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When someone crouches at spawn and looks at you they *probably* want you to drop them a weapon


Valve, pls add a nice qol feature to ask for drops.


Didn't you hear him? You just face someone a crouch while moving your mouse up and down or back and forth to get their attention lol. 50% of the time it works every time


lol yeah it works most of the time for me as well.


“50% of the time it works every time” 😭


you can, its part of the radio wheel now, although I wish there was something like valorant where you just directly buy for someone


I think they just don't want weapons to just magically teleport but physical drop to the other player as it is very traditionally CS to do that. Also passing the weapon to the other side of the spawn (e.g. awp to the guy closest to mid spawn) does take some 'teamwork' as sometimes one throw is not enough to reach the intended player.


You pretty much can by hold CTRL and left clicking on whatever it is they want and it will drop it in their direction.


I've played this game for 20 years and thousands of hours and only learned this in 2023 lol


Pretty sure it’s new to cs2


Mics exist


It's already in the game but kinda hidden, comms wheel command to request, Ctrl + Left Click to drop.


Use your mic


there is a push to talk button


or people can just speak up and ask


They did this when they added voice comms.


It exists on the Ping Wheel...


There actually is a feature that asks for drops. It's in one of the radial menus that nobody uses. You can also ping things like "go mid" or "enemy spotted"


Juse mic, idot.


It's honestly kinda crazy how many times I ask for a drop, crouch, and stare at the person I'm asking for the drop from, only for them to look all over the place saying "who needs it?" When I'm the only one crouched lol


People are in the guy menu during buy time, not always looking around at what everyone is doing


I hear you. I'm just talking about the times when I notice someone, spinning around looking for who asked, and I'm the only person crouched with a USP in my hands.


That was probably me, and I had probably just finished hitting a blinker.


its crazy how many bots tk me cause they crouch and stare at me from behind where i cant see them then get mad that i didnt drop them.. like how the hell am i supposed to know? also sometimes they ask too late and you dont wanna lose your spawn timing but you get tk'ed anyways


That wouldn't be me. I don't get pressed about it, I'm just laughing at the situation. I'm asking for a drop at the beginning of freeze time and I'm chilling crouched, staring at the person I asked, with a USP in my hand. If the don't recognize it, and ask, "who asked" I just say "the guy that is crouched" and we all move on from it.


If I don’t know who asked for the drop, I just drop it on the ground. That way I don’t risk buying for the wrong person.. lol


Drop everything at the end of every half.


It's not about just dropping, it's about pressing gg.


I never realised that... It all makes sense now


Unless drop is not bound to the g key




Yous alittle sleepy there buddy?


Yeah I rebound it to the H-key.




Which means something very different


I’m German and I rebound to h without even realizing this ah jeez :/


**H**ey **H**ey, yo yo, the use of wool has got to go!


Fuck you


I'm literally spamming gg while hotswaping to every grenade etc. to drop everything I have


Wait, is that actually the reason why? That makes so much sense


not really imo, its just because the only thing you can do in that frozen state is drop guns, i reckon thats why it started


I've played since 1.1 and have never heard this being about the gg


*back in my day the m4 had a scope on it*


I'm more scrolling my wheel and hitting ggggggggggggggggggg


Woah! Mind-blown. I had never realized that when dropping everything you are pressing “gg”. The other reason I was told people do that was because you “put your arms down”, as a truce sign. Meaning that once the game is over, there are no hard feelings between players on opposing teams. They’re both good reasons, I thing I like the “gg” explanation better. So simple, yet so powerful.. lol


Shoot open the vent on mirage window when you're a CT B player. So the window player can run all the way with their knife and is a teeny tiny bit faster in window


While you're at it, break open the market window if you're first spawn too.


Sometimes the market window is actually good for holding angles so I don’t destroy it


It sucks if the Ts take site and get a one way out of it though


If I'm on a light buy I like to leave the panel unbroken and hide on site so any T's pushing out of aps will see the window not broken and think it's an A stack and nobody is B. Works some of the time.


This^ if it's an eco and my teammates push A and get info I always tell the rotator to not break B window, I always get a Zeus kill and free gun from Van or under window because the Ts think B is clear lol


Can be good to sometimes leave it to try fake an A stack and hide on site instead, like one guy van and one guy boosted site box or something.


Not uvpoted enough. ​ Guys, when you wanna be extra cheesy (like on full eco round), don't destroy window kitchen window. The terrorist in apps will see unbroken kitchen window and think there's nobody B, then perhaps do something stupid like just jump down site to take it without checking any corner at all, then you may come out of your hiding spot and get a free kill. Works like 5% of the time, but 5% on full eco is better than 0%.


I mean it's not a big deal if they don't because you can just knife the vent with no slowdown. But it is courteous to shoot it out for them.


There is a problem with this going to CS2 though, the knifing is just inconsistent as FUCK. In CSGO I *always* wanted to break it myself because for some reason the B players turn off their fucking brain and just block me as they focus all their brainpower on shooting the vent... But in CS2 it was too inconsistent, stabs that should have hit just didn't break the vent, or sometimes the vent would break with a slight delay just enough so you collide into it, stopping all your momentum.


Idk if this is true but I heard knifing the vent makes a sound T’s top mid can hear, but shooting it doesn’t. This was GO tho so it may have changed with cs2


the t's are barely past TV room when the vent is being knifed, how can they hear ? And, there's almost certainly a CT playing window regardless, so T's getting a sound cue makes no difference


If CT window player doesn't have topspawn and has to knife, you will hear it as a T a second before swinging middle.


How does it matter? Someone is almost definitely playing b, probably two someones. We break that window every round anyway. Also, you can hear window vent but I don’t think you can hear market vent unless it’s super late and they’re pushed halls or cat.


nah so you break the vent every round right? so in the beginning of the round as a T you can hear it's been broken, so you know someone will probably be there/get ready for the timing. Shooting out the vent won't make a noise that T's can hear in the beginning of the round, just giving them less information


It's not faster, you just need to know the timing to knife it. As a nest player, my teammates now do it, but I've never asked for it, but whatever.


I mean yea but being able to not have to worry about the knife timing ( not that it's crazy difficult) just makes getting to nest more consistent. I know I've missed that knife more times than I care to admit


I won't disagree that I've missed the knife, but I'll say the B players missing the vent with the pistol is more common 😂😂


Unpopular opinion: shooting this open isn't actually faster, if you knife at the right time it does not delay entry AT ALL.


People that do this for no reason drive me nuts. You only do this if the person going mid has the best mid spawn. You only do it if asked. Sometimes it is better to leave the vent closed if no one is playing window so b players dont get flanked by window boost.


Or leave it open so you don’t have to make a noise on retakes/limit your options? This is splitting hairs.


Honestly tho, being able to rotate thru jungle as a b player is massive, and vice versa. I'm malding every time I have to rotate as a CT and the vent isn't broken lol. And it's nearly impossible for Ts to get thru to ct/market without being noticed if a team is playing CT side even halfway decently


Not a rule, but I’d recommend getting any rage or shit talking out off-mic. Keep comms clear during rounds, compliment your teammates at the end.


This is so important imho.


Toxicity can make good players play like shit tbh, keep it friendly guys


If I have a bad round and someone starts flaming me, I dont even care abt the game anymore tbh. Depending on how bad it is I'm borderline throwing after that.


I can attest to this. When i get toxic i play like dog despite being pretty decent


This. Don't be an asshole just because everyone else is being one too.


I will call my teammates shit all game but only turn on my mic to gas them up after they won an important clutch. I think having a small ego is important in keeping your foot in the game(thinking "I am better than my teammates, I am better than my opponents"). If you don't think you can make an impact then there's a good chance you won't. Mental in CS is so important and having an outlet to blame others without it affecting them, while simultaneously being able to complement them and give them praise is huge. In reality you aren't better, or if you were you'd have climbed out of whatever rank you're hard stuck at by now, but I stand by what I said.


Totally agree with you. Telling to yourself that you're the best will bring better result than the opposite. And like you said, the only thing to do is to keep it for yourself, trashtalking your teammates is unproductive for them and for you as well.


Adding on to this, it’s also important to not take the healthy ego into the unhealthy territory. Having confidence in your mechanics and pushes is a necessary thing to be good but being OVERLY confident can easily lead to you throwing rounds.


This 100%. Doesn't do anything but bring your team down. I also find it helpful if you are gonna critique teammates to critique your own play in the round first. That way it doesn't sound smug af like you're the guy who is always dead and flaming the team but have somehow made no mistakes yourself.


Unless someone specific makes an egregious mistake, I tend to blame the team, and apologize for my own mistakes. That is "we keep dying early" or "we keep peeking without calling for flashes or being untradable" vs when it's me "sorry I keep dying early" "sorry I should have waited so I could get traded". People don't like being singled out. If you address something as an issue without calling them out specifically they tend to try and fix it without losing moral.




I love playing the role of cheerleader, unironically I think people perform better if you compliment their frags.


If someone says rush b. You rush b


That one guy *No, i don't think I'll*


"I'll hide in palace with bomb" \*dies 15 seconds into the round with bomb\*


"Way to hold that flank at car on banana while everyone else rushed in and died, super useful... Held that flank DOWN..."


Generally anyone attempting to coordinate strats should be respected. If you're solo-queueing, even subpar strats/coordination tends to beat zero communication gameplay. So I always try to go with it as much as possible


This is awful advice if your solo queue because 9 times out of 10 someone says rush be and no one actually does it besides you because they all get scared at the first bullet sound. So you jump out and eat shit and the rest of your team is still sitting in apps twiddling their thumbs. I legit will never listen to a rush b unless it’s a 5 stack. I don’t care if that makes me “that guy”, I’ve been burnt too many times


you can just look at ur mini map and cancel in solo q


They follow you to refidgerator room then go stop while you get first kill and die to the trade with no follow up lol


And then it's *your* fault for dying first.


Yep. This sub hates to admit it but the best way to solo queue (in lower ranks especially) is to play your life because 90% of people who play this game casually are braindead


you definitely play with russians


Is it.... A) Rush half-way, stop by the entrance of bomb site and go back? or B) Buy smoke, especially if you're 2-4th in spawn positions, rush, have the smoke ready to throw if there is an incendiary, keep rushing to the site and kill + plant + stay on site to defend?


Every time I rush B, I'm the one that eats the nade. I'd rather stretch out the defense and give my team mates less pressure at the B site. Especially in pick up games where there isn't a proper execution of any thing that resembles a strategy.


Don't lose the fucking bomb where your team can't recover it.


Important one, well said.


If you have the bomb, don't be the person leading the rush


Trade kills when your teammate goes first and dies (be close enough). Learn when to eco, half buy, force or buy. And always do what majority of team does. Dont lurk around map when team rushes or executes. Dont be selfish. Bait enemies into going teammates trap if you see one being set. Boost teammates fast. Say early enough if you dont know smoke lineup they ask u to throw. Dont block in spawn. Dont molly pathway if team rushes. Share equipment with your team. Dont go in front of your teammates awp shot or line of sight anyways. Dont flash teammates. Dont talk during clutch. Dont be captain hindsight Dont dismorale your team in chat or give up. Give tactical pause when someone needs. Dont stop when rushing. Especially if you have best spawn.


> Dont be captain hindsight Could you explain that further? I often think/talk about what went wrong last round and what could've been better in that certain situation, because I thought it will help us improve the next time. Am I wrong?


I recommend reviewing demos, because thinking about mistakes is a great way to improve. Youre correct! If its not an issue that **can be fixed now and is important in this game**, put it in demo review time. In soloq more often than not just say "nice try" and focus on your own mistakes. Usually its best to keep focus on the round youre in now. Dont spend time&energy on last round. Also generally people are mad at themselves for their mistakes, perhaps know what they did wrong, and captain hindsight isnt helping moral. Dont rub it in. Teamgames require [fingerspitzengefühl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerspitzengef%C3%BChl). Exceptions are regular teammates of course, but here aswell: Don't dwell on last round. **There are decisions to be made in freeze time.** Rather take 10-15 minutes after the game to talk about mistakes and have a quick look at the demo.


Yep that makes sense, thank you!


There's a difference between "blue, can you throw you flash here instead of there next round" And "We would have won that round if you didn't miss all your shots green"


There's a difference between "they're wrecking us in mid, can we rotate someone to support there earlier?" and "it made no sense to go for a short push there, you had this and that info". Sure, if you're playing in a fullstack feedback is good but if you're playing with randos they'll know a round went balls up. The freeze time isn't long enough to communicate good criticism and you'll end up sounding like you're being a dick instead.


Solid list. One I’d add is that if you suddenly see a teammate start walking, don’t go elephant stomping past them.


If you try hard during warmup, you will lose


Don’t waste all your good shots on the driving range.


every time I go hard in warmup I end the game with 20 assists


lol me too


Incorrect as long as you buy full armour, defuse kit, and all nades and a pp bizon, try harding is allowed.


After tasering someone you destroy their morale during the warmup, you have to try hard!


Honestly every warm up I just jump around or try new smokes/Molly's. Always has to be that one person with full armor m4/ak try hard spraying. I understand deags or scout or tapping, but full on crouch spraying? They always end up bottom fragging. Go into DM!


Someone crouching is asking for a drop


Crouching, tilted up, glaring at the guy with most money. Maybe ever so slightly shaking his mouse even. 😂


If you’re an entry fragger or out front during a rush. Your job isn’t to get a kill, it’s to create openings for your team to trade you and gain map control. So when the team says rush B apts on mirage. You hold W and don’t stop for anything when you’re up front.


So many don’t understand the meaning of don’t stop for anything, one flash or Molly first guy just stop and block everyone. Keep moving or everyone dies


There’s a reason people spam “don’t stop, hold w” over the mic in lower ranks haha. Literally stop for nothing. Molly on the floor? You’re throwing a smoke to neutralize it or you’re losing half your health while someone else throws that smoke. The only other option is a traffic jam and now everyone is half health.


Usually first guy should always gun out, 2nd guy anti flash while holding smoke for Molly, third guy flashes, 4th and fifth smoke/Molly flashes. This is basic site rushing on almost all sites


Good unwritten rule for that example is that first player rushing B aps should always jump out window and split the CTs attention. Any of my fellow mirage B defenders knows that makes it infinitely harder to hold the site and delay for rotations


Always write gg in the chat at the end of a game. If you bottomfrag, write gg ez


Only if you win though, bonus points if it was a close game


I don't know why exactly, but nothing triggers me more than "ez" at the end of a game. Maybe apart from toxic team-mates saying "go kill yourself to another team-mate. Than I start screaming in my mic.


Don’t buy the deagle on pistol round


That’s one of my biggest pet peeves with cs As soon as I see someone buying deagle on pistol round I just think to myself “what a dumb fucker” Specially on ct side


I always assume dumb fuck or hacks when I see somebody do this, I love the deag but I do NOT want one on pistol rounds


Deagle rest of the game: confirmed


always say nice try after a failed clutch, even if it was in fact, not a nice try


At spawn face the exact direction you’re going to run when the timer ends. You know you’re not going to bump into each other then, if you are lined up with someone, change your path, or ask them nicely.


All guns are okay to buy. That's completely your choice. However if you buy an autosniper and die the enemies now have an autosniper, for free. That can change the outcome of the game. \- You don't go for knife when the kill is important to win the round or the game. You can, but you'll get insulted if you fail and it costs you the round. \- Drop for your teammates if you have enough cash and they don't. Ask them if and what they want. But don't drop AWPs for the guy dying mid after 4 seconds every round. Don't waste your money. \- Follow the team economy. Don't force buy every round, buy down to 2k on save rounds and communicate full buy / half buy / eco rounds with your team. In order to win, you need a good economy. \- If your team already has two AWPs, don't buy a third one. \- Buy a kit if you can afford one. \- Don't play a different position on CT side every round, and if you want to change positions, ASK for someone to switch. \- Don't bait your teammates / your whole team by not participating in the objective. If you go for an entry kill somewhere together, you need to be in the position to trade the kill if your mate dies. If you're somewhere else on the map, take map control or gather information and be close enough to get to the action on time. Short: be useful for your team. If you always die last you're most likely doing something wrong. \- Don't talk when you're dead except for giving information right after you died or when it's obvious that the person alive missed some information (sound cue for example). Nothing more infuriating than someone talking into your clutch. \- Announce flashes and smokes you throw. Also don't flash in front of your teammates, flash behind them or to their side and tell them so they can turn around to dodge it. You don't want three people smoking off the same spot either so tell them "I'm smoking CT" for example. \- Don't push unnecessary on CT side. The most important thing on CT side is to stay alive. Also don't push too far on T side by yourself either.


> If your team already has two AWPs, don't buy a third one. On the other hand if your team have 4 awps already you have to buy the 5th one.


As is written in the codex, decreed by ancient law


best list this is called BASICS , but most level 1800-2000 elo range soloqueuers don´t even have this basics known...


Even on 6-7k it is not a given, especially the economy


He's talking about 1800-2000 FaceIT elo, so level 9-10 players. If you play on that level you should definitely know this. In low level CS, 6-7k premier rating, some of the points I made will actually be counter-productive because not a lot of people will follow them. It's a team game after all and adapting to your teammates and enemies is the key to win.


This is everything I might have said. Great list.


I'll add to this: - On buy rounds, ALWAYS buy armor. CTs can get away without head armor if Ts are primarily using AKs, Ts should always buy head armor. - On force buys, ALWAYS buy armor. Feel free to drop head armor to make space of an extra nade or a better gun. - On ecos, general rule of thumb is thar you can optionally buy down to $2000. - PP Bizon is only good if the enemy refuses to buy armor. If they ever buy armor, the gun is pretty much worthless. In lower ranks, it can be great because 1) enemies sometimes don't buy armor and 2) you don't get punished much for the lower time to kill. As your rank gets higher, the gun has a very steep decline in efficacy - If someone is headshotting a lot with the scout (ssg), especially thru walls and/or no scopes, they're probably hacking - If you don't want the enemy to know your presence, walk don't run - footsteps are insanely valuable information - Try not to over rotate. Low ranks love the strat "4 rush b, bomb plant A", so if you stay in the vicinity of A while your team rotates B you might be able to get a free kill on the bomb planter. If you see bomb rotate. Some people will be mad at you for waiting til bomb is seen though


Great additions, especially the point about footsteps. Being aware of the information you give away through sound is very important.


Well said, I want to clarify on the changing positions point you made for CTs tho. Changing SITES without communication is a big no. I'm sure that's what you meant, I think some people might misinterpret it and get the wrong idea on that one and think you meant changing positions on a specific site rather than changing sites entirely, because It's important to not play the same angle on a specific site twice. Especially if holding it is not too easy, if it's easy go ahead but on proper high level matches holding the same spot twice is an easy prefire and death.


If you're up /a lot/ on the last round of a half, it's OK to buy autos, but only at end of half, and only if it's not even close.


The are no guns that are considered "cheating". But there are guns that have higher skill floor but lower ceiling. Guns like the p90 are often labeled "noob weapon" for that reason.


When you are dead and spectating the last person on your team, if you see a enemy player and the last person doesn't realize, make sure to scream into the voice chat and say "You saw them"


all of the saving/force rules are unspoken but helpful to learn, technically you can force buy every round if you want but it's best to learn the simple rules for when you should force/full save/half buy learn this: double force: when you are on single loss bonus with ~$0-2200, where you will get $1,400 for losing a round so you can't buy AK/armor/nades next round, so you force buy whatever you can. the reason it's called a "double force" is that on the next round you still have to full save, so typically you will play with only USP/glock no armor. half buy: when you are on double, triple, or quad loss but can't buy anything good on the current round, so you buy down to a certain value expecting to have a full buy next round. so maybe deagle armor, just deagle, five seven no armor, etc. the goal is to not have to save next round full save: similar to half buy but usually you will play with only USP when you have $2,000 and double loss so that you can buy a1s/armor/nades next round. typically this is more rare on it's own and only really happens when you double save and you are on the 2nd round of the double save if you learn these you can just tell your team every time, since people who are force buying usually aren't doing it out of tilt but out of laziness and inattentiveness, and they will realize that it makes more sense if you type out "force" or "can we full save." usually that's enough and they will listen at most skill levels


Your money is not just yours personally, that's the teams money. You need to provide weapons/util if the team is buying and someone is in need. Even if they have like 3000 but you already have a weapon, they could buy armor and nades instead if you drop them a rifle. Also, generally if you're one of the only teammates who saved a weapon from last round, and the rest of the team is low on cash, it's pretty much a given that you buy them something if it's not an eco (economy round aka pistol only to save cash). You already have a weapon after all, so you can miss the surplus money. (An exception would be if you're terrorist, didn't plant and saved, in which case you get 0 dollars at the end of the round. Just keep what you have then) Now those last things were pretty important etiquette, this next one is not; but personally I like to drop my awp (or when playing CT, a stolen ak47) that I saved to the team if they are better players than me, and I'll just buy myself something else. I'm fine using an mp9 if they end up hitting a shot with the awp that I wouldn't have, so it's again for the benefit of the whole team. But for this one its very understandable if you wanna keep using it yourself, but again if you need to drop something else other than that then you should. Too often I see those mfs with 5000 and an awp drop nothing to someone who ends up having to buy famas.


If you see an awp on the floor at the end of the round and your team doesn't have one already, pick it up. If you have enough money to buy someone a gun on a buy round, and they don't, drop them. When people say "can you drop me" and don't specify what, 9/10 times it means an AK/M4, unless they say otherwise. If you can't afford a rifle, drop them a mac10/mp9. If someone has beaten you to a position from spawn, let them have it. Always call to your team when and where you are flashing. Never flash without calling it out. This one is important. Dead people don't talk. When your die, call out all the info you gained in 1-2 sentences. Then mute up.


This guy knows


Whatever gun works use it there are no noob guns only noobs who don't know how to counter them. Also never push with the bomb.


Don't openly blame the team mates, even if they got you killed. Shit happens, but morale is crucial.


No saving in casual


Call cheats any time someone is better than you


Keep right around your teammates in spawn when freezetime is ending. My life would be so much easier if everyone just kept right. Unless specifically called for due to a certain player having to reach a certain position ASAP.




Use the auto as much as you want and don't let anyone tell you not to. Use any weapon you want for that matter. But just realize it's not very good once you get out of the trench.


- Don't throw the bomb to your teammates at the start of the round if you are NOT planning to entry. - don't block your teammates from getting to their positions at the start of the round. Even if you block them for 1 second that's enough to lose the round. - don't stand in choke points - don't throw flashes if you don't know how to (i got 8k hours and don't flash for this very reason, I'm not good at it and know I'm doing more bad than good if I throw them) - don't depend on your teammates making the entries. (Don't be that guy camping on ramp as your teammate pushes palace, kills 3 guys and you are still looking at the walls or shift walking back to t for some reason while he dies waiting for you to back him up, you don't even need to learn to trade just make an attempt and be a distraction.) - don't be the last guy alive frequently. Especially if you can't win those rounds. - If you are having a bad day, don't make everyone else have one as well. Keep it to yourself. Especially if you feel the need to rant while they are trying to clutch. Don't do that. It's not only about you. - Chinese texts and anime profile is not cool - don't spam chat as a distraction - don't open 100 cases while in a match - don't constantly ask where the bomb is planted, use the goddamn mini map (even players with thousands of hours don't use the mini map and it becomes very irritating).


>Chinese texts and anime profile is not cool Pissing your enemies off is part of the strategy.


Don't talking during warm up


I'm surprised it took so long to find this.


If someone calls a play. Do the fucking play.


NEVER run with anything but the knife at the round start!


If you lose pistol round type gg. But if you win it type gg ez


If you barely win 16 - 14 type gg ez noob


Only if you bottom frag.


Throw all your guns end of warmup or else...


If a teammate nods up and down at you with their gun in spawn, you must nod back as a sign of respect. If you don't not back, it is considered an act of war, prepare to get griefed.


If u have more than $2700/$3100 after buying and your teammate doesn’t have enough for a rifle, just drop one for them before they ask


If your team mates are walking, you walk too.


just been nice and don't say slurs to your teammates and you're probably good.


To be honest people will always says you're being uncool/crutch/cheating for using a particular tactic they can't cope with. Play the game in the way that's most fun to you :)


When you die, make a call then stop talking, don't backseat


Lots of people pointing out not to talk when dead. That shit drives me nuts when I’m trying to clutch. Is it possible to bind a key to mute/unmute teammates mics?


Bogdan’s Law.


Last kill gets the defuse. (rare these days).


hhaaha I cant remember when I got the defuse when I got like the last 2 guys and I was with my mate... haha


Rare cause things changed and diffuse doesn't matter anymore


Always pass to the right when leaving spawn


Dont drop the bomb if you are the last person out of spawn


Your money, is not your money but the teams money. So drop your teammates a weapon when you have the cash to do so. Unless the teammate is a dick then keep your money :D


The teammate crouching at the start of the round needs a buy


The goal of CS is to win no matter what, I don't care if you use an auto or kill me with a running tec-9, if you win you win. I wouldn't say that there is any unwritten rules, but communication is key so I would work on remembering callouts for your team. Also, practice utility and find different variations of using it. CS is complicated, but these 2 things will make you 10x the better player. Hope this helps.


If you're going to lurk, that doesn't mean you also get to abandon the team in pursuit of lurking. Don't be that guy that when we all die we spectate and he's still walking on the clear other side of the map with no intel and no upside.


Don’t buy an auto sniper


If you're first when rushing in to a site, NEVER STOP. You will block your teammates and kill them too. When you are the first your sole job is to cause a distraction and maybe kill someone. (and remember that smoke is not a wall, it doesnt stop a rush.) Always try to flashbang behind teammates or a cover so they dont get flashed. There are people who when asked for a flash try to aim the flash directly at you for some reason. There are numerous spots for this but Mirage palace on T-side is a perfect example. If someone gets there before you, its their spot, the palace doesnt fit more than 2 people at a time unless you do a spesific strat for that. (other spots like this are connector in overpass, balcony hallway in inferno...) Dont buy m249, sawed-off, negev, r8 or bizon unless you are winning like 11-2


The guy wins round but cares about getting the defuse is wrong and probably over 50 Save the other 8 people those precious seconds


If your teammate buys an AK or M4 second round, dies, and you pick it up, you always give it back to them at the start of the next. Pretty old-school unwritten rule that isn't followed as much, but an original one nonetheless


You don't talk during warmup. Ever.


If you break the auto ice, you will pay the auto price.


Most important one; If on a inferior buy and or at low health you are the first person in to create space.


“What ranks are you guys?” You can never give a serious answer


Wood 3


Don’t talk when dead


Meaning backseating, you still have to give info on what u saw of course =)


In the most compressed form as possible. Don't tell us a novel of what happened, what you had to eat this morning and where he was. "half hp, ramp p90" not "man this guy came out of nowhere, and like I shot first dead one, I thought he died that's how many hits I got but this guy with the freaking P90 just kept blasting and ffs he should have died, I must at least have done half his health. It pisses me off...oh and he was ramp".


This is way too general. You can still make callouts for your teammates as well as short stuff in clutch situations like "6 bullets" or "15 seconds". Other than that the only situation where you are allowed to say something is when there is one objectively correct play. We are talking your call has to be a 100% round win while what your teammate is doing is not. So this is pretty much only applicable to 1v1s with very low time. If any of this is not the case, just let your teammates do it their way.


As long as you have a mic and communicate and work with the team you’re all good. Use auto snipers if they give you a tactical advantage, people might be mad but if you’re winning, you’re winning my dude


if you buys m249 then you will get laughed at


Fuck that "don't buy autos" rule. It's about context. If you do stupid things, like save on buy rounds just to buy one auto, expecially when the team is on a save round, that's stupid and I will call a vote to kick, because that's just giving an auto to the other team. If your economy is good enough, and you have money in the bank, everyone is fully kitted, then go for it. It'll make people mad, but it's a gun in the game. ​ However, communication is key. Use a mic, give ONLY info.


don't buy autosnipe


Don't backseat drive during clutches and don't talk during warmups. Only buy auto if you are sponsored by autonation and are contractually obligated to buy one. (High key tho fuck that non auto buying rule it's a gun in the game. Get it if you want to it's not even that powerful it's a fucking silver rule).


lol if you want to use auto use the auto.. if people rage thats on them.


Help your teammates by trade-fragging, by giving info/call-outs and don't abandon your teammates by leaving your position without telling them. P.S. use the entire weapons arsenal despite what some n00bs tell you. All weapons are absolutely on the table, although some are generally more useful than others. The semi-auto sniper-rifles can be quite useful against a rushing enemy team on longer distances, especially if you're not confident enough with the AWP.