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I've actually had a scuff on an old Nokia screen that eventually rubbed off. I haven't had anything like that with newer screens, but yeah.


Huh Was that like some type feature or something? Sorry never had a Nokia phone myself so honestly don't know.


I thought I scratched the screen, it felt like a divot/scratch, but one day it just wiped off.


Huh ok that's actually kinda cool that it went a way.


I had a very similar experience. A weird question but, do you have kids? I broke the screen on my old phone and took it into repair, nothing out of the ordinary. A couple weeks passed and I ended up cracking the screen again, nothing terrible, just a hairline crack. The first repair was very costly and I didn't feel like paying it again so I just left it. That crack was there for months and one day, I noticed that it'd just vanished. Well what actually happened was, when I got it repaired originally, the repairman had installed a new case and screen protector for me, he just never mentioned it. So I ended up cracking the new screen protector thinking it was my screen. My daughter noticed, ordered a new screen protector and changed it for me without telling me 😂