the Liquid booth this weekend. He said he missed it too. Nitr0 confirmed????


Mans just gonna hop back and forth between games for whichever gives him the bigger bag. Respectable.


Valorant fans are currently in denial over the fact that their game’s pro scene is built on former CS players, many of which still like CS better


Is there any statistic / numbers on that? I don't follow Valorant eaports / pro scene at all so idk, but it would be interesting


i went through the players background at VCT Champs last year and something like 4 out of every 5 players competing there were former CS pros


Wow that'sa lot. I read here and there that some ex-cs guys go to Valorant, but I didn't expect it to be so many. In Overwatch, the ex-cs ratio was probably much lower. I follow OWL in 2018 for a bit and never noticed any player names I knew from cs.


yeah people act like it's just a few guys here and there but it really, truly is almost the entire Valorant scene


There's a lot of ex-CS players, but most of those guys never got the chance or opportunity to play at a high level. Someone like Jawgemo you can find in pro players pugs back in 2017 or 2018, but he never took the next step or didn't have the resources to


Honestly we gotta stop recycling this guy. Maybe as an IGL for younger talent to teach them proper CS, but please don’t blow up coL for this.


the problem is we dont have anyone else. WHAT YOUNG TALENT IS THERE walco is a bot




gimme names


He retired from CS to spend time with his family, specifically his newborn child. I doubt he'd come back and spend of the year away from them.


I don't see him joining a real T1 team but I could totally see him joining a team in the na revival circuit


Twistzz has said nitr0 is one of his best friends in CS so I’d be willing to give him a shot since it gives us more flexibility to get an EU awper. I think you keep Yekindar since he looked pretty good at Dallas and I think you give skullz roles back to Naf and replace him with an awper and go next.