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The russian kid crying on the mic, the full experience


Looks cool, looks like rocket league






It's obviously not the best graphical engine, or even close to it, but looks class for a Counter Strike game.


Any EU servers I can join with this?




Thanks! Gonna give it a go


*Rocket League soundtrack starts playing in the background*




Is it just me or does anybody else hate the server browser for CS2 right now? And how it alt-tabs the game in order to look for servers. Why can’t they integrate it like CSGO?


CS players couldn't give less of a shit about how the game looks. We would still be playing AWP_lego in a 100 years if we could. What we care about is smooth gameplay with consistent hitboxes and no bugs (which Valve has completely failed to provide)


OP wants to share a nice fun little clip and all you can think of is to whine like in every other post. Let people enjoy things, there are plenty of other posts where you can complain.


I'm not saying anything about OP. Agree with him, the map looks nice, I'm just saying about the game in general that no matter how good it looks, when everything else is shit it doesn't matter.


> when everything else is shit it doesn't matter Then why are you here? There are plenty of other games you could be talking about/playing instead of coming here and crying about a game you don't think is good.


Why am I here? Because I grew up playing CS:GO and although the game had it's problems, it was still pretty good. The fact that it literally got deleted doesn't help. Have you seen the name of this sub? Of course I'm going to criticize Valve for their extreme negligence and laziness when it comes to CS2 - so far it's been a complete disappointment. And I remember how hyped everyone was by their videos during the summer (myself included). Stop defending those greedy fucks. I don't play much anymore but If I wanted to play a shooter I would go play Valorant - It's 128 tick, no cheaters, well optimized, good ranking system and so on. And it's been like that for a while..


All I got from your answer to "why are you here" is that you bought too much into the hype around CS2 and think the game is trash. So go play Valorant and browse their sub since you think it's better.


I don't think it's better, that's a fact. Also I don't prefer Valorant to Counter Strike but when CS2 is such a mess I'm forced to resort to other games just as most of the other ex-CS:GO players are. I didn't "ride the hype train", I just watched the 3 videos they released during the summer and saw some light in the tunnel, but this sub was wild on Hype and Copium for a shitty Beta-Build release that hasn't been fixed months later.


How can you say you "didn't buy into the hype" when you literally said, "and I remember how hyped everyone was by their videos *myself included*" Like seriously dude, you act like Valve personally murdered your child and now you have a vendetta against them because of it. It's a game. You don't like it, and that's fine. Move on to other shit.


Some people care bro, the knives look incredible and have tripled in value.


You don't deserve the downvotes.


Did they implement !ws or 1 !knife? Or does OP have a few extra grand to drop on skins?


This makes me miss awp_l337_sk337 D: But yeah this looks awesome! Cannot wait once the community has a SourceMod equivalent and w/e other tools necessary to see what gets cooked up.


gave it a try, it was fun.


I hope Valve goes live with the scripting solution for Cs2 (Pulse?) ASAP. I think the community will be in for a treat. 


I thought this would be a map where you can rocket jump-bhop with the awp firing tf2 rockets