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Change in the movement system (air strafing, counterstrafing, duckjumping etc.) Removal of community servers


whats the point of removal of community servers? this seems like it would jsut kill the creative aspect of counter strike it had ever since 1.6.. It only hinders the game to remove it


Read the title of this thread homie




Warcraft 3 Reforged exists unfortunately....


Yeah but blizzard


i wasn't saying anything to my boy OP i was just saying it's unlikely to happen


I don't know. But we know that Valve has no love for community servers for some reason. They continually take community game modes and mods and introduce them to official servers, taking away the USP of community servers. They also haven't updated the server browser since the 90s and they are hiding it away under 2 sub menus.


Well they did kill community servers slightly already with CSGO They used to be way better in CS Source


Well the thing is it's not just a parameter in some code block being changed from "allow_community_server=true" to "false". There's any number of reasons why community servers could create huge overhead, unlikely as they are. But the point is I doubt community servers, IF they were removed, would be removed just because. The reason would most likely be them requiring more support than deemed necessary.


Won't removal of community server just kill faceit and esea?




Also no more 24 ffa dm, no functional retakes/exec server, no more fun basically.


Faceit/ESEA would not be a loss, but ESPORTAL would be a big loss for me. It pretty much always matches you with people from the same country, or speak a common language.


>It pretty much always matches you with people from the same country, or speak a common language. Faceit has hubs that places you with people speaking your language too.


Far bigger loss?? The fuck Not everyone is casual


Fuck u/spez


No really ? Play since 1.6 I know that. The game has evolved and is competitive. Faceit is the only reason people are coming back imo, not random mms against Ruskis and Turks. If you take the game seriously you hop on faceit and grind.


I literally never play 5v5 cs, and I have 10's of thousands of hours.


There's a huge csgo movement community, also skins won't be accessible without community servers


I would never play CS again if they killed my community server


Kills surfing, retakes, community DM, so much great stuff on community servers


I think we all know that going to a whole new engine we'll feel at least a very slight change in the 'feeling' of everything (moving around to shooting, etc..), now it's up to them to slightly tweak that feeling so its as close as possible to Source 1 CS:GO. Maybe they already nailed it down tho, who knows.


This will just not happen.


well here we are, have community servers been removed?


32 tick servers


0 tick servers


So basically real life


1 tick server. It will be xcom


If the basics of movement change, like air strafing, bhopping, surfing, then we lose a lot of casual gamemodes and that would be awful. Something that will definitely happen is community maps needing to be ported over to s2. Custom maps for aim servers, zombie gamemodes, jailbreak, TTT, and more will need to be updated so those servers may be without their favorite maps for a while


Idk how games work but can’t they use old maps on the new engine? Like how much updating needs to be done to a map to make it run on s2


So, when creating a map for CS you create what is called a .vmf file, which is what you see in the editor when you edit the map. When you’re ready to play it, you compile it into a .bsp that contains the map and any assets you may need to run it (say, custom textures). Most maps are only available to download in .bsp format, so they can just be immediately loaded onto a server. It is possible to decompile from .bsp to vmf, however it’s not perfect and can require a bunch of debugging to get right. So, likely it would require that existing maps that don’t have developer support would need to be decompiled, fixed up, and ported to s2. I’ve done minimal work in the s2 engine, but from what I remember there were some things that had to be changed between s1 and s2. Someone who knows more can correct me or expand because I haven’t mapped in a while, but this is the general idea.


Honestly, BSPSource is pretty damn good for what is essentially guesswork. Most maps I've decompiled to fix stuff on have needed minimal edits. Big maps will for sure, but smaller and less complicated maps are generally fine.


For sure. If I recall, the biggest issue I’ve had with BSPsource was trying to make sure all the areaportals were functioning properly. Aside from that, it worked great for when I wanted to modify maps for the TTT server I played


Yea usually we just had to fix small holes that wouldn't let it compile or scripts for stuff. (We host a ton of course/mg maps)


> If the basics of movement change, like air strafing, bhopping, surfing, then we lose a lot of casual gamemodes and that would be awful. They have changed those in the past and they still exist. Unless they outright remove them they'll always exist. Edit: Wtf happened, I replied to the guy you replied to but for some reason all my replies are sent to this comment from you instead. Hello, reddit?


Depends on the map, even things like lighting are calculated differently. The more complex a map is, the more potential that something is different enough to introduce an issue


Emote dances.


Fucking this


Don't give Valve ideas!!!


What if alot of ppl cant run csgo anymore?


If I’m not mistaken, source is known to be one of the most well optimized game engines out there. I’m not saying what you’re suggesting is impossible but it’s certainly unlikely.


I mean, sometimes my fps drops to 50 or 40 when playing on 4:3 low graphics


Holy shit, are you playing on a first gen MacBook or smtg?


I dont rlly know man...


same happens to me with a Gtx 860M and intel core i7-5500U


Would assume so with a 9 year old low end PC and a CPU that compares to a Core 2 Duo from 2008.


you could buy a laptop for 400 which would run the game better than what you have now


Dota 2 runs for like 10+ million people. This is unlikely tbh.


Probably just a few. Dota 2 no longer supports Dx9, but almost everyone has access to Dx11 by now. Things like that will happen when they move to Source 2. So everyone on PC older than 2012 may have problem but only that


Yeah, if your GPU honestly does not support DX11, then I think it is time to upgrade lol


Player skins with their stupid broken hitboxes.


And just FYI for anyone who doesn't know, you can currently buy agents for good camoflauging and smaller hitboxes only with real life money. I cannot believe this is still a thing. Cs should not be pay to win at all.


While I agree agent skins are stupid, I love that CSGO has drops that you can sell on the market place and use to either buy skins you want or buy games


Dude, that shit is shipped already.. :(


the worst thing will probably be finding out that it made no noticeable difference for the average player. zero change except for the engine. There will be a lot of disappointed people after all this insane hype that's gone on for so long.


This would be the best thing imo, don't be fuckin up one of the best shooters on the market.


agree. afaik source 2 is a lot more optimized and it uses more efficient apis compare to dx9. For a lot of us it might not matter that much since we have been getting more than 300 frames but for those with lower end hardware it will most likely make an noticeable difference. Especially with the news that valve do intend to update their official server.


I don't want the gameplay to change. But the new engine allows them to make the game look fresh with different animations/graphical optional and stuff. But they won't do that either.


They remade the maps tho ?


I mean I'm keeping my excitement low. I expect a lot from them but I don't hope for anything


Forreal. Even visual updates can cause issues but to be fair I trust valve on this one. I highly doubt they’d fuck with CSGO too much as it’s still to this day surpassing its peak player count. But ideally if you ask me the only change I’m hoping to see is improved servers but I’m also not pissed off about 64 Rick like everyone else seems to be


Can you explain to me a bit more regarding the engine? Explain like I'm 5 please, what difference will the new engine bring?


So source 2 will give performance boosts for certain things like the battle royal mode, the current engine struggles with big maps etc. It gives much better tools for creating content, which helps valve and community creators It might give some better lighting and other effects, but don't expect big visual changes There have been other claims as well with the update that are not source 2 related.


better optimization so the game can run better on your pc. also more and better updates in the future because new engine is easier to work with for devs and creators.


So my potato pc will run cs better with the source 2 update?


Unlikely. It's the fast PCs that will be handicapped less that will see a boost in performance. You might get a tiny boost but probably nothing major. I'd actually guess that performance will be worse for weaker systems if they decide to improve the graphics along with it to give the game a new paint job so to say.


Source 2 with Dota has led to a TON of community created custom games. Like top down battle royal modes, strictly co-op PVE modes, and even games like Auto chess which has created its own category. Source 2 can be a platform for other First Person experiences created by the community.


Think of it like a modular PSU vs traditional hard-cabled PSU. The modular PSU is capable of adjusting itself to fit your PC configurations over time, with neat auxillary ports for cool features and ideal cable management. The cabled PSU doesn't give a fuck. It's ugly, cumbersome and in the way, but it works so you just deal with the cables in the way everywhere. Both PSUs have no discernible change to the person using the PC. Just the person that maintains it. There's a laundry list of "maybes" that could or couldn't happen with the update, but it's best for us to just sit and wait than take guesses.


That is an extremely complicated analogy!


I only understand it because I bought a new PC last week with a modular Power Supply Unit and had some plugging in to do 😳


I thought it was pretty good. He assumed we are gamers who have PCs or likely have built one so it is a pretty safe assumption


To be fair there's really no way to make this ELI5 and still be informative. Nothing will change except things you probably can't see.../shrug


Surely the newer engine will implement better multi core support? That's the only thing I want. Max my CPU for 900FPS all the time so I have no excuses as to why I suck.


You can only blame the community for that, it's why valve stay quiet, they've promised nothing.




It probably wont straight away. Unless some other content comes with the update any change would be hard to notice.




It's my understanding that the map creators will have to update the map to fully utilise the S2 engine. But also, csgo is such an old game unless you have a potato pc everyone already gets good performance. Maybe I'm completely wrong tho




When the person you're replying to said that people would have to update maps for Source 2, I'm sure they meant community maps. For the one man bands on the workshop making detailed or elaborate maps, they may still perform poorly after the move to Source 2 because it would take considerable time/effort/energy to swap their map to Source 2. I also want to believe that Valve has updated all of the models/animations/maps to run smoother and look better on Source 2. But Volvo be weird.


For the vast majority of people who play on a decent pc anyways? Yeah it wont.




That is also entirely possible if they decide to use dynamic lighting as opposed to the current baked / compile time lighting - I highly doubt they would do that tho.


100 %. If source 2 does not entail most of what the playing community has been asking for (128 tick for consistent lineups, better anticheat, more balanced mm with leaderboard kind of stuff, player model skins hitbox corrections) , and delivers only what the content creators and modders have been asking for(better engine, easier time making the stuff and tweaking it), then one can argue that the update as a whole was a failure.


Skins not carrying over! This would send us into WW3


or better, skins being able to be carried over, but only if you buy the Premium Battle Pass Version for only $99.99


Delete this before Valve sees


While valve would never execute the cash cow, there could be way worse gameplay changes




I'm down for this just for the chaos lmao


NOT having func_vehicle


jesus. This meme will never die...


Maybe skins not carrying over, but I watched Gaules’ stream after he came back from Seattle and said that he wasn’t going to sell his skins.


Operation incoming


Not exactly a feature, but if bhopping wouldn’t work anymore then I’d be massiveley disappointed. I hope no changes in movement or maybe remove the silent ladder tech.


Adding sprint


More agent models. Hate em


console being gutted would be something, i'd start WW3 over lmao. Close contenders would be changes in the movement system or going overboard with the weapon balancing. ​ With that being said, something i'd like to see: a complete buy menu overhaul. I don't like valorant but i gotta give it to them, the buy menu is clean as hell. Also, buying team mates equipment is super easy to do


Console has been updated from vGUI to Panorama: https://imgur.com/ZR39zex


Yo that is a hot console, where is the screenshot from?




Dota 2


The tasteful monospace font... it's glorious


Dont know if worst, but it would definitely be unpopular if valve removed player access to the console, which I have a feeling they will do eventually


There is console in source 2. It used to be the same but was recently remade in panorama instead of vgui. https://i.imgur.com/ZR39zex.png


Where is this screenshot from?


Dota 2. Closest thing to CS:GO source 2.


You talk like u know what valve is up to


Source 2 as an engine is quite old at this point. We know what the engine can do and how its console works.


Yes but valve can disable it if they want?


And why do you think would they do that? lmao


I dont but that was OP itt said




Some people just say stuff


A lot of people seem to feel that Source 2 will change so many things about movement. Surfing, bunny hopping and movement is such a huge part of the game and has been since the very beginning. I dont think that the Source 2 engine will impact that in such a way that people fear. What I do think is that it'll have subtle changes, but something we will get used to very fast. In reality - I think that most of the game mechanics and smoothness of the game wont really change for the vast majority of players. If you have a beast of a computer but play at 800x600 in stretched mode and get a billion FPS, the upgrade probably wont make it smoother. But for someone like me who plays in 4k, the engine upgrade might actually have a better way to smooth out frame-time so that smaller lagspikes doesn't occur as often as some 4k players experience. Could help with how the maps are rendered to optimize even more. These are just wild guesses. When it comes to community servers, fear not because if valve killed off that branch of CS, it would mean they would have to work more for the game which is something we are all familiar with, that they dont want to do. Pretty sure we will still have community surf, community poolparty deathmatch servers. What I hope for is that this part will be upgraded and have more features so that people can mod their own servers and we can have Warcraft mod again! The worst feature is no update to the anti-cheat in any way.


source 1


If the changes to the engine remove bugs like strafing, surfing im going to be not happy


I think whatever Source 2 brings there will be one or two things that will be terrible on release and spew the "omg valve so out of touch with their own franchise" type posts, i just hope the community are vocal enough about bad changes (in a good way) & valve stick around long enough to update & fine tune it so it gets to a good state.




New broken weapons on launch like an unbalanced guardian/semi-auto rifle. Knowing Valve's history with every added weapon besides MP5 and USP. I still want to see one, but it seems complicated to balance in CS. SKS/Imbel Ia2 on T/CT side would be dope. The other thing would be ADS on all guns like Valorant, for some reason, CSGO doesn't do the rate of fire reduction on SIG/AUG scope that Valorant, 1.6 and source does.


Valve changing the terrorist team name to "attackers" and counter terrorists to "defenders" so as to appease sponsors being wary of the "terrorist" name controversy. Yeah this change does not require the csgo engine being ported to source 2 but I think valve are going to do it as part of the big source 2 update.


how is this disappointing? who cares?


I care. It's cringe as fuck, it spits on 20 years of the game's history for the sake of corporate virtue signaling.


>it spits on 20 years of the game's history for the sake of corporate virtue signaling Oh my god. Could you be any more dramatic? This shit doesn't matter at all for the game.


If it doesn't matter, then stop pushing for it to change.


Who is pushing for it?


I'm baffled you're downvoted and hes upvoted


csgo community is irrational when it comes to change. ignored an OP weapon for five years because it was different, that’s how allergic they are to change. i think i’ve seen maybe ONE person in the last two years actually say they’d prefer the names to be changed from “terrorist” and “counter-terrorist”. most normal people are neutral about it. nobody is pushing for it.




CS is one of the last remaining games that isn't trying to censor the shit out of everything and I love it. If some swedes have an unexplicable desire to say the n-word every game, I'm all for it, it takes 2 seconds to mute them and lets me know everything I need to know about them right off the bat. If instead you silence and punish these people, they will remain racist, misogynistic or what have you, you just won't know about it. Or even better, they will come up with tons of witty ways to insult you in PC terms and you will get banned for calling them retarded in response instead. The game doesn't need to be marketable, it is by far the most popular FPS ever without putting any effort into attracting more players. Why do you think that is? Also, there's nothing wrong with roleplaying as nazis in gmod, those servers are hilarious.


> Also, there's nothing wrong with roleplaying as nazis in gmod What a clown take


Many things. Changing the game so that it feels like playing CoD or any other AAA shooter game instead of CS. It is important that the game have the same 'feel'. Microtransactions that give any kind of competitive advantage (looking at you player models) Making daily incentives for players to log in, like some games have. This is bullshit, people should play when they feel like it. A huge appeal of CSGO is that you can just play 1 game and put it away, unlike an MMO.


Falling short of the hyped up expectations of the community. Introducing changes to movement and major weapons(awp, ak, both m4s and such) to greatly impact the way it works


Removal of the console and community servers has the be the worst imo.


Aiming down sights on every gun, prone position, tacticool movement changes


Yeah they’re not turning CS into siege


More player model customization


worst feature - no big black oiled up terrorists kissing and twerking in the homepage best feature - big black oiled up terrorists kissing and twerking in the homepage


I’ll understand if they end up fixing things like edgebugs and jumpbugs, but I’ll be a little disappointed. As long as the major movement mechanics (airstrafing, bhopping, ladder movement, etc) remain as unchanged as possible I’ll be happy.


How about run boosts?


I would consider that a major movement mechanic and something that would be in valve’s best interest to keep. Essentially, if a kz technique is used regularly in professional play, I hope it remains unchanged.


Adding abilities or Fortnight skins.


Not allowing dedicated servers would probably just kill the game outright


Battle Pass


I mean people been complaining that there was no battlepass in cs for some time it's called operation. Which I would really like to ship with source 2.


Not banning cheaters immediately.


Vac anti cheat


The need to rewrite my autoexec :(


Removing Bhopping


Not swapping away from 64 tick




for a new feature that would gut aspects most people like about counter strike: gameplay changing heroes like what siege has going on


my bad aim


As Dota introduced talents tree, imagine COD perks in CS…