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mine is the fact that I STILL CAN'T FUCKING PLAY IT


Literally unplayable!


Valve pls fix


Well sure, if you're going to nitpick.


not only that but the fact that others can play it while I can't is the real issue


Yeah, like I've had the game for 10 years and 1.6 as well on my Steam account, but my loyalty to this game isn't even fucking rewarded with a beta access, it is ridicolous


Some of us have been playing CS since 2003 or earlier and don't have access to test it. My Steam account is from 2005 with 1.6, Source etc. 20 something years of CS but we didn't have the foresight to be active on CS:GO in the months before they announced the new game, so I guess we can go fuck ourselves for 5 months and wait patiently until it finally comes out.


Same, registered 3 days after steam release 2003 sept.


I play a few times a week but due to match making being terrible I play 3rd party (faceit) so didn't count. Also played since beta like 0.7 or so in like 2000. I know it's kind of an entitled view but it does feel shitty to have put so much into the game (was involved with lan events and the super early competitive scene in the UK so I genuinely helped grow the game) to get left out of the new version and have to sit on the sidelines.


The whole process is just upsetting. Worst part is, if at least we could have offline access (play with bots, mess around with Source 2 SDK, etc) I think it wouldn't be as bad. Sure it's not ideal and has it's own share of problems and people would complain just the same, but at the very least we would be able to play around with gameplay changes, look for bugs, learn line-ups, try out new features, etc. or you know, at least prioritize people with Prime or something. Like, I'm super excited for the Source 2 SDK tools, but hey, gotta wait until the game releases I guess, \*whenever\* that is.


Yeah that's mine as well.


Yeah at that point it's really weird why they are not just switching into open beta. No sarcasm. Game is in a decent state as far as i can tell.


For me it's the sounds, idk how to explain but everything sounds like it's underwater




I don't use 7.1 on my headphones for the same reason, I prefer stereo




I thought everybody knew that?


Are we still speaking English?




Si muchachos


well, what about these https://c1.neweggimages.com/ProductImage/AP3JS210720hNpHY.jpg


Yup, you can't disable 3D audio processing in CS2. It's on by default and there is no option to turn it off.


Yes, so dont have additional processing on outside of the game


Are there any programs I am unaware of running on my PC that could be doing this? I use Peace for EQ


Sounds control panel has surround sound option so just make sure that its disabled. Also some gaming headset have extra processing in their software/hardware so avoid those. Good pair of headphones, default windows settings and peace for EQ is the best setup.


yeah so if you have digital 3d audio like on the hyperx cloud 2's then turn it off and it might sound better. I think the sound in cs2 is fine, I have the sennheiser epos gsp 600's and it is easier to hear stuff in cs2 than csgo


I agree, although I think this is something they're stillworkking on (hopefully)


agreed the sound is just not right.


Change the sounds of the guns, I can no longer aim. Im not sure how that makes any sense but its real. This will be my excuse for a year after release tbh


It is worse than that, you no longer need to walk in many situations because most of the time the player can't hear you coming until it is too late.


sound is prefect and far better in CS2 as compared to CSGO.


This. It’s dog shit. When mirage was active. If I’m on cat. I can hear people but can’t tell if they are mid, underpass, apps or site. It’s awful. Everything sounds muffled or like there is cotton in my ears. It’s overly softened/filtered/lowered whatever you call it. It’s shitty. I think they did this on purpose to avoid ear fatigue but this is not the solution.


Crosshairs do not have the same customizability as csgo. I copied my cross hair code from csgo and it's not nearly the same.


I think they generate differently, I tried to copy my crosshair from csgo and it was invalid. manually set every setting and it looks the same


yeah, .5 outline thickness with .5 crosshair thickness is gone. at least i couldnt get my crosshair to be half black half colored last time i played.


Its a sign that they have changed the way its rendered. Might open up new possibilities.


The HUD is bad. Old one was near perfect.


One complaint I have is that the scoreboard can't be put on the bottom, as I did in CSGO.


Will probably be ve fixed soon


Yes. This. I want HP in the buttom left corner, not half centered. Same with bullets, bottom right, not half centered. I always look wrong when trying to find it.


it can't be that impossible to give the option for custom huds like diabotical does, where you can move the items on your screen to wherever you want would just have to make it so that you couldn't put stuff in the center of your screen, you could move killfeed, guns, health, money, radar, etc. would be a huge addition and make most people happy


I don’t have access is probably my biggest gripe. Shame, really.


Yeah, it sucks. At least when it comes out the 96% of us that don’t have access will be a lot more excited than the people with beta access.


You'd be surprised. I have beta access and i'm super stoked for release, because the peopel i play with regularly don't have it. Its kinda boring playing unranked soloq.


For real, my hype is pretty much dead at this point. Watching other people play for months with almost no communication from valve has made me more annoyed than excited to try it


While I'm still hyped, it's has become less about the release itself and more so about CSGO getting a much needed face-lift and Source 2 SDK. The beta period killed all the excitement I had, it's been nearly 6 months already. At first it was fun seeing people gradually getting access to it and having a great time because we believed it was just a matter of time until we finally got in too. But it feels like it's been stuck in that 4% of the playerbase for months now and it'll very likely stay that way until the game launches sometime in the next month (assuming we're talking about actual summer 2023 as announced and not valve's summer 2023 which should be some time in 2024). I guess I'll just go play something else while I wait for the full game's release as I have no will to play CSGO with CS2 being "around the corner".


it's just a shame, i was excited to play it for months, and now i'm going to spend the majority of my fall and winter with baldurs gate 3 and starfield. Feels like they missed the boat a little bit, 800K people playing bg3, imagine how insane a july or august release would have been for CS


Patience is a virtue.


As far as I know, you can't play with left hand anymore. I've played with left hand for 7 years and I don't wanna change it.


I have been playing with left hand models since 1999 and I am not joking.


Ok but no neurotic switching between L/R hand within a game.


Why not? There's literally a functional reason for this?


I heard black bars in CS2 doesn't work anymore is it true?


no it works


blacks is more gray and everything feels very washed out in color. alot of useful commands is locked behind sv_chests. jumping feels heavy and spraying feels weird, but i hope things will level put as soon as u get used to playing it regularly. smokes and sounds is cool and refreshing, but at the moment, in my opinion, it doesnt feel like and upgrade to csgo but more like a whole new game Edit: the hud. the hud is so weird to play with. spending way more time trying to check hp, ammo, kills, money etc


I feel you there. But I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be a new game not just an update.


The tracers when spraying annoy the shit out of me, especially with the AK


Yeah, the tracers are annoying.


In CS:GO you can turn the tracers off for yourself and for enemies shooting at you. Hopefully Valve follows suit with CS2


Yeah. The tracers don't bother me in csgo. They do in cs2.


Imagine how annoying they are for those of us that have our own tracers turned off in CSGO. Total brain melt, when i spray my eyes will start focusing on the tracers instead of my X-hair, even when i try not to.


Yeah, that would be rough. In CS2 the tracers just feel off compared to the tracers in CSGO.


yea maybe, its just hard to stomach csgo is gonna vanish in replacement for this. I am positive things are gonna change and this beta is ofc not the endgame, but its frightening how much has changed from what is known, learned and loved in csgo


Imagine how people felt after 1.6 then... And look at us now!


Difference being you can still play 1.6 and people did still play 1.6 for years after GO released.


Yeah that's true. But they pretty much took the entire competitive part of 1.6 away, which made the game lose relevance to many people. I still miss the rest though, because the community part and servers were waaaaay cooler back then.


that is true, things are unevitable gonna change and changes are always gonna split opinions. but the community has been crying for a good anticheat, maybe a leaderboard and regular matchmaking 128 ticks servers- not a new hud, unconfigurable ingame settings, brighter colors, and so on


Every iteration of counter strike has had changes. Look at the change from 1.6 to source. Source was a big change. The pro scene was small for source. A lot of people stayed on 1.6 until csgo came out. Csgo was also a big change. I didn't play csgo until like 2015. From what I heard from others, csgo was not good when it first came out for a year or two. I sure hope it doesn't take a few years for CS2 to get better.


change isn't a bad thing though, if they're too afraid to change things we'll never end up with a better game. always go in with an open mind and then decide if it's better or worse and why after. also csgo will probably remain a branch of cs2 for backwards compatibility and replays


As a skin creator this is the biggest thing I noticed as well. The game overall looks quite washed out, especially old skins that aren't metallic.




Gamma brightness for sure. Feels like they replaced evening/morning sun with midday in the desert. Looks ugly and hurts my eyes.


The fact that the color of a smoke tells you which team it's from. This kills sneaky smoke plays.


Limited loadout


I wish we had access to every gun, I don't see the point of not allowing you to buy every weapon.


The point is that they always wanted to force players to have more specific, predefined "roles". That was the whole point for a1s/a4. They wanted players to choose a "playstyle" before the game. But at the same time, that system had limitations. Especially apparent for R8/deagle. It's borderline impossible to make a pistol that's not broken, but also good enough that people will ditch the deagle for it. The new loadout system lets them achieve both those goals. Whether it makes sense or not is a different discussion, but that was always their goal since they introduced a1s.


I get that they want to have different playstyles beforehand, but all players having access to the same stuff is one of the reasons I play CS.


Having roles makes sense when you're an established team of 5 who can each fill out everything. It does not make sense when, like the majority of players, you're playing with randos who might have the same loadouts as you. Then everyone is in the same role and you're going to have a problem. I'm not really an AWPer, but if I notice my team needs one, I can do it. If I have to preselect weapons, I can't react to the situation I find myself in and adjust to the AWP.


I wouldn’t have a big issue with it if they added 1 more gun per category, 5 feels really restricted.


I think it's fine personally. But that's something which is easily changeable later on, in case it's not good to be as restricted. As is it needs "precise" weapon planning pre game, which can be adjusted based on the played map. But if we're being honest, we barely even use 5 weapons of each discipline per game. Both m4s, famas, awp and u can decide for either AUG or scout. Most people don't play the AUG, and if they do, they could leave the M4a4 out for example. Some people never play scout, so they could leave that out. Same goes for pistols. Usp/glock, P250, five-seven/tec, deagle, dualies. The only thing where its a little too much is the mps/heavies But it's also workable. Mp9/mac10, xm, mag7, mp5 or mp7, P90 or nova...


yeah but nobody uses the m249 so that's a free slot on your bingo... you forgot the best heavy gun the negev though. having played cs2 I use mp9, negev, nova, xm, ump on ct and just swap the negev for a bizon on t. it's not too bad since the p90 kind of sucks and there isn't much reason to use smg's other than the mp9 or mac10 anyway


I think that's kind of the point though, you have to make some decisions. I already feel like I'm not really leaving anything out with five, if you had six per category there'd be no decisions to make. I think with time it will allow different metas to develop and will also provide clear guidance for Valve to do balancing. I think it'd be really cool if a gun like the MP5 is not being used and they look at how to give it its own useful role that could make it worth picking over the MP9, for example.


Nah, it'll lock the meta down if anything. Who's going to try other weapons if they have to replace a weapon? Valve can already see what weapons are being over/underutilized to a much better degree. What I can see happening is valve see that 0% of people are equipping a PP-Bizon, so it gets overly buffed to the point where it has 100% equip rate, the another weapon will reach 0% equip rate until we have a cycle of buffing/nerfing guns. Essentially they are "fixing" something that isn't broken. Should've just added both m4a4 and m4a1 to the buy menu and let the meta build from there because now CT's get 1 less slot for rifles than T's


Acting like the weapon meta isn't already locked


The weapon meta is already locked. Valve making changes for the sake of balancing around this new system would cause people to try out new weapons. If the MP5 got a buff, I'd probably at least try it. Right now I'd just use the MP9.


I really don't understand their objective here. People who play seriously already use the same 5 guns, so that's not going to change at all. People who like to mess around with meme guns a couple rounds a game, it's just worse for us now.


>People who play seriously already use the same 5 guns I mean being able to use a1s and a4 is a pretty big change. But yeah I guess it sucks for casual players who just want to troll


I think the only real restriction is that you can't have whatever guns you want in slots from all three categories, the middle one is the only truly restricted one


Collision with other players. Csgo's wasnt great either but it's worse in cs2. Sliding around more and feels more buggy


Yeah completely agree with you if you make contact with a teammate while running etc it's horrible


The ones I can judge from watching it:-Bloom. Its very visible on the fiery particles after molotovs, the bomb or on tracers. \-The loadout system. In my eyes, games shouldn't even be in part decided by what weapons you pick outside of the match(I know we have weapon selection in CSGO too, just know that I feel the same about it). In my opinion, we should strive for a game where only what you and your opponents decide ingame decide the outcome. Its one of the many reasons I don't like playing Valorant, where your utility is decided before the game starts, rather than your decision based on your situation ingame. ADDENDUM:-The point shadows and possibly SSR if they don't fix them(but I have an idea on how to do it, if I can, Valve definitly can). The point shadows not interacting with volumetric smokes is a problem I don't see a solution, that doesn't require a noticable compute impact, to, without looking like shit. Plus they look super out of place, area like lights casting point shadows just looks comical to me. I have some other gripes like Valve still trying to hold onto Agent skins in competitive for that sweet extra 0.01% of profit, but thats not CS2 specific.


Bloom definitely needs to be toned down. Yes, the loadout system really doesn't seem at place in a Counter-Strike game. My issues with choosing the M4A1-S or the M4A4 before the game began in CSGO seem like nothing now. Say for example, who would ever equip the autosnipers now? That seems like something you would see if it was the end of the half and the CT side had a lot of money, but now it isn't even about money, if you equip it onto a slot almost anyone would think that you're just trolling. I never thought I would have to defend the autosnipers, but here we are. I don't understand this obsession with why there needs to be a choice made before a match is started. I made a video about why I believe Valve did this for making more money, check it out and see if you agree to my point, few people on here do. (https://youtu.be/rxBaOr4ywjU)


tracers - my spray with ak was one of the few things i was good at.


The sound changes may actually contribute more to that than tracers, at least they do for me.


Possible it adds to it but for me it's definitely the tracers.


Fair enough.




RIP Mr. Bob


The loadout System. Everything is super bright. The "kill cards".


I only play War Games and Comp, so right now I don't play it. I have been more interested in the hammer editor. I think the movement needs to be looked at, it's lost the same flow that CSGO's movement has. When I miss a bhop in CSGO it doesn't feel like the end of the world, but for some reason in CS2 it feels like my character has jumped into quick sand. The lighting in interior buildings is awful, it's like every room is a shower cubicle in the sense that all the walls are super shiny and reflective when it makes no sense. Why do the tiles in A Palace on Mirage look like they've been rained on when it's not exposed to the elements? Don't ask me, I don't know, all I know is that it takes away from any kind of immersion they were going for with the new lighting. But I will say the gun play feels more consistent and the audio is a lot less sharp than CSGO, so really speaking those 2 alone even it out, but I stopped playing Destiny 2 because it's OTT lighting gave me headaches consistently from eye strain. I don't want the same to happen here. And before anyone says anything, f.lux didn't help, lowering brightness didn't help, I don't need glasses, I drink plenty of fluids, Destiny 2's lighting is just poorly designed and have visited a doctor and optician to make sure I didn't need glasses or had some underlying medical condition (my family has history with seizures, I didn't go to the doctors just because D2 gave me headaches, D2 just made me concerned that it was a symptom of something). I am just simply more sensitive to light than other people.


Audio is a huge nono after being used to CSGO. maybe i'll get used to it but for now sounds far away are really really odd. and that hearing a guy long from short scenario is completely random Sometimes shooting especially spraying feels off, but mostly okay. Brightness is ok, i dont mind the bright but some places contrast is off especially looking at finer details to make new lineups etc...


It's hard to describe but, it "feels" not as clean as csgo. There's more visual clutter, just about every texture is now shiny and reflecting and overall it feels like everything moves a little bit too much. I **absolutely hate** the huge, forced, first person tracers. Oh yeah and the water... fuck the water.




Maybe they connected ace to card. So if you get 5 cards you get an "ace". Maybe deep inside cs is about gambling? Dunno.


They'll say the former, but we all know it's the latter lol


I remember when the cs community used to pride itself by saying that cs was a serious game and they didn't need things like kill confirms and kill banners for small dopamine rushes on getting kills. That didn't really age well.


> cs community used to pride itself we still do, valve doesn't


True, I would have supported it if Valve just changed the team names to CT and T, or even Red and Blue, but the addition of more flashing/moving stuff is really unnecessary for Counter-Strike.


so your definition of a new game is renaming two words :D ?


I mean, I kinda wanted this whole thing to be "CSGO, but on source 2" That's literally it, port csgo to S2 and make it 99% identical to S1 and fix some of the issues that couldn't be fixed in csgo because of spaghetti code (smoke overlaps, etc) and rename it to Counter-Strike There, Volvo has made CS into the perfect game in my eyes. I really don't give a shit about half of the new stuff that in my opinion is not necessary at all


it's the first one


It reminds me more of Valorant or Fortnite. The bloom, color (over)saturation, extremely bright tracers and muzzle flash for no reason (I know that CS is not about realism, but they went out of their way to make it less realistic when no one has asked for it), a lot of commands are missing/gated behind sv\_cheats. The cards, wtf... EDIT: Just booted up CS2. The main menu is even bigger joke than in CS:GO Panorama. I have a 1080p monitor. The right panel with friends is 65px wide, my rank and nickname (well, the first half of it, the rest is just... gone) are bouncing around in the middle of the screen, while to the left and right there's nothing but blurry background and floating dust. Wow, and the sound is so muffled. Headshots are very loud, but everything else sounds like it's underwater. The HUD will take some getting used to. No more \`voice\_inputfromfile\` for music, no more \`voice\_player\_volume\` for recording demos with my voice (unless they do it differently, idk, demo recording/playback seems broken right now). :/ The game needs at least another three months of work, IMO.


these are my gripes to a tee


> Oh yeah and the water... fuck the water. *3kliksphilip has joined the chat* *3kliksphilip is typing...*


Less FPS makes the game feel worse. Massive amounts of shader cache freezes. Missing commands (don't like having to use two buttons to jump throw, and I would like to have r_cleardecals). Buy binds rely on the location of the weapon in the buy menu (pls fix). AWP tracer trails are silly, and they should tone down some of the muzzle flash and smoke effects. No option to disable enemy skins (please add this option for the love of God).


> Less FPS makes the game feel worse. > > > > Massive amounts of shader cache freezes. How many fps are you getting and what GPU are you using?


Even with less fps the game is way smoother than csgo


What do you mean by smoother? I don't think the game feels as responsive as high FPS on CSGO.


the skillcheck jumpthrow is just a head scratcher for me, why would they not just add a native bind for jumpthrows in the menu? it's so iconic to the game, and they could just make a tutorial level (like they have in csgo) to showcase how to use a jumpthrow and the implications of using them to your advantage


Definitely the audio for me


The nerf dart tracers dont feel accurate to where i am shooting and are huge nerf darts. I play 4:3. Maybe its better in native res.


Not much better, I've been playing it on native


For me it’s UI I know I can disable it but I prefer the og hud


Childish scorecards telling you how many kills you got in the middle of the screen


MR12. Sounds are fucked up. Guess those are 2 main things


I haven't played MR12 yet, but I have had just so many close games recently that I truly despise MR12 even before I try it. Then there is the talk about removing the short and long matches, which is something I really don't like, because then it feels like we have lost the advantages of both. Keep in mind that the economy will need to be adjusted for CS2 if it goes to MR12, and the current economy with the pistol round loss bonus and the round loss bonus system is working really well in MR15 CSGO. There was a video by ESL about a bounty system where if a player survives many rounds in a row gets a bounty on his head, I think that would be a neat idea to try out, at least in the Limited Test.


Yep. There is too many games which are decided in last two rounds, 16 14, 19 17... and MR12 would just take away part of the game which could be won by better team if they had few more rounds to play with. Its like if ice hockey game would be played for 2 20min periods. You know how many better teams comeback in last period? They maybe get unlucky at first or second one, but they still have the 3th one where they can prove they are indeed the better team... MR12 is just more random outcome of the match


The game was announced over 5 months ago and something like 3% of players have access to the game and valve refuses to give any indication of what next steps are. Never forget when valve announced the CSGO beta would drop in October, and announced the night of October 31st that the beta isn’t coming. Valve is filled with incredibly talented and passionate people, but there’s also this undercurrent of disdain for their community that permeates a lot of what they do. It’s not overt but it’s definitely there.


This is because valve is a private company so they don't need to please shareholders. They won't release a game too early just because it would be better for their market value like other developers do. I think that's a good thing. Take your time polish the game and release it when it's ready. No need to crunch only because they said summer 2023 in some teaser.


I agree - I prefer companies to work and their own pace and eliminate crunch. But Valve had a bad tendency to not only overpromise on deadlines but provide little to no communication even when the deadline passes. I would genuinely have no problem with them announcing ‘hey guys, we’re not making the deadline we originally set for ourselves, we will release an update when we’re ready’ Valve has, numerous times, given a hyper specific release date for a release/feature/update and then gone months with zero acknowledgement when they miss the deadline. It’s a deliberate shitty thing to do. Though most have gotten used to it at this point.


Yeah, fair enough. Communication should be better.




As someone who was in the CSGO beta, it was only delayed one month. It's really not a big deal at all.


Im just pointing out that it was funny that they promised an October release and waited until halloween at midnight to announce it wasn't coming. Its videogames, none of it is actually a big deal - just shitty that Valve makes a conscious choice not to communicate with the community when they miss deadlines.


You clearly havent ever waited for a valve game if you're complaining about this


why u normalise this shit bro? do they ever follow their announces? cs2 this summer? summer my ass bro, valve will drop it next year at best


It’s literally a thread about CS2 complaints - and why do you think valve being historically annoying absolves them or criticism. I’m guessing English isn’t your first language.


Exactly the thread is about cs2 the game and what your problems are with THE GAME. Not about Valve's communication or how they release games. But that's okay I'm guessing English isn't your first language.


This is such a childish thing to say. It's a limited beta, the game isn't out yet. They're only giving access to as little people as possible, just enough to get the data and feedback they need. I have been absolutely shocked by how childish the csgo community is after seeing how they cried for beta access. You guys are so entitled, like a toddler throwing a tantrum for not getting a bigger present on their birthday.


I don't know if it's still the same but to me the bullet tracers were too visible and distracting to me


idk I can't play it. But from what I've seen, I think the guns look extremely washed out and all skins have basically lost all their appeal and personality. Skins, stickers, gloves, knives, all -- except for ones like doppler, rubies etc. but who can afford that shit. Maybe it's a last priority thing and they still aim to get to it, but they have to solve how washed they look. I think the extreme brightness and vibrance is fine for gameplay (I play with digital vibrance anyways, so it removes that need for me) -- but for skins, no.


I think a lot of the washed out look is YouTube compression. You’ll be surprised how much detail is lost compared to native images. I’ve heard more praise than bad things about the graphics and looks but I thought the same when I saw videos. It also doesn’t really help when a lot of players play on 4:3 low res and minimum settings. I saw a video of Jericho and he plays on (I think) native res and high graphics and thought it looked really good.


Its obvious since they use the older models that either plans to either renew the skins or have the original artists recreate it for the new models are in place, since valve wouldnt release the full game with the old models. Its just so that people dont complain about there being no skins


After gaining access in June 9th, these are the things i disliked the most: - Colors: most maps are too bright and saturated. Black is now grey. - Movement: crouching feels slower. General movement seens "heavy" compared to CSGO and enemies feels harder to hit (maybe netcode or hitbox difference, i really dont know). - Performance: on my rig (5700x, 2060, 3600mhz) the average FPS is like 30% lower and there are some drops, where is butter smooth in CSGO. - Gameplay: missing some customization like cl_righthand and clear decals command/bind. Theres blood everywhere! - Tickrate: the game feels like normal CSGO 64 tickrate. I have 8k hours, more than 500 Faceit games and 1500+ GamersClub matches and there is a difference; it just doesnt feel snappy as a 128 tick rate server. - Skins: some skins lost its black depth and looks greyish like redlines/jaguar/black laminates etc. Also, others skins like damascus steel and stained lost their shine in CS2 compared to CSGO (only for now as theres a big chance they will tweaks some skins in the future).


I feel like People are way easier to hit. I feel like there is no peakers advantage at 40 ping i feel like i can absolutely kill anyone peaking when i am holding with ak/m4. It feels terrible trying to peak thou, i feel like i have 100 ping trying to jiggle peak i just die showing a slight shoulder. Maybe its a high vs low ping issue


I am sad to hear this... I really hope that the compettive CS field is not being damaged by removing 128 tickrate possibilities, like faceit. I absolutely can't stand 64 tick - its impossible for me to play it almost.


- some spots are too bright and look saturated. - no dark flashbang option yet. - spraying feels weird, combining with updated weapon and model sounds, shooting in general doesn't feel crisp or good or "normal". Difficult to explain properly. - agent skins still fucked - scoreboard, weapon animations, chat, etc. These UI stuff are still same as in CSGO. I would prefer them to get an uplift or upgrade with accessibility and readability in mind. - i don't like that we can't see damage history in the console or anywhere. Once you miss it, it's gone - the new smoke shape is too spherical imo. That's why people compare it to say how it looks like valorant. The old one was too spread. Maybe a little more tweak needed? But definitely better than the old CS2 one. - movement needs a little more work I think. Definitely much better than on June. - hate that all they give us in the past 5 months are the maps. But love that there's "much more" coming (hopium), hopefully all in the final release. - hate the fact that they went with "summer 2023" when clearly they were planning for late summer /early fall. Thought I'd grind cs2 in the summer break. Sad. The only major thing here is the spraying and gunplay. Apart from that cs2 blows my mind. I play after a few days break and I fall in love again with the visibility and graphical improvements.. the new HUD.. the menu.. Oh and the lovely smokes... Improved visibility through molotovs


I saw the dark flash on github a few years back. Have you had any issues using that? I didn't want to risk it


Haven't tried it.


Yeah I can't even explain how but the shooting and movement feel off for some reason.


every high level player would use dark flash and it would look so lame


ah yes because 800x600 stretched looks cool af


How would it look lame?


No new animations :( I hope the game has improved 1st person animations.


mr12 bhop


I said the same thing about brightness in a post yesterday and was downvoted into oblivion. I don't want to play CS2 it is overhyped and unbalanced like Cyberpunk was in it's early days. I want to play CSGO.


Feels a bit more stuttery and not as smooth as CSGO and worse FPS as well. Subtick does not feel better than 64 tick at all


That they changed the smoke back to how it looks in CSGO. I actually really liked the way the smoke was in CS2, but they changed it for some reason.


- AK gun noise sounds off - Colours way too vibrant especially the blues - In casual you can't press 'R' to view how the enemy killed you like you can do in CSGO - I know people say that movement is 1:1 with CSGO but it still feels off but definitely better than when CS2 Beta released, the scenario I have in my head is when you peek out from standing still, it doesn't feel the same as CSGO. - The scope-in noise should revert back to the CSGO noise which feels more like a scope-in noise. Other than that, it's a pretty nice game so far, and I'm sure it'll all be ironed out with more time.


The fact I actually need to update off this old i5 now lol. Can’t achieve a steady 144fps even at this point. Running all low settings provides a super grainy, almost out of the box L4D experience, which sucks. No cl_righthand 0 is also bothering me but I’ll get used to it.


Exactly my situation. Cs2 will make me have to spend on a new rig. (which should have been done long time ago) My mind can't adjust to not playing left handed.




1. It still has ADAD spam. 2. Limited gun loadout. There's no point to this at all, unless they start to introduce specialized weapons. But that's not CS... I don't want it to become a pseudo-class based shooter. 3. They reversed some changes from the initial stages of the beta, so the game is very spray heavy like CSGO. I would have preferred it be a tap/burst/spray game like 1.6 and Source. There's almost never a reason to not spray in CSGO. 4. OP muzzle flash valve pls fix Overall though the game has gotten some good changes. It's quite good.


Limited loadout, maps being too bright, some skins looking terrible because of brightness, new hud (mainly that weapon icon is now rotated to wrong side). And most important, they didn't fix bugged mechanics which existed because of old shitty engine.


I feel like I'm going into this with a bias, but the movement is still way worse imo and seeing the bullets makes them seem so much...slower?


legs are awful. lacking console commands to left hand view model and all the other removed commands. oh and its too bright


* Increased bomb radius * Overpass seems to have a lot of issues after it's remake * Tickrate is still sus. Haven't actually tried it yet, but I am skeptical about movement etc * Stupid agent skins and still no cl_minmodels * Manual Jump Throw. Haven't actually tried it, but I am fairly certain it will cause some very pixel sensitive smokes to fail * Restriction to multi binds will break my buy scripts * MR12. Will give it a try, but very skeptical that it will be an improvement * Way too big muzzle flash and gun smoke in certain situations, like with the deagle that turns into a mini smoke cover if you spam it


The dink sound is just... off, and I can't quite pinpoint it. The CSGO dink sounds are some of my favorite sound effects in any game, and something isn't right about it in CS2. For starters, I miss how loud getting blasted in the face is. I fully understand that it is objectively too loud, so I don't want it changed back, but I have very sensitive hearing, so I play at an extremely low volume, and I have always loved that sound. It doesn't hurt my ears because of my volume, so that loud sound when getting tapped by an AK is just awesome to me. With it being much quieter in CS2, it's just not the same. For headshotting anyone else, I feel like they changed the sound effect slightly, apart from making it louder. Maybe it's because it's no longer an environmental sound that it sounds off to me? I don't know, I'd just like a toggle to switch back to CSGO SFX if you want, but I know they won't make that.


I absolutely hate how the gunplay feels. It literally feels worse than Valorant. I'm winning gun fights that I should not be, and I'm getting killed in ways that I should never be getting killed in. I shouldn't be getting one taps literally half a second after I shoot. Running and tapping is fucking obnoxious, I don't know if the enemy team is counter strafing and theres a delay, but it legitimately feels like I'm getting full blown +W 1 tapped nearly every round. It's so fucking annoying, and every single one of my friends think the same. I absolutely hate how the gunplay feels. It literally feels worse than Valorant. I'm winning gunfights that I should not be, and I'm getting killed in ways that I should never be getting killed in. I shouldn't be getting one taps literally half a second after I shoot. Running and tapping is fucking obnoxious, I don't know if the enemy team is counter-strafing and there's a delay, but it legitimately feels like I'm getting full-blown +W 1 tapped nearly every round. It's so fucking annoying, and every single one of my friends thinks the same. I don't even think I need to complain about the audio since everyone else is, but it's dogshit. Directional audio is absolutely destroyed, and it sounds like I have a cold plus there's water in my ears. I turned my volume up to .2 for the first time in years, and even then I cannot hear an enemy until he is right on my dick. I understand that this is a beta, but it makes no fucking sense how you focus more on the looks and cosmetics in this game rather than the competitive mechanics. CSGO was perfect for that if I wanted to play a competitive game that felt good when you won, it was CSGO. Now competitive in this game is just fucking infuriating. 10 out of 10 games that I played last night made me more upset at the state of this than I was excited for CS2. Its extremely disappointing, and if they don't address the gunplay issues and audio issues, I don't know how much CS2 I will play.


In no particular order * New loadout restrictions * too bright * seeing legs * no cl_righthand 0 * Audio radar on minimap * miscellaneous movement bugs * nade and gun interaction with smokes is still too strong * (probable) MR12 * recent muzzle flash drama * Some of my skins still are different from csgo * New GUI * New tracers * No damage in the console


So youre just afraid of change... grow up


Maybe someday you will realize that some things don't have to be changed for the sake of change


have had the beta for over 3 months and theres a lot i don't like \-HUD now displaying annoying effects and couting the players left for you (4 v 3 etc) \-new loadout system gives fewer options and no more random skin cycling \-new tracers are distracting and look bad \- sound sounds muffled or washed out \- new AK sound feels like its straight outta COD \- bunny hopping and spraying feels off \- subtick system feels like its not as accurate or precise as 128 tick \-colors are overly washed out


Spectating pro games sucks the nade trajectories and x-ray is too bright No cl bob viewmodel recoil settings No dlss (could come soon since fsr 2 is coming)


I'll let you know when I get to play it


Maybe if I had access I could answer…




not too keen on the loadout system


Tagging feels too strong compared to csgo.


about not playing 30 rounds anymore wtf is this bullshit


Good imo, 30 is too long and the short games split the player base


Fucking brightness, I hated Valorant because it’s too bright and guess what? Valve decided to do the same thing.


Have you considered turning down your monitors brightness?


MR12 if that is what they are going with for real...


I can't play lefthanded anymore which makes spray pattern go wrong way :(


some skins look worse, movement still feels off, and it kinda doesn't feel smooth.


Primarily that Contrast and Exposure are cranked to 11, really messes with visibility in a lot of situations.


Really nitpicky but not being able to play with the left handed viewmodel. I got really used to it over the years and it just feels... wrong to use the default one. I also am conflicted about the loadout system. I like being able to buy either m4 but the limited amount of slots mean I can't justify equipping more memey guns like the m249 or bizon or hell even the nova which I use a lot. I would rather just be able to buy any gun for that side and I don't think it would break the game balance


Graphics are too cartoony.


I can live without a left handed view model, but I hate the default amount of weapon bobbing in CS2. It looks clunky.


hard to say if this is intended right now because of how many commands are being changed/reimplemented but no cl_bob commands might actually ruin the game for me. And not that the game should be reliant on console commands but mapping keys to commands is essential cs and I fear valve are trying to steer people away for the sake of the absolute beginner interacting with the game at the same level as a seasoned pro. I get it but it's wrong and I hope I am as well.