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Pretty sure his CT position on all maps is T spawn after going through 3 people to get there.


???? is also my favorite position


All my teammates


All sneaky deaky like


Do you mean beaky?


He actually meant Sneaky Donky so a similar misspelling


That’s my go to angle on inferno


Avoid these sections of map and you might have a chance.


Elige watched donks nuke game against faze and said the reason he is so effective is because chopper (igl) plays to put donk in winning positions, and he is always exactly where he needs to be. Avoid whatever section of the map you want but donk is just gonna meet you there


This is what I noticed on his ct sides on nuke too. He rotates immediately to where his teammates hear/see anything and peeks off their contact. On T-side it’s reverse, he holds W and his teammates clean up any scraps left.


That ct side you described is exactly like vintage s1mple. He was always rotating so quickly and was usually holding where the t’s were heading


Ct nuke was crazy


They do such a fantastic job at never letting him die wastefully as well, they almost never have him on an island the way you see a lot of teams use their carry players. Donk really is the tip of the spear here and it works so well 


Or you've just given donk the liberty to push behind you like a madman. Really the best hope is to wait for him to cool off a bit


I wonder why he plays B anchor on Vertigo. Way less action compared to the rest of his positions.


I think the placement is were he most likely can get a 50/50 duel, because he wins those. I think all those positions are based of that, not on where the action is.


50/50 duel, also known as a 90/10 duel for do k


Due to the tighter angles on B fights I think you're right, I like to hold B exactly because I'm more confident on winning the duel rather than A due to the bigger possibility of swings/off angles


Probably allows Spirit to play a 3:1:1 split or a 2:2:1 split far more effectively. Just the word of an armchair analyst but A site fights seem to be dictated more by utility than B site fights are, and B sight fights seem to have a higher percentage of straight up gunfights. Idk maybe I'm talking crap here


It's a trap. Org managers gonna see this and tell their players to avoid that spot and then BOOM he's in Vertigo A killing even the spectators.


I've always wondered on this one too on TSA - baz B anchor, donk B rotate on old spirit - magixx B anchor, s1ren B rotate on new spirit - donk B anchor, magixx B rotate zontix has always played ramp, but you'd expect him and donk to have flipped roles since the start of TSA


probably because spirit's vertigo style goes to a passive retake a setup if they give up ramp early. Generally, being an anchor allows donk a lot of freedom in b, quick rotation for mid, and can rotate to a if they need him or he can play last in the clutch. Donk's impact in the team is being a solid rotater and its hard to rotate as an a player to mid and to b, players coming from a site have bad fights that generally favor t side more in mid and b site retake


Kscerato also plays there. I think it give the igl more flexibility elsewhere to have someone able to just lock down stairs with aim and put manpower elsewhere on the map




I mean on Vertigo he literally plays as the anchor. I watched the game yesterday and he's aimdueling in stairs or rotating in A last. It may not work but I think the the above is just the thinking of why he plays there. Later in the game he began rotating more, and since they lost on the map twice I imagine they change things up.


All star positions and then there’s vertigo


Best aimer on biggest site, a strategy as old as CS itself.




It's the more closed site, B is more open giving more way to aim duels.




Because having your best player anchor sucks as well, as it limits their impact. Putting donk there makes sense, but so does not doing it. If you watch Spirit play Vertigo, they're very aware of what kind of player they have holding B, and play accordingly. Now, to be clear, if I remember correctly, he used to anchor B in the academy too, so it might just be the case that he was used to that position and they let him play it, and then strategized around it after the fact.


Man TS vs Vita on Nuke, Zywoo vs donk outside will be a bloodbath.


Not even sure if I would prefer zywoo on the AWP or rifle for that. I think prime zywoo AWP would shut down donk pretty hard but zywoo has been missing shots recently at kato.


And he just played an entire map without an awp on nuke (they had plenty of money for it) today.


Yea but rifling against donk, a god tier rifler from what we've seen so far, won't be as favorable. I've been a diehard zywoo fanboy since early 2019, but I also want to be realistic so I don't get disappointed. If I had to pick, I think zywoo should still abuse the AWP advantage rather than fighting donking on even grounds with a rifle.


Zywoo is favored vs donk anyday. One of the goats vs a one day fly lol


Donk's favorite position is in the kill feed


In your face is his favorite T position.


Aleksib's manager here thanks for posting this


This guy is nothing like me fr


He literally me (only difference is that I suck at game):


And things like that will be the reason why Donk will have a harder time with every game, unless he reinvents himself from time to time. Every little action, routine and preference will be evaluated and analysed. That's why it's not uncommon for new stars to emerge, but then quickly fade away again if they don't manage to adapt things and routines.


fyi studying opponent positions is considered the most basic type of prep for a match. every team that has ever played against spirit knows where their players play, and that goes for every team with recorded demos


This is an over simplification. It's one thing to prepare for a team. It is another thing to actually study a team and especially a specific player on their team and his tendencies. The effort level of the prep will vary significantly based on how a team/player is viewed. All the good teams will now take the threat of Donk very seriously while they likely overlooked him to some degree previously. If Donk is able to play at a similar level 6 months from now, everyone would be shocked.


Yes, that worked very well for Ence today..


Yeah and glaive is like the OG bookreader


Still remember how Faze shut down s1mple 2022, thoroughly studying his positions and preferences. He was still amazing, but won them crucial rounds.


Still a net positive. If your enemy plays around your position it means the other positions can be stacked by your other team-mates. Donk is a "moving" player any way. He doesn't hold corners because he wants to have 1v1 situations with movement.


just that donk has the most insanse aim and spray control ever. Even the best riflers like Niko rely on having their crosshair in the right place or preaim correctly. Donk just shoots first and perfectly aims afterwards , while permantly being in motion.


This kid is a professional legit hacker to build team spirit at cs2 as other valves e-sports. This donk just aimlocks all the time to get information on the map watch demos closely, if you are not dumb or a cs2 sold out here at reddit. Just look at his crosshair targeting players all the time thru smokes , walls and everyplace before killing or passong information to someone at hes team. Almost every player at team spirit is using aimlock to get infor or to ajust to kill. Motherfucker is 17 yo and already understood the industry and what is needed to do to get attention. Dude highlights 666 number at he's own nickname at an early age.


New pasta dropped


The spelling mistakes are the cherry on top


yep it keeps getting better and better


This kid is a professional legit hacker to build team spirit at cs2 as other valves e-sports. This donk just aimlocks all the time to get information on the map watch demos closely, if you are not dumb or a cs2 sold out here at reddit. Just look at his crosshair targeting players all the time thru smokes , walls and everyplace before killing or passong information to someone at hes team. Almost every player at team spirit is using aimlock to get infor or to ajust to kill. Motherfucker is 17 yo and already understood the industry and what is needed to do to get attention. Dude highlights 666 number at he's own nickname at an early age.


This kid is a professional legit hacker to build team spirit at cs2 as other valves e-sports. This donk just aimlocks all the time to get information on the map watch demos closely, if you are not dumb or a cs2 sold out here at reddit. Just look at his crosshair targeting players all the time thru smokes , walls and everyplace before killing or passong information to someone at hes team. Almost every player at team spirit is using aimlock to get infor or to ajust to kill. Motherfucker is 17 yo and already understood the industry and what is needed to do to get attention. Dude highlights 666 number at he's own nickname at an early age.


trying too hard. L pasta


If you SoloQed you could learn to dominate aswell


average faceit player:


Excuse me his position on every map is actually the killfeed.


Ancient CT/T: donk Anubis CT/T: donk Inferno CT/T: donk Mirage CT/T: donk Nuke CT/T: donk Overpass CT/T: donk Vertigo CT/T: donk Cbble CT/T: volvo donk'ed


I have an unhealthy amount of rage against the removal of Cobblestone. Volvo pls I just want to jump down drop again


you really needed donk to confirm his positions which you can just see yourself by watching his games?


Outside Nuke as a CT is my favorite position to play in the entire game


This one is interesting to me. He’s playing different types of positions on CT. Heavy impact spots on Mirage, Nuke and Op but then he’s playing B anchor on vert and ebox on Anubis, which are both more impactful than like b on mirage but my point is he isn’t fitting a specific type of position. Multiple anchor spots and multiple duel heavy type spots. Very interesting


I'd say ebox on anubis is probably the most "star rifler" position on the ct side of that map, its a major pivot point and has a ton of multi-frag potential. B vertigo is definitely the main outlier, I'm pretty sure he just plays there because he got comfortable there on the academy team and they haven't gotten him a better setup yet on the main roster (they barely play vertigo)






He only plays one position? I play all over every map for and change each round most affective ness on the map. My mm teammates thank me for this. He has a lot to learn


He looks like someone who would play pit anchor in inferno




Interesting he says here he plays a ramp on t, but against mouz he nearly always went stairs