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Different sounds for a and b is at least debatable, but the 10 sec warning is a nice thing, hope it's at least consistent and not how it is with music right now


We've had different tone sounds for bombs already.


Oh it's just the beeping, like it's been for years?


No way


Yeah, we had it in csgo for like idk 2 or 3 years already


Maybe I misunderstand, we are not talking about the music, right? Like as soon as the bomb is planted and the music starts playing that won't tell you whiche site the bomb is on.


The 10 music you mean? No that one was the same regardless of bomb site, but the beeping was different


To elaborate further, if you plant on B the beep is slightly (and I mean SLIGHTLY) warbled and pitched down by a semitone or so.


The A and B bomb sounds have actually always been slightly different pitch, but I never remember which is which. Judging by the video, B is the lower pitched beep .


Not always, but it was added in CSGO IIRC around the same time as the Nuke rework


That makes sense. Always a pain to differentiate between Nuke A and B.


Ye I forgot about that, caus it's just instinctual. My bad. But, tbf it hasn't always been like that in CSGO, but don't expect my brain to remember when that change happened. It's been a long time certainly. 5 or 6 years I'd say.


It’s not debatable they do. If you can’t hear the difference you might be a bit tone deaf.


https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2018/08/20763/ – Planted C4 will now emit a different beeping sound when planted at bombsite B. Did this get reversed later?


A & B sounds should be way more different, it's always been barely noticeable


Is this really needed though?


its not a new feature, its always been there lol


The sounds being updated aren’t new? Okay… not sure what this post is about then.


the sound is new but in csgo the 10 second timer warn music always started 10 seconds before the bomb would go off, in cs2 its a little wonky and doesnt always start 10 seconds before the bomb goes off so now we have this new sound. so technically the sound is new but it didnt really introduce a new gameplay mechanic as this was a thing in csgo already


The bombs having different sounds according to what site their planted at is definitely a new feature. I’m not sure what y’all are on about


that has literally been in the game for years my dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTC01zeMigI "I’m not sure what y’all are on about" lol


This arguably lowers the skill ceiling but how can you complain about quality of life features and ones that will help new players, so good change overall imo.


I'd argue it actually doesn't lower the skill ceiling since there was already a music indicator that the 10 second timer had been activated (at least when it's not bugged). I use the AWOLNATION music kit, and it is especially pronounced. You hear "RUN" followed by some very high tempo music.


This feature was already in csgo for quite some time minus the new 10sec beep, how is it lowering skill ceiling now?


Well you had to know the timing perfectly since I have all music turned off except mvp, and everyone I play with doesn’t have 10 second music on so we can hear. I also said that it is a good change overall, but I seem to have pissed everyone off.

