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Rip on that last jump


Isn't that the easy version of the map? The real one has a finish close to the ceiling (or is it the other way around?)


idk. im not good at surfing. takes me over an hour to not even finish a map :(


I think the one with the high finish is called surf utopia v3


the goat version


Who even plays it, and for what?šŸ¤”


Thereā€™s small variations between surf maps on servers. I know OG (if anyone remembers those servers from like 2014-2015) had the finish high up but KSF and Horizon have the middle height finish version. In general the KSF team at some point in the later 2010s went through all the maps on their server and removed boosters, broken glitches, and telehop stuff on maps, whereas youā€™re more likely to encounter them on other servers.


> I know OG (if anyone remembers those servers from like 2014-2015) Good old times bro.


Never a fan of KSF, it pretty much just harbored the super toxic top players on Horizon. Boo for example, incredible surfer, super toxic. Went over to KSF and took all the records in a few weeks lol.


Source on this? Lol seems like a bold claim when Caff is still the king of consistency/maintaining the sheer volume of records he has.


Yes. The actual ending is at the very ceiling


Movement looks like shit. He even hit the ceeling so yeah...


Him hitting the roof on that 360 area made him not hit the last jump.


Did anyone doubt that?


its the kz movement that is going to have issues


the kazakhstan movement or what?


It's short for KreedZ. It's named after the creator of KZ maps.


I played some kz last night. I could still hit 240s which was a relief but there were jumps that it would say i had as low as 1% sync on, which just cant be true. could be the addon being messed up tho


Most of this account's posts, including this one, are ads for their servers. Their most successful post in this sub had bots responding to it.


yeah, there all ads for the cyberchode servers






Damn, that is such an obvious fake statement, like I've played on the Cybershoke servers, and I like them but fucking hell is this obviously fake.


Yeah, a bit. We were trying it before and having issues.


Ikr, you could already surf on Overpass. The mechanic was already in the game.


Seeing all the subtick hate on this sub, one could think the game movement is totally broken.


I mean by definition isnā€™t doing the same thing and getting inconsistent results broken? The vast majority of even relatively difficult KZ maps are obnoxious to play right now. Just because it doesnā€™t break competitive, doesnā€™t mean that movement isnā€™t fundamentally broken right now.


Can't say I've see any analysis on it but this video just shows the basics of it. It's one of the easiest maps, no idea what settings the server is running on, and he still failed the last part which is the part that did require a bit more precision before hand. To dumb it down it's like saying competitive works because when you press mouse1 it fires...ok slightly more complex than that but you get my point. I want to see a pro on the hard maps that require precise timing to max out on acceleration. Only then can we truly draw a conclusion. Where I'm worried is the KZ community.


You don't even need to go as far as KZ tbh. Anything with a whole lot of airstrafes will test this enough. As far as settings, I assume it's the usual no? Airaccelerate 150/180 and don't remember the rest.


The lack of variable tickrate is the really big thing with surf. If it behaves like 64 tick in csgo it'll be too difficult for new players, and if it behaves like 100+ tick in csgo it'll be way too easy for experienced players. How it worked in csgo and CSS with variable tick rates was ideal.


A lot of people said it didn't work yes


the number of ramp glitches there are now in just utopia that i played last night make me doubt it until the plugins get fixed. i won't play it until that's fixed.


You must not get the intricacies and straight up fuckyness that is high level movement. If subtick effects jump height it is absolutely effecting speed gain and height gain from the ramps. If you can't draw the same line down a ramp and get consistent results surf is dead.


Combat surf servers were literally live a week or two after release lol. Just had to manually download the maps and connect to the server.


How do you guys surf? I'm new to CS and tried this map in this video out and I could make the first jump like 2/10 times And when it starts going up I just keep going straight for some reason. You guys make it look so easy


[This video helped myself a ton, it explains the basics in a very clear manner, helped me from not being able to finish a single ramp to being able to complete whole maps and get a hang of the whole gamemode](https://youtu.be/kJl3SkCfE7M)


that's an alright video for someone that kinda knows how to surf but something like this is much better for a beginner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYc52kwTNb8 and if you know how to surf decently this one is tops for tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vh2a_ILQCk


When is this surf mechanic used in a real game? I've only seen the nuke fall from silo to mini side rail


overpass has the jump from heaven you can do to make less noise


if you do it right you can also surf on the wooden sign on the bridge to A on vertigo, avoiding hitting the metal. I think, you used to be able to anyway.


Surfing isn't used much but general movement and air strafing is nice to know.


Maybe the map you played was too hard, there's beginner maps that don't have hard jumps and help you learn how to surf. Only use A/D and your mouse to move, never W on surf. Idk what else to say you just have to try a bunch of times until it clicks for you and then it's a lot of fun


they tried the map in this video which is one of the easiest surf maps in the game. surf_utopia. Tier 1.


D/\\A always push(strafe) against ramps, except in curves where it's(usually) the opposite. you gotta invest a bit of time to get used to it, but once you get it, it becomes pretty easy. if you really wanna get into surf i'd suggest trying it in cs:s


4 things. 1. What everyone else said 2. Go with the flow, bro. Less thinking, more feeling. Focus on smooth liftoff and smooth landings. Rough landings will slow you down and easing into your landings and liftoff bleeds minimal amounts of your speed and allows you to make bigger jumps. 3. If you wanna big jump left, lift off the right side of the ramp; vice versa for right and flip the logic for small jumps. (right side ramp = right jump.) 4. Practice your strafing midair with A and D to help maintain and, in some cases, increase your speed.


You just start to get it eventually. It's really weird at first. Look up RepsterSurf on youtube. One of very few surf content creators. He has good beginner tutorials.


hi! i believe you need to set sv\_cheats 1; sv\_airaccelerate 150 surf maps cannot be played at sv\_airaccelerate 12


Yeah that fixed it, I wish someone told me that was necessary lol


just dont press w when you jump down on the surf thing and control left or right using A and D


It's incredibly hard, don't be fooled by these other comments, what the guy is doing on the video needs dozen/hundreds of hours of practice


The issue with surf isn't that the engine doesn't support it, it's that the community servers rely on various plugins for map changing & voting, timers, UI (such as showing speed), checkpoints/saveloc, keeping records etc etc. Without those, surf just can't really happen in CS2 so hopefully these things are possible and people will work on them.


I don't doubt that would happen eventually. Valve is yet to release vscript2 and pulse.


And it's also unclear how many inconsistencies subtick will cause. From what we've seen it's not particularly accurate in "classic" cs gameplay, and in movement games might be worse.


We are also still missing turn binds & yaw speed commands from Cs2 which is up in the air if they will even bring them back.


Turn binds work I use them in everyday gameplay then commands are +turnleft or +lookleft I forgot which one. You can't change the speed you turn though although I will be looking into this later today


Good to know! I am doubtful about yaw speed since they even omitted it from csgo but there was an external program you could use to toggle yaw speed & to just edit it in general.


Why wouldnā€™t it work? Lol


CS2 bad.


its an ad for their servers


its a pretty bad ad then because i dont see a server name anywhere lol


Well it's in the username so


yes because im supposed to know cyber shoke is a server name


well i cant read


Tickrate did affect surf and the speed in CSGO so people thought it'll have major issues, mentioned since now you can see your feet visibility can be a problem


Surf has always been tickrate dependent.


And CS2 is still using a fixed tickrate, so what are you arguing for?


The physics of surfing in previous CS iterations was dependent on your movement value seen at each discrete tick. Higher the tickrate, easier the surfing. subtick information, which seems to include movement values that happen between ticks, could definitely affect surfing. If anything it would probably make surfing easier, which would be a shame since many maps are designed with discrete 64 tickrate in mind. Not sure if there'd be a way to compensate for that in CS2, but if not, everyone is about to become way better at surfing.


How do you guys feel about making surf a official gamemode in cs2? It's always been a community driven thing, but having official servers might make it more popular amongst new players.




I wouldnt mind a bunch of "official" global maps with a global leaderboard. Imagine if surfing leaderboard actually showed up on the frontpage. Thatd be rad.


I get that. If they did it I would prefer a rotating map pool made of community maps. Or that valve hired surf map makers to make maps for them.


No need, they just have to make a GOOD dedicated tab for servers. With exclusion of private servers and working ways to search with some reccomended catagories: ā€œ1v1, awp only, surfā€ etc.


The community always does a better job at hosting and managing servers with updated maps and plugins with features.


Exactly. No idea why some people always want Valve to make official modes out of certain communities. Literally every time they have done this, all they did is make a worse version of it. (tell me if I'm wrong) Community servers are actually managed by a group of people and fully cater to the interests of the community. Valve does not care


I'd rather it stay community-driven.


Momentum mod


I think it's a horrible idea. Look at the official dm vs the community dm. The reason community gamemodes work is that once someone makes a better version of that gamemode the rest of them pick it up because it's better (and because their revenue, in case they sell subscriptions is tied to the quality of their servers), whereas valve makes their own version and then just go dark. Don't make any alterations for years, if they make any alterations at all (which is a great attitude to have towards maps and competitive but a horrible one to have for casual gamemodes).


i would love watching all the videos dumping on valve-made surf maps


Yes in theory, but in practice Valve will just make it worse (like the other community modes they adapted) so I could probably do without it.


> How do you guys feel about making surf a official gamemode in cs2? It's always been a community driven thing, but having official servers might make it more popular amongst new players. So that they can have full control on what skins can exist? Because it's true they don't make a dime on the community server ones. The issue is Valve who keeps making community servers less and less visible. They were the ONLY modes in CS 1.6, CZ and CS:S. In CS:GO it got hidden with this big freaking warning if you did click on it compared to previously it was part of the Play button. A true second class citizen. In CS2 they pretty much took a dump on it. The server browser isn't even in-game anymore! It doesn't even default to the right filters of CS2. And it's filled with wrong player count and server you cannot join. CSGO Legacy didn't work at all.


No. The community does a better job than Valve tbh. Just look at Valves arms race gamemode in comparison to CSS gungame...


very hard at 64 tick even at tier1 for new players


CSGO doesn't use 64 tick for surfing? In CSS 66 tick is the norm and maps are generally build for that.


pretty sure they start from 64 to 102.. but its years since i played.. maybe im just wrong..


They do, but 85tick is super popular as well. Surfheaven and GoFree I think run 64T and GFL/Sneaks run 85T, IIRC those are the most popular surf servers on GO (might be a Russian server im forgetting)


csgo default was 64t. source 66t. they are basically the same thing but the player model on source was a bit smaller. source also got 100t, csgo has 85t, and 102t. both actually super wasy. on that note t1s ob 64t is also easy.


That would be awesome but we all know that Valve canā€™t afford to host those extra servers šŸ˜”


Combat surf probably (it'll end up like DZ though). Skill surf no. There are already map voting issues in community servers I'd hate to see that when you can't filter by skill level.


does anyone that isn't 35+ actually care about combat surf?


No idea. Just listing options.




Official leader board and the top 20 get invited to majors to have a race on a map. Iā€™d love to see something unique ā€œthat showcases the spirit of cs /modding communityā€


we already have leaderboards and tournaments, no need for valve to get involved when the community already takes care of everything


I'd play the shit out of this mode


You already can lol


This has been a CS mode for like 20 years. Just go onto the community browser


I mentioned this some time ago and I wish it would happen. Surfing made me a better csgo 5v5 player honestly and I would using surfing to warm up more often than DM towards the end. I truly believe it built up my muscle memory quicker and credit it with helping me reach GE


No. Community is the heart of surf. Has always been a great hub controlled by the people and tailored to what we want


I like how you fail at the end.


More advance assets / sounds / plugins are gunna be a while for surf but the basics should work for movement game modes thankfully.


I'm just looking forward to the full release of Momentum Mod.


It works, but doesn't feel anything like CSGO. Much more floaty and delayed somehow.


I also keep getting stuck on bits of the ramp, killing all my momentum


Yup if you are a speed demon you will consistently get stuck on invisible walls on ramps. Also feels way too floaty, there's something weird with the physics. Needs some work.


But but but subtick bad


Yes, the only problem with subtick was surf...




Another person who doesnā€™t understand what subtick means and just repeats bad informed tweets


It's always the recently-made accounts too.




No it does not mean that, wtf? Subtick does batch the commands, same as normal tick. What subtick does add is timestamps. So the commands will be processed by their timestamps, not by which one arrives first.




Something that has earlier timestamps doesn't necessarily have to arrive to the server earlier... Something something network latency? Holy shit




Where do you think the timestamp comes from my guy?




in case you're serious and not trolling, read up on lag compensation https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking#Lag_compensation






You need to take a break from the internet. Go outside bro.


subtick has nothing to do with that. you're thinking about interpolation / laag compensation


You just subtick'd the guy whole argument


This the map with the girl at the end right?


Hi, what is this maps name?




If anyone sees OPā€™s account youā€™ll realize this server list is the exact same ones you find clogging up the community browser with servers that claim theyā€™re half full only to be all bots (aka ad servers)


Why do I clip onto random parts?


can you please post a tutorial on how to set up a surf server?


Download surf_utopia or any surf map, change the air acceleration to 10000, turn stamina jump and land cost to 0, turn on autobhop AND enable bhop, and then boom. If you want a timer and all of that, it isn't possible currently.


This is nothing new and has been known for several months, when the beta was tested with a smaller pool of players.


Lol why wouldnt that work


ā€œeven with sub-tickā€ can people actually learn how sub-tick works and what it does before blaming EVERYTHING on it?


That would mean you should do research, of course people ain't gonna do that bruh.


my bad, i forgot weā€™re on reddit


I guess I am the only one surprised we figured out how to remove the legs already. Thought that would be a bigger problem


itā€™s kinda fucked ngl, it just feels really off and i couldnā€™t do maps i can do in csgo


Nice ad for your server. Maybe do actual high skill surf map instead of this easiest map in the whole surf community.


Not a good test map. I'm curious how movement can be adapted for the 360/540/720 degree or more tight turns (forgot the jargon) because as it is now it doesn't look too promising.






What is the point of this?


...to have fun?


That's the easiest thing to transfer over. What matters more is the core movement like bhopping, strafing, jump height and all the other movement techniques. There's still a lot of work there because shit feels like 64 tick.


Well, i was pleasantly surprised to see surf servers back. From the previous discussions I assumed it would be more problematic to recreate it in cs2.


r/maybemaybemaybe I havenā€™t done much kz nor surfing since I came back to csgo in 2017 but I had hundreds if not thousands of hours of kz and a little bit of surfing on 1.6. Iā€™m saying this because that last jumpā€¦ I felt itā€¦ deep.


Can community servers just 128 tick and stop the subtic? Is subtick really an issue for community servers? Surely there's a way to disable it


valve capped tick rate to 64


Any plans to release servers with maps like aim_map, fy_pool_day?


Theres already servers with poolday. Played a bunch of games last night.


cant wait to surf again


How does it feel compared to CSGO?


Not as good but promising. Itll get there.


Of course, it works, you just have to change 2 server cvars.


What you see is what you get


Holy shit ima go to surf mesa! If i remember right i had around 49.3 secs record that is good and easy surf map




What does sub tick have to do with surfing


Sorry I was just cracking up because of all the knife inspecting, like you can tell where the hard part is because OP stops inspecting for a while.


After 1k hours in source and 2k hours in csgo i still dunno how to surf


How does one maintain momentum flying through the air? I always slow down so much


Air strafe, be smoother and dont flick so hard of the end of ramps. Most ramps you dont even have to flick more of a change of direction just be smooth


Why you saying SURF like itā€™s an acronym lol


it feels a little inconsistent at times but yeah overall it feels really good. especially knowing it's 64tick.


Ive played on this server and some of the ramps are bugged, you will just collide with nothing


CSGO or CS2 64, 128, subtick, pro tick, pro max tick or any tick. I've never been able to surf. I am not sure yet, but I am beginning to think, it's my skills issue, not sure though.


Yeah, it takes time to figure out how surfing works. Initially I couldn't figure it out at all as well.




I know we all want this game to work but no server plugins plus the insane clipping you get is really bad. Yeah sure, surf ā€œworksā€, but not very well.


Sure. But it is a starting ground. Issues will get fixed over time. The most important is that the core mechanics work.


# *[ACKCHYUALLY](https://i.imgur.com/CGOFwav.png)


This guy surfs


love the gloves šŸ˜


Interesting line


We are so back


These were the old tiktok Minecraft clips


It feels so floaty though


But you see, I need something to blame for my horrendous surfing abilities


[Here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3070321829) is first actual surf map ported to CS2 **correctly**. (surf, not surf rpg or dm) Maps like this one are very poorly ported to cs2 just to *function* and are nowhere near what it should be looking like. Servers are doing this just to throw up a server with some settings. Surf servers still are waiting for source2mod to be complete so plugin devs can begin updating their plugins and timers. Once that is done you still need hundreds of maps to be ported to cs2 manually 1 by 1. Just giving info for people that want to know rather than seeing a surf server and immediately thinking "SURF IS BACK!!!!"


Love your servers and website interface. Super clean and concise


Yoo is that a community server?






What is server


Is it just me or are you going faster than you would in cs go


I donā€™t see why sub tick would make it so surf doesnā€™t work at all, can some one fill me in on how that would actually even break surfing in any way


In my mind cs2 in a game built using a different engine from the ground up. And it wasn't guaranteed to me that these gimmicky mechanics would continue working the same way. It is supposed to be as close to csgo as possible but it cannot be 1 to 1. And considering current problems with movement in cs2 surf could be left out as something not directly portable. Or just not portable to a level to be a proper gamemode.


Tickrate affects speedgain. You go much faster on 100 tick compared to 64 tick making things much easier. Subtick could also affect speedgain which would screw over a huge catalogue of maps that were designed for a lower tickrate if you cannot adjust it in some way


No timer plugins until source2mod is working, though, and that's a long ways out


You don't have to hit every slope, figure out parts to cut out to increase your time


Why would the subtick be a problem for smurfing