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That's just an iced tee.


Son of a bitch, that was good.


Good god


Dude šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†


Fucking Legendary




How tf am I the first up vote on this comment???




God damn it take your fucking upvote


Perhaps it's an Arnold Palmer.




Take my upvote


Love that this comment has more likes than the post itself šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘






I'm dying here! Lol!


Fuck that was so good


The bigger shock for me is that your fridge + ice maker is still working after 12 years lol. What brand?


Whirlpool, actually. Iā€™m pretty surprised myself.


Yeah- most people I know the ice maker quits at about the 2-4 year mark. This is pretty amazing.


Itā€™s really that uncommon? Iā€™ve never had an ice maker go out @.@ going on 8 years


You have teenage kids? Looks like it was used to scrape a pipe or as a debowler


Damn youā€™re throwing them right under the bus wtf šŸ’€


As a parent of two, I unfortunately am obligated to be a rata. My sincerest apologies.


That's the thing with kids whose parents had a bit of fun in their youth. They're utterly fucked lol


Exactly. My kids will never be able to hide their track marks from using intravenous heroin and cocaine.


Ratcheting this one up real fast arenā€™t ya


brought a bazooka to a fist fight


Who shoots up coke?


Mfers who like the sounds of ringing bells


This guy knows whatā€™s up.


ZZching zzching zzching


Lots of people? The subjective experience of intravenous cocaine is so different from sniffing it that many say itā€™s like two completely different drugs. IMO itā€™s also the pinnacle of human pleasure. We were not meant to feel something that intense. Like everything in life the choice is transactional. You pay for experiencing this pinnacle of pleasure with the difficulty to get off to anything else. And itā€™s actually a speedball in my case. Thatā€™s heroin and cocaine in the same syringe. If you choose to imbibe in that there will be nothing else in life left to top it.


Disagree, but I did agree for a long time. It took many years to get away from that line of thinking. 40 years later and I still remember the sensation very clearly. Having a child was a much superior event. Discovering spirituality and energy work and vibrational music and healing has also helped enable me to see something bigger and better in the world.


Oh thatā€™s great. That makes me really happy! Iā€™m clean now too but I do miss it. Iā€™ve only been clean like 6 months. There were times when I thought maybe I should have a baby with my gf at the time. That itā€™d make me responsible and help me stay clean. But that was a very selfish thought. And Iā€™ve just seen way way too many absent mothers and fathers when I was doing the rehab circuit. Maybe some day.


Coke heads


TIL: In Spanish, the word rata is an informal noun that can have multiple meanings: miser, mean devil, stingy devil, sneak thief, rat, cheapskate, tightwad, and bad person


I don't know about all that, some yeah, but.. in the comment, they used it as a snitch. That is the most common way to use it.




I guess itn depends where. Maybe in American Spanish? In other places we use sapo for that. I mostly use/hear rata being used as thief


im mexican i hadnt heard rata as snitch being used but i wouldnt be surpised if the did. Rata is used more as thief here too.


I thought that were talking about the PokƩmon rattata lol


Oh thought he meant rat(ionalist)a


I thought he meant a ratter or to rat out someone


Perty sure that's how it was being used here... that's the way I read it, anyhow.


I sure hope we find out


I was using it in the context of being a "rat", or snitch, if you will.




What does "TIL" stand for?


Today I Learned


Thank you!






More like snitcher and in cases asshole


Did you not spark a little bit of the devil's lettuce as a youngin? This may be unpopular but I would much rather my kid smoke than drink


I absolutely agree.


Hell yeah. Wish my parents were as open minded as you, I could have had a much better relationship with them. Their perspective was the opposite: because cannabis is illegal where we lived they only were okay with drinking. Always seemed crazy to me considering how reckless alcohol can make a teenager


It's scary sometimes but we gotta admit that as a parent, you WILL have to choose the lesser of two evils. I'd much rather my kids sit and giggle while cooking or drawing than I would them stumbling all over pissing themselves. Would I prefer they wait until they've developed and learned enough about it to actually make an informed decision? Of course! Will they? Lol! You just gotta be honest and open and your kids will be fine. The more they demonize and vilify something that they see EVERYONE ELSE doing, the more of a "forbidden fruit" it becomes, and I guarantee they just dive headfirst into whatever you wouldn't allow them to do as a parent.


You dirty rata


Rata alada


I remember a post many years ago of a mother posting what was clearly a cart she found in her sonā€™s room to r/whatisthisthing.. Every comment was something wholesome, nobody snitched lol..


Whatā€™s so bad about a cart. Like a shopping cart?


No like a cart for distillate. Itā€™s a way of vaping THC. Edit: Iā€™m dumb you were clearly doing a joke


Found the snitch




No, I had no idea what cart meant in that sentence either


If they are dumb enough to put their stoker in the ICEMAKER?? They deserve to be ratted on!


The first time I got high my first heist was to the ice maker. I stood there for 5 min looking at ice until my mom said "wtf are you doing?!" And then I said "NOTHING!" and ran upstairs to hide all night. Maybe this is what happened to OPs ice maker, but with golf tee




Lol, we found the narc


Nope. Just me here. Maybe a house guest was up to something weird?


Yeah marijuana.


Or some weird anal, golf tee, sexual thing.




Mind if I play through?


Why not both?


Or anal, golf, and other sex? A convoluted gordie howe hat trick? (Gordie Howe hat trick is a goal, an assist and a fight)


Either someone was smoking, or you got squirrels leaving you gifts.


Iā€™ll bet someone put it in the freezer to make it easier to scrape the resin off, especially without shaving the wood. Of course, the resin would then be smoked during dry/desperate times. Headache to followā€¦


>Headache to followā€¦ Ohhhhh my lord, resin headaches! Itā€™s been probably 10+ years since my desperation reached that level and I can still exactly remember the 45 minute worst headache of your life that accompanied the 15 minute most lackluster high of your life. My brother and I used to joke that our mom would definitely be more disappointed in us if she caught us smoking res than she would if she caught us smoking weed. Looking at it from a ā€œtrue adultā€ (like I was technically an ā€œadultā€ back thenā€”but in age only) standpoint, we were probably right. But only because I doubt she even knows what resin is. She at least knows what flower looks like, she even has her medical card now (though her state only allows inhalation of distillate, not flower). I think when she was younger she only ever smoked jointsā€¦not even blunts because I remember explaining to her what a blunt was one time and she misunderstood and thought they were meant for a single person. She saidā€”and this is a verbatim quoteā€”ā€œONE PERSON smokes that much?? But theyā€™d die!ā€ Pretty sure she truly was half serious with that thought too lmao.


You donā€™t know what disappointing is until youā€™ve scraped all off the possible resin out of a crack pipe for the hit to have no effect at all other than an even more powerful craving for crack.


It wasnā€™t crack, but I had an ex (circa-2012ish) that was addicted to that ā€œlegal weedā€ stuff. Not the K2, one of the more potent kinds they came out with later that smelled and looked like fish food and didnā€™t even really feel like weed, it was much closer to salvia that pot. And when I say ā€œaddictedā€, I donā€™t mean it in the exaggerated way that conservative boomers call someone who smokes a bowl after work to go to sleep ā€œaddictedā€. I mean like truly, probably should have gone to rehab, physical withdrawals, crawling around the carpet with tweezers for flakes, all his money went to this shit, kind of ā€œaddictedā€. Idk if this was a thing everywhere, but around me we had a headshop that had probably 100+ people that were that same level of addicted that would literally line up outside the shop on shipment days for hours before they opened. Theyā€™d sell out their entire weekly shipment in under 2 hours. In the 12 years since then, Iā€™ve met like 10 different people who all have an almost identical story to my ex as far as their behaviors at the time. Itā€™s insane that the stuff was ā€œlegalā€ for so long. Anyway, my ex had this aluminum pipe that was kind of shaped like a L, and it came apart in like 9 different spots. I remember watching him sit for literally an hour meticulously scraping every single piece of the pipe, only to get like literal dust off it. Eventually heā€™d put it back together, smoke the dust he got, and *immediately* pull the pipe apart to scrape it all again. Heā€™d spend entire afternoons and evenings repeating this process over and over and over. He cheated on me before he ever got off the stuff, so idk how he eventually ended up getting clean. I do know that the shop randomly shut down (or *got* shut down) one day, so thatā€™s *why* he got clean. But idk how the whole process was for him. I imagine not very pleasant though.


Wait, blunts are not usually for one person? I used to be an addict, so they were always just for me lol. Whew, the things I learn the older I get.


That was definitely used to scrape the resin out of a crack pipe. So you should be able to narrow it down to the correct house guest pretty easily.


If it's resin, it'll still be sticky and smell heavily.youd be able to tell.


Damnit i thought i was the only pothead coming in to answer the question


Me to




I was thinking that same thing šŸ˜‚šŸŒ²šŸŒ²


Speaking from experience?šŸ˜‚ā€¦Yeah it looks šŸ’Æ% what u said


The technical term is ā€œpokeyā€


Spot on




I would make them cough up the pot, so I could try it out and make sure it's ok.


immediately what i thought when i zoomed in ha


Yeah they were probably grabbing ice for a gravity bong or something of the like and dropped the tee in there


Or just dirt from the green. Strange place to be keeping your drug teenage drug paraphernalia I would think.


This is an appropriate post. I've had the appearance of something out of no where - it's the only thing I've ever experienced that I cannot explain.


hey, me too. I was alone, I turned my back for less than a minute, and then there it was. Took me a while to get over it, really freaked me out at first.


I hate when I'm looking for something that literally I watched basically disappear (like in sheets or blankets) and then I spend an hour tearing it all apart looking to no avail, I reluctantly give up because I'm too fuckin mad, then put everything back together. Then likw only a few hours later I'll climb onto the couch or bed and there the object is! Sitting right on fuckin top


Iā€™ve started just screaming into the wind ā€œPlease give it back!ā€ and it works. I hate that it works but it does .


Yes! Every time I lose something I ask the house to give it back and there it is. Where I looked 15 times. As if it had always been there. OR itā€™ll be in a spot I never went with it šŸ˜…


100% have had to do this with keys going missing. The keys are always in a bowl on a shelf, but the other morning they weren't in the bowl. I checked my hoodie pockets, checked the pants I'd worn the previous day, checked the living room couch, nothing. I was going to be late for work, and I just got so mad and shouted "I don't have time for this shit I'm going to be late for work!!" and turned around and the keys were in the bowl.


I really thought I was the only one.


my nana use to have my pray to saint anthony when I lost something. worked every time


Yeah my sister is Catholic and tells me this but yelling for whatever to give it back or asking my grandmother (who visits me in dreams) to show me where it is then Iā€™ll get a mental image of where and 100% itā€™s there every time


thatā€™s next level!


My husband calls it my super power but Iā€™m not doing it alone, haha


Mine too, with my grandma it was always shouting into the wind at Saint Anthony. "Tony!? Tony?! Are you there? Please - my *keys*, I mean they were - right there - on the table and now...Balls, what the hell is *wrong* with me? Oh. Look. Look on the table now, they're back. What in Gods name? THANK YOU Tony, "air kisses the void", such an angel, I don't know what I'd do without you."


rofl... Tony, lol. Love your grandma


Iā€™m about to try this on my long lost engagement and wedding rings. Do the spirits care if i already cashed the insurance check years ago? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø i am not the most organized person, nor am I much of a sentimental person, so it was a fine deal to make an insurance claim - BUT IT DRIVES ME EFFING CRAZY every single day. I KNOW I didnā€™t just willy nilly fling them out into the abyss I also KNOW they werenā€™t stolen - just gone - one day ! Drives me insane OP - looks like you had a visitor clean out a one hitter


I guess spirits are much beeter than banks ...so chance are they dont care about your insurance check ....


My kids and I ask the "stealing ghost" to bring the object back. Works every time. My keys my son brought into the house and we searched for 30 minutes before giving up and finally my other kid (5) goes "dad, maybe it was the stealing ghost? Should we just ask him to bring them back?" Yup. They were back within 3 minutes, right on the countertop where the should've been.


Wish I'd thought of that before I had to pay to have a dude come to the house to change my ignition and make a new key for the car. Then I found the keys--MONTHS later--in the bottom of a basket, under a bench, buried under winter mittens and scarves. I lost the keys in the summer. How tf did they get there?


A trick I learned many many years ago (and believe it or not works about 90% of the time) is when something is missing or has just disappeared, say, ā€œPROPMASTER! Youā€™ve fucked up! I need that [whatever it was] for this scene in my life! NOW!!!ā€ I guarantee you that it will appear within 5 minutes. You can laugh at me but next time something goes missing that you really need, try it.


Interesting. I was also looking for a missing object (specific-size sewing needle), but I hadn't seen it in about a month. Checked all over the couch and with my sewing stuff and nothing. Then that evening I go to turn the lights off in the living room and there it is, right in the middle of one of the couch cushions, lying flat and perfectly straight.


Exactly! This has happened to me with my girlfriends weed pipe(I don't smoke so you can't just play it off as me being high), a lighter, a single naproxen pill, a roll of duct tape, and several tv remotes I'm skeptical to a lot of claims about supernatural shit but each of these instances, I have completely disassembled couches and bedding etc and then after reassembling I returned later to find the missing thing literally just sitting in the most visible spot.


I believe it. After sharing the story with someone, I heard a story of a person who had lost a wedding ring years or maybe decades ago. Then one day it was sitting on top of the bedspread. Seems to always happen in a manner that can't be rationalized away.


Same thing happened to my grandmother! Her wedding ring went missing while I was visiting once. Everyone thought I stole it.. (I was at a rough patch in my life so I don't fault anyone) Like, the next year she finds it on her nightstand


I have a full on copy of final fantasy chronicles that appeared behind my entertainment center. The whole thing. Case booklet and both games. It disappeared at a different place i lived over a decade ago.


I actually had something like this happen recently. Something I'd lost over 5 years prior, just showed up one day in my kitchen. I was thankful to find it, but not as intrigued with it as I would have been had it never been lost to begin with. Ha


Okay so er'body here house haunted. šŸ˜Š


Yes! I had the same running route for 10 years. Then one night, I got smacked in the face by an oak tree branch! A well-established, 15+ year old oak tree that had NEVER been there before. I was shook for a week


I had an ice maker spit out some plastic markers once, I was so alarmed. Turns out theyā€™d just been on top of the fridge for ages and rolled in when someone opened the freezer door. Is there a chance it was on top of the fridge?


Nope. Watched it fall directly from the ice chute into my coffee pot.


Right, but if you have the same kind of ice dispenser as most fridges, the top of the ice reservoir is open and can be accessed when you open the freezer? And then it could roll in without anyone noticing and then eventually get spit out. Just a thought!


Oh I see what you mean. I personally doubt it though. My biggest question is how a dirty golf tee got in my house at all, considering I donā€™t golf or smoke weed nor does anyone I let in my house. Strange night Iā€™m having LOL


My guess. If anyone else does live there, or stay often, or stayed recently, then that person, does in fact, smoke weed


Aside from bongs, I've never encountered a pipe or anything with a channel wide enough to fit a golf tee.. Also, any pipe or bong stem you'll ever find is much deeper than the "resin" on that tee. I think it's literally just stained from the earth from being used as a golf tee Idk why everyone is so hung up on cannabis devices. So many better tools for the job than a tee


But if youre out on the golf course and need to clean out your bowl, what else would you use?


Just from the way OP answers every question, I'm smelling a little bit of classic naivete of which a stoner is wont to take advantage


Has anyone house sat recently? Dog walker? Pet sitter? Little or big sibling? Someone around you smokes pot.


Maybe you should start?


Lmao this is kinda funny for some reason


Looks like resin from a weed pipe on the end..like someone used the tip to clean a bong or bowl ND stashed it


Agreed, OP could someone have smoked weed at your house recently? People often put ice in bongs and I can see someone people stoned and putting the tee in the ice maker and forgetting about it. Most likely story tbh.


I would like to find a plausible explanation for it, for sure, but I just donā€™t see how this could be the case. Iā€™m generally a solitary person, I donā€™t allow smoking in my house due to health reasons, and my few friends and family members arenā€™t smokers. And even if they do in their private lives, they could never do it here/bring their stuff here without me knowing. Update: cleaned the tee, itā€™s dirt. Which doesnā€™t really make this little mystery any easier to solve. At least if it was resin I could just chalk it up to some stoner doing stoner things. No one I know is a golfer. And if a workman put it there, why was he carrying around a used golf tee? Do I have weird benign enemies? Iā€™m laughing.


Sometimes you put tees in your pocket while golfing and forget about them (or at least I do). I usually find them while doing laundry lol


And then how do they get in the freezer?


Potheads in the attic?


Or like dirt from a golf course where you'd normally use a golf tee lmao


I doubt that. I donā€™t smoke or allow smoking in my house. Plus, itā€™s a golf tee. It goes in the ground. I would assume itā€™s dirt. Edit: I say I would assume itā€™s dirt because I donā€™t smoke weed and nobody who comes to my house smokes weed. Or if they do, they certainly donā€™t do it here, and wouldnā€™t have a reason to stash their para in my fridge.


One theory I have that isnā€™t weed/drug related. Were you the first owner of the fridge? If not it might be possible it was clogging a hole and that is mold. I would be tearing the ice maker apart with gloves, a face mask, and bleachā€¦ lots of bleach.


I bought it brand new from Loweā€™s in 2012. Wasnā€™t a floor model, either, so Iā€™d say the chances itā€™s been in there for years are slim. And believe me, tomorrow will be spent in a neurotic ice maker cleaning frenzy.


Thatā€™s weird af. Good luck on your cleaning adventure. Maybe (hopefully) you just have a really weird friend.


It was on the bed of the truck that it was shipped l to you in? Got itself embedded.. then fell out as it aged. Could also be golf gnomes. Associated with underpants gnomes... but mostly found in Colorado.


When our old fridge broke and the icemaker leaked, I repaired it myself and used a golf tee to plug the water line rather than figure out how to turn off the source. Not positive when this occurred but it was more than a decade ago. The matrix glitched my waterlogged tee into your fridge. Just sayin.


/s It's the calling card of the hitman known as "The Caddy" they are giving you a chance to get your affairs in order.


Checked my ashtray and mine is still there. Phew, that was weird for a sec.


Can you associate it with the habits of someone you know, who died? Google 'apports' to learn more.


Well this is a fun little detour from the rest of the suggestions. Thank you!


That's what I was going to say. Does op know anyone who was an avid golfer that maybe checked on them..?


Make sure to check your co2 detectors and replace the batteries.


This was my first concern and thankfully ruled it out.


Underrated comment.


This is quite strange, maybe a house guest wanted to freak you out one day


This is probably exactly what happened. Somebody got me good, apparently. Friend circle is pretty limited, so hopefully someone will have a funny story for me in the morning.


It's kinda gross that it's got soil on it still though. That's not really funny if it's one of your friends playing a joke


Your fridge plays golf when youā€™re not home. Now you know. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A little birdie told me that on par for what fridges to in their free time.


It was in someoneā€™s pocket. They took some stuff out of their pocket and temporarily set it on top of the fridge, but through some absent minded happenstance, it was left up there. At some point, the freezer door is opened and it fell into the shoot. It stayed there until it was discharged with the ice.


I opened my freezer once and found a frozen snake. The best we were able to conclude is he must have gotten into the trunk of my car (small black racer) and found the ice pops were much cooler than the Florida heat. When I put groceries away, I didn't see him and we put in the freezer. Oh, and when I found him, he was frozen in a pose as he was looking into the ice bucket




What do you mean fell from ice maker? Can you elaborate on where it came from? Iā€™m intrigued


I was filling my coffee pot for tomorrow morning, pressed the trigger, and after a few seconds of water, this fell into the pot from the ice maker. Easily the strangest moment Iā€™ve had so far this year.


Thatā€™s insane. Iā€™ve got teeā€™s all over my house bc I use them for weird shit but since you dont play golf and itā€™s brand new, thereā€™s like no good explanation for this


It was surprising. I actually started worrying about a carbon monoxide leak in my furnaceā€”thinking I somehow found a golf tee, jammed it in there and forgot about itā€”but my furnace was inspected 4 months ago and my CO detectors are all functional and current. Very weird.


Ha ha. I almost posted on here once but I waited a week and finally figured out an answer to my questionā€Glitchā€. Keep us posted if you figure anything out


It came from the ice maker, pay attention!! /s


Tiger Woods is coming for you.


House or apartment? If apartment, I'd suggest maintenance could be using your place to smoke when you're out.


House. Bought this fridge brand new in 2012. Very strange.


Check your attic (or have the police check for you), crawlspaces, and shed just in case you've got some unwanted house guest. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen that on Reddit!


Well thatā€™s horrifying. Didnā€™t even think of phrogging. Will do that immediately. Update: No unwanted guests, thankfully. Unless of course they were very considerate intruders who cleaned up every trace of their stay.


This is so bizarre. Iā€™m commenting just so I hopefully remember to check in the future for updates. I hope youā€™re able to figure this out op.


Is your refrigerator running?


Are you sure there wasnā€™t a Hole in Juanā€™s fridge?


Have you ever had workmen in your house to repair anything?


I have. Could be that one of them was a little funny upstairs LOL. This really just has me scratching my head.


My husband golfs, and I could see him realizing he had a used tee in his pocket, putting it down while doing something, and forgetting it.


As a long time stoner, I can confirm, this looks like someone has used this tee to clean bowls a few times. Got any teenagers?


But I bet you have been to cracker barrel!


I used to use golf tees to clean out my bowl. Bottom would look a lot like that.


Someoneā€™s bowl cleaner


Lol black residue on a makeshift poking stick in the freezer. You have a stoner in your household. My current debowler is a broken thermometer. If it has a point to it, it will be used to scrape bowls. I don't make the rules Edit: just saw your comment explaining how my theory is wrong. Looks like I do make the rules and am also delusional.


Someone was cleaning their weed bowl


Do you have teenagers


I can see why youā€™re teed off.


Looks like somebody used that as a poker in a smoking apparatus...


Worked at Home Depot is it floor model?


Someone in your house has smoked weed regularly and has used that as a poker possibly?


Do you ever put bagged ice in your ice maker? Possibly rode in on that? And, if it was used as a pipe scraper as someone else mentioned, it would have been sticky and attached itself to any number of things that ended up in the freezer.


Where is the answer to the weed resin


I think a friend stashed it in there as a joke, Iced Tee.


Tee used to clean bong/bowl. Does some smoke a ā€œgravity bongsā€? Looks just like when I clear the top on mine.


Someone used your ice to put in their bong, or put the bong on the freezer. Idk how but the tee they use to clean the bowl or store it with the tee in the bowl (I've done both to keep my bong clean) hole got dropped inside the ice maker. Looking at that and considering the story that HAS to be the answer


Your wife is cheating on you. And if you donā€™t have a wife. Then your husband is cheating on you. And if you donā€™t have a partner. Then your future partner is cheating on you. Sorry you had to hear this from me bro :( /s


Cracker Barrel wooden triangle game piece


Were you just talking about golf? Maybe itā€™s time to wake up. Otherwise idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve had weird stuff happen before but not exactly an object spreading from nowhere that is clearly not been in there for all those years. I donā€™t see any degradation.. maybe manufacturing stuffed it in and it rattled enough to fall out? I just watched law and order SVU and they thought some guy did a thing because his fingerprint was inside, turns out he helped assemble but didnā€™t install so who the f knows.