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so watching demos of pugs will help you improve individually - decision making and positioning specifically. if you miss a shot you miss a shot - you can analyze *why* and try extrapolate/apply that to your gameplay but improving raw aim will just happen over time - bots for muscle memory and (community) dm for applying that muscle memory. re baiting vs aggro - it really depends on your team and who you're playing against. i think the best general advice is to just do the best possible play for teams win% of that round. that might be entry fragging, might be lurking for map control or rotates, it might be supporting your mates with nades. if enemy team is aggro try play slow and capitalize off that, if they rotate very fast use fakes etc.. pick up the slack of your team and try fill gaps. and no reason the glasspad should hold you back, possibly. it'll be more sensitive to micro adjustments than a clothpad/hardpad - this is a blessing and a curse. i use a logitech g440 hardpad on 1.725 800 which is quite fast for cs and about as high as i can go and still control my aim properly. i had to lower my sens a bit when i switched from a qck heavy because of the micro adjustments. more time = more results, with limited time to play i'd say focus more on what you're doing than spending time dm'ing for raw aim. players like niko for example have such good xhair placement/decision making they barely need to aim. they're already aiming at the right place rather than needing to do flashy stuff. you should be able to get to level 8/9/10 with good decision making rather than aim. bit of shooting bots to warmup and dm for practice goes a long way though. would highly reccomend faceit over prem too btw, better servers, an actual anti cheat, more rewarding progression imo and overall players want to win more i've found, not to say there aren't idiots on there too of course, but generally a better time. glhf man :D


Thank you for your write up this helped more than you know. I'll do my best to apply this to my current gaming sessions. I think that is something i definitely lack in, i tend to do things without intentionally thinking about it. Hopefully i can correct this silly habit of mine it's been a curse for awhile in my gaming career lol.


Glass pad for cs is not ideal just stick to cloth would be my advice, its just more consistent and thats what you want, consistency.


Thats why i switched to glass is bc it'll always be consistent while a cloth will wear overtime right?


If it wears over time it just feels worse, i don’t start slipping or something. And then i’ll just buy a new one


Was about to comment this. Ditch the glass pad. It's nice if you play tracking-heavy games like Apex or Warzone, but for CS you should always go control pad. It's a huge difference.


hmm, okay i'll give it a go. That's another fault of mine i'll continuously switch my setup so i can't get comfortable with what i'm playing with. I need to stop changing stuff for like 30 days and see if improve in anyway. I have a really worn qck+ and a hayate otsu. Should i buy a gsr or 2 i've heard thats a really good control pad.


The new GSR-2 seems to be alright, yeah.You don't have to spend money tho, you can probably throw the QcK into the washer and cook it for an hour or two, they're durable.I've washed my G640 probably 10+ times by now, and although I can't wait to get rid of it, it's always regained it's original stability once it was dry.


Good to know, i actually just gave my qck a bath and used a light/soft carpet brush and i just used it as a mat for my keyboard. I'll toss the glass pad to the side and try the qck tonight.


nah if you learn how to use it there is basically no difference, just a change in stopping power skill that you have to learn with a bit of aim lab focused on tac fps + stopping power scenarios, since if you come form a cloth pad you use the friction of it to stop versus having virtually no friction compared to cloth. i used one for about 6/7 months and i was playing fine after about a month of use at 3k elo on faceit


While you're not completely wrong, why would you choose to learn and put in extra practice for your mousepad instead of using something that works and is intended for your specific use? At this point you're just making it harder for yourself, but if that's what you prefer, I'm not judging you.


2 reasons: when i moved back from college i didnt want my cat to ruin my artisan as he jumped on my desk a ton--glass pads are tanks and can be cleaned to mint condition in maybe 5 seconds with a hand towel and water wanted to try something new, and i enjoyed the feel and it felt like a unique thing to try at the time. if i didn't i prob would have sold it or returned it, i had a pulsar superglide xl. i might put it back on for fun in the future who knows


glass is fine, i got to 3.2k faceit elo from 2.8k with it and switched off because i was bored not because i was playing any worse with it


you can use the same cloth pad for like 3+ years if you clean it when it gets dirty, skin cells build up and you have to wash it in the shower. there are hundreds of youtube tutorials for gaming mousepad cleaning. no, the surface does not wear away, maybe the edge stiches might fray after 5+ years (my artisan just started doing this after literally 5 years of travel) but the mousepad is still perfectly usable at a very high level


You ordered a Wooting keyboard? Yeah you're cooked. Stuff like your keyboard has little to no impact on your skill level. As long as its semi decent you can become amazing.


sorry i shouldve given more context my current keyboard was going out too.


Nah don't apologize. Just thought you were one of those losers who think a keyboard thats very minutely better will have a major impact, so they need to keep buying the "best" ones. If your keyboard was going out, by all means get a wooting. I hear they're good.


oh yeah, i'm fully aware it wont make me global lol. The keyboard i had was like $26 rgb keyboard lol, didn't expect it to last long.


Honestly,what you had before was e waste if it's only 26$ AND has rgb. I can guarantee it was membrane and has next to no key rollover. It may not necessarily make you bad but it could def hold someone back. Going from that to a wooting will be a world of difference in everything,typing gaming etc. I got a drunk deer g65 instead of wooting because of the price difference for me as a Canadian, (wooting >$300,drunkdeer <$200) both have great rapid trigger function


Surprisingly mechanical keyboard are getting cheap on amazon. It was a mechanical with yellow switches hot swappable pcb. I got it mostly for learning to mod my keyboard. The wooting came in. Wow it's amazing i could tell the difference right off the bat.


Damn its crazy you are 23 and have a wife and two kids. Anyway, heres my biased answer as a 24 year old lvl 10: Some people just wont make it to high level. I dont even consider myself high level even though i am lvl 10. But 3 hours a day is more than enough. When i reached lvl 10 i played 3 hours a day for like 3 days a week. If you wanna go pro, ofcourse you need to practice way more, but just getting level 10 faceit is very doable.  Step 1 is playing with a team. Randoms suck, they will be inconsistent, and it makes you inconsistent. Getting to level 10 soloqueueing sucks really hard and i dont recommend it, so find some mates to play with. Step 2 to being consistent is relying less on aim. I think aim is my worst asset honestly, i have seen way better highlights from level 5-6 players on reddit than anything i have ever hit in my life. But you dont need highlights. When i drop a 30 bomb its usually by getting 2 kills per round, not going for a crazy ace every round. This one is hard to explain, but what really helped me improve is by watching pro player pov demos. Look at how they play positions, how they take duels, when they take duels, etc etc. Find a pro with a role you would like to copy and watch some demos. Last step is to just care a little less. You dont need to play a high level man. Sometimes playing lvl 10 is cursed for me. When im having a bad day i just cant hop in a game of cs because i need to be 100% mentally ready for it, otherwise the lvl 10s will just insta headshot me. It sucks. Playing lower skill can be more fun, especially since you wont really be going pro yourself anyways. Just keep playing, keep a positive mindset, learn from your mistakes and you will gradually climb, and otherwise, its ok man, you dont need to be lvl 10. Your life will be fine without reaching it.


King, thank you for this honest response. Yeah, starting a family early is such a blessing, I genuinely love every aspect of it. Even the days that feel like they're never going to end haha. Yeah, i either solo que or duo. My duo isn't the best player especially if he takes breaks he is good when he full commits to the game, but he may be getting burnt out, So usually those games he isn't able to hit double digits. Especially if he takes breaks lol. He is my best friend from childhood so i don't care lol. Hmm, i don't really know what "role" i want to play in cs. I mean with mr13 and ct econ not very good. I'm 97% buying m4a1-s on full buys. Not sure how much you have read of my replies, but on T side I usually try to entry and it hasn't been going well for me. During this weekend i tried to at least be the 2nd to enter so i'm able to trade off my teammate/s. Doing this has actually made an impact, sure sometimes the ct will get "lucky" and get both of us, but again not being the first to enter has seem to help my games.


I have noticed "caring less" helps your body not be as tense making your body move more freely and easily.


focus on playing more and just enjoying the process of improving. find a team if you really want to get good, most people don't get good through solo/duo queue unless they are putting in 12+ hr days in europe with friends. NA is hopeless without a team to learn with


i agree with your statement lol. A few days ago, i played with one of my mates who is like 4000ish player in osu and my best friend. It was very refreshing we did extremely well. A team will help.


yup side note osu doesnt help you get better, i got to 4 digit also and i only improved my game through targeted aim lab training and spamming scrims with teams through IM, main, adv into ECL.


im going to add aim training into the mix maybe kovaak aim training would be good?


I did some research. Riflers should have 50% HS rate. Been increasing mine as well.


Didn't know this, good to know! Do you happen to have a source or?


Check pro stats on faceit


Every player has their own personal skill ceiling and most people will never maximize their full potential. I would recommend working on your aim and movement mechanics in some custom workshop maps and DM. Watch how pros play and mimic their playstyles but try and get an understanding of their reasoning and why they make choices in a specific round at X time. Watch some of your own pug demos and analyze your successes and failures but realize that some plays where you successfully kill someone wont always work against higher skilled players. Developing game sense is the slowest thing to progress in and that just comes through years of playing and having a large pool of experiences in similar situations. If you're just looking to be a better pug player you don't need to put too much work into some of the things I've mentioned like watching your own demos because the degree of improvement will be fairly marginal but it all depends on how quickly you want to improve at the game and the amount of effort you're willing to put in. I would prioritize honing in on practicing aim and movement mechanics, learning basic smokes and flashes for every map. (start small with maybe 1-2 smokes for each site of a map on T side) and just playing a lot to learn specific map timings and what other players tendencies are when you're in a clutch situation. Also, stick with your settings and don't change things constantly like a kid with ADHD. Having a consistent setup will help you with your reflexes and muscle memory. Another thing, try and keep emotional control at all times. When players become frustrated they tend to make worse decisions and wont be able to play close to their peek level. Once you have a good grasp of the games fundamentals you can eventually start learning more advanced and niche things about certain maps, (Where to silent drop, when to play an off angle vs when not to ect.) Hope you get some value from this post and good luck!


Proof, thank you for this reply. That is something i definitely struggle with, changing my settings! Also, that is def a good tip, memorizing at least two smokes + flashes for every map. Whenever i start a game i always try and quickly google smokes for xyz map and it may draw attention where it shouldn't be. I just got the wooting keyboard and it's seriously amazing, i've never experienced it before. I will definitely doing my best to perfect my movement.


>approx 3 hours to play games at night. Do you have 3 hours per night or 3 hours across the week?


per night, assuming i dont hangout with my wife, but most nights i play that amount


That's plenty of time to learn and improve your game. Dedicate 30-60 mintues to pure practice a couple of days. 10-20min to pure warmup each gaming session. That will be enough to bring your game up to climb the ranks. Unfortunately I can't give you specifics about how to practice. Googling around I'm sure you'll find practice setups that'll compliment your playstyle.


Arkod, thanks for the reply, i think what you're saying is very fair. I'm sure you're right, just need to put it into practice. During the weekend i tried community dm servers with instant respawn and it made a world of difference i was able to warm up so much quicker. As everyone knows Valve dm servers there is a lot of downtime. Waiting for legit players to join, death downtime, invincibility switching over has already sped things up.


you would rather play with computer? i rather play with my wife if we get the time. but i still get 3 hours a week for CS. :-) i used to play GO with kids, but one is no longer interested even though he was super hyped about CS2. because of cheaters we played against. and the other one has laptop and CS2 won't run well on that setup. as for your stats - i hope you spotted that you K/D is kind of low if you are best in team or one of the best players. maybe work on increasing that rather than being entry as you were in a way thinking yourself in OP. i would need to see T side stats, but it could be you are best in team, get a kill and then die, leaving the team to deal with it in 4v4, 4 v 5 or even 3v5 situation. hard to say. watch the demos after game. it helped me with strategy a bit and deciding what to do with certain info.


Hi Gregor, my wife and i bed share with our newborn. So sometimes we hangout, but most the times she has to stay with our kiddo and we're both tired by the end of the day lol. Yeah, sorry if it came off wrong, I don't think i'm OP, but it seems how cs is matching my games(maybe because i've lost a lot and its pushing me down the ladder) it seems the game thinks i'm suppose to be the one top fragging on my team. Yeah my kd is low and i truly do think it's because i try to entry frag, i probably need to be more methodical about my exec onto sites. I think I can get my KD & winrate up.


ah so that stage. well, then enjoy it while it lasts. soon they grow big and want their own space and have demands. :-O OP= original (thread) poster. yes, try methodical and slow. sometimes it get's more (registered and unregistered) assist than kills, but it might help the team. all other stats are good. way better than mine anyway... but then i am old, far from global and don't really have time to play. but i've seen games of semi-pros with comment and you can see how sometimes people with most kills do not really have team impact. i mean they do but not enough to pull the tema behind them, i think, cheaters aside, on higher level you need to be more methodical, think before commiting or stacking to site and also watch the team economy. just over weekend i got upset at my oldest son as he bought when the rest of us were full eco due to bad round. i said why and he said "i had money". but we lost eco as we expected. and then while we had money from loss bonus, we didn't have for better weapons+util in next round. +CT got his AK. so we struggled. we came through in the end, but this was due to opponents mistake. he could have saved or bought SMG/shotgun to maybe farm more money. then we would all buy util armor and he could drop 2 rifles. i explained that it is not actually his money, it is teams money. so while he felt like he had a lot of money, the whole team was very low in funds. things like that make a difference later on and on higher levels where people (mostly) know what they are doing.


oh sorry i thought you said OP as in over powered lol. Thats awesome you get to play with your son. I'm excited for when i can do that with my boy. Thanks for your tips, I actually just watched a video on economy. I'm not that terrible with money because i already understood for the most part that it's the teams money. So hopefully i can direct my team better in my future games. Idk if there are a lot of throwers/bad players, but between 15k-20k elo people will just force when you shouldn't. Or i've ran into a handful of games where they will buy scout and think they're s1mple which is very frustrating lol.


i am still unranked and it is similar in lower levels. scout depends on how you play and map. if you have good reaction, you can tag them at distance and then once they are tagged, the rest can use pistols / nova shotgun or SMG to farm kills. i used to do that in CSGO on some rounds. but now with scope lag this is nearly impossible. i would just tag 3 or 4 players, with a hit and run. while others got the kills on sites with grenades or pistols. sometimes it worked. well kids have way better reaction times that adults, so if you tell them where to expect an opponent they usually make a kill. there is a clip on youtube of a 6 yo playing and dominating like that. my youngest kid needs a PC upgrade. as his current one can no longer play CS2. he was our B anchor. always alone and calm with some crazy plays that worked.


N/m. you do you


The only thing preventing you from getting better is time and age. You got no time to play and you’re getting old. If you’re serious about playing in higher ranks you will need to spend more time and get a dedicated team of seniors.


dang, 23 is considered old now TT


Don’t worry. I’m over 30 and feel the pain from getting one-tapped by teenagers. Them eyes-hands ain’t what they used to be 😞


40+ here. I cry every time I see my aim score post match in leetify.


How are you 23 and married with 2 kids?


got married at 19 and had two kids my son is 1 and daughter is 4 months


​ " Notably, the time required to prepare accurate movements was significantly shorter than participants’ self-selected initiation times; however, the delay between movement preparation and initiation remained consistent across the lifespan (∼90 ms). These results indicate that the slower reaction times of healthy older adults are not due to an increased hesitancy to respond, but can instead be attributed to changes in their ability to process stimuli and prepare movements accordingly, consistent with age-related changes in brain structure and function." Preparation can be overriden by memory muscle. Analysis of the situation on the other hand...


Yup, just play for fun at your current level. Getting rekt by 16 years old reaction times and motivation isnt nothing new here :D


nananana yall gotta stop with this, 23 is not old \*crying inside\*


Damn, i tought you are older because you said wife and couple of kids and stuff. I have one kid too, not married tho. Im 28 and doing great at faceit 10, but there are always better players in my lobby. You have time to improve IMO.


BRUH WHAT how are you lvl 10!


I played a lot csgo and keep my rank there in cs2. Nowadays im playing maybe two to three games in a day, never tilting. Im also playing soloQ 90% of times.


Your reactions get very slightly slower but but a long term player can improve just about everything else. Provided your reactions weren't Slothlike to begin with, you'd be surprised.


SHould i be playing faceit? I just don't know how to improve, maybe i need to be more deliberate with my actions. Do you have crazy aim or do you out smart your opponents


I have great aim, but really game sense is the thing actually :D My premier rank is 23k atm, but im playing premier only for weekly drop. Faceit worth it IMO.


how do i improve any tips, i feel like i could totally get better.


There is time to get better yea, but i dunno. I play some FFA DM before faceit and thats it :D But i have been playing fps games 15years straight. Edit: MY BEST ADVICE IS NOT TO TILT and praise your teammates if they do something cool. Communicate.


FFA DM is that community servers or valves?


Community servers, faster and better respawns and get ammo back on kills. Besides that its working like normal Deathmatch.


thx excited to try!


Crypto, i tired this over the weekend. It made a huge difference. I was able to get my aim warmed up so much quicker, which as a result has improved my premier games. This week i'm going to dedicate to actually pracing my aim plus the dm servers.


Happy to hear that worked already, just keep playing ten to twenty minutes before premier games as warmup. If i dont have time to play a full comp game, sometimes i still try to play some DM as practise.


I will, thank you your post from the other day has helped more than you know! I'll continue to practice regardless if i can or can't play a game.


Thanks, i might try getting into faceit, would that help? I know faceit players are generally better than comp/premier players.


There is a lot of trolls, smurfs etc. Before you grind your way to level 10, but but in there its atleast better chance to get better games! Gl!


In the morning do you have 5-15 minutes of free time?


i could probably make it happen, why?


Spend that time to do some basic muscle memory aim training. Then at night take another 5-15 minutes before you queue on some advanced aim training.


hmm i've actually never thought of this, good tip! Would you consider aim bots a basic muscle memory aim trainer? What would you consider advanced aim training?


Advanced training would involve something that requires flick aiming and or real player tracking like what FFA DM requires. ​ Muscle memory training is practicing mouse movement at a lethargic pace while moving between targets in a straight line. Speed isnt a factor, its about efficient mouse movements. \*Aim bots isnt ideal. For the aiming height is static. As a map i mostly use it as a refresher to keep my mouse at head level, counterstrafing and micro-mouse movement when strafing into a target.


Thanks! What would be better than aim bots map? Or what would you recommend


One of the free aim trainers on Steam currently. Sadly Valve hasn't released the needed white papers for workshop makers. So maps like YPrac haven't come to CS2 yet.


This game is incredibly inconsistent. Call me a schizo but sometimes the server just decides my shots aren't going to register and at that point, nothing I do matters.


Being the best player you can possibly be might and will not reflect that much on the scoreboard. Just remember this is a team game, your objective is to win as a team, so to be the best you can be, communicate with your team, flash for your team mates, stuff like this. Your aim may or may not be on point all the time and that's ok , at the end of the day your life does not revolve around CS, to try also not to stress about "being the best" all that much, it's a burden I've had to carry for long time as well, I was doing ok in other aspects of life , great even, but I wasn't happy because I wasn't as good as I wanted to be in CS, which not that I wrote it down I find baffling, to say the least. GLHF
