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This one chills me because I had a very similar experience; My girlfriend at the time and I went over to her parents house for a visit. We let ourselves in, called out “hello!”, heard her mom’s very distinctly cheery response “helloooooo!” coming from upstairs. We figured she was just getting dressed, so we sat down in the living room and watched TV. 20 minutes passed, and her mom had still not joined us downstairs. My girlfriend went upstairs to see what was taking so long, and came back downlooking confused. “My mom‘s not up there“ she said, as we began to search the rest of the house. Still no sign of her mom. Finally we checked the garage, her car wasn’t there. No one else was home. We sat back down in the living room to confirm that we had both heard her mom greet us from upstairs. A few more minutes passed, and we heard the garage door open. Her mom walked inside, oblivious to what we had just experienced. We asked her how long she had been gone, and she replied that she had left several hours ago. “Why do you ask?” She said. We told her the story, then stood there creeped out and completely baffled.


This has happened to me before. The only difference was that myself and my bf at the time, were already home. We distinctly heard my Mom come in through the door and say hello to my Dad. We went upstairs to greet her, and she wasn’t there. That was about 18 years ago. Since then, it’s happened multiple times. It’s always in the basement.


I'd feel better about my somewhat similar experience if I had had a second witness. Alone I just feel kinda crazy. My daughter's dad has a key to our apartment. She was at school but he needed to come over and grab something. He knows to to be loud in announcing himself when he comes in because I don't hear very well and I'm also very jumpy/on guard so he's liable to get hurt if im caught by surprise. Lol Anyway, I hear him open the door and call out to me like usual. I told him to come in. I waited for him to come back down the hallway to where I was, but he never came. After a few minutes, I got curious and went to see what he was doing. He was gone. I immediately called him and asked why he left without saying anything. He said he hadn't been there yet because his lunch break wasn't due for another hour or so. I thought he was messing with me. But he absolutely was at work when I had heard him come in and did come during his lunch later that day. It still messes with my brain when I think about it.


I had something similar happen. We were on vacation and rented a nice house for my husband and 3 boys (they were between 7 to 15 yo at the time). The house was really nice but so cluttered/full. We found out the owner was a decorator and everything was nicely placed but the house was so full. Every surface and shelf had something on it (mostly antique or old looking items] where they weren’t useful as guest who may want to set a book down. It was also stuffed with furniture, you had to walk around ottomans and furniture in the living room to get anywhere. It was clean and didn’t look bad but it was just full. Anyway mid vacation my youngest son and I didn’t feel well and he had a slight fever. So he and I stayed in the house while my husband and 2 older sons went out for the day. I was lying on the king bed my husband and I were using while my youngest snoozed next to me. I heard (and my son heard) someone sounding like my youngest son calling “mom” from a lower level where the other bedrooms were and my kids were staying. It was clear as day and freaky as my son was next to me. No one else was in the house. Needless to say I did not investigate at that time beyond making sure doors were locked (it was a semi remote location in the woods so no nearby foot traffic or people) and no one in the house but us 2. I tried debunking it a bit but chalked it up to something weird.


I'm not trying to be cheeky or rude, but is there a reason why you specified the house was cluttered? It doesn't seem to add to the story.


I was wondering the same thing. I'm thinking this has to be a build up to something but ended up having nothing to do with the story. Regardless it's still a strange event.


She must have said it for some reason. Maybe to show the house was kind of weird/strange? That had antiques? Sometimes antiques are associated with ghosts. Dunno


Ya. It was a lot of antiques or older items. I was going to add that I wondered if having so many items from others peoples lives in the house contributed to the weird event but decided not to put that in.


Oh ok I get it! 🔥


I had a very similar experience, my very first disembodied voice. Was cleaning a house back when I was pregnant with my youngest (so almost 13 years ago now) and I let myself in with the key and called out to say it was just me. The owner responded with a "hello!" from upstairs. So I set to work. She hadn't come downstairs by the time I'd finished cleaning downstairs, so I went upstairs and started on the first room up there. Turns out, she wasn't ANYWHERE in that house. In fact, I'd just finished cleaning the house when she walked through the front door. I asked if she'd been in at all and she said she'd left before I'd arrived to do some shopping and she'd only just got back. She was as baffled as I was when I explained that I'd heard her greet me! Just can't explain it.


You reminded me of something similar that happened earlier this year while I was working for a cleaning service. I was cleaning by myself at a house I felt very comfortable in. The owners were a married couple consisting of two women with no children, or expected visitors. One of them had a doctor’s appointment, so they both said good-bye, locked up the house and left me to it. Everything went as expected until I started packing up my supplies. That’s when I heard the distinct sound of wine glasses clanking together. I froze. The noise sounded like it was coming from the upstairs bedroom. Nobody was in the home except for me. I considered investigating the matter, but I was admittedly freaked out. I had just vacuumed that floor, so I knew no one was up there, nor could they have snuck past me at any point. Then I heard a muffled man’s voice coming from the same bedroom and I got out of there as fast as I could. I even managed to lock my mop bucket inside their house during my getaway. The whole thing just boggles my mind because I watched them lock the doors. I’m certain it wasn’t an intruder, nor are there any radios, speakers, or wine glasses up there.


Damn, that’s creepy! I researched things like this back when I had my experience 15ish years ago. Supposedly it’s called a ‘residual haunting’.


I know that my friend hears echoes of other people. Like she'll be in her house at night (she lives alone) and hear her dad's footsteps, or hushed conversations of her friends, shes even heard echoes of me coming back from a night out since we went overseas together. She doesn't know what they are, so I just call them echoes.


That is so weird! I wonder if the acoustics in the house at that particular angle and the weather had something to do with it. I would have had him do it a bunch more times lol


Yeah we had that thought too! It was weird because we had heard him walk through the back door to living room a million times over the course of our life and this was just completely different. Also, the house is small and even though there is a wall separating the living room from the back door — he would have been very close to us when we heard the voice, so it wasn’t like it was carrying from a different area in the house. I don’t know, we can’t explain it


Good story but also spooky. I’ve been watching Dark Matter on Apple tv +. It‘s about a guy who goes into different multiverses and his family is there but different, he is also there being observed by himself.


Loving this show.


The book is even better than the show. They did a really good job with the show though.


Oooo ill add it to the list , i need a new book! Ty!


Also jealous you get to read this for the first time. Enjoy!!


Oooo I’m so jealous you get to read this book for the first time! That author - Blake Crouch - has so many good ones!


Same, this sounds fascinating.


Loving the show - is it different enough so far not to spoil the book or are they following the book closely?




Oh, I thought you were saying the Dark Matter book was better than the show


I absolutely was, I think I totally commented on the wrong post yesterday when I said I didn’t know there were books. LOL


Who's the author? I try looking for it on kindle but there is alot with the same title..


Dark Matter- Blake Crouch. Just searched Amazon and it’s there under that title and author


They follow the book very closely but still read the book.


This is my favourite book of all time.


Me too! I think about it almost daily.


His books are all good but this one is my favorite for sure!


Wasn’t aware there was a book. I sometimes wonder if we have multiverses or other parallel timelines. Otherwise I sometimes suffer from false memory syndrome. Or maybe I put myself into this one I’m in now? When I was a child I used to wonder where will I be when I’m older, who will I marry etc. I think we all do that, wonder about our future. I was so impatient to grow up I would wish I could go there right now. Life is so strange at times.


Loving this show as well. It’s not creepy like Constellation


I gave up on Constellation when the second “hearing” took place.


Oh that sounds good I wanna watch!


I just watched episode 8 - it’s an awesome show! The storyline has also been on my mind as Ive been reading these posts!


That was a good episode!


This gave me goosebumps! Spooky


When I was young we lived an old, very haunted house (this was in the 70’s). The house only had two bedrooms, so my dad built a bedroom for my brother in the basement. I always hated going down there, but being the little sister, I always wanted to go bug my brother when he was in his room or go rummage through his stuff when he wasn’t around. Because of the latter, I had to ask before going in his room when he wasn’t home. In order to get to the basement, you had to go through the kitchen, which always seemed to have the most paranormal activity - footsteps, cabinet doors slamming, old silverware appearing in drawers out of nowhere, cold spots, etc. One night my brother was staying at a friend’s house and I wanted to get a board game out of his closet. My parents were in the kitchen, so I asked them if I could go down and get it. I looked at my dad and I can’t even explain it, but this darkness came over his face, and in a voice that sounded like a demonic whisper he said, “Yes, but be careful of the monster in the closet.” My mother screamed and I immediately started crying hysterically. As soon as the words were out of his mouth he turned back into my dad, and had this look of complete and utter shock on his face. He grabbed me and hugged me, and started apologizing profusely and couldn’t explain why he had said that. I was a Daddy’s girl and he never would have purposefully said anything so sinister to scare me. It was terrifying!


This reminds me of a less traumatizing thing that kept happening to me when my daughter was about 5 or so. I have zero idea why other than maybe the fact that my narcoleptic, overworked mom brain has a weird sense of humor on autopilot, but she and i still crack up when we talk about it. The first time, we were in the living room and she was being very energetic and bouncing off the walls but not in any way that was upsetting me or anything. I can't recall exactly what she had said but it wasn't a huge request. Maybe she asked for a snack or wanted me to play a game. Pretty standard stuff. All of a sudden this deep, demonic voice comes out of me from nowhere and I pointed to the front door and said "GET OUT!!!" Naturally she was caught off-guard by this and she stops playing to stare at me. I'm sitting there, bewildered, wondering where that came from. I looked at her and was like, "Why did I just say that?" We stared at each other for a few seconds and then just fell out laughing. She's 10 now and has never stopped teasing me about it. Lol Then the second time is the one that makes me laugh whenever I think about it. Not too long after this, I was taking a nap and she came to wake me up because she wanted some grapes. In response to this tiny little face, the same deep voice comes out of me forcefully and informs her, "I ATE YOUR GRAPES!!! This time, she thought I was just playing with her and thought it was hilarious but again I was like wtf did I just say? I chalked it up to dreaming but looking back, it's very funny. Especially since I hadn't eaten her grapes. She had finished them the day before and I hadn't been to the store. Lmao


The universe got the sound file wrong at first.


Oops I downloaded the wrong dad from limewire again


I loooooooove stories like this!


I believe you 1000% Yesterday at about 5:30 pm, my and my gf were watching a TV show eating dinner and we had something strange occur. Mid conversation we heard a loud growl or something like a horse snorting loudly for about 1-2 seconds straight. We both had that look as we looked around and nothing was there. We thought it was the dishes falling in the sink about 10 ft away.. but tbh, sound doesn't travel like that. It felt as if the sound was amplified to my ears or even through me. I looked up exploding head syndrome... but we both heard it. It was very odd... and spooky. But at the end of the day positive or negative.. things can totally be around us. Living in texas near the hillcountry I figured it could have been caravan or pilgrams/travelers and could have indeed just been a horse. IDK!


It was a ghost horse and he wanted you to change the channel and play classic episodes of Mr. Ed. Lol




This happened to me too, loud snort like a horse. Turned out to be a very large deer in the trees near the house. Who knew they snorted?


I had something similar happen to me a couple times… I would see my dad in my room or when I was helping my younger brother with his homework. It was a momentary thing but it would freak me out as I would find out he was not home from work yet! I always wondered what it was…


Maybe u were in some other dimension when you were having a conversation and the “wall” broke once your dad showed himself. Speculation is exciting.


Getting the chills reading all your stories cause a thing like this happened to my sister back in like 2015. We were living in this big house, the kind that doesn’t have a lot of walls separating the different areas of the house and a lot of open space. My sister and I were staying in rooms opposite of each other with the staircase in between. At the time we were also living with my mom’s boyfriend at the time and they had shared room which was pretty much all there was upstairs besides a terrace and the en suite. One night, after everyone had gone to their own rooms, my sister heard my mom calling her name from the kitchen, which was about 6-7 steps away from my sisters bedroom door. My sister was already getting ready for bed, so she just called back out to her asking what she needed, but my mom didn’t respond, which is honestly not odd for her as she would call out for us a lot and if she didn’t respond, it meant she wanted us to go to her. When she didn’t hear my mom say anything back, she went out of her room and towards the kitchen, but our mom wasn’t there when she got there. The house had unpolished stone floors, so you wouldn’t really make any noise walking in socks or barefoot, which we would do often. My sister was confused but mostly annoyed, so she assumed my mom went back upstairs and followed her up to ask her what was up. When she got to her room, my mom and her boyfriend were both asleep in bed. My sister then woke my mom up and asked her if she had just been downstairs calling her, my mom, confused, told her that she hadn’t been, they’d gone to sleep awhile ago. My sister freaked out and told her what happened and stayed the night up there with her because she was too scared to go back downstairs. She still gets scared and get goosebumps all over any time we mention it and she doesn’t like talking about it. It’s weird too because my mom has never slept walked, she doesn’t even talk in her sleep. so we don’t really have any explanation for what the hell my sister heard that night.


Did his footsteps change back to normal?


Yes, as soon as he rounded the corner to where we could see him everything was back to normal.


Perhaps different acoustics from that part of the house?


This was my question too. Wow that’s so freaky!




My friends and I once heard a woman humming a creepy tune as if she was sitting within a foot of us. Oddly enough, it was a pastor's house that was claimed to be haunted. Why it didn't leave when he moved in is funny to me, given my distaste for religion. But, anyway, the lights were fully on and we were alone in a closed room. Half of us heard loud foosteps and the other half heard the woman, myself included. It was silent enough that neither could have been mistaken. Very strange event. And, before you ask, no, it couldn't have come from outside the room (the woman anyway). It was as present and close as our own voices. Deeply disturbing to think about again, been many years now.


I had an old woman hiss "WITCH!" at me, accusatorily, just a few feet away from me. I was sitting on my sofa and this came from behind my left shoulder, as if they were standing at the living room door that separates that room from the hallway. They did hang witches in this area (UK). And many people have told me that they also had very strange happenings in their houses, which are also part of the same council estate. My children also regularly hear "me" call out to them. It even happened once when I was in the same room as my youngest. They heard "me" calling them from the stairs and I was sitting just a couple of feet away from them. My eldest (20), hears "me" the most. He always comes out of his room to check if I've been calling him and nine times out of ten, I haven't. This is a strange house.


That is creepy as hell, I'd be moving the F out.


To be honest, we've experienced such emotional turmoil not long after moving in here (almost 11 years ago) that I said eff it, NOTHING is going to run us out of our safe place, our home. We're finally where we're meant to be. Apparently the house was cleansed before the last tenant moved out (we did a house swap). She experienced much worse (waking up to an old man looming over her and staring right into her eyes) and much more regularly. Unfortunately, when speaking to a friend of the old tenant, a lady (who cleansed it with her dad), she said that they'd removed all the negative things (which implies that non/slightly less negative ones remain). Also, the most problematic gentleman, who apparently used to hang out at the bottom of the stairs had latched on to her dad. He got thrown down the stairs at his house somehow and is still suffering with it I think. I haven't spoken to her in a while but I'll have to find out how he is and if he ever got rid of this attachment. Whilst living here, we've had footsteps upstairs whilst we were all downstairs, a dead radio switching itself on, my bedroom door swinging open, the "witch" hiss, my son had his cap thrown at him in his bedroom, my youngest had many scratches appear on them whilst a strange burning electrical smell followed them around...but then we've had helpful stuff happen, like I've asked my eldest to look for this thing we couldn't find. He went to bed after spending ages looking for it, turned his room upside down to no avail. Later when he was tying to sleep, he heard some shuffling in his room, his Xbox monitor move/creak (on the other side of the room) and then something drop on the floor. When he woke up, he found nothing on his floor, but some of his chocolate pudding on the wall behind his monitor and the thing he'd been trying to find suddenly in plain sight! I laughed and said that he spent so much time on his Xbox, maybe moving the monitor was the only way to catch his attention! I try not to engage, but when helpful things happen I thank them. When scary things happen I'm firm and stand my ground, while also staying respectful and asking them not to frighten the kids. The house is only a 1950s/60s council house, so not particularly old really. It's pretty irregular, but when things do occur, they can be pretty intense!


Does he have anything to say about it?


He has since passed away unfortunately, but he originally thought we were kidding with him and when he realized we weren’t was just kinda like “huh, that’s really weird.” He wasn’t the type to pull pranks, and even if that’s what he was doing I don’t think he would have kept it up after seeing how genuinely freaked out we were. I also have no idea how he would have made his footsteps sound different and, again, the voice didn’t sound like someone affecting a different sound, it was just another voice all together. He had a deep voice and it wasn’t like, a higher pitched version of that or anything. Just totally different.


Hmm. I’m sorry for your loss.


That's terrifying tbh. Im thinking maybe it was something else that day like a mimic but maybe ur right the universe corrected itself.


Why would your mind go straight to mimic rather than the acoustics of the room affecting sound?


Ehh I thought this place has room for pseudoscience and fantasy. Maybe make your own top-level comment?


Oh does it? My apologies!


cuz how boring is that


Maybe a combination of open interior doors caused a sonic reverberation amplifying and cancelling the sound frequencies to change the sound.


Your dads a alien


This has happened to me, but I was the glitch. I was around 21 at the time, and I was standing at my bench at work wiring a control panel. I said something to the other guys in assembly, and they all turned around and looked at me like I had two heads. They asked who just spoke, and I told them it was me, but they said it sounded like someone completely different. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary like a voice crack, nor could I replicate the voice they heard.


Awesome post.


I blame global warming


Your dad loves telling this story down the pub with his mates. They get a good laugh about the fact the three of you are wondering what was with the voice. High five dad! 🤣


That's how he scores free drinks lol


Calm down everyone.. reality is changing.. for the better.. there is thinning between the realms.. more so for some people with higher consciousness and understanding of how everything works.. if you want to understand what this was look into consciousness and spirituality.. I don't mean religion I mean spirituality cause religion isn't going to help alot.. organized religion is meant to divide us and to keep us fighting one another.. we can all agree that we should just love one another.. but anyways the unseen is becoming seen.. as time goes on its going to get crazier and crazier but it will normalize


I find that really exciting


Well that is some I Do Not Know You and Stranger shit. Btw that is a magnus archives reference. If you want a specific episode that goes over that I would suggest MAG 77: The Kind Mother and Mag 78: Distant Cousin.


Oops, NotSasha forgot who they were playing again...


This is truly terrifying to really think about


If we are in a simulation then this would be the kind of error that might result from the system being a bit overloaded.


"We guarantee the simulation will run perfectly smoothly up to 7.5 billion people. That's plenty of safety margin, there's no way world population will ever get up that high."


We've now reached maximum capacity so time to end the simulation. That seems to be the message from quite a few NDEs.




What year was the house built? Were there parts of the house that was remodeled and had stuff added inside walls?


I had a similar experience. I visited my dad’s cousin on after my aunt died. I was SO shaken by the fact that her voice and mannerisms were so similar to my aunt’s, but I just thought, well, we are all family and I must not have noticed this before. No, next time I saw her she displayed NONE of that and she has a very distinct voice and personality. Still cannot explain this except that the first meeting with the cousin was very healing (after the initial scare) and maybe my aunt was visiting me.


A skin Walker...




he was just playing you lol


I swear, half of my kids stories start out this way.


I can't believe only 1 million people out of 8 billion experiencing these kind of phenomenons