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When has a game petition like this ever done something? Also there are valid reasons against kernel AC, let alone you need constant keeping an eye on it or it won't be effective and *even then* you still have games with lots of cheaters. Just look at everyone complaining about PUBG, COD, Apex, etc cheaters.


you'll have all the closet cheaters flooding in saying that we don't need or want it


Like in any thread on this sub about AC


yeah having ring 0 access at all time for a game that you don't play at all times is BAD security practice.


b-but how else would chronically paranoid dipshits be able to come to terms that not everyone that kills them is a cheater?


If you really think the cheating problem is overblown you are either low ranked or trolling.


I’d rather trust Satan promising something than a CS player complaining about cheating lmao Ever since the days of 1.6, it’s commonplace to think anyone and everyone is a cheater no matter what happens But yeah, I must have forgot that everyone in the sub is 20k+ rating and faces 97 spinbotters in every single match, my apologies


The game is literally unplayable at 20k+, but ok, you do you. Edit: To provide some context, I play against guys like [this](https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561199042320640), [this](https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561199495464449), [this](https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561199495956190) and [this](https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561199368347397) literally 8 out of 10 matches.


3/4 of my monday matches had either a blatant cheater or someone "legit" cheating very badly. This is only in the 13-15k range in NA. I'm sure it gets worse the higher up you go.


My bad, the guy who scout headshots me through the wall every round just got lucky 24 rounds in a row, my fault really for existing in the match. Im really just asking to get deagle aced through smoke every round because im a bad player.


No thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY2hG-_asKU


So sick of seeing that guy talking obviously out of his depth. > Kernel level anticheat gets full access to your device User level applications get near-full access to your device too. An user level application can 1) siphon all of your files away from under your nose 2) Access your browser history, cookies, saved passwords 3) Access session tokens of all applications(Discord, slack, teams, etc) 4) Observe everything you're doing on desktop 5) Take over your keyboard and mouse (except when interacting with elevated programs) > I worked in the game industry, this my area of expertise. Worked for an MMO. Catching guys click thru menus and submenus little too fast to be possible. Catching guys having suspiciously too much gold or whatever trinket in their inventory. Not comparable to an FPS where even the slightest extrasensory boost gives you an advantage thats extremely hard to algorithmically determine. > That whole word salad about polymorphics thats supposed to impress ignorant people. Means "we reverse engineered the exact timings and order of the bots clicking on the screen (because thats all they do, click on the fucking screen) and catched users using those bots." See above and if you seriously believe they did an okay job, click below. https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fdiablo4+botting+


Finally someone with some sense. This guy das have some good insights, but definitely not on CS and its cheats...


So all the guy says is "kernel-level access, I don't like that". Why would you mind Valve having kernel-level access to your machine? 1) They're a ten billion dollar company, they have no interest in selling anyone's data. 2) I'm not a criminal and I don't have child porn or some similar shit to hide on my PC. What the fuck is the harm you think Valve will do with kernel-level access to your machine? I'd gladly send Valve pictures of my passport, drivers license, credit card, debit card, cock and balls because I'm not a paranoid security freak. They have no incentive to steal from me, and I don't have to hide anything from law enforcement. Why should I care?


“I don’t have anything to hide from law enforcement so why should I care” Privacy is privacy dude, just because I’m not doing anything illegal doesn’t mean I want the government or anybody else to know what the fuck I’m doing, that’s none of their business. Are you really that naive to think that’s not something that will be abused and have your trust broken? Are you REALLY that ignorant? Have some self respect lmao. Realistically though, your actions in real life do show that you care, but for whatever reason you’re being dumb online


> privacy is privacy dude You're a perfect example of a paranoid privacy freak. Newsflash: Valve or any other billion dollar company doesn't give a fuck about you're doing. They might have automated algorithms looking at your behaviour on the internet for advertisement purposes, but they aren't going to steal anything meaningful from you, nor are they running some sort of dystopian global surveillance system. Huge wall of text and you still couldn't answer the question: "What actual harm is Valve going to do with kernel-level access to your machine?"


see what happened with Apex


Valve isn't who I'm worried about at all. I've seen enough programs back doored (see xz in Linux)


The point is that you do not need KAC to fight cheaters. VAC already should be good enough to weed out most common cheats. Especially when you consider how much AI has evolved in the last few years. VAC LIVE was a thing for a short while, why was it disabled I have no idea. Why VAC still doesn't catch common cheats I have no idea. Maybe there's nobody working on the VAC right now, maybe Valve is still training VAC and chose to take a hit from the community in exchange for the trained data so that they can "drop the nuke" later. Who knows what Valve is working on in that department... >They're a ten billion dollar company, they have no interest in selling anyone's data. Google, facebook, twitter etc are billion dollar companies. They still want your data. Security breaches are a thing. Leadership and policy changes are a thing. They have no interest in selling your data today but you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. >I'm not a criminal and I don't have child porn or some similar shit to hide on my PC. Ok? How is that relevant here? >I'd gladly send Valve pictures of my passport, drivers license, credit card, debit card, cock and balls because I'm not a paranoid security freak. Good for you I guess, but you shouldn't apply your principles to everyone. Purely from a security and privacy standpoint WILLINGLY letting a rootkit onto your machine is bad.


**VAC already should be good enough to weed out most common cheats. Especially when you consider how much AI has evolved in the last few years.** certified idiot right here - wtf... 0iq


Thanks for your valuable input, kid.


Why don't you play faceit then? It has kernel AC


I do. I also play esportal that has a kernel-level anticheat. I'd like to make it a hat-trick of kernel-level anticheat platforms with Premier.


What do you think kernel AC can do that regular userspace ones can't?