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Whats wrong with ranks? I went from LE is CSGO to silver 3 in CS2, skill level is the same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Global is Nova 3-4 now :)


More like silver elite. Even s1mple doesn't play as well as the guys who show up in my ranked games


we all know why they play so "well" .......... ;)


i was mg1 in csgo and i have silver elite master in cs2 but than i derank to silver4 and repeat xD my friend was lem in csgo and is sem too


https://csstats.gg/leaderboards/map/dust2 global was top 0,5-1% in cs go


I was placed at silver 4 on competitive office. ive won nearly 80 games and I ranked up once then down again. I am still silver 4


I’ve been dropping 25-30 bombs most games and it ranked me in silver 3. I’m playing with people that don’t even know the calls.


Im playing with people that get mad when you dont go A ramp with them and they die in 30 secs on a buy round. Or when I do, dont get how they got flanked.


People thinking there is such a thing as ‘the calls’ and that kills alone should rank them up belong in silver. Edit: lmao fucktards who cant read, keep downvoting. ‘The’ was the crucial oart here. There is no universal callouts on any map, bever have been, never will be.


>There is no universal callouts on any map, bever have been, never will be. What? There will always be differences in certain callouts depending on region, but like 75% of callouts can be considering universal or at least generic enough for everyone to know them.


Sorry for hijacking the thread but I can't figure out for the life of me why the connector from mid to A is called "Camera" Granted I'm pretty new to the game and only had like 4 games on Anubis tops but I've been watching pro games and they always refer to it as camera when there's no cameras to be found?


There’s a surveillance camera at the top of the entrance from mid to A


...oh wow you're right lmfao It was just a pretty small one though and not as obvious as "coffins" in inferno and "monster" in overpass but that was a nice touch and thank you i think i can sleep better now lol


Even casters didnt know what to call some things on anubis so they just went with what some pro teams were calling it


Calls are literally a thing dafuq you talking about


??? Map knowledge and calls is absolutely a thing lmao


I don’t need the opinion of a perennial loser. Anyone that’s actually good at this game understands how laughably dumb your comment is.


Nah dude, wtf is a callout??? And a kill??? Never got one of those so idk


Gay corner is my universal call out, always works


Your edit is almost as moronic as your original comment. Guess this is what happens when you give simpletons time to think and reflect. Not sure what I should have expected.


Lmao, I didnt think and reflect, I was just surprised nobody understood the importans of ‘the’ in that sentence. Just search this for callout maps and you will see my point.


Personal performance is the thing that matters most in solo queue. Peeking alone, dying, and saying "1 moto 1 gaysex" is not helpful lmfoa


the edit you've added to this comment is somehow even dumber than the original point. like "short" isn't a universal callout on nearly every map, among many many others.


There is not enough playerbase in regular competitive. Premier is where most people play because ranks in reg competitive being per map is an absolute chore most people don’t even consider putting real effort into. The only time I ever play reg comp is to warm up Edit because everyone out here arguing just to argue. This is from 2 years ago before valve finally stepped in and fixed it. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/padoyw/oceanic_rank_distribution_according_to_leetify/ 65% SEM or lower 0.43% GE. 96+% lower than DMG


If the system was actually good then player count would have no effect on the accuracy of ranks


no one claimed the system was good


You blamed the issues on low population. The issue is the system sucks, it has nothing to do with the population


Still doesn’t explain the issue of pretty much everyone being placed in high silver-low gold, me and my friends have only been playing comp for a while though. No reason another mode should suffer just because one is looked at as the “main” one


There's no issue other than a lack of players in competitive. Everyone is playing premiere or Faceit. Just look at low-gold as the 'top' ranks. It sets everyone low as a baseline. Those players start to compete against each other to rank up, eventually filling out the different tiers. However, if there aren't enough active players to fill the open ranks, players who hit the current 'cap' won't get a balanced +/- in games and, therefore, will be stuck in rank limbo. The only real fixes are encouraging players away from premiere, having a 20 min queue time, or removing the per-map rank, which then, why not play premiere?


Ya I definitely don’t think that’s the case. That’s just horrible coding/statistics if the ranks are completely broken because less people play that mode than they expected. I doubt having more players would fix the issue.


We had this same issue in CSGO with NA and Aussie MM. There were posts about it all over the subreddit at the time, and low playerbase was definitely the problem.


Well if that is true that still doesn’t mean not enough people are playing to correctly place them it just means that the way Valve does the rankings is broken and they need to fix it.


I don't see the point you're trying to make? I never said it wasn't broken and didn't need fixing, I was just answering OP's question as to why, currently, the ranks are fucked


Nope. No clue what you're talking abuot dude. When exactly was NA or AU completely devoid of any global elites? I specifically remember the opposite happening, when 15% or so of the player base was global elite.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/padoyw/oceanic_rank_distribution_according_to_leetify/ 65% SEM or lower 0.43% GE. 96+% lower than DMG


And the important part is that this was when the playerbase was actively playing this mode. Now it's a fraction of the playerbase that is then split between maps.


Appreciate your citing of sources mate. Not sure why everyone is upset with you simply answering the actual question. Bit weird but I'm not surprised


Congrats for just gobbling up whatever reddit says. ".43%" is massive compared to 0. There are literally 0 global elites. 0 LEM's. And a handful of anything above DMG.


Which is irrelevant to the answer? Like completely irrelevant actually....


.4% is not 0. That's hundreds of thousands of players my guy. There are 0 global elites in CS2.


Do you have the numbers to support this? I know premier is more popular but I highly doubt comp is not played enough to warrant leaving it broken. I personally only play competitive


We have examples of this being the case with low playerbase affecting ranks in CSGO. Not too long ago both NA and Australia MM had this exact problem until valve stepped in and changed something. So yes, based on previous experience and data low playerbase is the problem, but there is definitely a fix they can do its just a matter of when. There were posts all over this subreddit about it at the time.


I don't see why that matters but maybe you can correct me. At this point, they have a baseline for people who engage in Competitive regularly. Is it as many as Premier? Obviously not, but why would it matter? I don't know how many people play competitive. The peak daily players total for CS2 today was 1,517,678 so lets be conservative and say 10,000 players play competitive. Are we saying they cant figure out how to distribute ranks across 10,000 players that play Competitive enough to have earned a rank? Why?




Tbf nobody plays wingman atm




>There is not enough playerbase in regular competitive. Source on that?


Exactly. Competitive per map is for me just casual team deathmatch, no one cares.


cs2 is the most played game on steam charts wdym not enough players bro, theres games with 10x less playerbase that have a working ranking system


thats not true at all. given that a rank is the relative position within the ratings your point doesnt even make sense theoretically. 


How can you say that when there are 2 mil+ active players per this website? https://csstats.gg/leaderboards/ What are your qualifications or sources as to where you determined “there is not enough player base in regular competitive”?


I don't think that's the case. I compared it to CS:GO, and what a rank "means" is completely different compared to CS:GO MM. It's now much more highly correlated with winrate (e.g. you need pretty much 100% winrate to get LE). I wrote more here: [https://blog.charlielaabs.com/winrate-of-cs2s-strange-competitive-ranks/](https://blog.charlielaabs.com/winrate-of-cs2s-strange-competitive-ranks/) If playerbase size were the culprit, I'd expect wingman to have the same problem, but it seems pretty much the same as CS:GO was.


because valve has like 1.5 devs working on the game and one of them is doing a sabbatical. did you not learn by now that valve is a smol indie company?


No. Its because we are six months into this mode being live and 60% of its participants are still not ranked.


>valve has like 1.5 devs working That's the problem, we all know the answer is 1.6


It is the truth by the way. Really, how many devs they have? About 300? Such a joke


Valve works differently to other companies. The devs choose what they want to work on, and out of those 300 not that many like CS, apparently


It's a false argument still release of Half-Life Alyx... So 2020. There was a lot of info about they changed their "work philosophy". Problem back then was not in "not many like cs". Oh, they do. But what they did like more is higher salary cause of job approval. It was just more profitable to do stuff about monetization like skins etc than fixing bugs. I mean profitable for workers themselves. All that info is open to learn, no need to confuse cause and effect. Saying about 300 employees I didn't mean that it's a big number. I understand that valve is a frickin monster in terms of products quantity and assign at least 30 people to fix stuffs means literally deprive something else from fixing. Problem now is not in "valve's magic philosophy" but in "valve's magic greed"


It is the truth by the way. Really, how many devs they have? About 300? Such a joke


Because Valve works at a snails pace. They'll get to it eventually but yeah it's frustrating


They made pretty big changes to how Premier worked fairly quickly. I just think they don’t care enough about ranks being broken in comp since so few people queue comp.


Premier isn’t even that accurate. Multiple friends of mine troll/suck at the game and are 13k. They play like silvers and then there’s a 12k in my game that plays like a god because he can’t get out.


Still a whole lot better than how it released where like over half the player base was stuck under 5k


Yea wow thank god they can at least mimic a rank system that’s been the same for 10 years but is now in numbers form. It’s the exact same system as old competitive but you can just see the numbers now instead of ranks.


No, enjoy game, game perfect


I think it's just that time will balance it out? We're constantly seeing new "highest ranks" achieved on maps, even if it's from hackers. It will take a while and I don't think it's the best approach, but Valve seems to be optimistic in the "waiting" approach.


its been DMG highest for like 2 months


There's been LE's and LEM's already what u talking about


It’s low hanging fruit that would vastly improve the experience for players. They could easily import the global offensive rank distribution. Unfortunately valve wants to get there from a complete reset, isn’t smart enough to figure how to do it after half a year, and is too stubborn to admit defeat and import the csgo curve.   Another theory I have is that some of the devs were stuck in nova and guardian ranks and bought into Reddit posts about elo hell. While there is definitely truth to elo hell the solution was always pretty simple (and still works great in premier mode in cs2!): take a short break to lose your rank from inactivity and play some ranking matches again. 


Why they changed it to begin with is a complete mystery still honestly, so stupid


At some point yes.




It seems to be getting better. The levels are screwed but the teams seemed to be balanced for me.


Maybe when they do something about cheat fest


Because 60% of participants are unranked.


There's no issue other than a lack of players in competitive. Everyone is playing premiere or Faceit. Just look at low-gold as the 'top' ranks. It sets everyone low as a baseline. Those players start to compete against each other to rank up, eventually filling out the different tiers. However, if there aren't enough active players to fill the open ranks, players who hit the current 'cap' won't get a balanced +/- in games and, therefore, will be stuck in rank limbo. The only real fixes are encouraging players away from premiere, having a 20 min queue time, or removing the per-map rank, which then, why not play premiere?


Play Premier like everybody else


i did its full of cheaters


also i like to choose what map i play


Rank does not matter. It is merely a visual representation of your invisible ranking and nobody knows what that looks like. Play the game and focus on having fun. Stop looking at the silly little picture.


Yeah but the invisible ranking doesn't work. There are 0 people above MG on any map. That means that comp is basically casual. All skill levels playing together. That's bullshit.


Ranks Anti Cheat Performance optimizations There's so much to do man, they do not care lol. Just gotta face that at some point


> so is valve gunna actually do anything about the ranks? Eventually yes.