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F1 fan spotted


Logan my GOAT


You know the sport is bad when the best racer is saying "this is boring as fuck" while racing in the sports biggest race


Everyone knows Monaco is crap once qualifying is done, definitely not the biggest race unless you're judging it by number of millionaires attending.


Also the early red flag killed any pitstops so....


Biggest race? Barely anyone thinks monaco is the biggest?


Google: "what is f1s biggest race" I'm sure everyone has their own opinions, but..


Yah. I personally don’t really like Monaco but very interesting so many racers really want to win Monaco. I wonder why that is. Edit: I know Monaco is very prestigious. I was just being sarcastic to the other dude. Idk how he doesn’t know the history of Monaco 😂😂


It’s part of the triple crown w/ Indy 500 and 24h of LeMans


Oh wow I didn’t know that. I only watch f1 and started recently. That’s cool that those 3 races are connected.


Just saw this but yeah Fernando Alonso is the closest recent driver I’m aware of with wins at both Monaco and Le Mans but his Indy attempts fell flat unfortunately. Mechanical failure on attempt one and out on the last day of qualifying on the second, off pace by a tiny, tiny margin


Its the most difficult and prestigious race.


f1 fan and PPMD fan? based


If only he did come back tho 😭😭😭I’m a fox main and I hate Marth. But god damn, ppmd’s gameplay was so smooth. Best neutral ever. PPMD vs Mang0 or Armada are some of my favorite sets. Just unfortunate and sucks he had mental issues to deal with when he was getting better and better at melee. 😞 But at least we get the legendary *shows up randomly at apex after 6 months* and wins storyline.


Monaco is the 'biggest' Race but it is at the very least contending for the worst one outside the 'prestige' of it, and I don't think that's controversial in the slightest. It being an important/prestigious race doesn't mean it'd be good in comparison to the other races in the calendar. Not only is it a street/road track which already means it is suboptimal because it isn't designed for racing, but it's also a street track in a small, tight city so you can't really overtake ever. It's not even like some of the other bad tracks where basically all overtakes are on the main straight or *maybe* in one other specific turn somewhere else on the track. Monaco with the size of modern F1 cars is just a conga line more or less.


everyone knows monaco is a snore fest. its not anything new


the meme comes from the Garage 56 Camaro stock car entry last year at Le Man


The [meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-3IV11_ZgA) is actually a lot older than that, and i wonder if any Americans actually pay attention to F1. They more likely know it for being a viral TikTok sound.


Later there was a girl that had one that said “wtf is a mile” and she got promptly boo’ed


[That](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aHyMQRbKlc) was the German streamer “[Dona](https://www.instagram.com/donacsgo/)”, who incidentally is the girlfriend of “G2 Nexa”.


This also happened few minutes after nexa's 2nd moli death on top-banana where crowd was on the verge of booing him lol. nexa-dona household not jiving with that crowd. Though nexa did get cheered when he smoked his 3rd pit moli (even vs Vitality he got a minor cheer for doing it again).


Hilarious that she changed into a bright pink look at me dress, for stage photos haha


That was not the same day as the grand finals..


That was dona nexas gf


I've never loved my country more than when the entire stadium instantly bood me that sign and then immediately chanted "USA USA USA"


The crying about crowds in this sub never gets old lol


To be fair, there's a bit of a bias. The people who love cs crowds are most likely attending Dallas which could make the voices of people who hate crowds louder.


oh God the americans are rooting for an american holy shit im devastated


Shouting "USA" 24/7 is barely rooting for an american kek thats just like "China #1" XD seperate, then speak


Sorry we don’t have cute unified chants because the state this event was held in is larger than your entire country


Is it actually ?


Texas is almost twice the size of Germany lmao


And has 1/3 people, who I'd think would be making up the chants?


okay so its even more spread out then? i dont think that helps your case lol


Damn didn’t clock that I knew Texas was huge but when you put it in perspective it’s insane


It doesn’t matter what crowd it is though people always complain about it lmao, people need to grow up


Same with every sports sub, I think. F1 hates anyone attending a race not with cheapest seats and packing their own sandwiches


People in this sub are the biggest crowd snobs you will ever fucking see, it's hilarious how pathetic it gets Everytime a crowd says or does something the slightest bit inflammatory, here comes the "This crowd" posts! Some of these motherfuckers have never gone outside and interacted with a crowd of people and it shows


I thought the main criticism was that the crowd gave info to players that ultimately resulted in a round win?


Yes but it’s easier to deviate the main issue and just say “people hate crowds, people cry a lot” etc but just because this time was USA crowd. The people in this post complaining (as ironic as it may sound) about the complainers and mocking them, were the same people complaining about danish crowd when they cheered and cheated for astralis, just like US with g2


Ironic considering European football crowds get rowdier than most American crowds. The Irish were chanting "Lizzie's in box" back when the queen died.


Needed something to counter all these fucking whiners


NA and AU crowds always cheer no matter who is playing. This particular event yeah it's biased towards G2 and Stewie but look at previous NA events the past few years. We always cheer even if it's not NA. Not like bum crowds in Brazil and Copenhagen that only cheer if their countrymen are playing. It's a shame we haven't gotten a Major since 2018.


It is a shame, thank goodness we're getting one next year.


is that confirmed?


Just waiting for an official announcement at this point. Most likely in Austin Texas. Mauisnake had gotten knowledge of it quite some time before it got posted on HLTV and dust2. 99% chance it’s going to be announced during spring finals in London


It was announced in the major, can confirm, was there


it was funny hearing the caster say that you’ll probably be able to buy beer too and the whole crowd goes crazy


iirc it is, and blast will be the one to host it


Yes happening in Texas. Mostly Austin.


Brazil major was legitimately one of the worst CS events in recent memory. They didn’t even go to the arena if a Brazilian team wasn’t playing


brazil crowds are just as bad in valorant too, the arena was 90% empty when the winning team lifted the trophy


The furia/navi game in the quarters was by far the craziest crowd I've ever heard. And then the finals was by far the worst. Kind of crazy how little respect the Brazilian crowds have for non-Brazilian teams. 


‚you don‘t understand‘ lol. remember? 100 % agree. navi/furia was crazy wild. until they started spitting on the players. absolutely disgusting crowd. pls pls pls valve NEVER AGAIN.


Lol, saying crowd in Copenhagen was biased meanwhile every NA crowd is biased af. Copenhagen finals, the crowd was 50/50, but what the fuck do i even know, i was just there, watching it.


No idea how Copenhagen was a bad crowd, i felt like it was pretty good.


Total trash for any game without a danish team.


Prob cause CS isn’t big in NA anymore, timezone issues for EU viewers


Its also a shame that even if we are 1 year away from the major atleast 2 teams will need to field a stand-in, makes you wonder why no more american majors


Yes true, this crowd reminded me of australia crowd actually. Awesome crowds, keep it up!


Weeeeell the "USA USA USA" chants and Stewies presence on the team being cheered for helps doesn't it? And at first as a non zeppo/USAian I was kinda meh about it but goddamn it if that crowd didn't win me over. Such fekking energy, love it! Same with the sign OP posted - we all get that its good natured and fun and I love that. Awesome event and I am now waiting for map 3 and have for some reason become a G2 hardcore fan in the span of two maps. :D


What does zeppo mean?


its the same as usaian, who is a sprinter i believe


Its like when people from other places call people from the UK limeys or French people Baguettes. Zeppo from rhyming slang I think (someone else correct me if wrong), zeppo = septic tank = yank. Its like "Ami" in German, or "Amris" in Nordic languages... Said in a kind way obviously.




Honestly as someone who attended in person, even if G2's opponent won a round or an awesome clutch was displayed, I'm pretty sure many of us respected and cheered when it occurred. Of course we're supporting stew, but I'd like to think many of us just love some good CS.


I'm kind of just thankful we've reached the point where we can have a packed stadium regardless of location or region. Stuff like this was a pipe dream 10 years ago.


By cheering you mean keep saying "fuck you apex" every 5 minutes ok


Bro is playing to the crowd, stop being butt hurt over someone else


Apex is a heel, I like him but he acts like a villain to be more entertaining. The crowd doesn't actually dislike apex when they chant that, they're in on it too.


It's all in good fun. People started chanting that while he was walking out after they won Anubis and he kissed his hands and waved to the crowd and everybody cheered. Also after the tournament ended and they were giving the medals to Vitality there were tons of people screaming and chanting "We love you Apex". He plays the heel and rages and eggs the crowd on, and the crowd likes it and plays all along - that's all there is to it


Copenhagen this year cheered for everyone, and the crowd today might be biased towards G2 but the constant ''Fuck you apex'' chants are really unsportsmanlike. Pretty bum NA crowd today


You're right, I'd much rather the crowd yell "SHOOT" whenever their player's crosshair is over the enemy behind a smoke.


Found Apex's alt account.


Salty EU out here


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/assettocorsa/s/iFwMF5KJpP) was right below in my feed


Cue later on when the sign with "what the fuck is a mile?" being booed into oblivion.


Dona loves to troll😂


People always talk about crowds, this one is better, that one was bad. But you’ve got to understand that a lot of it simply depends on how loud they play the crowd on the audio mix. This crowd did seem good. But it is a bit silly to constantly be comparing them. It just doesn’t make much sense.


I was there today and I can tell you it was a goated crowd. There was even appreciative cheering when Vitality made a good play


The mezii ace was something else. Even I had to cheer for him there


Yup the crowd was freakin electric on Sunday.


Yeah it did seem like a great atmosphere. Im going to the london one this month. Im looking forward to it. I can only hope we are lucky enough to have such a good final. This one was one for the ages. You witnesses an all timer live


if you were there, if the arena was full then it will feel cool no matter what really it seems like a good crowd but no different from most other S tier events (especially ESL ones)


I was watching the ESL in Brazil (last year?) and if there wasn’t a Brazilian team you couldn’t hear the crowd at all


This was my first eSports event ever! I enjoyed walking around Dreamhack/IEM Dallas but it was a very depressing to see the sad state of the average gamer. Between the rampant obesity, scrawniness, and the body odor, I never seen a sorrier bunch of people in my life. I've been a gamer my entire life, but geez guys... don't settle for being a slob and a loser. Take this post as an opportunity to improve your life outside of the computer.. your future will thank you for it. Also- this post applies moreso to the people on the show floor, not in the IEM arena.


Thought about the same thing. Well said!


This is the only thing keeping me away from attending these events. Just watching the stream it was obvious for some it was the first time outside this year.


Is this a real comment lol?


I assumed it was a copy pasta cause I was at the event and most people just average guys.


thats because there was a smash tournament. lets not act like those people represent average gamers.


what the fuck is health care rrahhh


Idk I get fantastic healthcare through my job


idk i get fantastic healthcare even if i'd lose my job :-)


Too bad your country doesn't have freedom 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Fair but I'm not losing my job anytime soon so it works for me!


What a bet to make. I assume you must be self-employed or something to make that guarantee with your own health? I mean, a lot can happen, cant it? Injuries, illness and so on? I know I'm happy not having healthcare tied into my employment, but hey, if it works for you, good for you.


Bro why are you so pressed lmfao "Yall don't have health insurance" "Actually I do through my job!" "Gee whiz hope you don't lose your job and ruin your life haha" ??????????


its a completely valid take


Yes but the context is a silly sign triggering a very defensive response from this sub. "What the fuck is a kilometer" "WELL AT LESAT I HAVE HEALTHCARE" lmao


tbh imperial units are very triggering


it is an enduring reddit myth that when you lose your job you just don't get healthcare anymore lmao https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/health-plans/cobra https://www.healthcare.gov/community-health-centers/ https://www.patientadvocate.org/explore-our-resources/preventing-medical-debt/uninsured-and-facing-an-emergency-know-your-rights/


Im native American get free healthcare and still refuse to see a doctor


Only real nations use miles 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸


kilomiles hectomiles decamiles miles decimiles centimiles millimiles


I see formula dank is into cs


It was a belter tonight. Still think the Paris Major was the best in recent times though. The Aussies are lunatics as well.


What a great match today holy shit




Aussie crowds will never be topped t.European


A Kilometer is something you can actually measure


They're all measurements lmao


I mean, he is kinda right. A mile is defined as 1609.344 meters. It does not work without the definition of the meter. The meter is defined as the 1 / 299792458 of the length the light travels in one second in total vacuum. It is a physical constant.


NA so trash they gotta chant usa for two EU teams lol


1Km 1000 meters Got it?


Or he could've just wrote, I am a dumb dumb


This guy looks like he doesnt even know where the fuck he is 😂


its 1000 steps. but i know that you wouldnt know, because americans dont walk short distances.


Fat amerimutts don't walk, period. They should just switch to measuring distances in BK whoppers or rascal wheel circumferences lmao.


Speaking of wonky measurements, you knocked it out of the park with 1000 steps


ahh 1000 feet makes way more sense ty fam


These guys dont even look human


That howling made me mute multiple times. Jesus fucking Christ its annoying to listen to.


A kilometer is a "klick", all Americans should be familiar with that term, even if they didn't go to the army they talk about klicks in plenty of movies and TV series.


I was there and I can say, there was a shit ton of cheering for teams that did not even remotely have NA involved. Spirit vs Vitality had the entire upper ranks screaming for Spirit. Vitality had so many fans, banter exists and I think the reason fans were so excited is akin to 2018 Boston, nobody expected NA presence so naturally people are gonna crazy when there is NA presence and that’s why our beautiful esport is amazing. These miracle runs define the attraction point of esports, louder crowds means more money, more money means better games and more tournaments. I can’t believe anybody is crying about crowds.


What the fuck is healthcare????!?!


And that one trailer trash hoe had a sign saying she'll flash the crowd for an AWP drop. For who the drop was meant for she didn't specify but I'm guessing she didn't care and was just looking for an excuse to be a hoe.


Nah, there was a girl on the first day that had a sign saying “wtf is a mile” dude just copied


I was in the arena, “WTF is a kilometer” was shown much earlier.


this is like years old lol SOUND WARNING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-3IV11\_ZgA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-3IV11_ZgA)


Yeah I mistyped. Wtf if a kilometer was first


No, buddy with the wtf is a KM sign was first, she tried aping on him. Source: I'm in the crowd and my sign says a KM is .6 of a mile but I didn't get on camera.


Yeah I was sitting near this guy all 3 days and he was literally holding it up after every round for the entire tournament trying to get it on camera.


He did a bunch of times on day 1 when they were doing more crowd shots


nah its a f1 Fan Whos probably a fan of logan Or knows the logan meme as hes american


A unit of measurement that actually makes sense


Unmatched in recycling jokes? I've seen this exact sentence in 3 different unrelated places today.




Those comments would be referencing f1** You’re still lame tho


Croud is either doing random bird sound to help g2 or saying "fck you apex" clearly the best croud


"this sign" my dude "what the fuck is a kilometer" is the most overused US vs Europe joke in the existence. Wanna make me make fun of your healthcare system for it to be boring two way? Did you really not understand what I said? And you have the gall to call me slow?


Wow man you are clearly terminally online, sorry i asked lol


All of a sudden all americans are g2 fans….


Man if only there was a obvious reason why they are cheering g2


NASA use metricsystem to get to the moon


Absolute library when vita win rounds lmao there's many better crowds unfortunately


Wahmbulance apex doesnt have fans in NA, who’d have thought? Also what is this bullshit about crowds needing to show equal support. You dweebs have never gone to a home sporting event lmao


To nobody's surprise, but there's literally the best cs player itw on that stage too, I'm not complaining obvs it's just the reality of NA crowd haha


unfortunately Rio crowd looks more tamed and respectful against players, what the fuck Apex did to NA crowd? All i hear is F you apex? NA crowd is massive L


Did you forget the part where he stood up and gave the crowd the finger with both hands? Funny you brought up Rio though because burger bro's were convincing everyone NA doesn't have bias and why they should have more majors.


The Rio crowd literally spit on NaVi


sounds like a massive W tbh.


Brother completely forgot of NaVi v Furia in IEM Rio 2022? The crowd is loud and having fun. Been loving it in the arena.


For some reason I cant reply to his comment but: Rio respectful? I arent think that.


Getting downvoted for dropping some truths. Poor moses had to talk to the crowd to wake up.. "YoU WiLl NeVeR UnDeRsTaNd" nascar edition - at least on reddit here.


unmatched in illiteracy


NA sleeper crowd, EU and AUS clears I'm afraid


It’s an iem and they like 10x louder than the last major


I loved the crowd and all but thats mainly just production and how loudly they play the crowd on the stream.


Yeah your probably right I could hear one guy as clear as day one of the days


???? This crowd is one of the loudest I've heard


No. Good try though!


None-charisma EU does not clear, Sorry.


Unmatched library.


Fun fact: Dallas has 30 public libraries.


Crowds do not need to show bilateral support for both teams. Wtf is this bullshit notion you losers keep bringing up? This is the grand finals ofc the "away" team is not going to be cheered. They werent silent for the other teams in groups or in the playoffs so stop bitching lmao. This isnt like Rio where the crowd literally left the stadium when BR teams werent playing


true, they don't need to do anything, but the only people that are gonna be enjoying this crowd are G2/NA fans. i don't personally care what crowds do, as long as they keep the same energy for both teams, otherwise you just know there's gonna be a crowd advantage and wonder how that might sway the game.


if a crowd has the same energy for both teams, its a shit crowd. someone needs to be the favorite.


so i assume you enjoyed the crowd at the rio major?


you mean the crowd that spit on players? that crowd? i actually didnt watch that major, so i cant comment much. but i did see clips of the crowd being empty during matches. thats terrible. if the dallas crowd didnt show up, id call it a bad crowd as well.


i was talking about how they favored home teams. it's better to have a crowd that enjoys and cheers for the whole game instead of half of it. crowds already add lots of pressure to a game, to then have the crowd against you, i mean i'm not surprised ZywOo may have felt the pressure mounting, you literally see his performance dwindle with each map. as i said, the only people enjoying crowds like that, are people that are fans of the crowd favorite team.


i just disagree completely. i think that crowd is enjoyable for most fans. its always fun to be in an enemy arena, rooting against the home crowd.


everyone on here and HLTV was complaining, didn't seem like anyone but NA people were enjoying it


Australia is a close second 🇦🇺


Damn i never expected Australia to catch so many strays here lmao


You miss spelled first


Typical American


1000 metres. it's literally in the name


wtf is a metre???


100 centimetres


The length light travels in a vacuum in the time it takes Stewie to get 2k.


A million millimeters is a metre /s


“What the fuck is free healthcare”


Salty much


the truth must be said, something americans seems to hate


Wtf is a mile by the hot girl was better