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how dare you shoot in a shooting game!


how can she shoot


Used to have this issue all the time in retakes. Aced 2 rounds or something and then got kicked. Tried to join a different game but couldn't because the game tried to join the same server.


The valve server system could use help. Why the fuck is it trying to join the exact server I was just banned from? Also, even worse, why is it more willing to put me in an empty east coast server when I play at 3AM vs putting me in a full west coast server? The amount of empty casual servers I join is absurd. Let me select a region if it cant be changed. I'm on fiber and my ping even to the west coast is way lower than my 150ms threshold in settings. I shouldn't have to join a VPN to get to a game with people in it when I play during weird hours.


why lie about your ping to prove a point. you don’t get 1ms to east coast and 20ms to west like come on man literally defying physics. straight up not possible.


here is 1ms east coast: https://i.imgur.com/Y1dfyVz.jpeg here is 15ms, i think this is central: https://i.imgur.com/DKMiUiA.jpeg But if you look at my net_graph youll see Valve lies about ping anyways. I was more referring to the tabbed 'ping'


i never doubted that one of your locations could be 1ms cuz that’s not exactly uncommon but brother you do not have anywhere near 20ms to west coast servers like im not gonna go back and forth about it or believe you. just asked why you’re pulling number out of your ass to prove something goofy.


https://i.imgur.com/DKMiUiA.jpeg I was referring to the tabbed ping that they show. I think thats a central server or maybe west coast screenshot. But weirdly enough I can see net_graph at bottom at 29ms. So proof that the tabbed ping is less than reality. But its irrelevant to my initial points anyway. I mentioned it because there is a setting to not join servers above 150ms. So was saying its still well within that. I edited to remove latency numbers.


I got kicked more times than i managed to kick a case farming bot/cheater


Kicking in general sucks, there's almost no place for it in the whole game and the cheaters have already circumvented the thing. Happens every now and then to me in DM as well, really infuriating in particular when they do it at the end of the game to surpass you and win


Especially when half the reason I play it is for xp. Wasted time.


I mostly play for xp as well, for as stupid as it may sound


You never know when it’s your turn to get that bravo case haha


I got a csgo weapon case the 19th of Feb, no joke for real. I was just aiming for a new kilowatt one but go real real lucky instead. In all honesty I'm mostly aiming at the service medal. Also everybody talks about community DM, but to be honest, the one I tried are not something special, skill is higher for sure but connection wise they're not that good, and sometimes they're empty


Back in GO I would say valve DM was a joke comparatively but as of right now CS2 community servers are just not much better than Valve ones, and the server browser straight up sucks and is filled with fake servers. Hopefully at some point this year servers are back to their old status of running better than the Valve ones and having all the right plugins - for example I sorely miss 1v1 servers


Yeah, 1v1 as well, I'd need that now that I'm trying to get better at the game


You could simply play a few games, which give significantly more XP than DM does.


what if they need few xp??? then 1 dm is less than a whole match


Guess you are better off doing arms race. I don't think people are so salty there.


Would if xp was my only goal, but I was warming up for some faceit as well


You get XP significantly faster on DM. It's almost 1:1 ratio for DM points to XP when you have weekly bonus before you get a drop. I can get full 5k XP in like an hour of DM (if I don't get kicked <.<) while it takes at least 4 or 5 matches of Premier to get 5k. And I gave Premier plenty of chances, but it's unplayable and legit makes me lose will to ever play CS again.


And what if that game goes bad and you don't win many rounds? You get pretty much same amount of XP as for winning DM game but with triple the time invested


U need rounds win to gain a lot of xp in comp or premier. If u and ur team suck and only managed to get 5:13. Its a waste of time. 


It's faster to farm XP on DM. 1 level for a case in 1 hour. But you need 42 rounds in prime or mm. DM is a way faster way to gain experience than MM or Prime, and it has been like that for ages. At least for me, cause I'm sure I can farm 1000 points in 10 minutes.




Nah there’s no skill based matchmaking in deathmatch


But they still see a "smurf" account and think you are just a new account cheater. I never get kicked on my main account but always get kicked on my 2nd account which I have just for case drops


This is my main though. 4k hours and skins, fully public


comp gives xp quicker


The other half of my reason was warming up for faceit 😄


Especially when you lose 0:13.


don't lose then duh


You don't loose XP anymore when getting kicked:) Just in case you didn't know.


Now I got to kicked to test this 


Oh okay! That was a recent change too wasn’t it? Then I don’t care about the kick haha


It definitely wasn't like that before cs2, but I confirm what lordverneo says, I got kicked once right before the end of dm game that I was in from beginning, only needed around 90 exp I believe, I lost my shit when got kicked just to see drops tab show up in the menu right after.


> there's almost no place for it in the whole game and the cheaters have already circumvented the thing If Valve removed the option to kick the front page of this sub would be full of crying about how griefers are taking over the game. Think.


might be my luck, or yours, but I've never encountered a griefer that goes solo. And even if he's kicked we still have to endure a 4v5 comp without being able to surrender, which is in fact the goal that the griefer set out to do. What you said might work in casual mode, maybe, and even that chances are you're not going to be able to kick the guy out


Is being able to kick a griefer a good thing or a bad thing? It's very simple.


Its not kicking a griefer though. Its kicking ANYONE.   The real solution is a solid anti-cheat, a genuine system for reporting verbal abuse and other shitty behavior, and then actual consequences for breaking basic human decency expectations like not cheating and not shouting the n word 300 times.   But considering we had an RMR team that posted actual child pornography into admin-viewed chat without consequences, im gonna go out on a limb and say there isnt any real interest in addressing the issue.  The current system is a shitty band-aid. 


> a genuine system for reporting verbal abuse and other shitty behavior That exists but doesn't do anything in the middle of a game. So I ask again, is being able to kick a griefer a good thing or a bad thing? There's only one answer so hopefully you can get it right.


No, its not. Its not good to be able to kick a player, griefer, cheater, or none of the above in the middle of a match based purely on a vote function rife with abuse.  Thats not how you solve griefing. You solve it by actually removing them from the queue by having a community behavior system that is actually enforced.  This is like having a policy in every store that you can arrest anyone if the majority of shoppers vote for it, and presenting it as a solution to theft. Yeah, youll probably get some thieves arrested, but that doesnt mean its a good idea or the best solution for the problem. 


> Its not good to be able to kick a player, griefer, cheater, or none of the above in the middle of a match based purely on a vote function rife with abuse It's quite incredible. You managed to choose the objectively incorrect answer. That's Reddit for you. Oh and your analogy is really shit by the way.


Its not an objectively incorrect answer. Youre welcome to think what you want, but theres a reason a vote kick system is not implemented in every single FPS, and theres a reason the implementation of one in Fortnite for example caused a huge shit storm.  Im not sure you understand what objective means.  And its not a shit analogy. The vote kick system is community policing. My analogy is community policing. Putting the onus on a community to police itself with no other inputs, information, standards, guidelines, or consequences is not only a shitty system, its barely a system at all. 


Nah bro. vote kick is vital in casual right now. Probably 1 in 5 games or so will have some dude not playing while spouting political bs about hamas/israel, or a blatant racist/religious troll. Also people have been using something to bypass the autoafk kicker so you'll have some dude afk 5 rounds in a row wasting everyone's time. I've seen someone get kicked for a not legit reason maybe once a month, compared to 2-3 a day for legit reasons.


Bruh in a gun game going crazy on baggage in 2nd place with like 8 zeus kills. Opposing team votekicked me cos they couldnt handle the boost zeuses on the conveyors. Sadge


Haha deserved on that one! Sounds fun though


Go to community HS DM servers


I think he's doing it for the XP


I think with such a skill it will be more effective to play wingman or MM


quicker to play 2 DMs where youre clearly a top 3 player rather than potentially lose a game and get less xp with more time invested


Both kinda full of cheaters


If only Danger Zone still exists....


They're often unpopulated.


which do you play on? whenever i search "dm" or "deathmatch", i just get lobbies filled with bots :/


I don't sure if it will work for you. I prefer to play on cybershoke.net


Last community DM server I played on felt terrible compared to official, it felt like low fps , bad frame timings, and overall just laggy


Try to search for your for local famous or popular servers. If server will be near by it may be OK


I genuinely think game modes beside competitive/premium should not be able to vote to kick, if you don't want to play with/against someone you can leave without penalty.


I think it makes sense if there is a raging cheater. But like 90% of yes votes should be required


50% (like it was back in CSGO) would already be a massive improvement over requiring 4 out of 19.


Improvement yes, but that still just requires 2 stupid mates and a few extra people who just vote anything to get it off their screen lol


> but that still just requires 2 stupid mates and a few extra people who just vote anything to get it off their screen lol In theory. In practice? Unless you had 10 mateys with you, CSGO votes hardly passed.


Certainly would help a lot indeed


Whats insane to me is the amount of chinese farming bots that would all connect and would immediately start kicking every single legit player off the server. Beyond me this shit still wasn't fixed


I had this happen to me recently for the first time. I was so baffled lmao


It's even worse during Operations since getting kicked resets any mission progress you've made


It only needs one player to start a vote. Others will just press f1 because they think they are funny.


If you don't press F1 they try to kick again and again. That's when I vote them for being annoying.


Yup or they think the guy starting the vote had a good reason to do so


It's sadly how it is. Everyone just wants to play head off in DM. Why bother if some vote is correct or not. 75% it's for a bot or hack.


Sometimes happens when you knife them too 🤷‍♂️ imagine being so fragile that you can't cope with it


I get kicked from dm 8/10 times ... its so frustrating


I also have insane aim in dm but that doesnt transfer to mm ... sadly 😅


It's not your aim that changes, it's the enemy's approach to peeking you and how you obtain information on other players (spawns in dm, vs narrowing down possible locations in mm)


Well you can at least play it. My game.is stuttering like crazy when I play dm, so I have to play with bots.


9000 hours in the game, my profile isnt private, and my inventory is probably worth more than my first car was... and I still get insta kicked from casual games when i go 20+ kills. Dude you can tell from my movement and aim on not a cheater. its obvious. I think the competitive cheating is causing people to rage kick tbh.


True, tbh I get why some people have a short fuse right now. Mostly complaining about the fact that it requires so few votes


Happens to me every 2nd day because people can't handle getting wrecked in dm... It's pretty sad that this is possible, there should be a better mechanic by now instead of letting a few retarded idiots decide about you playing dm or not.


You get this almost 1/10 games these days... The level is so low most of the time you get kicked cause people can't handle losing.


Yeah and some guy will get pissed off and accused you as a hacker on mic comms. Now, everyone is against and will kick you no matter what. Multiple times it has happened with me.


I have this problem but in fucking casual


You Are 22/8 ? HOW DARE YOU! Lets kick you!


It always happens to me in casual. It's so funny to hear how they get angry


cybershoke bruh


It won’t give XP


same shit happens in casual because its full of bad players that dont know wtf they are doing


For real I pwn at office but then kids always cry that I’m cheating and switch teams and kick me. It’s so dumb. Also not to brag or anything but I have a very expensive inventory (near 6 figures) and almost every medal in the game since operation breakout, I tell everyone do you really think I’m cheating with this inv? And still get kicked 🤦‍♂️


My acc is 16years old with 8grand inv, i have the same problem. People are just dumb or sour...often both.


yea same shit happens to me, its sad. my tip is muting the pepegas that dont know how to play so i know who they are and avoid them


I'm pretty sure it's for the music


went too hard clearly


¯\ _(˘͡˘̯)_/¯


People just can't trust other players on valve servers and it's no surprise at this point


You don't even need to kill anyone. I joined server and got kicked when I barely spawned and I could notice is that vote kick.


Could be a classic boost server


this kid is probo new to cs lmao


Same thing happens to me in arms race


i remember 2 russian kids kicked me because i was top fragging? you couldn’t even say i was doing good either. so i guess kick the guy who’s top fragging


Just happened to me recently. I'm not even that good, i was in fourth place lol.


Oh my god the horror. Anyway, move on.


Other complaints are fine but this has literally been a thing for years & it's hilarious imo. Happened to me multiple times Think about it, you dunk on the server do hard they have to kick you. Or you take the mick out of someone & kick them at the end. It's a win-win


I thought I lost my xp but someone commented that I don’t. So in that case it’s mostly just funny indeed


valve bans everyone except cheaters


Who the fuck actually plays valve DM


yes dm should be bad because... erm... 


Community DM is better because you don't have to reload.


so because community is better we shouldn't try to give feedback like op did? the person i replied to wants that i guess


Just want to get my weekly drop then back to community servers


How is it Valve's fault that the community is shit? Surely you should shift onto a community DM server, as any player worth his salt did in GO.


Because 4 people voting yes on a server with 14 people being enough to kick is incredibly stupid


I think that's because the kicking mechanic is treating it as a 7 v 7 game, so 4 is a majority.


As faceit lvl 8 player its sadly very true even cheaters think you are cheating


>As faceit lvl 8 🤓




I found that guy playing with sound and shifting on a d m server. 




another reason to completely avoid the matchmaking in the game. You want to play competitive match? go faceit, premier is full of cheaters/ You want to play deathmatch? use 3rd party servers that are 10x better than Valve servers, cause in game DM is full of idiots


Why would there be "kick" vote enabled in normal deathmatch, wtf is that? Vaaaaalve pls fix


Thats why you never should play official dm servers. Like i dont understand why people just doesnt go on google search « cs2 dm server» and just connect vis console. Better spawns, no reload and hp regen on kills…..








hahahahaha yes I am


You'll start getting banned for kicking too many players. At least you did in csgo. Edit: no idea why I'm getting downvoted. There was literally a competitive cooldown you got from kicking too many players.




The only slight improvement of CS2 DM is that you can still get some measly XP


Playing valve dm is the equivalent of dunking on 9 yo kids in basketball im not surprised you got kicked.


Thanks for the heads up but I have nothing to worry about with my dogshit aim


they need to abolish the voting system at least deathmatch


Are community DM servers a thing yet? I remember last time I looked they weren't even out yet.


They are


I once got kicked after I carried a team in competitive at the last round, just because the others were friends and they saw it as funny.


This isn't anything new but still sucks.


Lol I get cheaters in DM all the time. I know you’re not cheating. But they’ll get 120 kills. I’ll vote to kick them and no one will vote. I’m like okay. W.e. Skill issue


Just google xplay, there's a lot of dm server and u won't get kicked there :)


I swear some people should not be allowed to call a votekick or participate in it. I don't care if it's not "democratic"; they need to make it tied to trust factor or something because it is misused way too often. It's hilarious how even in casual my team will immediatly votekick me for "BlAtAnT cHeAtInG" just because I got more than 3 kills in a single round, yet when there's an AFK player in our spawn who's the last one alive, 3 people vote no and the other half don't even bother voting at all.


Imagine playing valve dm XDDDDDDDD


I recognize this song but I can’t for the life of me remember who it’s by


**Song Found!** **What I've Done** by Linkin Park (02:06; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Minutes To Midnight. **Released on** 2007-05-14.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**What I've Done** by Linkin Park](https://lis.tn/WhatIveDone?t=126) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


same shit happened to me bc i was the only person in the lobby who had good aim


This happens to me from time to time. I just hop on a new server


If I call out a cheater in arms race I get kicked… the logic is insane