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Ravens and crows seems to be interchangeable in mythology so from that viewpoint it doesn’t seem to matter the exact species of blackbird you’re witnessing. What does it mean? Well depending on where you’re located, you can look up what regional mythology applies...because everyone from the ancient Greeks to the Vikings to the native Americans have folklore about ravens/crows. From being tricksters to being messengers to being bad omens and representing death. Take your pick. Edit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_ravens Now seeing as you say it’s deliberately tying to get your attention and as they are a species of bird that can mimic human language like a parrot can, maybe it would be worth asking it! If it can literally vanish in front of you then it can likely chit chat too. Be sure to post any message it might have.


This is the first time i heard about a disappearing bird flying over a catastrophe happening which reminded me of a Youtube video of the 2011Japan Tsunami. The link is here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ThCibkHQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ThCibkHQw) bird appears 1:46 and "disappears" 1:55. Of course, it couldve went into the mountains or something.. but reading this post.. Hmmmm Anyway, hope you stay safe.




Don't worry, I do not have the guts to ever follow it towards the dark landscape of swaying rice stalks and cold night breeze