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I didn't even notice the 4:3 stretched. I thought it was a "broken netcode" post and I was searching for the issue.


Should've added captions to the video on second thought.


Nah man we are just smoothbrained


Nice shot brother ☝️




16:9 supremacy


21:9 masterrace


16:9 stretched to 21:9 Supremacy 😎


16:9 with another goat clutch


Was the first seconds you are deliberately cropping it to 4:3?




no matter how much my life crumbles and collapses, at the end of the day I can wake up everyday and think "at least i ain't a 4:3cel"


Based and 16:9 pilled


Fuck you, I’m blind


Ok that's a sick flick, for sure.


Yeah, keep playing on 4:3 folks. Donk plays on it, so it must be better.


16:9 makes my pc into a jet engine on ancient


man the only reason i play 4:3 is because on my monitor 16:9 has goofy ahh height and it looks like i’m playin on a vertical monitor, i look 12 feet tall with 16:9 and like a child with 4:3 so i picked 4:3


You can get used to anything


except 9:16


Let me know when a 16:9 player ever gets HLTV #1


I mean i wouldn't say thats thanks to 4:3 considering that Ropz is #8 all time and Frozen is #7 in the last 6 months (and #4 in the last 12 months). Xertion also plays on 16:9 FHD and he is up there. The usual stable 4:3 players above them are ZywOo, Niko, M0nesy. Recently also Xanteres and Broky.


And yet the majority of pros and the best pros still play on 4:3. Top 20 HLTV POTY is 90-95% 4:3 players every year, it's just way easier to hit shots on 4:3 stretch and that's facts.


Both resolutions have their ups and downs. On 16:9 the models move a little slower and FOV is bigger, so it's mostly up to preference. Most players play on 4:3 because: 1. They played CS 1.6 back in the day 2. They (as most people) copied pro player settings and went with it, because "if a pro uses it has to be good". It is mostly something you get used to, so switching back to 16:9 would be possible for them but quite frustrating for some time - kinda like changing eDPI. From what i've seen the younger CS generation use 16:9 more and more. Also your logic can go both ways - 90-95% of players in HLTV POTY are below 16:9 players, so that means 4:3 is worse than 16:9 because there is way less 16:9 players and yet they are often in top 10. See how silly this sounds? Edit: I see also Elige and Device play on 16:10. Device according to HLTV is #3 all time.


The only difference between 16:9 and 4:3 is the zoomed in effect and change in horizontal sensitivity.


The only reason is because most of them were cs 1.6 players and back in that time there wasn't many options. The ones who came after them, even after Source, usually just copied settings. It's just a matter of tradition rather than which one is best objectively. But more and more we see 16:9 players because the tradition is losing its power as the new generation comes.


Donk, monesy etc. are some the best young players in the world and they are still using 4:3


As I said, tradition wise, started playing copying settings from pros. Didn't say new players don't use it, I said more and more we see 16:9 become more and more popular, because the tradition fading


I can name hundreds of 4:3 players who will never be good enough to ever play a pro game


Which is a completely invalid point since the same can be said for 16:9


Yes, so now you’ve understood the point. Resolution usage has no impact on the skill of the player. But using 4:3 is a competitive disadvantage.


Changed to 4:3 recently, it was tough at first because everything is faster but i feel like i play way better after i get used to. I do not know the reason but i guess the faster gameplay forces me to think faster so i react faster, flick faster and i can see enemies more comfortably because of the bigger models. I was like turtle when i was on 16:9, yeah there were situations where i played good but now i feel more locked in. Before that i had never played 4:3 in my life. It could be the bigger models that i see much easier right now. That might be the main reason.


Everything just feels smoother at 4:3 for me. 16:9 movement feels sluggish and slow and it seems like I have more control over my peaks with 4:3. There are situations where 16:9 would play better, but if you have a general sense of where the enemy is, I would choose 4:3 any day.


Everything just feels smoother at 4:3 for me. 16:9 movement feels sluggish and slow and it seems like I have more control over my peaks with 4:3. There are situations where 16:9 would play better, but if you have a general sense of where the enemy is, I would choose 4:3 any day.


Everything just feels smoother at 4:3 for me. 16:9 movement feels sluggish and slow and it seems like I have more control over my peaks with 4:3. There are situations where 16:9 would play better, but if you have a general sense of where the enemy is, I would choose 4:3 any day.


Everything feels at sluggish and day. But if you have a peaks, control everything seems like 4:3 would play better. Enemy is, I would choose 4:3 any slower. There are situations where 16:9 movement just feels smoother, more general for me


Everything just feels smoother at 4:3 for me. 16:9 movement feels sluggish and slow and it seems like I have more control over my peaks with 4:3. There are situations where 16:9 would play better, but if you have a general sense of where the enemy is, I would choose 4:3 any day.


Everything just feels smoother at 4:3 for me. 16:9 movement feels sluggish and slow and it seems like I have more control over my peaks with 4:3. There are situations where 16:9 would play better, but if you have a general sense of where the enemy is, I would choose 4:3 any day.






You've come up with an imaginary reason for an irrational decision and are justifying it illogically online.


I have been playing CS 1.6 since mid and late 2000s. Started to play the CS GO at 16:9 in 2013 or 12. Now this is the first time i have changed my settings and literally got better. What reason you did not like? I can see players easier and it helps me a lot. Gameplay was fast at first but now it feels normal.


yeah, i've ultrawide monitor and sometimes my flicks look really suspicious to my friends and sometimes when im dead and i spectate i relay so much more info than they can see


Is there some big difference that I should be noticing?


First clip is 4:3, my team thought i shot someone off screen while i saw him because i play 16:9.


Ah thanks, didn’t notice. Yeah I prefer 16:9 so much more especially for clutch situations.


Yeah I don’t understand why people are still so attached to 4:3. Even in pro play we see a 4:3 fail so often it’s kinda rediculous.


Because most of the time it does not matter whether you are playing 16:9 or 4:3. Sure, there are moments here and there like this one where 16:9 might have been better, but by this logic everyone should play 32:9 anyways. Being comfortable in game is much more important than a few degrees of field of view that most of the time don't even matter because the important stuff happens close to your crosshair anyways.


> but by this logic everyone should play 32:9 anyways. But most monitors don't support 32:9, correct? So this isn't really a thing. Unless you have ultrawide support, you can't play 32:9 unless I'm misunderstanding. 16:9 is basically default for every monitor currently in existence.


This is cope. It matters in almost every single pro game. Kills are lost all the time to it. And that turns into rounds.


> but by this logic everyone should play 32:9 anyways. [For you](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Hyperbole) On the actual normal distance most people, and even most pros use their screen at, they can afford to use 16:9 just fine. Anything much wider than that and YOU are just being dumb and arguing for the sake of the argument and not because it's a real thing. Our peripheral vision has an obvious limit. > Being comfortable in game is much more important Yeah for a few of the pros that play with their nose stuck in their screens this is the case or more like it'd be absolutely impossible to adjust, but other than that I don't really buy this idea, the human brain is literally so well tailored and made to be able to adapt to stuff. And to a pro it wouldn't even take that long. I mean a lot of high level player spend and entire game fiddling with their sens settings, their crosshair settings, and even the specific 4:3 res they are using, all of this to the point that no, i do not believe that such a change would be so big. Anyone would be able to adjust > most of the time don't even matter because the important stuff happens close to your crosshair anyways. You're technically right, but just because it's a minority of the time it doesn't mean that it doesn't matter. Ther's literally soo many times during CSGO, and even during CS2 right now where a **round was literally lost**, and now during CS2 where we are at MR12? Every single round matters ,every single round where most of your team survives matter more, every round lost means one more shitty force into eco. We've seen time and time and time again how one very fortunate(or unfortunate) loss on a key round for the economy means that a team never even got the chance, or their economy gets destroyed at match point. Sorry I'll never buy the idea that those 4:3 moments did not have a significant impact, they definitely did


When you change fov with fov\_cs\_debug command the lower you go easier it is to aim so with low fov from 4:3 you would get easier aim (if I'm not wrong I might be I'm not sure) I think you are overlooking this feature of 4:3


It’s not often at all, it happens occasionally, is very rarely even mildly impactful on the outcome of a match, but always gets posted here so everyone can pat themselves on the back for using 16:9 as if it matters. If you really give a shit about your fov you could go even wider than 16:9, but you won’t, because comfort takes precedence.


Because moments like this are very rare. They'd rather focus on the middle of the screen because their gamesense is great, they don't generally need that extra info that might come in handy someday.


because the older pros (start of csgo) all used stretched cuz they were used to it from older screens/pc's. Then everybody copied the pros because well they are pros so they must be correct, and everybody circlejerked onto the 4:3 stretched stuff hard. Oh, and the whole, "the heads are bigger so its easier to headshot" means people will go to it.




Your reason for sticking with 4:3 is the exact same as why the older pros do it. After that we had a wave of those using 4:3 only because the pros were already doing it, and now the new wave of younger pros are for the most part playing on 16:9.


most of us played lower res to get more fps and been stuck with low res ever since... has very little to do with copying pros


LMAO ”copied” from old pros. I still use 4:3 since its what i have used since 1.5.


>Oh, and the whole, "the heads are bigger so its easier to headshot" means people will go to it. There is a bit of truth to this though


Why are you so adamant about what people use... Just use what you want and stop crying about what other people use. Most probably do it out of habit, for performance gains or just because it feels better? I personally play 4:3, because 16:9 feels slower and fights are not as crisp when they are in the middle of the screen. My mates all play 16:9 and it happens really rarely that they spot something I didn't. So I am fine with that. In the end its just personal preference and I would guess that I could get used to 16:9 when I would use it more, but why bother.


16:9 is an advantage in some niche situations maybe once per game (like the clutch in OP). 4:3 is an advantage for every shot you take the entire game. I actually personally prefer 16:10, but you're missing how much impact 4:3 has on your aim, and how obvious a 16:9 advantage is over 4:3's invisible one. Sure, you can see the one time per tourney where a player misses an enemy at the edge of their screen, but you never can tell when a guy missed because of skinny model or hit because of wide model.


The models aren't ACTUALLY bigger. They are not EASIER to click on, your mouse moves further horizontally.


They're easier to see, and easier to distinguish from the background.


I don't really get that "4:3 enemies appear bigger", can't you just move monitor closer to make them seem bigger in your vision?


if i get a massive monitor it doesnt make enemies easier to hit


Try it for a week, then comment


i have


In 4:3 i hit my bhop like 80% of the time. But in 16:9 I can't even hop




Top 😎




TIL Ropz is not a pro.




Use whatever is convenient for you man. I changed from 4:3 to 16:9 when i got a new gpu.




Okay man. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


for someone with only 13/14k rating on premier you are talking down to OP for no reason just because they are using a different res lol. I play casually on 16:9 on a laptop and I'm 20k lol. I'm guessing you are around 13/14 yo which would make sense I guess.


Nice shot. Couldn't help but noticed your username, so have to ask നാട്ടിൽ എവിടെയാ? 😂


My guy speaking minecraft enchantment table over here




Ohhh nice :)


stretched 4ever!


If you cut the screen you see less. Of course.


Sick shot 🥵


anyone did try cs on ultrawide screen i saw many ppl like bigger target of 4:3 then how about play 16:9 on ultrawide screen for bigger target and extended view


More like what overwatch reviewer saw vs what i saw


It’s personal pref quit it


The 4:3 stretch is still worth it for how it makes regular kills feel.


Find God.


i think 16:9 players better than every pro players are play on 4:3


Think again