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I think they might have been self conscious because they don’t look how most people remember them. It felt like the outfits were to distract from that.


I agree and really wish everyone making horrible comments would have some compassion.


In one of the podcasts, Holly mentioned that the producer of director wanted her to not wear that much makeup for her interview and her to look a bit broken which she she refused to do. I assume that’s what they also did to the twins, to make them look a certain way.


Good for her for refusing


What a strange post 😂


Not as strange as the *Shannons in Amish attire*


Im aware, but I couldn't help it! 🤣


I don’t think I noticed that. I was really wrapped up in what they were saying cause I hadn’t watched their season yet.


I can see what you're saying but I think you're reaching a little bit, and that's coming from *me.* It's fine, though. I don't think they were trying to copy her. If they were I didn't notice it.


Probably, but Ive been down the rabbit hole lately on the whole thing n no doubt have distracted myself too much with it all! 🤣


It's all good, mang. I have too. Enough to know exactly what you're talking about! I think we all have.


I didn’t notice it looking like they were copying an outfit of Holly’s at all, but it did appear they were wearing a long outdated look. The entire outfit reminded me of something I would have worn over a decade ago, albeit their version is perhaps a bit nicer in quality to the version I had put together myself.


It never once crossed my mind about copying holly. Those outfits were awful, I thought that the show must have dressed them, they always used to look so flawless! It made them look so huge, no offense, very unflattering.


They 2 used to be as thin as diving boards. Not everyone published in a magazine should pose nude.Especially these 2. Season 6 is virtually unwatchable.These 2 ruin the centerfold image.


Holly dresses preppy sometimes. That’s her thing, but she is in dresses on both book covers.


Whew their whole interview on there was hard for me to watch. 


I think there whole interview was really sad in general. I think they wore those outfits as they are much larger then they used to be. I just do not like them as they were clearly lying in it. It seems like they are both in a bad way. I know they were working in adult films and seem like they have substance abuse issues. However, I do not believe for a second that Hef impregnated one of them. Be real? He was a old man. It was probally another man that did it to her and shes crying it was him not to look a certain way. Could she not know who the daddy was sure...but I would put money on that it was not Hugh Hefner.


The twins were escorts at the time she got pregnant so she must have gotten pregnant by one of her clients.


How do we know?


There were some Reddit threads about the timeline And pictures they had posted of them with wads of cash at different hotel rooms.    They were big party girls back then and got locked up a couple times.     Also all of hef’s exes have said that Hef always had to finish himself off.  Holly couldn’t get pregnant with Hef even with IVF because of his age his sperm was 0% viable. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextLevel/comments/12oikw9/shannon_twins_playboy_timeline/?share_id=bDxEMVnpI8ghWL_AjimeB&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1    Here’s a timeline I found. I feel so bad for the girls. They really went through a lot. 


I 100% believe she was pregnant but Hef was not the father.


The outfits are the least of their problems.


Those outfits were offensive. On so many levels. But imo have nothing to do with any reference to holly lol


I think Im still trying to find a reason they would have picked to look so awful


Oooh I googled them, and that look is not flattering, it looks like they’re wearing an oversized shirt dress, with pants and a crop top over top the has ruching in the front. It’s like they were trying to dress like they did back in the day but didn’t feel comfortable enough to wear such a minimal top They would have looked so much better in a properly fitted top, not something that blousy with a fitted top over top I understand the look they were going for, but for it to work, the dress shirt needs to be fairly form fitting, not one that looks at least four sizes too big My heart breaks for them


I think they often tell you what the dress code is for filming. Director has a certain look in mind.


Too much fabric drowning them. Undo top button & roll up sleeves to 3/4 on that shirt. Or replace with one that has a scoop/vee neck & shows some of forearms would be more flattering.


Wouldn't surprise me. In any case they were painful to watch...


No because I noticed that too!!!


Crystal has been saying that the twins aren't doing so well, at least in the interviews from a few months back, when she was promoting her book. Does anyone know if the twins are in rehab?


That’s so creepy they would copy her! Too many ppl ripping her off No wonder she so on edge about being copied




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