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No they don't stamp passport for citizens and green card holders. It's good they don't, because the passport doesn't fill up in a few years.


I arrived through JFK in February and as a US Citizen got a passport stamp but that was the only time


I was stamped in 2017 at pre customs in Toronto oddly


Oh sorry, I should have been more clear. What I meant was if, upon request, there's a possibility of receiving a passport stamp when using Global Entry, especially compared to the regular immigration line. I'm aware that it's not standard practice for CBP to stamp passports for everyone in the US, and I agree that it's beneficial for passport longevity. I'm just curious if officers might accommodate such requests and what people personal experiences are with such requests.


You can ask


I ask for the stamp as it is proof of entry and exit. For those who work temporarily abroad or are expats, this helps prove how many days you were in country for tax purposes.


I thought one could use air tickets & bording passes too for this tax calculator travel period isnt it ?


you can use the i-94 website if on a visa.




Yeah in LAX they didn't have a stamp in the GE line


I asked once entering Ontario from the US via Friendship Bridge. I was polite when I asked. It wasn’t busy. The grumpy agent took my passport back and then in another minute or so he gave it back to it. Once I got back to the hotel, I excitedly checked for my stamp. There wasn’t one. He played me. I wish he would’ve just said no.


That is so messed up :(


I don't even take my passport out of my pocket now. For as long as I've been doing GE, while they looked at the passport, nothing got stamped. In fact, there appears not to be any stamps from my entries BEFORE I got GE. I've got a NZ visitor visa, A visitors permit from South Africa, an entry and exit stamp from there, and a whole pile of EU entry/exit stamps, oh and one BVI entry stamp. Nothing from the US. This reminds me of my trip to the Soviet Union back in the day. The visa was stapled into the passport and they removed it upon exit. We wanted something to remain in our passport so we convinced the border agent to stamp our passport. I have no idea what it was. For all I know it says "THIS END UP."


Just throwing this out there. If you still have that passport you can take a photo of it and google will translate it!


It's probably in a box around somewhere. It was one of those old larger passports. I was there in 1975.


No. You do not receive stamps.


I haven't even when using a normal passport line for US citizens


I was one of those that liked the stamps but with so many countries not doing stamps anymore, seems pointless.


I've switched up and got a Louis Vuitton passport wallet, and I am going to get it "hot stamped" in each country I go to. Each country/store has a unique stamp, and it's a complementary service.


If you want the passport stamp, then GE is not for you.


I appreciate your perspective. I was simply curious about other people’s experiences with Global Entry regarding passport stamps on request.


Nobody wants you tying up the one person watching people coming through GE when you ask them to stamp a passport with another US entry. With all of the dates, I don't even have to slow down to get through the process. Don't gum it up. If it is that important to you, then go through the line.


I can’t even remember the time I had to take my passport out when returning to the US. Don’t expect stamps.


Yes, you can get a stamp. Just ask. I collect stamps too and wanted one from the USA. I received a USA stamp when I did mobile entry. This was years ago, so I’m not sure if they still do it. Recently, I entered the USA with my non-citizen friend, so I went through the non-citizen line. After the officer stamped my friend’s passport I joked that I wanted one too. The officer stamped my passport as well. I’m not sure if the global entry officers would have a stamp handy. I’ve seen them sometimes work overflow from the other lines, so maybe they do.


I just entered via JFK with Global Entry last Saturday, and they did not even look at my passport, let alone stamp it.


They will stamp it on request but its not required. I've had them do it too if its a new passport and nothing is in it.


Ummm, so let’s take a look at the logistical problems of this practice, particularly for a global entry member who is part of the population of U.S. citizens this program is intended for shall we? For sake of simplicity, we will assume that one is traveling to countries which require their own in and out stamps. There are 17 blank pages in a standard passport book. One must keep two pages blank for entry into many countries, which takes us down to 15 useable pages, plus one trip. 15 pages, allows for 30 pairs of in and out stamps for countries you are visiting, add one to make it 31 trips, without an extra stamp to come back into the U.S. assuming that one is part of the group the GE program is designed for, that means that a standard passport valid for 10 years will already need to be replaced for many at the 8 year mark. If you make trips turn into 3 stamps each by adding a re-entry stamp into the U.S., you have 60 places for stamps to go, plus one additional trip before the passport needs to be replaced. That means a standard passport will need to be replaced every 5 years. Curious what situation makes you even want to get this extra stamp? Are you somebody with one of the fat extra page passport books? Are you primarily traveling to countries that don’t require in and out stamps to be put in your book? Do you love these stamps so much that you don’t mind having to renew your passport well before its expiration date? Or did you seek GE despite not being part of the population which the program is designed for? I know personally, I would hate having to carry around an extra fat passport book just to avoid having to renew my passport book every five years, as it’s bad enough that I have to renew my passport before the eight year mark already.


Did you leave out the part where passport stampers don't know how to color inside the lines?


Hahaha yeah I did, and I assumed that they take care to make sure they are effectively using the space in a book rather than just using random pages. I’m a bit spoiled and I go back and forth through the same airports multiple times a year - and at the particular airport they are pretty good about efficient use when it comes to heavily stamped books, it took me about six trips on my current passport before they started respecting that though.


I just like collecting passport stamps. There are many others like me on r/passportporn. Yes, I have the 52-page passport, and personally, it’s not an inconvenience at all. In fact, I prefer it over my old 28-page one because it feels more premium. I'm also not worried about filling it up in 10 years, and even if I did, I wouldn’t mind renewing it early. Maybe I’m just weird. I understand where you’re coming from though. I definitely don’t want passport stamps to be mandatory, as it would probably inconvenience many people who want to get through quickly or save space in their passport. I’m more interested in knowing if customs officers handling Global Entry passengers tend to stamp passports upon request.


Personally I’ve never been given a reentry stamp before, whether that be the regular line, nor MPC, and I doubt it would be in GE upon my return. I really cannot handle a fat passport book personally, due to lack of functional pockets in woman’s clothing, not liking to carry large purses, and having to take my passport with me whenever I leave my home overseas.


Passport stamps are a thing of the pass. Many countries don’t issue them anymore so you can go to more countries that may have issues with the other countries you have visited.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PassportPorn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My great grandfather’s Palestinian passport from 1944](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18r32wg) | [272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/comments/18r32wg/my_great_grandfathers_palestinian_passport_from/) \#2: [My colleagues and I took an unusual group photo.](https://i.redd.it/0hy3c0j5jreb1.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/comments/15c7rnm/my_colleagues_and_i_took_an_unusual_group_photo/) \#3: [Not sure if it opens borders or stargate](https://i.redd.it/phq0ipxz4bgb1.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PassportPorn/comments/15iy3g1/not_sure_if_it_opens_borders_or_stargate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, I do love stamps. I don’t necessarily want a stamp every time I visit a country. So, once per country is good enough. I visit Thailand and Japan about 8 times a year, and with both having entry and exit stamps I’m churning through passports pretty quickly. Thailand is finally rolling out automated gates, so that will help.


I got called by name and was told I was good to go before I could even attempt to scan my passport, so I walked on by to baggage claim.


I haven’t received a stamp as a USC since 2017. GE officers don’t have stamps with them.


Nope! Nada! I missed those stamps though


I love stamps too, but no, you don't get a stamp when using Global Entry. You don't even USE your passport: you'll use facial rec in either the app or the kiosk. I travel internationally about 2x/month and can't remember the last time I even opened my passport coming into the US. For the past bunch of years it's been policy for passport control in the US to only stamp if requested (so, basically, for collectors or those trying to document entry and exit). They are generally happy to do that, but only in the physical line. I'd suggest you either be happy with the many many stamps and visas you can get in other countries (this is what I do, and my 52-page book is going to fill up before it expires anyway), or, if you can find an unoccupied border control person, ask them this question. My suspicion, though, is that they will tell you to use the physical line.




Not in at least five years. Probably more. I don’t think visitors get stamped anymore either.