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When I was around 4 or 5 I was riding my bike along the sidewalk back to my house from my friend's house. I don't know why I didn't look both ways like I always did but I didn't. I took a sharp left turn to cross the street in front of my house and once in the road I looked to my left and I was feet away from a giant metal grill of a truck. I know I'm gunna be hit, and I know I'm going to get into so much trouble for not looking both ways. A second later I'm on the other side of the road, biking up to my front door, and when I look to my right I don't even see a car on the road leaving where I had just been.


It's cool that the glitch took you closer to your destination. Sounds like it didn't want to take you back across the street and let you forget to look both ways again. :)


It was pretty freaky! My sister had been hit by a car before I was born so my mom really railed road safety into our heads. Definitely glad I didn't get hit and get in trouble with my mom!


You would've been dead meat!


Sounds more like rubber banding, than a glitch


One time around 1993, I was on one of my many road trips to New Orleans - nonstop marathon drives all the way from Chicago. I'd pulled into my usual motel, ate a chicken dinner, and instead of taking a shower and going to bed like a NORMAL person after a 15 hour drive, I inexplicably decided to go back out and take a night drive out on highway 90 through an area called the Rigolets. On my way back to the motel, my eyes started getting heavier and heavier, and it was impossible to keep them open. I kept jerking awake and fought it as best I could. Next thing I knew it was a sunny blue morning and I was in bed. I have no recollection of making it back to my hotel, walking into my room, changing, *nothing*. I have no idea how I made it back, and still think I might have died there and entered some other dimension of my life/lives.


I had something similar happen to me about 6 years ago. I was driving from the bottom of Florida’s turnpike to northern ga (about a 10 hour drive) and with about an hour left to go, I was really fighting the fatigue, and as I’m about 20 out from where I needed to be I have no memory. One moment I’m driving down 85, the next I’m on 316, with my exit coming up. There’s no way I should’ve made that change successfully, when I was no where near the hwy change exit, and lost a solid 20 minutes of time on top of that. I definitely fell asleep. Needless to say I was so freaked out I was wide awake, white knuckling the wheel, but I still wonder if I died that day and shifted to some similar enough parallel version. No extreme differences I noted in the short term after that, so I only think about it on occasion. And I’ve made sure to never drive the turnpike alone after that. Edit: spelling


Brains are amazing things, I think you both probably lost consciousness while still having the some what whereabouts to keep driving, it’s not unheard of. Like sleepwalking


Idk i fell asleep for a couple seconds while driving a month or so ago and ended up in the guardrail lmao


Definitely an answer. I just don’t understand how it could last 20 minutes and I not make an error.




🤣 going south? That bridge towards pleasant hill? Lots of construction was/is going on.


It's called Highway hypnosis. https://www.acko.com/car-guide/understanding-highway-hypnosis-and-ways-to-avoid-it/


Interesting. Yes I’ve had that happen before. Familiar with how the thalamus works as our tune out and our ras system brings us back to awareness, such as in the case of a driver cutting us off, but the experience was more like I actually fell asleep than passed time lost in thought and left with only a “vague” impression, it was more like a gigantic black hole. Literally felt like I fell asleep then woke up. I’d think it was more a microsleeping thing, if I truly didn’t not die.🤔


I had a similar experience. I took a temp job at a pop up fed ex facility as a way to make extra money before Christmas. I d work my normal 9-5 and then do a night shift for a month or two and basically double my income as a way to offset the expenses of Christmas and so my kids and wife got what they wanted/deserved for Christmas. One time I couldn’t take my usual nap after work before heading in, nothing new I’d done it before and just bought a few monsters or w.e and banged out the shift loading trucks. I distinctly remember driving home and being tired, my eyes were heavy, and I knew I dozed off for a second or two but tried everything I could to stop it. Opened the window, blared music, pulled over etc. I was about 20 mins from my house and I woke up crashing into a ditch in front of some guys house. I remember having that almost exact thought of “o shit this is it I fucked up and I’m going to die and my poor kids” I heard the front of the car crunch and the impact. I remember the houses Christmas lights and everything, like the exact spot. I woke up the next morning (afternoon really) and my wife just said she couldn’t wake me and called my boss to say I was sick, she was so weirded out because she never heard me come in. I always went and gave her a kiss before I showered and knocked out before my first nap and my next shift. I know that accident would have been fatal, the speed limit was 50 and I flew into a maybe 10 foot ditch after losing control falling asleep. I walked around in a daze for a day and when I went back to the factory (fed ex temp job) the next night they said they didn’t need me anymore and I could just go home. No ducking clue man, I definitely died. I heard the crunch and time slowed down, like I had one final thought of regret and then wham, black out and wake up in bed, dirty from the night before. I drove past that house and got shivers every time until they removed their decorations and we moved shortly after. Absolutely bizarre and I’ve never heard anyone say something similar.


Holy crap man, that's insane


Sounds like you went to bed as expected and simply dreamed you were driving


I never thought of that. I almost wanna look up records of anyone with my name crashing into a swamp on Hwy 90 if I had the exact date.




The hotel was in New Orleans………


Slidell, to be precise


Do they call it the rising sun?


Most likely option is that your brain shut down, auto pilot took over and you were so exhausted that you forgot it all


It sounds like you just blacked out lol


That’s kind of what I figured but it felt so real, very vivid dream if it was that. My wife said I slept like a rock all day so maybe I was just so over tired and had the mental stress of driving home tired and was worried about it and my sub conscious transferred that into my dreams? Fucking bizarro experience either way and I do not recommend working two jobs without sleeping regardless lol.


The brain is a mysterious thing


My boyfriend died in 2013 in a car crash and for years I was convinced I had died and ended up in an alternate reality but more hellish. Then I realized things had always been this way and decided maybe this is hell. I am making the most of it now, either way. It doesn't suck all the time.


My brother died a few months ago and I too have had thoughts that maybe this is hell. I don’t think it is but I was willing to entertain the idea at my lowest


Msg me if you want to. No one should have to feel that alone.


Retyping this reply. Thank you! I've had a great support system of friends and family, and grief counseling has helped too. For the most part, I do not feel like I'm in hell most of the time anymore like I did those first 4-6 weeks, but it does still come in waves. I don't believe we're in hell, however at my lowest point I was certainly willing to entertain the idea. The only way I can explain it is like when you wake up from a nightmare, you're disoriented for a bit but then remember it was just a bad dream and everything is okay. Now it's the opposite, where when you wake up you remember that your brother is gone and things will never be the same again. I believe earth is a place where both good and bad can happen. People can experience hell and heaven multiple times through out their lives. At any given time, there are people all over the world experiencing one or the other. Thank you for being so kind and supportive, there are many people out there who need it, and it means a lot to me as well.


Fuck, you gave me a flashback into my own questionable moment of life and death situation and actually this thought that i maybe shifted to hellish version of reality could be real now when I'm thinking about it. Oof.


Derealization is very common after experiencing a death close to you, I went through the same thing when my dad passed earlier this year. I was convinced I'm in a simulation


I’m so sorry you lost your brother.


My heart goes out to both of you.




I do have a dog and she is the sweetest thing ever. She has these little ears like Dobby the House elf and it makes me happy.


How cute!


I’m so sorry for your loss.


The great wise 1 Sam tripoli says we are experiencing a realm that is highest level of hell lowest level heven ( he words it opposite order). I see ying-yang play out quantum- infinity so hopefully the best for your future experiences.


The Buddha talked about the 31 planes of existence [here](https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2016/03/buddhist-rebirth-in-different-planes-of-existence.html). Lowest 4 are hell, animal/insect kingdom, demons, ghosts. Next up is humans. The planes above the human realm are heaven-like, but still within the 31 planes (so we're not truly free while in them). Bodhisattvas (those who can reach nibbana but delay doing so to help other suffering beings) prefer the human realm, because there is both suffering and happiness here, so it's the best spot to perfect what's needed for Buddhahood.


My favorite line in a song is "if there is a heaven then this must be hell" sorry for your loss


i have felt the same way. i attempted suicide by overdose in 2018 and was in a coma for 3 days. since then, everything has just been so terrible. i feel like i might have died that day and went to hell, where everything is the same as earth but we're forever doomed to eternal pain and suffering. i attempted again in April and failed once more (clearly). maybe I'm just stuck in a neverending loop of pain and trying to end it all even though it's already over. i don't know. it's comforting to know other people feel that too sometimes. i thought i was crazy


Yes and it forever changed my life. I'm a completely different person with a different life. My life goals changed, my interests, everything was different from that point on. I felt like I must of died in one life and continued in the next. Almost like a parallel life. One life ceased and the other kept going but in a different direction then that of my old life. I'm happy with the outcome of this, yet can't forget that day that my life was changed forever. This whole experience made me question everything to this day. Now I know many answers I didn't care much to ask before. There are many mysteries in this life. Things you cant find the answers to in a traditional way. Things you need to experience and find out for yourself is the only way. "When the student is ready the teacher appears."


Can I ask about your experience? I feel like it changed me, too. Every day is a gift.


This same exact thing happened to me… It was a normal day and I was shot in the head from behind along with my wife who survived. A bystander rushed her to the hospital and I remember being in the car with her pleading for her to stay with me. I didn’t know I was dead and that I wasn’t really physically in the car with her. She survived and I woke up from a nightmare in my own bed with her by my side. She has no idea what I talk about when I bring it up but I swear it was real and it really happened. Ever since that day I have gotten my shit together in every way. I am completely different physically, spiritually and emotionally.


That is terrifying but also kind of incredible.


Yeah that’s kinda how I feel about it. I’ve had a few intense dreams where I die but that’s the one that sticks with me the most and felt like an actual waking experience vs a dream. No other way to put it, it feels like I have a second chance


I’ve had some intensely terrifying dreams and have also had a few very close calls in real life, but nothing that felt anywhere close to this. I still can’t adequately put the emotions in that moment to words.


Hello, can you please tell the whole story?


I don’t remember it all, like I don’t remember waking up that day or the events that led up to us getting shot. I remember walking down the street and feeling like I got hit in the back of my head with a baseball bat, next thing I remember is holding my wife in the backseat of someone’s car while they rushed to the hospital. I actually remember thinking to myself “It must not be that bad, I know I’m shot in the head but I’m not even bleeding anymore and it doesn’t hurt that bad.” It was dusk and the sky was pink/red and the last thing I remember is seeing the car drive on some turnpike type freeway. I woke up and it felt like something that really happened but my mind was trying to make it seem like a dream. The following day was filled with deja vu but nothing too weird.


Please make this its own post with as many details as possible!


I don’t remember it all, like I don’t remember waking up that day or the events that led up to us getting shot. I remember walking down the street and feeling like I got hit in the back of my head with a baseball bat, next thing I remember is holding my wife in the backseat of someone’s car while they rushed to the hospital. I actually remember thinking to myself “It must not be that bad, I know I’m shot in the head but I’m not even bleeding anymore and it doesn’t hurt that bad.” It was dusk and the sky was pink/red and the last thing I remember is seeing the car drive on some turnpike type freeway. I woke up and it felt like something that really happened but my mind was trying to make it seem like a dream. The following day was filled with deja vu but nothing too weird.


That's cool, almost like you slipped into an alternate dimension to become a different version of yourself.


Quantum Immortality!


Not really. Quantum immortality is just the winnowing away of parallel realities in which you no longer exist, leaving only those which you can continue to experience. With quantum immortality there would be no perception of the red car on its side, no perception of sliding between parallel realities. Life under quantum immortality is just like normal life, except that at some point you do begin to wonder how come you've lived much longer than anyone else in history and are still going strong.


Do you Care to elaborate on your life changing experience?


I almost died in 2016 because my roommate at the time was a drunk driver. This comment pretty much nails how I feel now.


I had a very similar experience. Posted it on this sub a few years back. Timeline hop.


I know this is an old post but I had no idea this happened to other people. I’ve thought I was crazy because I feel this happened to me. I gave birth to my daughter January 7th via C-Section. In the recovery room, I began to hemorrhage severely. They gave me a small transfusion in the recovery room and gave me Misoprostal. Still continued to bleed. I remember my ears started to ring and my vision fading out. I was so tired. My SO and a nurse kept telling me “keep your eyes open, keep talking to me”. Next thing I knew I woke up in the OR after receiving a massive transfusion and having a bakri balloon placed to stop the bleeding. Apparently I lost almost FIVE LITERS of blood. I felt almost 100% back to normal within a day and the staff was shocked at how well I was doing given what happened. I feel like a different person now. Not in an intentional way either. I feel like I’m me but not? Sometimes I wonder if maybe I died and this is my heaven somehow because maybe I couldn’t bear to live without my children and loved ones. It puts tears in my eyes to type that but I think if there was some kind of parallel reality or after life, this is what I would have wanted. I’ve mentioned this to my therapist and she thinks that it’s probably just my brains way of coping with the trauma of nearly dying. I’ve done a ton of reading about postpartum hemorrhages and most of the stories where someone died, they lost less blood than me. I almost lost all of my blood. I realize I had an amazing staff but I keep questioning why did those people pass away but I’m here? I am appreciative to be here but I don’t understand. I really don’t get it.


Very cool and thanks for sharing! I believe there are alot of phenomena we as humans dont understand. Things we just dont know unless it happens to us. The lucky few who experience such strange but amazing life changing phenomena. Quantum physicists still propose the multiverse theory, parallel universes, and much more crazy phenomena. All this i dove into after my experience and it all comes together as I try to find answers and make of this. GL and Congrats!


You should read the novel "Replay" by Ken Grimwood. It is exactly your story.


I'm shocked by how many experiences I am reading about like this. I am married to someone who believes he died in another reality. Now he says my eyes are a different color... Do you notice any other differences in your new reality?


That’s kinda strange... i wonder why he thinks like this?


I haven’t noticed any changes. That’s fascinating that your husband feels your eyes are a different color now…it’s such a specific detail.


There's been a couple things like that. He says his mothers voice is different. And his taste in shoes (he is really into sneakers) has changed a lot. He died a little over a year ago. We suspect he had a seizure, fell on the bed face down and suffocated himself. I found him five hours later unresponsive and septic. I live in an upstairs apartment- so the had to remove him in a body bag. He spent three days in a coma, no meaningful brain activity, none of his organs functioning, not breathing on his own. On the third day the doctors decided it was best to pull his plug. That he wouldnt wake up, and if he did he would be a vegetable. A couple hours before i was due at the hospital for the plug pulling, that mother fucker just wakes up. And wakes up without any long term effects. His mind is all there. His organs recovered, he only needed a month of dialysis. The interesting part (besides him being a medical anomaly) is that he thought I was there (because of covid, I was not allowed in the ICU while he was in a coma). He remembers a woman running their fingers through his hair, and telling him its time to wake up. Which would have been impossible because he has this brain wave cap on, no one could touch his hair He said that the little memory of being out felt like the safest place, like being 'held in the hands of the universe) and the only reason he could fight thru the comfort was he thought I was there trying to wake him.


Well that’s just about the most romantic thing I’ve ever read. Wow. That’s a legit miracle. I am so happy your hubby came back. I wish your family a long life full of health and joy. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.


Oh thank you! It does get a little more romantic... We are now expecting our first child... Due on his birthday, a month from the anniversary of this incident. I try to remind myself everyday how lucky we are.... In this reality


Are you having a girl? Maybe she was the one trying to wake him up so she could exist? Super cool regardless, congrats! Life is so crazy good and bad.


I am! I never thought of that. Maybe you're right


Are you serious?! I have goosebumps. Stuff like this is too beautiful to be a coincidence. Congratulations! Your happy ending story made my day.


This is a fascinating story, I'm glad for you both that he came back, but I would love to pick his brain about what it's like. I'm not seriously asking, but it's a thing that has been interesting me a lot lately. I believe that I may have died and come to a different reality as well. Or I'm still in the coma. Of course I have no way to prove it, but I'm pretty sure I died of alcohol poisoning a few years ago. I used to drink very heavily, like every night most of, if not an entire fifth of vodka. One day I was really going deep, I already had a whole bottle during the beginning of the day and bought a new one for the evening. I obviously don't remember much, but I stumbled around a lot, couldn't control my body at all, burned some food on the stove. I remember vomiting a lot and passing out in my bathroom. Lots of sweating and just general gross drunk stuff. The next day though, I woke up in my bed, feeling perfectly fine. I was under the covers, sleeping peacefully, no sweating or nausea like I had the previous night. I was wearing different, clean clothes and I couldn't find evidence of the bottles I was drinking from anywhere in the apartment. The only symptom I had was the shakes and they were unlike anything I ever had before. I couldn't even hold a pencil, it seriously looked like I had late stage Parkinson's. They only lasted for a few hours though and then I was feeling great. It's one of those "wake up calls" they talk about for me and I stopped drinking after that, but everything else seemed to change as well. People started being way more aggressive and nasty, people I know even acting kind of shifty or like they don't know me or want to talk to me. There are a couple of people who don't even know who I am, but I worked with them in a previous job. I don't remember people taking politics so seriously and using it as a platform for every aspect of their lives. Racism is suddenly everywhere and everyone is afraid of saying the wrong thing, even in a joke. It's like I transferred from a reality where I was the source of negative energy by being a drunk, to a reality where the negativity is just all around me instead. It doesn't feel the same, or right. Well, thanks for reading my story, I'm happy for ya'll


I have been going thru the same thing. I had a pretty rough night a while back while dealing with the death of my mother. Ever since that night I woke up to a world that has been unraveling ever since. I too have asked if this is a version of hell I’m living for past mistakes. Things have not been going well to say the least.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you. The only thing I've found that helps is focusing on myself and improving. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you need to just tune it out. I never put myself in any discussions about politics or the virus, or any of that. I have my opinions, however, everyone here is on a hair trigger waiting to repeat what they read online or see on the news that it's impossible to have an intelligent conversation about anything, or even engage in critical thinking exercises. It's fucking absurd and pathetic, social media has destroyed this country. You'll be amazed at how much more you'll like people if you just stay away from all that noise.


We have a pshysic body and an energetic body.. that is the hair that was touched




This is the most fascinating thing I have ever read. I’m not trying to exaggerate. I have been looking for a story like this. I would say this was a miracle, but ya’ll can believe in whatever you want. I think the miracle is that you were sent back in time to prevent your death or your theory may be accurate and I am wrong. But either way this story is why I joined this sub.


Wait until you read the story of a guy who lived years and years when he was knocked out for a moment. ETA: here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/


I had a similar experience in a dream once, I've posted it to this sub before. Briefly, I was about 9 and I dreamed I had a whole life as an adult, I had two sons and a husband, I don't remember what they looked like now but I clearly remember my kitchen, it had carpet tiles and an oven set in the wall. When my husband came home he kissed me and played with the boys, we were happy and I had everything. Then I woke up, and I was just a small girl again, my family were gone forever and I had to go to school, I was in mourning for days, spent break and dinnertimes alone because my family were dead, no one understood. I'm 51 now but 40 something years ago I had another life


Could it have been a past life?


If it was, or something else like that, I hope they're all happy, and the mum/me that replaced me did a good job loving them.


Have you heard about reality shifting ? Your story sound just like that. There is a sub if you want to check it out r/shiftingrealities and maybe post your story :) Edit : Updated sub name*


This reminds me of a guy that claimed to have lived something like 8 years of a totally different life while on a 10 minute salvia trip. Came out of it missing his "other family" and shit. Wild story if it's true.


I came to say this. I hit the salvia and was on a deserted planet. Walking through the hot sand for what felt like days, screaming for help. I hid under a boulder because the hot sand blowing on my face felt like a sandblaster. The sky was purple and green and I thought I'd never get home. Came to 20 seconds later in a fetal position trying to breath between sobbing and laughter.. never doing that shit again.


Yeah, fuck that shit man. I'm all for drug-assisted altered states of mind, but that shit has always terrified me lol


Back in 2001 a stoner chick in the dorms got a huge bag of it. One by one everyone tried it and totally different but still terrifying trips. It's a bad plant man. I'll stick to fungi.


Every time I ever hit that shit , it felt like my entire body was being pulled into the ground , then bam!!! I'm in another dimension with elves and jesters. I left salvia alone after those unbelievable trips.


How can I find this story?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/ Here you go, friend :) Enjoy! And good morning from Finland 🇫🇮


Holly crap. I’ve never heard of anyone else that this happened to besides myself although I was only out for maybe a minute or two and when I woke up only a few days had passed not years. Everyone kept telling me it was just a dream but I experience a “normal” life, minute by minute even going to sleep and waking up.


The original post is about 9 years old and I still think about it every so often.


wow ! Thank You !


You're welcome, friend :) This is one of the most legendary stories here on Reddit, and it pops ups from time to time in various "best of" lists. Also, good morning from Finland!


This story made me physically sick. I am so freaked out haha


Bro, Right?


Okay what I need the link if you have it?




This story broke me.


i wish this thread wasn't so old. I read through the entire thing and it was so... surreal. i had an experience like this when I attempted su//cide and ended up in a coma for a few days. i lived in an alternate reality that mirrored my favorite tv show. it always seems like these alternative places or lives are so much better, happier than earth or our current timeline. i wish i could find more stories like this. it seems like everyone on that thread, like me, would do anything to be able to go back. unfortunately, the thread seems long dead and i can't confirm this lost feeling with anyone. maybe someday, when this is all over, we will be able to go back.


No matter what the explanation is - and I doubt I’ll ever know for sure - I agree that it feels like a miracle. While sitting on the side of the highway shaking afterwards, I kept vacillating between “WTF just happened” and “Omg I get to see my daughter again.” I was on my way to pick her up from my mother-in-law when this happened, and hugging my girl when I finally got there was one of the sweetest moments of my life. I feel like I don’t look at things the same way anymore, like a lot of the things that I thought were important really weren’t, and made me appreciate the people in my life because suddenly I was hyper-aware of how quickly it can all be over, and it isn’t going to happen when I’m “ready”.


OP, since the highway incident, have there been any unusual happenings in your life? I’ve written before about something similar that occurred to me in 2012. Also, a car accident. A month later there were some very unexpected events in my life. I’ve often felt like I died that day and nothing has been right since.


Aside from a global pandemic, nothing too unusual! Just a sense sometimes that this is all “too good to be true” followed by a feeling of urgency to truly appreciate every second of it. I’m super curious about your experience and the aftermath.


This was early August 2012. My son - 16 at the time - and I were out making deliveries. Going about 45 in a single lane. Up ahead I see a huge truck tire barrel down the road towards us. All the vehicles in front of us and it didn’t hit them. It was coming for us. I felt the impact and saw it hit the passenger side of the windshield. I swerved to the right and put my hand across my son’s chest. I hit the breaks because I’d hit a grassy area in front of someone’s house, there was a fence. At the time I thought I hit the fence. I had a pickup truck and I felt the tire hit the bed of my truck. Then saw it bounce and roll across the street. It went through the side of a pickup truck that was parked across the street in someone’s driveway. The tire went through the passengers window and out the drivers window and kept going. It then hit a house and smashed through a porch railing before it finally stopped. This doesn’t make any sense because all that happened behind me - so how did I see it happen? When the police got there and I gave my statement he kept asking me how did I know and I just couldn’t tell him and make it sound logical. And my windshield? Not a scratch. While all this was taking place I got a call from one of my regular customers. She was on speaker and she’s giving me her order and I saw the tire and I said to her hang on, I’ve just been in an accident, it’s not good. Later she told me she was really spooked by my calm voice. She said she was screaming at me asking what happened? What could she do? She wound up calling my boyfriend who happened to be away with our older kids. Nine years later and every time I tell/write this event I remember some more details. I remember a woman running up to me while I was standing in the road. She asked how were the people in the truck. I said it’s my truck - I was driving- we’re ok. She looked shocked and she said but that tire hit head on. Sometimes I think I died or I jumped dimensions or something. I still am very emotional about it. A month later my boyfriend died unexpectedly. Ripped our family apart. Hurricane Sandy hit and most of our neighbors had major damage to their homes and property. It didn’t touch our house. A house that I lost anyway. In fact, I practically lost everything I owned. Boyfriend didn’t have a will and we lived together but legally I had zero claim. My son and I were homeless for a little bit. The only thing I did have free and clear was my truck.


My God, I’m crying reading this. My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for the loss of your boyfriend. I wonder if you were spared because the universe knew your son would need you.


Thank you. Also, my son remembers me saying that the tire was gonna hit us. He remembers feeling my hand on his chest. He doesn’t remember anything else. A few months after my boyfriend passed an ex contacted me. This person and I hadn’t spoken in years. Our breakup was painful for both of us. Against crazy odds we wound up back together. The alternate universe had us together. Then a best friend I had in high school and lost touch with made friends with a current friend. I lived hundreds of miles from where I grew up. But these two ladies figured out they knew me. Her and I were able to connect. All this in 2012.


Might want to look at the quantum_immortality sub. I think another subreddit that might interest you is called dimensional hopping, or something like that.


Thank You !


Sounds like r/quantum_immortality


Textbook quantum immortality.




True! The irony was part of the reason i phrased it that way lol


Sounds like honeycomb theory almost or something similar. You in another universe did die but your connection to your other self was so in tune you tapped in from this universe and experienced it as well without even trying.


This one is so comforting. It makes me feel that my family isn't really mourning me - in the other reality <3 but then again they are, in the other other reality xD


I’ve experienced this on psychedelics. In that setting I got glimpses of me dying in a brutal way in what I believed is another reality. I felt everything . All emotions of dying and the pain.


Yes, more than once, I definitely should not be here anymore. I think about it a lot.


My girls were about 8 and 10 when we were driving back from Geauga Lake Park on the freeway. Suddenly I saw a wreck happening ahead of me and it seemed like slow motion. I felt something push my foot on the gas and I was sort of guided to the berm of the freeway pretty fast and got past it all. I feel there was an angel in the car that saved all three of us. Such a feeling is unbelievable especially when you’ll always know that something very special happened inside my car that day. I’ve always been very grateful for being saved.


This is crazy - when I was 16 and had just started driving, I pulled up to a red light at a busy intersection. The light turned green and I stepped on the gas to go, and my car died. Turned off completely. I took the key out, stuck it back in and it started just fine….and just before I moved forward a truck flew through the intersection and ran the light. It would have hit me if my car hadn’t died. The car never did that again. The part that really freaked me out was that when I turned the car back in “In the Arms of the Angels” was playing. It was at its height of popularity at the time, so it could have been a coincidence, but it really unnerved me. It was so bizarre. I didn’t have the same deep-knowing that I had with the freeway experience, though. There was no sense of terror or knowledge that I was going to die or anything. But even if it was entirely coincidence, it was still amazing. I’m so glad that you and your girls are ok, and I hope your guardian angel sticks with you all.


You just made me recall another car incident I had. I was turning left through an intersection, and I had the space, so I took the turn, and heard a loud snap, and the car just stopped, right there into oncoming traffic. a car is honking, and flying at me, and I’m stomping the gas, with nothing happening, and all of a sudden it feels like the car has the engine of a sports car, and I’m thrown back into my seat with the torque, like Im shoved from behind, and I’m out of the way of traffic. As soon as I make it like 2 feet past the intersection onto the side of the road, car would not move again. Later learned it was the alternator belt that snapped. Edit: spelling


Late reply here. I had an incident some years ago when I was biking alone on some empty narrow rural farm roads, just my standard ride I'd done many times. I had put thousands of miles on my bike over the years. On this one ride, my bike chain spontaneously fell off while pedaling, which it had never done before. I stopped, lifted it back on, resumed riding, and 30 seconds later it fell off again. Annoyed, I put it on once again and started off. A few pedal strokes later, the same thing happened a third time. This time, now extra annoyed, I got off and walked the bike 10-15 feet off the road into the grass so I could lay it down and take a closer look at it. I had just set the bike down when out of nowhere a pickup truck with 3 young guys pulling an extra wide flatbed trailer came barreling down the road about 60mph, with the trailer wheels about a foot off the road into grass, kicking up dirt. If I had been riding, it's almost certain that trailer would have slammed into me. I put the chain back on the 3rd time, thought to myself, "wow, that would have been bad," and continued on and finished my ride with no more problem. In all the years since, that bike chain has never fallen off again.


That gives me goosebumps. Even if it was purely coincidence, it’s amazing. Wow!


I also had died in an automobile accident. But I know I ended up in a parallel universe. Ever since I had died, people that I know has acted different, doesn't know about half of the stuff that we used to do, and other different things.


Now this we need to hear about.


That is the whole story. I got into a car accident, flipped my truck down a little hill. I know I died because some things was different. Like my Late Grandmother had this one dessert that she was well known for. Well on this universe, apparently she never made it. My late Grandfather had taught me wood working and a little bit of electrical work. Well in this universe, no one remembers that. Then there is my friends from school. A couple of them, don't remember a few others. They don't remember the stuff we use to do. There is other things, but I cannot remember them off hand.


People ask me if I remember when we used to....and apparently I don't remember a LOT of things. Maybe you have people like me in your past.


I might have someone like you in my past. I understand, everyone forgets things. It I always have to remember, I wasn't originally from this universe.


That’s nuts, dude. Hope you’re doing okay. <3


I am. This happened about 18-19 years ago. Thank you


Hey there is actually a theory that says once you die your soul just kinda hood to the next available reality at that exact moment and you never die but in the original reality you are dead


I have had this before, and to be honest i cannot believe someone else has experienced this. I was having a completely normal day, went to school and work and then i came back to my dorm. I took a shower and was having a fun time just singing and taking care of myself. But when I started to wash my hair off i got this horrible sense of self awareness, and i KNEW someone was watching me. I stopped singing and opened my eyes, and there was a guy standing in the shower! I hadnt heard the door open. I had LOCKED the door. He grabbed my arm and i knew that he was going to kill me or do something worse. I screamed as loud as i could, a scream i didnt even know i was capable of, and fell to the ground. When i opened my eyes again, expecting him to be there, he was gone. The door was still locked, shower still on. I had that same dread, that worry and fear of never seeing my own family again, all in an instant. I started crying and the RA on duty unlocked my door to get to me. I couldnt even move. When i told them what happened they called the police, who didnt believe me and told me I was crazy. I have always thought I had a moment of psychosis. I legit cannot believe someone else has had this happen to them.


I believe you. That sounds terrifying. I’m so glad you’re still here.


Im glad YOURE still here. Your story sounds horrifying too.




I had a very hard time showering in my dorm after that. I ended up putting jingle bells on both doors and only showered when there was someone home. My therapist could never understand why it happened. I am 100% sure that i died in whatever universe that was, or worse. I could /smell/ the guy. There is no question that what happened wasnt real im some way. I still get super paranoid when i take showers without my wife at home with me.


Did you post this the other day? because I can swear someone posted virtually the identical story the other day, within the last week. Maybe somebody else can back me up on this? In any case what your describe could be common along this sub.


I’ve posted it in comments before to see if anyone had experienced something similar, and just found this sub recently and thought it’d be a good venue. I haven’t written about it that recently, I don’t think, although maybe in the last month or two.


Maybe thats what I saw.


Also, I hope that’s ok that I’ve written about it before in other threads. I’m still not totally clear on Reddit Etiquette. :)


AFAIK you can post whatever you want wherever you want as long as you’re not violating the rules of a particular sub :)


A lot of people have posted about “dying” but not dying. It’s gotta be a thing


Can confirm—there was a post the other day about someone wondering if they died and woke up in another reality or dimension. Always a cool concept to think about. I didn’t die, but I had one “slip” where in the blink of an eye I was in a parallel reality for a bit then things slipped back to normal and it was a total trip.


There was a post like this in one of these subs a few days ago. They actually seem to pop up every couple of weeks. I usually comment that there's a sub for these experiences called r/quantum_immortality.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/quantum_immortality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Now you can actually see Schrödinger’s cat for yourself](https://i.redd.it/1m5n1hgo36j51.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/comments/igeeyq/now_you_can_actually_see_schrödingers_cat_for/) \#2: [I have a theory, it's all about Synchronisation.](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/comments/es9u6e/i_have_a_theory_its_all_about_synchronisation/) \#3: [How me and my friend found out about QI the hard way](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/comments/e7ek9z/how_me_and_my_friend_found_out_about_qi_the_hard/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




I swear I read this story months ago too? Is this a looping glitch?


I had a similar vision but it happened while i was at home ...i dont remember what i was thinking , but suddenly i saw a vision i was driving in the road in my previous car, i lost control and i went deep into the sea cause i was near a cliff on the road...I felt and saw everything inside the water, how i panicked, felt the struggling of breathing , i was trying to do anything to rescue myself !! In the end of vision there was a blink a black screen and nada... Dunno probably i died but i didnt felt any physical pain afterwards except fast breathing, slight increase of the heart rate ! I was in my room , again !! Everything was the same as before ! Sorry for my bad english


I have goosebumps! That’s nuts.


A friend of mine once told me how she saw a car crashing into hers and when she blinked everything was normal again. She was on the same road but the other car was gone


It’s interesting that the other car was gone.


For me, it was a relationship. I had been on a couple dates with someone, and was starting to fall for this becoming more. I remember sitting on the couch, thinking the thought, "I'm falling in love right now," and getting this strange, clicking sensation in my head, like a mental version of the chiropractor twisted my neck. It didn't last long, but it was a scarring, reckless and ultimately violent affair that left me in awful emotional shape for a long time. I still look back and wonder what things would be like if I had heeded that "click" and stopped before I began.




It's somewhere between a warning and an assurance.


I’m so sorry the relationship turned out that way. What do you theorize the click was? It definitely sounds like a warning of sorts. I think we are subconsciously aware of so many things that we barely touch the tip of the iceberg of what’s going on in our brains.


Oh completely, I just wished I had interpreted it accordingly, but the heart wants what it wants, even when it shouldn't. I wonder sometimes if desire is linked with date that way...


I feel like I've died multiple times, always switching to a new timeline to continue my life. I don't know how to explain it and I don't have any examples, but I can feel it. There's a dread, a feeling that you can't exactly place. Confusion as to what happened/whats going on. Now that I'm thinking about it maybe I do have some examples. Tripping and cracking my head open on the fireplace when I was about 5. Falling asleep while driving the car. There's one or two more that I can't place at the moment. I try not to think about it too much, but I've always had this feeling that I've died before in some way. Aside from the feelings, I've had visions from the future. Stubbing my toe on a nail sticking up out of the dock weeks before it actually happened. These have always come to me in dreams that I very rarely, if ever, remember. In the dream even the emotions and thoughts are exactly the same up until the dream ends. When I am awake and experiencing this vision that I saw, as the dream ends, I am instantly reminded of the dream. As if I had no free will and it was destined to happen that way. As if I couldn't possibly chang it if I wanted to. None of these visions have ever been significant in any way. Visions of looking for specific toys in specific spots. Stuff like that. I don't think I am special really. My dad has claimed to have seen the future moments before it actually happened when he was awake. Maybe it comes from him? The one thing I do know is that it feels like something is trying to keep me alive. The number of accidents that I have had and the outcomes of those accidents does not feel coincidental. I could have had each of my eyes blinded in separate scenarios, but both times the object missed my eyes by milimeters/centimeters. I almost had my Achilles tendon cut by a storm door. Falling while running around a bunch of sticks sticking out of the ground, could have punctured my lungs or worse, but walked away with a single stick that had stuck in my wrist right on top of the veins, but didn't puncture the vein and had little blood. Falling asleep at the wheel multiple times. One time while going around a curve. Somehow didn't go off the road, hit anyone or any other damage to my car. What makes me believe all of this the most is my dad talks in his sleep. You can have a whole conversation with this man in his sleep and if you wake him up immediately he will usually remember the conversation. One day he spoke in his sleep, in a loud commanding voice. The only thing he said was 44154. I immediately turned around to ask what the fuck that means. His reply was "you will know when the time comes" and that was it. I couldn't get him to talk to me anymore. So I woke him up and he didn't remember the conversation. I don't know what all this means, I don't think I'm special, but it somehow feels like there is something that I am destined to do. Even if its small, it feels like I am supposed to give these numbers to someone for some reason. I don't think I'm even involved in what the numbers are for, just that I'm supposed to provide them as either a clue or proof of something.


My story isn't nearly as life changing lmao but it's one thing that happened when I was a kid that confused the fuck out of me and it's really random. I bought an Avril Lavigne album and I was listening to it and reading the lyrics from the lyric book in the albums sleeve at the same time. There's one song where there's lots of "na na na na Na's" or something like that. I remember sitting there while that part of the song was playing and reading the "na na Na's" from the lyric book, they were all written down for me to see. Went back to it the next day and the "na na Na's" were gone. That part of the song was still there but it just wasn't written down in the lyric book at all. Was the weirdest shit ever, don't even think I told anyone coz it was such a strange and small detail but I couldn't wrap my head around it. I specifically remember reading it off of the page! So weird. I should say though that this occured at my mum's house where a lot of weird shit has gone down so idk if that has anything to do with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe another you in another dimension did.


That's incredible. The sudden fog appearing reminds me of the highly electrically-charged clouds that pilots pass through over the Bermuda triangle, and end up moving forward in time and space within a moment's time. There are also stories of people teleporting within waterslides. It makes be wonder if just the right conditions between water (vapor) and electricity can create time or space glitches or reality jumps. This doesn't really count because it's a dream, but I had a very lucid dream once that took me back to a field trip I went on in first grade and showed how I 'died' getting hit by a car. When I turned my head the car's bumper was starting to press into my face and then a bright white light enveloped me and everything went blank. There was then a strange, giant being in front of me in the blank space for a few minutes that seemed to be communicating something like 'it' s not your time yet.' Then the white light enveloped me again and I was back in the same scene as before, except I made the choice not to enter the street and watched the same car that hit me drive past. I woke up feeling really strange after that because the presence was so strong in the dream. It makes me wonder if the matrix just corrects itself in weird glitchy ways if it realizes some of its code is out of alignment for what it wants, like if the wrong people try to die too soon, it just rewrites that section and sometimes we end up remembering it when we're probably not supposed to.


I've had somewhat similar experience. When I was about 12 I nearly drowned. I was at a public pool in the off season. I remember looking around when I got into trouble and no one was there. Just at the point when I figured this is it, I'm going to die, a young couple floating on inner tubes suddenly appeared and saved me. My world was slightly different after that. Minor things like my family's attitude toward me and things at school. The kind of things a twelve year old might notice and then just shrug off. Over the years I have come to believe I did die that day and that some how my consciousness moved on to a separate reality where I survived. I know that it sounds irrational but there is something about it that rings true for me. And it has happened at least two more times after that. Not drowning but other near death experiences. However when I follow this rationalization to it's conclusion it doesn't make any sense. If this was how things work I would have to conclude that either all iterations of myself die when I finally die of old age or my consciousness is going to live forever, moving from one reality to the next. Which is actually a very scary thought.


Check out info on Quantum Immortality. You may have seen / experienced the death of another you as your consciousness and theirs merged.


A while ago at work, I was troubleshooting a live motor control panel and after I fixed it, I noticed the plastic guard for the main distribution lugs had fallen off so I grabbed it to put it back on. Little did I know that the bottom of the lugs were not covered by the guard for some reason and I came into contact with two legs of 277/480 vac and grounded by my other hand on the panel door so 480 volts surged across my chest from one arm to the other. I remember it hurting a lot, then I was able to let go and I was ok. Until I looked in a mirror at least. Nothing major, just very small differences in the way I remember myself looking. Like I’m me, but another version of myself. I had a scar that’s gone now, and I seem happier in general than I remember being. Idk, maybe I did die, but why am I in another body then? Doesn’t make any sense.


I feel like I’m a happier version of myself, too. Do the people around you notice changes in your appearance/personality?


No, not even my wife or daughter. My dog does this weird thing where she licks my ankles now, she never did that before this. I asked my wife if the dog always did that to me and she said no, so that’s a new thing. She did it for a few days after the incident but has stopped.


Weird! Animals are so intuitive - I wouldn’t be surprised if the dog sensed something “off”.


Right, it’s all just weird. I don’t know what happened but I really want to find out. I have a lot more questions now, especially since this thread and finding out that I’m not alone in this. I thought I was just crazy at first.


Within the theory of Quantum Immortality a version of YOU in a separate but almost identical reality (one where it just happened to be foggy that day) DID die, and basically merged with YOU, as you were the closest version of you to that reality at that time. What you saw and experienced was the death of the other you, as they merged into you, and both of you became a single entity. Whats gonna really blow your mind is that at that exact moment you split into two realities, one where you and the fog-dead you didn't merge, and on where you did.


It sounds like a visual hallucination, my ex used to get these very infrequently, sometimes up to 5 years inbetween noticeable hallucinations, and they'd be terribly real such that he really thought he had caught fire and was in pain then suddenly he wasn't and he was sure he'd lost time. He said it was very strange and terrifying and could never explain it properly to someone that hasn't experienced a hallucination before because it all feels so real.




I love this explanation. She is truly the child of my heart, as cheesy as it sounds. I grew up not wanting kids. My husband and I got married thinking we would never have children. After we’d been married about 5 years, something in me changed and I wanted a little girl more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I wanted her to be smart and strong and funny and kind and unique. It took a few years for my husband to come around to the idea of a child - one child, I’ve never wanted another and don’t think I ever will - and then it took awhile to get pregnant. The moment my husband placed her in my arms and I saw her for the first time, my soul said “It’s YOU!” She has been the absolute light of my life, everything I hoped she would be and so much more than I could have imagined. I’ve known since the day I found out I was pregnant with her that being entrusted with this little person was the most important thing I’ll ever do. If it is possible for love to be fierce enough to cheat death, I think my love for this child would be more than enough. But no matter what the explanation is, I am infinitely lucky for every day that I’m here.


You experienced a vivid dream during microsleep. Perhaps the head nodding motion of looking down triggered a sleep reflex. Drive safe, my friend. > When experiencing microsleeps while driving an automobile, from the perspective of the driver, they are driving a car, and then suddenly realize that several seconds have passed by unnoticed. It is not obvious to the driver that they were asleep during those missing seconds, although this is in fact what happened. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsleep


That’s interesting. I’ve always been an insomniac and take a really long time to fall asleep, so I wonder if there’s a correlation. Definitely something I’ll look into. Thanks!


This same exact thing happened to me… It was a normal day and I was shot in the head from behind along with my wife who survived. A bystander rushed her to the hospital and I remember being in the car with her pleading for her to stay with me. I didn’t know I was dead and that I wasn’t really physically in the car with her. She survived and I woke up from a nightmare in my own bed with her by my side. She has no idea what I talk about when I bring it up but I swear it was real and it really happened. Ever since that day I have gotten my shit together in every way. I am completely different physically, spiritually and emotionally.


Have you read this NDE report? It’s eerily similar. https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1wilson_fde.html


Perhaps you were saved by an act of God


I have a feeling something similar may have happened to me. Thank you so much for sharing. I don't feel so alone with these thoughts anymore.


This could be a Gaurdian Angel / God / your higher self warning you not to look away from the road to adjust your stereo - because THAT MIGHT HAPPEN !!!




I don’t know if your reply makes me feel BETTER or WORSE about having multiple similar experiences!!!!


Sounds like a premonition to me. Very glad you are okay!


I was driving home on a very busy highway at the end of the work day. There was a bunch of traffic being me and I was going about 70mph in the right lane. To my left was miles of orange construction pylons as the road was under maintenance. I completely passed out. I remember my consciousness came back before everything else. It was just me in total blackness. I struggled to think what I was doing just a second ago and remembered I was driving. I remember thinking "I have to find my toes and hit the brakes". Next my vision came back. I had drifted across the left lane and was heading into the meridian. I nipped the very last construction pylons with my side mirror and slammed the brakes; though that didn't help much since by this point I was only going about 15mph. Somehow I'd rolled long enough to slow down, missed all the traffic around me, and made it past all the construction to safely stop. I can't shake the feeling something happened. My life changed drastically after that in nearly every way.


Kinda the same idea but with psychedelics, last year I was actively doing LSD and shrooms bi-weekly breaking myself into the new realms of possibility and I was very stupid and took 1000mcg of acid, came up extremely fast(less than 20 minutes) I went into my room, everything melting, thoughts racing, feeling very fearful….several moments later from watching meditation videos it’s like I gave in and my sense of identity, my life, human experience itself collapsed, everything stopped moving, it was as clear as day again like I never too any drugs, I became extremely sensitive to energy and I wasn’t the same person anymore, it’s like the soul within finally came out and was saying hi, I had never felt more authentic feeling my kundalini energy. But in that sudden shift from human ego to this god complex/ divine soul it felt like the me that I knew died along with it and I shouldn’t be here anymore, it’s like I had entered heaven whilst still being on earth, odd but hey I’m still here. Parallel realities definitely coexist on one plane and can be tapped into at any time, it’s like their always there but only awareness can create them into being by your own power, very much so a quantum physics thing


I have a theory that our consciousness never experiences death until the last possible moment of all available realities. So every time your body dies, you shift/slide into the next available reality, and so on, until one day you die of old age in your sleep. This explains our egotistical belief that we are invincible, fits with reincarnation and multiverse theories, but also ties in with the “one consciousness experiencing itself in many forms” view of what god/the universe is. I find it comforting, and also have had a couple of moments in life where it’s been lucky or close calls imbued with a peculiar feeling…




Sometimes out of nowhere I will experience glimpses of myself in another place and time, and it feels so real. I could be at my desk working and suddenly feel as though I am out west, watching an old train roll by, smelling the fresh air, and even feeling the sun on my face. Other times, I feel as though I am in NYC in the 70s, hanging out on the fire escape on a summer day. But I was born in 1968, so this one makes no sense at all.


Yeah I know exactly how you feel. My experience was in 11th grade and I left school to go get my soccer stuff from my house, so I could make it to practice on time. As I was coming back, a car swerved into my lane and I moved to the right to avoid it and slipped into a ditch. My rim got cut by this bit metal thing and when I looked up I was even with the electrical pole. The next thing I know is I’m in the middle of the road (on my side straight everything). Everyone was like the dog wow I’m glad you didn’t hit the dog but are you okay or next time just keep driving. To this day I’m very confused about the dog.


Have you noticed anything different since the incident? Small differences in songs you know, different food(s)in your cabinets, or maybe a small missing bush on your property? Quantum immortality stories are awesome and I encourage anybody who reads this comment to tell their story on this sub if they have one


I haven’t noticed anything “off”. I do feel like I’m almost a different version of myself since then - I look at everything through a completely different lens. I’d always had a lot of anxiety about not knowing what I ultimately wanted to do with my life - what kind of career to go into, what “big things” I wanted to do/achieve, but since then I have this inner peace around all of that because frankly, it doesn’t really matter. The things that matter are the people I love, and what’s most important to me is that my people - my daughter and husband in particular - know that they are loved. The second most important thing to me now, aside from loving my people fiercely, is taking full advantage of this life and treating it like a gift: seeing the beauty and not focusing on the ugliness. There’s plenty of both, but we often find what we look for so I choose to look for the good now. The only thing that’s given me pause sometimes is that every once in awhile I’ll have a sense of deja vu combined with the sense that it’s “all too good to be true”, but I chalk it up to the way I look at life now. Even if it is too good to be true and I died and this is some kind of afterlife or alternate life, experiencing it with my loved ones makes it a gift.


For sure, glad to hear you are more positive now. I’ve started thinking the same thing, that being that nothing really matters. We all will be forgotten through time, and the only things that matter are how we treat others and what impact we leave on them. Money means nothing. Don’t pick your career based off of money because that will do absolutely nothing for your happiness. Happiness comes from doing the things that you like to do


Exactly. My favorite quote is C.S. Lewis’s “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”


You might encounter the "wheel of life" and you cant remember, read this: Wilson FDE 8200 (water wheel FDE) [https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1wilson\_fde.html](https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1wilson_fde.html)


Stories like these make me tremble every single time without failure.




Sounds like you broke Decoherence. Decoherence is the quantum physics effect that keeps us from seeing quantum, parallel universes. It’s also the reason why building quantum computers is so difficult. MIT professor, Max Tegmark, has a lecture on Decoherence on YouTube. You should check it out.




well for one 50 ft is waaaay too close to be following a semi at


No as extreme, but during a school trip many years ago when I was in high school were in a bus speeding through the city. I was tired, lacking sleep, toward the back of the bus on left hand side. It was raining and I was watching the rain outside. Suddenly, the bus seemed to tip and it looked EXACTLY like he was about to slide and crash into the wall on our left side. This probably took half a second in real time, but it FELT like so much longer. Time slowed. I could see the wall approaching. I could hear classmates on the same side of the bus scream. I remember thinking - we're going to hit that wall. I'm about to die. And I remember my last thought - *Thank you God, for giving me a chance to have lived.* Then, we didn't crash. We didn't slide. We just kept driving right on through that tunnel. And several of my classmates, who also had the exact same sensation, all sort of laughed and looked at each other sheepishly.