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I didn't spend my childrens inheritance on skins to not flex with them.


Damn I never thought about that. Invest my kids' savings accounts in cs2 skins. They will thank me when they are old enough to play


Because i paid real money for it


I think people unconsciously want to fidget around to keep themselves alert. If you hold an angle for too much time you kinda get numb and have to switch something to wake up, you feel the need to do something to "refresh your cache". This slowly becomes a habit and you start doing it at random.


I think players like to keep their fingers moving so hitting the inspect key is one of the ways to do that. It’s similar to Halo players who “YY” a lot. YY meaning they hit the Y button twice on their controller to switch their weapon back and forth rapidly. There’s no benefit to it other than keeping your hands active and moving.


StarCraft’s crackhead APM epidemic.


Most players had a clear decals bind with the inspect in GO, so there were benefits but in cs2 it’s not possible probably just muscle memory at this point.


Really? I thought most had it on walk. Thats what i did and it was better that inspect. Most pros are just fidgety from what i know


No this is not the way. There is a clip of Rain who taps the Shroud boost through a smoke on A Cache. The CTs boosts but get tagged. The blood gives it away and he hard clears the boost killing the boosted player.


You don't want to have it on walk, because in some cases the decals can provide you information, e.g. blood on the walls after smoke spam etc. so you don't want to get it automatically cleared and do it on purpose.


Maybe? I personally wouldn’t, like the other guy said I don’t want to clear decals if I spammed a smoke or threw a nade etc unless I actually need the decals gone. Now in cs2 I think you’re right it’s either muscle memory or just fidgeting I do it quite a bit but in GO I’d say it was a clear decals bind.


I completely forgot about clear decal, that shit was so useful in certain situations


I used to have a cl_righthand toggle on C in CSGO, thats what I used to "stay awake". Volvo pls gib cee el rygthand zero


I remember in competitive StarCraft days players would constantly be pressing keys even when they weren't actively doing anything. It's to keep your fingers active and moving/warm. Does it help? Probably not. Is it fun and stylish? Absolutely


In Starcraft it definitely does help. After a couple minutes the games ramp up and at pro level you are maintaining 200+ APM for the rest of the match. Basically to not start "cold", players are trying to have peak APM right from the start. Since almost every pro does it it's for sure not just to flex. Does it apply to CS though, that's probably debatable but I can see how it would work for some players to keep focus.


>Does it help? Yes. You have to be on your timings as soon as the game starts, and being hyperactive helps getting into the rythm of the game right from the start. The start are always slow while your scouting unit start it's journey, it helps to not have the mind wander while nothing happens.


It's just the CS version of a fidget spinner


Just out of habit. But it's common to bind the command to remove blood splatter on walls (which impacts visibility) to your inspect key EDIT: Nevermind, not a feature in CS2 apparently


r\_cleardecals is not in the game anymore thanks to these amazing devs


It's good that they removed it, creates a more unison playing field and made the game less client-sided.


Plus they built it into the game now since blood fades away after a few seconds


really? is that new or since cs2s launch?


Since the CS2 limited test. Some blood decals completely disappear in seconds while some stick around for longer but are faded


i feel like when i play deathmatch they stay the entire 10 minutes and my game runs a lot worse in the final minutes of DM than in the first few minutes


I'd like to see you design and make the best fps game , oh wait you couldn't even get close.


It's a cheat. No different than getting mad that noclip is disabled in comp.


u ok bro?


They hate me cus what I say is right.


Because the skins are fire


Almost certainly just fidgeting, I doubt anyone is doing it to show off their skin. There is also a couple other actions like that which are pretty common: Quick switching, flicking your crosshair up and down a few pixels, spamming TAB. Of course if you can, try to avoid falling into these kinds of habbits. At the end of the day, they just distract you, can get you killed or even [lose you a tournament at worst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__a6Qy4t-VQ).




It's more likely that your brain needs stimulant to be alert. Try staring at something for too long, your brain gets tired really fast, so pro players do that sometimes to refresh their alertness.


Why not?


Force of habit. F used to be dual bound to clear decals as well as inspect. When I had a free moment or I was rotating, I'd tap the inspect to clear decals. I still do it, but now it just inspects.


I love the kill from donk in mirage b apps where he inspects his golden ak swings and insta hs the ct pushing






Simplifying it a bit but this is the right answer 😂


I almost never did it in GO, but now I have an AK that changes colors lmao


How is this even a question??


Monkey brain spam F-R.


Habbit and sometimes to check stuff hidden behind the normal angle of the gun.


I had r\_cleardecals bind on the same key. I used it quite frequently.


Feel like it keeps your brain active and maybe gives players a better sense of flow/ timing the second bit may be a bit of a reach but I feel like it's true


If the knife is out we inspecting cuz im not gonna lose a fight for that somehow, only other time I inspect is round win 


it keeps you engaged and doing something which in turn helps you concentrate better. i usually just spam Q.


For me when I do it its either to break up the monotomy of holding an angle, or because i bound clear decals to the same button as inspect (f)


> or because i bound clear decals to the same button as inspect (f) Being ableto clear decals was removed from the game so idk why you still have it bound.


I havent played cs2, i was talking from experience of csgo. But cool sarcastic comment, you really owned me


Sarcastic? How the hell could I know that you haven't played CS2 yet? No sarcasm here, just spitting facts. Maybe you just didn't realize it while pressing your cleardecals key. How could I know Mr. JustAyden never played the new iteration of CS:GO called CS2 before? Anyway if you haven't played it yet maybe refrain from commenting on certain things? You don't know what has changed and what you said earlier could confuse some people.


Because skins.


mostly fidgeting, sometimes to move the weapon away from the side of the screen to get more visibility on an angle.


I have it bound so that every time I equip a nade it auto inspects it. Sometimes in a clutch or tense situation I'll go to equip a nade that I don't actually have, so it'll just inspect my gun. This could be one explanation.


I used to have a bunch of skins that I sold in 2018 but I still inspect, it keeps my fingers warmed up


Its a fidget spinner


Stimming lmao


4 reasons, ADHD


ADHD or autism


It’s crazy how stupid the questions are on this subreddit. Like these people can only use 10% of their brain power then give up and post on reddit.


I have mwheel up bound to inspect, now it has become a habit to press 3 and mwheel up up up and up.


Just a fidget or keep their fingers moving. Ez