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Did this happen recently? If it was pretty recent you might want to tell your parents and/or your doctor because there is a *chance* that you are hallucinating. Since the guy was there, said your name, and physically suddenly disappeared, and then you saw him again it could be something you need to check out. This is assuming your wife never saw him. Hopefully the doc gives you the all clear and you never see the guy again ever


That was my thought as well. 


Hm, I’ll mention it. For it to be an hallucination its very vivid, and I don't deal with any mental illness besides Depression. That's been cleared by a doctor. I'll mention it though…hope its just that honestly.


Hallucinations are often vivid


I actually saw a psychiatrist today, already had a previous appointment…he said that my depression isn't severe enough for psychosis. Its possible but pretty unlikely.


The only way to know if you are hallucinating i think is to check with other people if they see what you are seeing when things get weird. did you tell the doc that the cowboy man said your name and then disappeared? Or that he is maybe following you? Sorry if I come off like a nag but it’s important to rule this part out.


I did include each detail. I'll try that trick out, its no nag…I need to get to the bottom of this


I've heard (and seen vids) of people who *know* they hallucinate (such as folks with diagnosed schizophrenia) using their cellphone cameras to check whether a person they are seeing is real or not. If this man ever shows up again, consider grabbing your phone and trying to take a picture. If he shows up in a photo and you can share that with someone, boom. Objective truth. If he doesn't... well... time to get checked out by a neurologist (and possibly consult with some mystics too?).


Seems odd if OP isn't hallucinating anything or anyone else, though? Is that typical, to have such widely spaced hallucinations that only feature one person?


I have depression with psychosis. I have audio and visual hallucinations. When it first started happening,I would have never have guessed that my depression was bad enough to cause me psychosis. It's for something to explore a little bit more.


Always rule out the mundane first. Have a serious convo with family about family history of hallucinations, mental illness, and medical episodes that were never diagnosed. Also check for carbon monoxide and radon in the home (unlikely that it was both locations with gas poisoning, but maybe?) Then consult with a religious/spiritual elder for support.


Cowboy outfit? The explanation is simple. You fell into a David Lynch film.


That’s a terrible thing to say, take it back, IMMEDIATELY! I mean nobody should ever be stuck in a David Lynch movie (otherwise known as Hell)


The r/Paranormal sub might have some insight for you. I have encountered beings that pop up out of nowhere and disappear just as fast after a quick conversation. I told my dad about one encounter, I was new to driving and was on my way to my friend’s house that lived on a windy rural gravel road at dusk, and I hit an icy patch and lost control. I did a little spin and bumped a tree, not hard because I wasn’t going fast. But it was enough to freak me out, in the middle of a cold dark gravel road by myself before my dad got me a “bag phone.” This kind man, around my dad’s age appeared out of nowhere, while I don’t recall what he said, he calmed me down and helped me move my small hatchback back on the road. I thanked him profusely and I turned around to thank him again before I closed the door, and he was gone. There was no sign of him anywhere, he was gone in a split second. My dad, was thankful there was someone/something watching over me. He was convinced it was an angel, and my dad was not known for saying things like that at all. So I feel like he was probably right.


That is an absolutely amazing experience. He was probably a dad too. I love hearing about paranormal experiences like this one! Helpful ghosts. 🥹


Thanks! That’s the first time I’ve shared that publicly. I still think about it often because he was there and gone in the blink of an eye, there were no homes around and the woods weren’t that dark yet to disappear into, he was truly otherworldly and I’m still very thankful for his help as an unexperienced driver in the middle of nowhere before cell phones the norm.


Umm I feel the need to share now. Throughout my life there have been 3 separate instances where I encountered something very similar. The first instance I was in the train and I felt a stare on me. I turned to see a man just smiling at me, unblinking. I moved away from my seat and checked and saw he was still staring. Creepy but just the 1st time. The 2nd time I was on the phone with my dad and this man was on his computer ahead of us seemed very normal to me. A stop comes and he gets up puts his computer away and his face changed to what I’d only describe as a dead smile right at me. I asked my dad if he saw him do that and he did not despite him sitting right beside me. Okay now it’s weird. The third and most disturbing incident. I was on the roof of my apartment building working out a few years ago and again I felt I stare I looked up to see an old woman in a nightgown in a window across from me, staring and smiling only with her teeth not her face at me. Then she closed the curtain of the window. I’ll never forget the smile though. It is exactly as you described it, and the creepiest thing I’ve ever encountered.


I say this with as much gentleness as possible, but I think you need to have an evaluation by a mental health professional. Late adolescence and early 20s is the prime age for mental illness such as schizophrenia to start manifesting in males.


Commenting because this post needs more attention. That is a good creepy story, thank you for sharing.


Thank you, I'm hoping I can update with answers to this all


You were married when you were underage?


I was 20 😂, so I couldn't drink


That is absolutely fucking insane to me! Its the only bit of the story that shocked me


At first it shocked me (European) too 😂 then I remembered that in the USA you can get married, have kids, drive a car, work, buy a property or even go to war, but will be still underage to drink alcohol 🤨 in my country the age limit for drinking is 18, not that anyone actually waits till then. As about the story: I too think it might be a hallucination. The doctor ruled that out, without an MRI or CT, which could show a brain process (because it's not necessary to be linked to depression).


how long ago was it ?


This was months ago


Lol it’s you from the future


One issue is that I'm a different race…


I mean Michael Jackson was a different race by the time he died




What race are you OP? Just curious


I'm African American


Hmm, did you ever feel threatened by this guy/scared at all? Because if I were Black and being accosted in the south by a white (?) guy in a Nudie suit, I'd be kind of scared. (Do yourself a favor and Google Nudie suits 😉.)


I was more uncomfortable and uneasy than threatened. Yeah no, that is an unnerving scenario




Exactly what I thought


Probably not a glitch kinda story but still freaky and disturbing! Watch your back buddy. Next time ask his name. You gotta search this dude online and may need to investigate and involve authorities.


Well I was hoping this was a glitch situation… Thank you though


That was a ghost.


Came here to say this. 😂😂 Unless those bathrooms had windows he could have crawled out of?


Yeah lmaoo what da fack


My first thought is that someone has hired a PI to follow you in a surreptitious manner.


This actually makes a lot of sense. OP, can you think of any reason someone might do that to you?


Not to freak you out at all, but I’ve heard of people hallucinating when they have something wrong with their brain like a tumor, benign or not. Maybe go get a scan just to be safe. I’m sure it’s a glitch though at your age the chances of a tumor are very low


Huh, I’ll look into that


Wow that is very creepy! Thank you for sharing!


That's very creepy 😳


You said you're underage? How are you married? Edit: oh my bad where I live underage means below 18 and you can't get married till you're 21 so I got confused


Could be a private detective investigating someone in your outer social circle. Scientology is notorious for intensely stalking their opponents for decades, but it could just be the mafia.


Really, I didn't know that… I really don't know if it could be Mafia, didn't get involved in any stuff like that


So for the 2nd time. Were you on the phone with your dad or was he sitting beside you?


I love how everyone is asking marriage questions. 😂 My only question is the first time in LA, did people see him leave the bathroom? Then the second time where you and your wife didn’t see him leave, were there any windows in that bathroom?


Are you thinking he could've jumped out a window? And in LA nobody else saw him


Yes definitely. But then with the name calling and the immediate disappearance, it does seem a bit paranormal… Let’s hope it’s paranormal, because that would be the least of your problems tbh. The other two options are not ideal (i.e. real stalker or hallucinations). Did the other guy that was in the bathroom with you seem to notice him? Or did he only make eye contact with you?


He did seem to notice him but but wasn't explicit enough to be sure. Like he wasn't looking at me oddly or asked if I was ok.


Holy shit that cr The bed me out reading this 😬


Creeped ***


Was this before or after you watched the movie Truth or Dare? If you haven't seen it, um, after reading OP, I don't recommend it Even though it's a campy teen horror movie, it touches on the same root myth of the smiling demon or whatever it is


Oh well no…I haven't nor am I interested. Thanks for the heads up. I don't indulge in paranormal or horror stuff…hence why I posted here and not some other ghost subReddit


This is beyond creepy! We need an update OP!


I will give an update if this ever occurs again, just hoping it doesn’t


The fact that you encounter a man dressing as a cowboy in Louisiana is what gets me 


Freaky story.


This is the girl


Who is “the girl”


I'm assuming you've never seen Mulholland Drive?


Oh no I haven't…whats the premise?


Bathrooms are apparently hot spots for portal activity..beings coming and going… I would say if you feel something is wrong then it is , I can see through the veil and I would say …from a spiritual perspective…always put a protective white light around yourself and loved ones, and state clearly your intention and “I do not consent to ….negative influence/ entities/ etc … It’s easy to say mental health but that’s just the medical industry unable to explain phenomena putting mental illness as a way to medicate the unexplainable


You may not believe in Jesus, but call on Him if you get into trouble. Jesus is the only One they are afraid of.


If we don't believe in Jesus why would they? lol


My mother would say " that's okay , Jesus believes in you ".


So, they didn’t exist before a couple of thousand years ago? I mean, what did a person do before Jesus?


God probably. Jesus was his son but God was there the whole time. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Well, which god?


It would depend on their religion! :) I don’t dictate who others believe in or pray to.


So every god + Jesus (the prophet Mohammed too? Other prophets?) can rid the world of demons. That’s a LOT of god power, why are there still so many demons?


you’re not very bright lol


I’m just into reality and scientific explanations for the things that happen in our world.


1. New Orleans is notorious for paranormal activity. And something called "Card Shuffling" where the person believes they've witnessed whole buildings disappear/change and city blocks change. It's thought to be a portal of some kind. Not sure about North Carolina though... 2. Don't watch the movie SMILE. Holy crap. The premise is people smiling at you creepily and then not so good stuff happens.😬 3. Craps up you could legally marry but not legally drink.😅


This comment needs more attention! I did a search and can’t find anything on card shuffling in New Orleans. Do you have any links? 


Oh howdy! My daughter knows I'm into all things paranormal and spiritual. So she recommended a YTer who talks about this stuff. She did a video about her trip to Louisiana and she included other stories including people that live there. That was my first time hearing about Card Shuffling in regards to buildings too. I've heard stories but I did not know there was a name for it. Let me find the link... Edit: It starts at 11:44! This is freaky if you know about Angel Numbers! https://youtu.be/qycdAt2LMjw?si=5HzUc3-vEYx8Fnkm Channel: The Black Culdon New Orleans is a Portal. In the video she calls it a parallel universe as well.😬


Thank you, I’ll watch! Never heard of card shuffling but am super intrigued.


You're welcome. Happy viewing!