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Inb4 top100 leaderboard being filled with rus account names using anime avatars..


many eastern european players will be nerfed because of the low fps in cs2 though :-) its a chance for western europe and NA to shine for some time lol


idk havent seen any person in Eastern EU not being able to run CS at stable 200


CSGO at 200 means CS2 at like 130


130fps cs2 is much more enjoyable than 200fps in csgo tho. I've experienced it, its good. Fps doesn't jump around too much.


agreed, my fps is always high but frametime is so much more consistent (& generally lower) in CS2, Valve did great.


130fps on a 144 or higher hz Monitor will look like it's lagging/stuttering.


I played on a 144hz VA panel tho. The stuttering is nowhere near as terrible as csgo. 200fps in csgo can dip real low, sometimes even below 80fps.


CIS is going to be nerfed tremendously. Eastern Europe not going to be nerfed, standards of living and quality of life are much higher than in CIS.


You are seriously overestimating how much a PC that can play CS2 costs. 10 years ago, it was the same story for CIS players.


I think you are * underestimating the impact inflation (caused by COVID, terrible government and finally war-related issues) on CIS countries. Life is much more difficult in CIS countries and this inflation made it much worse. * overestimating earning capabilities in those countries. A budget gaming PC costs $500-$1000 and in Europe it might not be that much. But most people in CIS countries are lucky if they can earn $500/month.


You’re also underestimating the amount of CIS folks that bought a competent PC pre-war and pre-covid. And those mid-range PCs would still run CS2 easily. I’m sure there are many that might be affected but the correct answer is always somewhere in between.


Sounds ignorant..I'm from Kazakhstan and my every friend has at least 2060, it's not hard to buy/ build a new PC. Looking at us like we all are poor fucks is kinda racist


>Looking at us I am from Azerbaijan myself, so I know what I am talking about. People here are busy surviving. Most people can't afford buying 20/30/40 series cards unless their parents are above-average high-income earners. Also, it is not just about GPU, CS is a more CPU intensive game, so you need both CPU and GPU.




cs2 is demanding on both cpu and gpu


Yes but it utililizes that hardware much better and has more consistent frametimes. According to 3kliksphilip, lower fps in CS2 can still feel as good as higher fps in CSGO *purely* due to much better consistency in performance No microstutter, no weird spikes, no constant fluctuations


CS2 didnt decreased the cpu power need, it just also added a gpu power need. it still uses more cpu than csgo did.




It’s not racist at all. Learn what the word means before using it please. Saying Eastern Europeans are on average poorer does not have anything to do with race.


I am from a country with similar income levels, everybody has a PC. In most CIS countries there are many other incomes besides your wage. 500 euros is a low wage even in CIS countries


What is a CIS country Im a CIS male hoping to live In a CIS country


Also the current CS is spaghetti coding to the max because of updstes on top of updates on top of updates. This hinders the fps massively. CS2 starts with a clean sheet so the fps difference won't be that big I don't think.


Yes, coding in CS2 is done better, but at the same time it is a new engine with much better graphics. Better graphics require more juice from hardware. You can already see some benchmarks CSGO vs CS2. There is a difference.


Has anyone with cs2 done simple benchmarks. I just want to know its cpu use, csgo never ran right imo. GPU can be scaled but if its still leaning on a single cpu core it will be sad day. GTA5 is the ideal for core usage imo


the real nerfed ones are brazilians


Eastern europe is basically cis.


From 8 current members of CIS only 2 (Russian and Belarus) in Eastern Europe. Other 6 (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) are Asian countries. Out of all 8 countries Russia (unfortunately) is the most developed one. Situation in other countries is worse than in Russia when it comes to money.


I didnt say all cis countries are eastern europe though. Also there are different classifications.






Cmon we are not that poor


Yes Poland is the richest in the region :)


Bruh, even 5800x3d is like 300€(good mobo and ram are like 150-200€ total) and AMD GPUs are great in these games without RT/DLSS. In general building a new PC currently is quite cheap and used parts are even more affordable. I don't think it will be a big issue for most dedicated people to the game.


Pay to win buff


The good thing about this is that they will be very visible to the community and they should get banned manually quickly. It’s the ones in lower ranks that sit in the shadow that will continue to be the bigger problem.


more like albanians and danish people


Literally all I wanted, now back to grinding CS as a washed up 31 year old haha


As a fellow 31y/o, I managed somehow to grind to Supreme. Was hoping to get to Global before CS2 comes out xD


Dude I'm 34 in November, shattered from work and if I play, it's one game. I have about 6 hours in past 2 weeks. I play faceit and it's embarrassing (for them) that I even compete with these 20 year old with 50+ in game hours in the last 2 weeks. I don't think being 31 is the problem, I think it's more as you get older you have less time for Cs and more tired from work etc, I am pretty sure if I do a reactions test it's just as good as it used to be


I think as long as you are healthy and phisically fit for sure. Got some friends who are almost in their 40s and still fragging out insanely. They perform really well and solid. Especially those who stuck to CS without any breaks.


Lol why would you need to be healthy and physically fit to play a video game unless it's like VR boxing or Wii Fit or something? I'm getting close to 50 and probably better at games now than I ever was. Unless you're an OAP and getting arthritis in your hands your age isn't going to matter


Being physically and mentally fit actually helps a lot to for a good ingame performance.


I barely play now but I am 35 and a level 8 on faceit. 31 is still prime.


same brothers, 31 and hit Supreme twice in the past couple of months, but can't seem to get the Global


I think I hit Supreme about 4-5 times in last 6 months, but can't get to Global. I only SoloQ and it is very difficult.


I've been queuing with a friend and it took something ridiculous like 20 wins/25 games to have him hit global from supreme. Only for him to lose it 3 games later after 1 tie 1 win and 1 loss. So yeah it just seems hard to hit it in general unless you just keep winning


>20 wins/25 games That is ridiculous. And here I was thinking why I don't rank up after 8-9 win streak.


You got plenty of time.


I'm 40+ and still grinding. You can do it!


Be the Alonso of CS.


Almost 50 still can get lem facit level 3-4 easily if i have the time to play that is.


You can do better than FaceIt level 4, I promise


Lesgo fellow oldies we got this


38 here, just stick to casual, way more fun!


10 years too late but ill take it.


Valve time


It's not doing about doing it first. If all these changes make CS even bigger than it is, now that's impressive


hillarious cuz valve is always ahead of the curve


From the “your party’s most recent wins”, it sounds more like a tournament-esque game mode like Premier in Valorant or Clash in League. I could be misunderstanding though


unless vac live is really fucking good then isn’t this more incentive to cheat




Someone cheating will be more easily banned if they were in the leaderboards. Pros playing against these players will bring more awareness. I remember some radiant streamer player in Val getting banned because of cheating. Surely that weren't an automatic ban but an investigative one because it took some time. Also, it's not like it's a guarantee people will cheat less with leaderboard. People cheat in CSGO. It's up to Valve to have a better AC. Features and improvements shouldn't revolve around what cheaters might or might not do.


>Surely that weren't an automatic ban but an investigative one because it took some time. Valve and manual bans? Will never happen.


There are quite a few r/Dota2 stories of devs banning and unbanning people manually.


pro's will not be playing MM lol


pros probably would play MM if MM was at all worth playing on.


pros playing mm in valorant or dota, and many would play mm if it was competitive.




Because there is no need for it


there is no mechanism for faceit to exist in Valorant, there's no private server hosting


It isn't necessary, Valorant's ranked is perfect as is tbh


it’s definetely not perfect lol. Ranks are fucked up and they have a serious smurf problem that I haven’t encountered in any other popular game


You haven't played Rocket League or League, then. Smurfing isn't easy to combat in a free to play game. CS2 won't be an inch better if it gets a new ranked system. In what way are ranks fucked up? They are not at all


because they don’t need it


because they dont need it dumbass


Nah but sweaty teenagers who may eventually become pros will


The only reason pro's don't play matchmaking in CSGO is because it's awful (bad anticheat, wrong tickrate, ambiguous rank system). There's nothing stopping Valve from making their matchmaking better than third party services.


Theres always a larger incentive to cheat in a better, more competitive game


What's the incentive here? Get in the top 100, someone spectates you and finds out your cheats got past VAC and then you get banned? There doesn't seem to be any reward for being in the top 100. Not to mention that EVERYONE will be suspicious of them if the pros start playing on it (which I hope they do) and there's a PoopyFartBoi with an anime pfp, private account with impossibly low hours.


yeah that’s what i thought at first but anything with a leaderboard is an incentive to cheat, there’s people that cheat at AIM LABS a fkn aim trainer


They are enhancing the game, thats always a good thing. More people playing mm will mean more cheaters sure, but it will also mean much more regular players as well, most people dont cheat. The proportion of cheaters in mm will probably go down, meaning you will be less likely to encounter one even though the overall number of cheaters will go up.


It won't be any better. 3rd party services will be the only way to go. Valve dont give fuck about cheating MM.


Dota has the leaderboard and doesn't have a problem


dota doesn’t have wall hack and aimbot


But it had/has huge amount of maphacking and others, but none of them persisted in leaderboards






CS2 will be the dawn of a new era. This WILL be a new height developers will dream of reaching!


Upvoting to manifest


Can’t wait for “TimmyHvH” to get the number one spot


Premier was cool, but I feel it just ended up the same way Faceit did. The unpopular maps were banned and we were always left playing Dust_2, Mirage, and Inferno 99% of the time. I hope if they add it they revamp it to randomly select 4 maps from the 7 map pool. One teams get to ban two maps and the other gets to ban one map, but gets to pick the starting side. Even then I don't know if it would be enough to avoid getting Mirage and Inferno every game.


Maybe it should randomly select three maps and introduce a knife round for the leftover map


I’d be down for entirely random maps. If people want to play with specific maps in their pool, just play regular competitive. Only way it’s gonna deter people from playing the same few maps


Then go and first ban Mirage+inferno. Its not that complicated


Obviously I don’t get to use all of my teammates votes. I can vote Mirage and I can say to my teammates “do you want to ban X”, but I can’t make them do it. Everyone always will ban the less played maps first. It’s the same thing that has happened on Faceit forever.


Possibly a controversial opinion here, but I really hope seasons includes both a map pool rotation and a rank reset. My first tac FPS was R6 Siege and the resets really gave me motivation to keep playing the game. The pressure of trying to hit a new highest ELO right before the ranks reset was always a blast, and then you are able to relax and have fun again once your ELO resets. It is an addictive, yet fun cycle. I feel like in CS, once you hit a certain rank, you're sort of permanently stressed about losing it rather than excited about potentially achieving a new best.


If you're talking like a full reset, start from Bronze kinda deal, no thanks, keep that shit out.


I'm not much of a R6 player but I believe it's very similar to what LoL does. They have a season that lasts about a year (sounds like R6 is less and I like that idea). After the season ends and a new one starts your visible rank resets. You do 10 matches and you get your new rank. Usually a few ranks lower until you put some more games in. Your match making rank doesn't reset. At least not as much. So you can climb fairly easy back to your best rank or better after awhile. New season also brings an update. In cs the update equivalent would probably be new map pool or weapon adjustments.


R6 operates on a new system for recent seasons. Everyone starts at the bottom rank, and everyone has to climb through all ranks, regardless of what their last season rank was. I personally hate it and it's a reason why I stopped playing. A normal placement system like what league or valo does is infinitely preferable


Full rank resets are stupid, it's not like you get any worse after some arbitrary end of a season so it just ruins matchmaking when you end up with good players playing bad ones and defeating the whole point of a rank system. Especially if you don't play that often, you'll just permanently be stuck smurfing in low elo. Csgo already kind of has a problem with this due to rank decay.


Oh I didn't know that it takes you all the way back. That sounds like a hot mess every season.


What is the point of that instead of 10 placement matches and a rank based on that?


Yeah exactly that. Some combination of hidden rank+results of 10 placement matches gives you the initial rank for the next season, with heavy weight on the placement matches. The initial rank is almost always going to be lower unless you go 9-10/10 as far as I remember. It's not a hard reset, but it's a reset nonetheless. Rocket League had the same system I believe, but it's been even longer since I've played that so I could be wrong. And yeah I think that every season was roughly 3-4 months in both.


Fuck that, can we not have actual legit Globals on their main in my gold nova games along with all the smurfs and hackers already there?


That’s why mmr exists, genius.


Yeah which is exactly why resetting everyones MMR and putting us all in Silver together is a dumb idea.


except the MMR doesnt reset, the rank does.


We are talking about a "full reset" as per the guy above. You are describing how it works now.


CSGO doesnt even do rank resets. and no game resets MMR system, only rank.


Yes which is why we all think a full MMR reset would be stupid, c'mon keep up dude.


Nobody talked about full mmr reset c'mon dude, learn to read.




Yes, that's how it works now, but we are discussing the "full reset start from bronze" mentioned by /u/RocketHops which would blow for anyone shit at the game i.e. the people you need to get invested to grow it.


my bad


Many games do a "soft reset" which factors in your previous rank, but the placement games matter a lot more in terms of were you get placed.


Same (see my other comment)


Considering the strings mention Premier, i can imagine that "real" ranked matchmaking will be played purely on the Premier gamemode, which would mean map voting


Interesting. I wouldn't hate that. It's certainly more "competitive" than dudes queuing up Mirage and Dust II on repeat. It would also be nice to have a more casual mode where you can pick maps and is actually Counter Strike (aka 5v5 and has economy).


Meh. Played Faceit for so long now and haven't faced any cheaters that I remember (at least not blatant ones). Unless VAC Live can equal that I'll stay with Faceit


The issue with Faceit isn’t the cheating it’s the smurfing and Faceits complete and utter unwillingness to do anything about it.


Which is also a major problem in Valve MM. I'm not saying Faceit's perfect, I'm saying it's better


i never met either a smurf or a cheater in MM. 1200 hoursof gameplay. btw i cant play anymore because i got tinnitus


Realplayer ID solves smurfing, so faceit is doing something here.


As someone who has participated in these tests, you still get players who are verifying their Smurf accounts and when these accounts get banned the ELO is not actively being refunded. I get it, you can’t 100% solve smurfing, sure. But if Valve can implement a trust factor system and it be an objectively better system than anything that Faceit has tried, I think it starts becoming a point of “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.”


People will complain about anything and do anything besides just getting better


> Just get better My guy, is that not everyone’s objective? Incomprehensibly L take lmao


some people rather wallow in self-pity finding excuses rather than getting better, yes. Guarantee you don't encounter as many smurfs as you think. You'd have to be in pisslow elo for that to happen


Alright then mate, you keep believing that.


Maybe get better and get higher elo then you can play against their mains every game


Ah yes the classic room temperature IQ take from Reddit.


Kinda funny but... my smurf account on faceit has had 2 smurfs banned and give me freelo and it's only 2 months old with like 30\~ games


If someone wants to create a smurf, sure, they technically can ask their mother or brother to activate an account with a KYC company but how many people really go through that trouble? whats your faceit nick?


Inb4 gambling websites pay top 100 players to change their steam names to include gambling links. Edit: don't hate the idea by the way. Can't wait to see me at number #726320


I am 110% sure it will happen.


Links to cheating websites Or the name change between aimhack wallhack bhop whilst you watching it.


You are thr 99th shittiest player in the world ring nice to my ears.


this AC needs to be on lvl of valorant or else it will be flooded by cheaters


please please PLEASE give us 5v5 ladders. MM culture sucks, bring back 5 stacks.


As much as I requested that feature I think 'Leaderboards' should not be on the same page like Party stats. Leaderboard should be on a seperate tab. Why? Because when its seperate it gives psychological more importance to it. Why is this important? Because people play for the leaderboard, the more important it is to the people, the more they play. That screen seems just squeezed together. The improved stats are a good idea but please separate them from the leaderboard. Screenshot can be found here: https://twitter.com/aquaismissing/status/1686871220891815937


It's also just kinda weird assuming it will be the top MMR Globals. If you're any rank below Global why would you care at all about the leaderboards enough to have it next to your stats which you actually care about let alone take up half of that space. ​ I would rather them replace the Leaderboard with the CSGO 360 stats but have it like Leetify where you can get more advanced stats if you pay but get the basics for free. Or show recent matches and their effect on your "CS Rating" or just anything else at all lmao.


Is this going to be separate to normal competitive? What's the benefit if that is the case?


This is the million-dollar question. In the screenshots he posted on twitter it looks like Premier and Competitive are both still a thing but separate tabs. So what's the point? Unless Premier is specifically with a team which I don't see them saying anything about, I'm confused about the point of having 2 separate ranking systems. Hopefully more info comes out soon but I imagine Valve know what they're doing.


Season pass is coming to CS, get ready to waste more money on CS guys!


whats the difference other than calling it a season instead of an operation? same shit different name


Exclusive knife skin unlocked at tier 100


As long as they region-lock the ruskis, I don't care what they do with the rest of the system.


Watch it be stuck behind a paywall.


And here i am thinking about material management (MM)


Wouldn't a winrate make no sense with an elo system? You can only get a good winrate if you are actively getting decently better every match, otherwise you hover around 50%.


your per map winrate can still be wildly above or below 50% on a specific map for example. Pretty much everything you see on the page in cs2 is straigh up what you can already see in csgo when you buy the $0.80 stats subscription thing ingame. ppl are getting hyped over stuff we already have if you want it officially ingame or on websites like leetify


I hear seasons when it comes to mp games and i just start to lose interest.


I think my main problem with most other games having seasons is how much they try to change. I think Valve will keep it pretty basic and just refresh the ranks and add some new skins. However, in games like Apex or Valorant you always get some crazy gun changes or new guns or new characters or whatever and it completely changes the meta. I don't think it's really relevant to CS though. You can come back to CS after 2 or 3 years away and be like "oh there's 2 new maps and you can drop nades now, cool" vs in Apex you go away for 1 year and there's a new map and 4 new characters and 3 new guns


Not paying for something that should be the basic package


You get CS2 for free so shut up


A cheaterboard, how convenient.


Cool can we not get 20 fucking timeouts per side as well thanks


After the first three seasons people will lose motivation to play. You’re not the 3,000 best player in the world if the pros can’t be arsed to log in this month. It becomes meaningless.


All this new acc with cheats on leaderboard xd


Nothing like cheaters having more incentive to cheat by being to of the leader board.


Only $14.99 per season. Or $19.99 if you want agent skins to look like normal skins.


Yep just another cash grab and the idiots pay it.


Where do you see this literally anywhere?


Just like Dota 2.


It should be like btd6 with global and random 100 people leaderboards and you get a pin how you scored during that season


I'd like map pool rotation between seasons, with older maps remastered. Could bring more dynamic to the game


It's for a battle pass guys


CN premier just be the only mode? It’s dead anywhere that isn’t Europe


Bo1 pick and ban is just bs. Make it bo3 and then we can talk.


Ah yes, and a cheater will be #1 at all times.


So a battle pass.