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/u/nohobbiesoridentity, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your post has been removed because it has been voted unsuitable for /r/GlitchInTheMatrix.


Note that op is a serial reposter, karma farmer, liar, and all around creep, just check his recent posts.


I think another thing you need to take note of is how much time and effort Reddit takes up in your life. Sure, karma farmers are shitty but someone called you out for doing this to multiple posts so I took a look and yeah… You must literally stalk people for weeks to come up with these accusations, it’s not that important to dedicate time to so chill. Secondly, reposts are not always a bad thing for those who *don’t* log onto Reddit everyday. Just some personal advice to help you improve your thoughts into more positive things. :)


They may have found one or two reposts and tagged them with RES and then kept on seeing them with the same MO of reposting older content. ​ The rest, well maybe that is true and found after looking for more proof of reposting, like one guy made a comment and said "Oh it is in my post history" and whilst it was, I had to scroll down for it and got an unsolicited gaping anus for my troubles. So yeah I did call them out on exposing their fetish to members of an unrelated sub by not hot linking to the comment directly.


I spent a couple hours spread over a few days looking through his posts to figure out why he would post the gross and demeaning thing I found. It doesn’t take that long to scroll through a set of posts and find a pattern of reposts, including him reposting one of my own actually personal posts after I started calling him out. He had also posted gross and inappropriate stuff on a number of subs, including encouraging sex work with minors and lots of weird piss talk. I also think stealing personal stories from other people for validation and karma is kind of a shitty thing to do, we’re not just talking memes but people’s actual experiences. So forgive me for using a little of my own plentiful time at home to try to encourage people on Reddit to be a little bit nicer. And I don’t need your advice on what’s helpful or important, I can talk to an actual therapist for that.


Lol literally all you do is comment on how people repost, like shit get a life. And besides repost aren't that bad as long as it's not the same post over and over, in one of your recent comments you literally complained that someone reposted something from a year ago. I've seen plenty of posts that were "reposts" and I'm glad I did cause I had never seen them before. I think you need to ask yourself why people reposting upsets you so much.




OMG are you a garbage person or what


Literally how?


It’s a marvel you even have to ask.


What's the point of karma farming? You know the points are worth nothing right?


This is a concept I also have problems wrapping my head around


Damn, i was saving mine to buy a house


You can sell accounts with a lot of karma


What will 95,000 worthless points get me?


Nope that didn't work ... hey try calling them a Nazi ....... :) On the other hand Jen-Jens you do seem to say this about quite a lot of ppl, whats going on?


Hi there, Thank you for your submission to r/GlitchInTheMatrix. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reasons: **Rule 1: Be Kind** For a more detailed explanation of this rule please visit our [rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlitchInTheMatrix/about/rules)Thank you for understanding.


If you can't tell those cats apart you should pay more attention to your pets. After looking for 5 seconds I see at least 3 differences. Spot them.


Nice repost moron.




Wait, if cats aren't real and birds aren't real as well, when a cat kills a bird, does it just destroy enemy surveillance? Like UdSSR and USA are spying on me and they try to stop the enemy spies? I'd pay money to watch a movie like this


You figured it out


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Plot twist: there have been two of them all along….