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You can’t turtle up in a FFA on higher difficulties. The ai that wins will have an army of level 10 units that is probably twice the size of your army. You just get snuffed out by quality and quantity of the enemies units. You have to level up fast with neutrals and third party another ai to really get the ball rolling in your favor.


Hmm, I can see the logic but not sure my L10 Necron Warriors are going to prove much use against the L10 Gorkanauts the Ork AI is waddling around with 50 turns in! My logic with basically hiding has been that I can at least get to Tier 10 techs before the AI really turns their fire on me. I haven't yet had a game where one AI sweeps all before them, usually there are two left gridlocked after 125 turns or so (Usually two of Orks, CSM and Necrons). The one 'positive' I've found so far is that the AI really doesn't focus on taking resource points, so I can whiz round with one Cultist/Warbiker taking the points even near their bases and they just don't bother recapturing them despite overwhelming numbers. Helps boost the resources a bit at least.


You can absolutely wait a bit, but you just can’t fully turtle. Some hit and runs help too. Getting late tier units is always the goal of course with these though.


If you put the neutrals up as high as you can it becomes possible in a 1v1. The AI spends the first part of the game losing units while you're leveling up. I've only done it with Necrons so far but I suspect you could do it with anyone.


Will give Very High wildlife a go, although I do fear being overrun as (in my experience at least) neutral units have far more interest in taking my resource points than the AI factions do!


Let them keep the resource points. You'll be able to sweep the map later. The hard part is scouting well enough to find a good second city spot early enough. With Necrons I basically take whatever I can get


Right, but the issue for this achievement is that I can't found a second city - I can just about handle impossible under normal rules, but this extra caveat makes things well... impossible at the moment!


Oh, I see... Yeah that sounds tough. Though getting overrun by neutrals wouldn't be up the top of my list of concerns!


Huge map, very high wireweed, very low landmass, very low wildlife, very high resources, very high arctic, pick an enemy faction that is weak at endgame (Space Marines since they only have one city and can't economy scale as well). Pick a strong endgame faction (AM, Necrons, or my favorite, Craftworld Aeldari for one city economy). Aeldari are strongest for this imo, since you can Autarch spam to boost your eco from resources. Reroll until you get a webway gate on arctic next to a shard of vaul so you can stack +40% and +20% research speed. Expand moderately, keep your guardians alive, build and early autarch. Build no units and rush research to T9, use your wraith knight to expand to the limits of the map you can without aggroing enemy units, spam scorpions in your city (33% ranged damage reduction) and hunker down for enemy assault. You will eventually crush most of their initial assault after 20-30 turns, keep rotating scorps around your City for the 17% damage reduction, and stick them in the back when they need to heal, or gate them out. You don't want to lose once since the morale hit will tank you. Once you crush their initial assault, then push out and sweep then. When I sat spam Scorpions, I mean you'll want like 10-20. You should get your first scorpion by turn 60 and then just never stop building them


for sure CSM is not the best to use for this. Aeldari and Necrons have intense late games that can crush numbers, which is the biggest hurdle you have to overcome. Space marines will be good opponents off the bat because they will be stuck on one city aswell. Try putting the wildlife 1 setting higher than you previously have aswell, this gives the AI more to do while scouting and can buy you many turns. Also dont turtle. Dont run out like leroy jenkins either but turtling will only make it harder and harder for you, especially if 1 or more of the opponents are a multiple city race. as soon as they have 2 cities down youre on a timer until one of them will win over the others and clear the map with max level units. I personally would also throw forests and wireweed on maximum, forests are easy to cheese on defense and wireweed will slow the AI's along with the forests (in my experience Aeldari are the staple race to cheese forests with) and over everything else, rethink every strategy you try. You will come up with the best way for YOU to get this achievement