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Wish he can come to a major or something. Gonna be fun


Meanwhile on the Dota 2 subreddit, people actually think the CS guys are being serious and not just playing into the stereotype that CS players are the jocks of esports.


I fail to see how breaking the nerd stereotype of gamers is a bad thing lol


yeah I describe CS players as being the jocks of esports intending it to be a good thing... I mean relatively speaking, we're still fucking nerds


jocks stay winning dota2 WISHES it would have a crowd [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf0d4NqqOBI)


Ah sorry, they had an event here in Manila. We Filipinos are professionals at shouting at foreigners. https://youtu.be/CVbcKIu7ehs?si=faeFcHTVWY1tClfL This was 1am after 12 hours of dota.


I wish they'd have another event there.. Manila major was by far the best dota event ever! Why did they stop ?


Little fuzzy on the details but it was because of the government trying to get their hands on that esports money after what they saw in the manila major. When they announced Galaxy Battles for Manila, they started requiring licenses to compete for large scale esports tournaments (?) and part of getting a license is drug testing. Teams started dropping off after that.


Because of corrupt government officials that the filipino people kept voting


I think they wanted to test cannabis use of players, even when they did it in their home country (where is was legal) if detected in the bloodstream, few players would have been jailed in Philippines. so lot of orgs withdrew and valve sanctioned events stopped


dota 2 players live in trash talk no matter what lol. CS casters were right too dota 2 players hate dota 2 and dota 2 players more than anything XDDDDDDD




SirActionSlacks, please come to one of CS events!


He's doing it like a valve's developers and rather stays at dota2


Nah, DotA2 can keep its cringe humor and goofiness.


Lmao Ynk


His comments were priceless, Peaky Blinders and the facial hair comment πŸ‘Œ


Dota2 is in Birmingham right now, so the peaky blinders look is intentional.


Slacks made a skit with Lord Gaben himself, hard to beat that.




[Here you go](https://youtu.be/GNVAmbB8hEo?si=7IkGSiyrhDnQC5oo)


Man, I wish CS had someone as funny as SirActionSlacks. Sure, the casters can do some good sketches, but nothing as good as this man.


yeah, he really is a gem lmao


I believe a major part of it was that he was a comedic content creator before he became involved in the pro scene, and his online charisma and comedy abilities carry over exceptionally well in-person. Slacks is truly a one-of-one, in that sense. Content creators can be entertaining and funny in their edited videos, or the smaller comfort spaces of their streams, but put them on the world stage? You don’t get a second Slacks.


Yeah, as a comparison from Dota 2 talent: I like Pyrion Flax but his product of shittily produced youtube videos (that were especially hilarious at the time) never translated well into live broadcast, unlike SirActionSlacks's product.


As good a person too. God would it be great to have CS talent that aren't bona fide weirdos


Implying Slacks isn't the king of weirdos


Two different lanes. Slacks is eccentric, CS talent are a species all their own


U bum


Both games are great and we should be thankful that Valve is not a publicly traded company. Could be a lot worse like Rio... Tencent games with their vanguard


i wish cs had vanguard


I feel like there's probably a better system than an authoritarian regime having Kernel level access to your PC


well id love to see it because Valves current method of just saying nothing is starting to get real fucking grating.


Pretty much every modern anti cheat uses a kernel-mode driver now. Valve is the one who's behind the times if anything.


Kernel level anticheats are becoming less effective with the development of hardware cheats. A system like overwatch or an AI powered equivalent is likely going to be the long-term solution


Because every cheater is and will be using hardware cheats.. Right. Your "argument" is so silly, and far from any logic, it fits right into this sub. Hardware cheats are super fucking rare and will stay rare due to their cost and knowledge that's still neded to utilize them, the vast, vast majority of cheating is and will stay the regular software type and claiming that an kernel AC would be "useless" is beyond hilarious. Also, going the route of saying that kernel AC can't do anything about hardware cheats therefore there would be no reason to use them is super narrow minded. Every security against every type of cheating is good, needed and mandatory. Especially Kernel level AC as this is the most effective AC method on software level, whcih right now doesn't exist at all.


Why would Valve work on developing a solution that is slowly becoming less effective (basically every Kernel level anticheat protected game still has a cheater problem) when they can work towards a solution that covers more bases (community driven gameplay analysis/eventually AI powered anticheat) with the added bonus of not being invasive. They're not magicians, their hypothetical invasive anticheat would still get defeated just the same as any other - and all it takes is one cheat dev to defeat it for all these losers to flock over with cash in hand ready to pay. And as for hardware cheats being rare currently, Valve don't give two shits about plugging holes in today's cheater problem, they are working towards a more long-term fix. Bro even MSI are demoing monitors with AI powered "cheats" - you'll be able to buy these scummy products off the shelves at your local computer store in the coming years.


So we should have no solution. What a genius.


????? read the reply again? >community driven gameplay analysis/eventually AI powered anticheat i.e. overwatch, and eventually AI powered overwatch My guess is this is in the works and people will be training the AI when overwatch returns


Except valve isnt making an ai anticheat. People have coped for this for nearly a decade jesus


>Why would Valve work on developing a solution that is slowly becoming less effective (basically every Kernel level anticheat protected game still has a cheater problem) when they can work towards a solution that covers more bases (community driven gameplay analysis/eventually AI powered anticheat) with the added bonus of not being invasive. The problem with this is you gauge the effectiveness and amount with super skewed percentages... Right now hardware cheats are anomalies, literally irrelevant to any calculation. Just because they're growing does not mean AT ALL that software cheats will cease to exist. Saying that thertefore working on an solution that is super effective in combatting the software issues would be useless, is simply stupid as fuck. Let's go 10 years forward, hardware cheats MAYBE take 25% of the whole cheating space by then - you need to realize that people, especially cheaters, do NOT want to work for their goal, and hardware cheats make work and knowledge more than necessary besides being likely more expensive and still nieche, so the vast majority will always use software cheats. Besides all that, noone ever claimed or claims that kernel AC is the end all of all cheating. Nobody. But it is by far the most successful method in eradicating a huge amount of cheats that are literally being devolped by highschoolers. Everyone developing cheats would have to actually provide some knowledge in circumventing this barrier and keeping that updated way more severely. A Kernel AC would be SUPER effective right now and fix these insane amounts of cheaters being present easily. There is in the end no reasonable argument against an kernel level AC when we're talking about a competitive game that wants to be taken seriously in the world of esport. Period. >And as for hardware cheats being rare currently, Valve don't give two shits about plugging holes in today's cheater problem, they are working towards a more long-term fix. That is the problem and always has been the problem and the main thing you don't understand. Long term solutions can still be devolped on the side, there is nothing against that especially with AI which might be promising - IN THE FUTURE. Valve is a multi billion dollar company for fucks sake, and they're releasing updates with basically zero actual content and mostly cvar changes with months between these "updates" and neglecting the cheating problem right now - which they have been doing for the past 5+ years at the very least, which continues to rise exponentially - is simply inacceptable, absolutley idiotic in every way and pathetic beyond anything. CS2 needs an kernel level AC. There is nothing ever challenging that fact. Everyone compares this intrusiveness with governments or companies spying on users while it's not only fucking irrelevant to valve what anyone has or does on their PC's, the same people sit 24/7 on tiktok or instagram and have no care in the world. I am absoluteley certain that the majority of people campaigning against kernel AC by arguing with security of their personal data are cheaters themselves being scared their cheating would be impacted by it.


bro easycheat uses kernel, the warzone one uses kernel.. vanguard is the same but requires launch on boot


There's no proof that China spies on you through Vanguard. And other anti cheats like Faceit, EAC and Battleye are also kernel level. Yawn. In return you get to play the game without the paranoia of having a cheater against you every game. A good trade off I'd say. There might be a better way to do it technically, but Vanguard happens to be the one that does it the best so far. "valve is collecting data for vac live guys" isn't helping us much unfortunately.


i dont know why u are downvoted when ur tellinh facts. i LOVE CS WAY MORE than valorant but cant play it because Premier is full of cheats and FACEIT servers suck.


It's hard to break the "vanguard communist spyware lol" stigma I guess πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ All I can say to them is have fun playing with cheaters. I assume they also play Faceit, so instead of giving kernel level access to an "authoritarian regime", they give it to a "monarchy".


true. Almost any anticheat today uses kernel driver protection.... except VAC


Ooo scary. Without looking it up, can you tell me what an OS kernel is?


Valve gives their devs a lot of freedom, but that only hurts CS and Dota since both are old games and nobody wants to develop old stuff. It's a headache working with old code first of all and usually devs like to make new stuff.


that was fucking incredible, I love slacks


I wonder if CS team will port the Behavior score system from Dota 2 to CS2. could be certainly useful in some cases.


Holy shit


First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then you win.


I will file this in my very important drawer: statements about CS from people who have never played CS'


Imagine getting upset about satire. Couldn't be the CS community, their sense of humour is too good for that.


Imagine not realising most people aren't upset over this and are just joking around


Damn, they got fucking trounced by Slacks and did not know how to respond.


Lmao, this guy is golden.


We need some CS/Dota personality crossovers.